HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1931-12-07REGUI~AR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER ?TH,19~I. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, December ?th,193l. The meeting was called to order at.7;30 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call fo~nd all members of the council present,to-Wit;- Councilmen,V~Boido,R.Lloyd, M. Minuccian~R.~Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting wer~.~'~There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. APplication for a refund of $.2.43 taxes was made by John Luolo, the city council having reduced the valuation of his houses $500 . Gr ante d, on the first installment. August Chelini requested permission to install two 8000 ga~ lon gasoline tanks for above ground storage, on lots 15,16,17 in block 146 on the San ~o Road. City attorney Coleberd stated there was no legal obJec%ion~ to granting' the request and Fire Chief Welts stated i~ was not against any fire regulations, but suggested a time limit be '~-,laced in the permit on account of possible buildings being erected adjoining the premisis. Accordingly a permi~ was ordered issued for the period of one year. Application was made by Leon D'Artenay for a permit to install two gasoline tanks~ one'for 280 gallons and one for 500 gallons capacity at the northwest corner of Baden and Cypress Avenues. As card notice of intention to apply for a permit had been posted the requ~ed number of days the desired permit was granted. Yenturi & Bonalanza applied for a permit to erect a four pump service station on Lots 13 and 14,Block 150, the north side of ~alifornia Avenue from Division Street to the San Bruno Road. Permission granted. Alfonso Ferrari applied for permission to remodel a store at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and the Bayshore Highway. Permission granted. The Eouth San ~rancisco Chamber of Cozazerce wrote the city council that it~ had.been called t° th~,~r ~ttention that a nuisance existed at the Chubbuck Lime Company on Linden Avenue,in that waste n~tter from the lime company w~s being blown across lands of other persons and a detriment to the vicinity. Communication ordered filed as explanation of the circumstances would follow. A conm~unication was received from James H.Davidson,Superintendent of the Presto. O-Lite · Company stating his company had given M~r. Chubbuck instructions to close his plant down ~zntil it can be re-modeled so as to eliminate all dust. Mr Davidson appeared before the council in person and stated ~. Chubbuck had closed down tLLe plant and it would not be re-opened un~il the elimination of dust improvements are effected. The city council was satisfied with the course taken by the Presto-O-Lite Company. South City Lodge No.832,Loyal Order of Moose, applied for permission to hold a Ball for the benefit of the children of 'Mooseheart, in Fraternal Hall Sat~Td~y evening,December ~ 19th,19~l. Being a benefit ball Council~au Reese Lloyd suggested that the $5~00 paid for extra police protection might be waived. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the police department. The ~Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to open a trench in Maple Avenue N. of First Zane to replace 100 feet of gas line ~hich is in poor condition. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission ~r~nted. The Railroad Commission of the State of California notified the city that a hearing on the improvement of Grade Crossings in California will be held before President Seavey of ;he Commission in San Francisco on January 5th,195E, ~nd invited all interested parties to at~end. Mayor Quinlan being a member of the grade crossing committee of San Marco County volunteered to appear for South San Francisco, Accepted and the communication placed on file. A draft of the proposed General Order accompanied the communication and was delivered to Mayor 0uinlan for reference. The Sociedad Mutualtsta Mexicana "CP~ULTEPEC" requested permission to hold a dan~e in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,January 2nd,1952. Permission granted under police protection and provided the necessary $5.00 for the extra force is paid. The Soc~et~ Operaia D.~tuo Soccors0 ~requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,January 9th,19B2 from 8 o'clock p.m. to I A.M. $5.00 for extra police protection accompanied the request. Permission granted. A communication was received from the Martin School 2. T.A., stating tha$ at a meeting of their body September 50th,1931, it was unanimously decided to ask the city council of South San Francisco and the Board of Supervisors of San Marco County to investigate the possibility of using State gasoline tax appropriations for the purpose of extending Randolph Avenue to connect with Hillside Boulevard. Citizens Julio Blandini and Victor Lonati appeare,d for the Northside Taxpayers Association in support of the proposition and urged that the matter be given the city's consideration. Mayor Quinlan stated that the opinion of State's Attorney General Webb is that the gasoline tax is solely in charge of the supervisors of the counties of the ~tate of California, and may be distributed to municipalities if the supervisors see fit to do so. Mayor Quinlan appointed Chairman of the Street Com~.ittee Tibbetts to confer with Supervisor Tom Hic~ey and request that an allotment be made for the construction of the proposed road from Randolph Avenue to the Hillside Boulevard. Protests against weed charges were received from Rose Anderson,Bridge Investment Company, and Kathleen W.Fawcett. Referred to Co~ncilman Tibbetts and ordered placed on file with previous protests. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of Police,Municipal Judge, Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month of November were submitted, accepted and ordered placed on file. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase of a Buick car for the Police Department Councilman Lloyd moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded Boido and regularly carried. The following bids Sere then open~d;- Howard Buick~'Company,Burlingame, ~:0~,allowing $~50 for the 19~9 Buick of M. Belli Company $20~A.83 " " " " " " " Action on the award postponed until a later date. ~he ainu or omissions they . were approved as read. APplication for a refund of $~2.4~ taxes was made by John Lucio, the city council having reduced the valuation of his houses $500 . Gr ante d, on the first installment. AUgust Chelini requested permission to install two 8000 gallon gasoline tanks for above ground storage, on lots 15,16,17 in block 146 on the San ~r~mo Road. City attorney Coleberd stated there was no legal objection: to granting' the request and Fire Chief Welts stated i~ was not against any fire regulations, but suggested a time limit be '?laced in the permit on account of possible buildings being erected adjoining the premisis. Accordingly a permi~ was ordered issued for the period of one year. · Application was made by Leon D'Artenay for a permit to install two gasoline tanks, one for 280 gallons and one for 500 gallons capacity at the northwest corner of Baden and Cypress Avenues. As card notice of intention to apply for a permit had been posted the re~ui~ed number of days the desired permit was granted. Yenturi & Bonalanza applied for a permit to erect a four pump service station on Lots l~ and lA,Block 150, the north side of ~altfornia Avenue from Division Street to the San Bruno Road. Permission grante~. Alfonso ~errari applied for permission to remodel a store at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and the Bayshore Highway. Permission granted. The ~outh ~an ~raucisco Chamber of Co~erce wrote the city council that it~ had-been called to th~r attention that a nuisance existed at the Chubbuck Lime Company on Linden Avenue,in that,wa~e matter from the lime company w~s being blown across lands of other persons and a detriment to the vicinity. Communication ordered filed as explanation of the circumstances would follow. A communication was received from James H.Davidson,Superintendent of the Presto~O-Lite · Company stating his company had given Mm. Chubbuck instructions to close his plant down ~util it can be re-modeled so as to eliminate all dust. Mr Davtdson appeared before the council in person and stated Mr. Chubbuck had closed down t~_e plant and it would not be re-opened un~il the elimination of dust improvements are effected. The city council was satisfimd with the course taken by the Presto-O-Lite ComDany. South City Lodge No, SBY,Loyal ~0rder of Moose, applied for permission to hold a Ball for the benefit of the children of ~Mooseheart, in Fraternal Hall Sat~Td~y evening,December ~ 19th,l~B1. Being a benefit ball Counctlma~ Reese Lloyd suggested that the $$J00 paid for extra police protection might be waived. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the police department. The ~Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested permission to open a trench in Maple Avenue N. of First Lane to replace 100 feet of gas line ~hich is in poor condition. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission ~ranted. The Railroad Commission of ~he State of California notified the city that a hearing on the improvement of Grade Crossings in California will be held' before President Seavey of :he Com~nission in San Francisco on January 5th,19~E, and invited all interested parties to at;end. Mayor Quinlan being a member of the grade crossing com~mittee of San Mateo County voluntee.~ed to appear for South San ~ra ncisco, Accepted and tt.e communication placed on file. A draft of the proposed General Order accompanied the communication and was delivered to Mayor Ouinlan for reference. The Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans "CN~A?ULTEPE0" requested permission to hold a dan-~e in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,January 2nd,lBB2. Permission granted under police protection and provided the necessary $5.00 for the extra force is paid. The Socl.et~ 0petals D.~tuo Soccors0 'requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening,January 9th,19B2 from 8 o'clock p.m. to 1 A.M. $5.00 for extra police protection accompanied the request. Permission granted. A communica tion was received from the M~rtin School P.T.A., stating tha~t at a meeting of their body September 30th,lB31, it was unanimously decided to ask the city council of South San Francisco and the Board of Supervisors of San Marco County to investigate the possibility of using State gasoline tax appropriations for the purpose of extending Randolph Avenue to connect with Hillside Boulevard. Citizens Julio Blandini and Victor Lonati appeare,d for the Northside Taxpayers Association in support of the proposition and urged that the matter be given the city's consideration, Mayor Quinlan stated that the opinion of State's Attorney General Webb is that the gasoline tax is solely in charge of the supervisors of the counties of the - State of California, and may. be distributed to municipalities if the supervisors see fit to do so. Mayor Quinlan appointed Chairman of the Street Committee Tibbetts to confer with Supervisor Tom Hic~:ey and request that an allotment be made for the construction of the proposed road from Randolph Avenue to the Hillside Boulevard. Protests against weed charges were received from Rose Anderson,Bridge Investment Company, and Kathleen W.Fawcett. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and ordered placed on file with previous protests. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of Police,Municipal Judge, Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month of November were submitted, accepted and ordered placed on file. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the purchase of a Buick car for the Police Department Councilman Lloyd moved the bids be opened. The motion was secor_ded Boido and regularly carried. The following bids were then open~d;- Howard Buick~'Oompany,Burlingame, ~:0~,allowing $~0 for. the 19E9 Buick of t~ M. Belli Company $20AA.85 ~ " " " " " " ' Action on the award postponed untA1 a later date. Action on the award of contract for the installation of electroliers on Grand Avemu from Division Street to Spruce Avenue having been deferred to this bate in order to give prop ~wners further time in which to reply to questionaires sent out by the order of the city coun as to their wishes regarding the work.further replies were received bY the clerk. Property ~wners of 1627 front feet favored the project while property owners of 1498front feet opposed the proposition, leaving a majority of 129 fleet frontage in favor of the project under procee Walker-Martin Corporation ,Ltd, being the lowest bidder for the work ,0 ouncllman Minucciani ~ntroduced a resolution awarding the contrae.t t0 them for the amonnt cf their bid, $16,355.00. The resolution was adopted b~~ the foll~Wing vote;- ~es,Conncilmen, V.Boldc,~,i. Mtnucciani,. R.Lloyd, Joseph P. Quinlan, Noes, Councilman,Tibbetts, Absent ,Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweene2 0ity Clerk. Attorney A,J. Scampini regis~,ered a protest against the awarding of the contract. Protest recc Records& in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2, at page Claims in the amoun~ of .$10,128.85 were next presented to the council for payment, At 9.;'30 p.m, the Mayor declared a recess of 10 minutes. On reassembling at 9;40 o'clock p.m. the loll call showed the following members pre to-wit';- Councilmen,V.Boido,R.V.loyd, M. Minuccianl,: ~oseph P.Quinlan. Absent,0ouncilman Rod. Tibbett s. Councilmen Tlbbetts appeared after, roll call. The ela~ms having been audited by the finance committee councilman Lloyd moved the paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minueciani and regularly carried. J. Sayre , repairing sewer $24.?~ Bank of America various claims for work on .ditch 252. O0 Louis Belloni feeding prisoners 8.35 Arthur Johnson cleaning Jail Nov. & ~ day Mrs. Lottie Rehbein Ric Vent uri Dudley Perkins Royal ~"upply Pacific. Coast Rubber Co. c. Superior Laundry ~. ~. ~uller & Co. Case Shepperd Mann Corp. J. Penma Highway Transport Co. Paul Hamilton C. Heard R, Petr occhi A~' Sehmidt B. Brown Z. Savar · s R. Smith Paul Penoski C .' Bri z zi ~. Andrews A. Johnson E. Canard lni J. Mayerle E.. Venturi ~. J. Lautse painting zone matron services gas police dept. labor on motorcycle servicing " supplies testing & repairing 6 lengths hose supplies police & fire dept. wash - house ~_1 paint - fire dept. 1 book - "~ire"- fly spray & washing powder freight - fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Nov. attending fires & painting hydrants attending fires 1 seat cushion and adjust brakes fire car 0ertified Laboratory Products 0o. oxygen refill California Wiping Materials Co. 1 bale rags L. Riznik & Son 1 uniform & 6 silver s~are Lynch Bros. L. J. Cosgrove Ric's Service Station Railway Express Co. Ms. G. Nieri J. Bernardo A. Colombo G. $ani E. Galli R. Bisagno New Lincoln Market American ~ire Equipment Co. Ric Venturi Old Reliance Garage N. Medeghini Nestern Pipe & Steel ~red Brown California ~ater Service 0. Bissett 3 cushion tires & 2 exten- sion rings -'fire truck 2 salvage covers fire dept. gas fire dept. freight fire dept. cleaning curtains fire house attending fires ~ garbage cans 2 hose adapters 1 siren fire chief gas stree~ dept. Nov. repairs chew. Nov. e weeping streets 4 - 2nd hand casing labor on streets hydrant service Aug. ', Sap. " Oct. " NOV. labor relocating hy~=$nt Linden & Baden Ave. ?.25 5.00 50,63 2.38 2.47 60.96 24.50 10.10 3.67 6.36 31.25 3.50 3 1.05 20,00 21.00 18.50 18.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.~0 2.50 2.50 2.50 11.40 3.00 ? .00 49.50 420.80 32.00 17.28 6.15 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 4.50 90,00 23.94 21.10 ?4.25 1.93 42.?5 452,00 452.00 452.00 452.00 139.88 City Clerk. Attor.~ey A,J. Scampini regts~,ered a protest against the awarding of the contract. Protest recognl:l Recorde~ in Book of Resolutions ,Vol.2, at page 353. Claims in the amoun% of .$10,128.85 were next presented to the council for payment, At 9.;'30 p.m, the Mayor declared a recess of l0 minutes. On reassembling at 9;40 o'clock p.m. the f'oll call showed the following members presen~ to-wit';- Councilmen,V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M. Minucciani,f Joseph P.Quinlan. Absent,0ouncilman Rod. Tibbetts. Councilmen Tlbbetts appeared after roll call. The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Lloyd moved they b:. paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. J. Sayre Bank of Ameri ca Louis Bell Chi Arthur Johnson Mrs. Lottie Rehbein Rio Venturi Dudley Perkins Royal Eupply Superior Laundry # I. ~. ~u~e~ ~ ~o. CsBe ~he~erd MG~ Co~. J. Pe~a Bi.way T~sport Co. ~aul ~milt on C. Heard R, Petr occhi A~' Sehmidt B. Brown L. Savares R. ~mith ~aul ~enoski C .' Bri z si J. Andrews A. Johnson E. 0shard ini J. Mayerle E. Venturi F.' J. L~utse Certified Laboratory repairing e ewer various claims for work on .d it ch feeding prisoners cleaning Jail Nov. & ~ day painting zone matron services gas police dept. labor on motorcycle servicing " s~pp 1 ies testing & repairing 6 lengths hose supplies police & fire dept. paint - fire dept. 1 book - fly spray & washing powder freight - fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Nov. attending fires & painting hydrants attending fi~e8 1 seat cushion and adjust brakes fire oar Products Co. 1 oxygen refill California WiPing Material's Co. 1 bale rags L. R!znik & Son 1 uniform & 6 silver s&ars Lynch Bros. L, J, Cosgrove Ric's Service Station Railway ~xprees Co. Ms. G. Nieri J. Bernardo A. Colombo 0. $ani E. 0alli R. Bisagno N~ew Lincoln Market American ~ire Eyuipment Co. Ric Venturi Old Reliance 0arage N. Medeghini WesterG Pipe & Steel Ired Brown California Water Service Pa.Bific Water C o. ~. 0. &. E, 0. Bissett 3 cushion tires & 2 e~ten- sion rings - fire truck 2 salvage covers fire dept. gas fire dept. freight fire dept. cleaning curtains fire house attending fires ~ garbage o ans 2 hose adapters 1 siren fire chief gas street dept. Nov. repairs chew~ Nov. ~ weeping streets 4 - 2nd hand casing labor on streets hydrant service Aug. " Sop. " Oo . " NOV, labor relocating hy~:ant Linden & Baden Ave. labor installin8 hydrant Bayshore Road opp Rand. misc. service 6/24 to 7/27/31 $24.75 252.00 8.35 7.25 5.00 50,63 2.38 2.47 60.96 24.50 10.10 3.67 6.36 31.25 3.50 3.55 1.05 20,00 21. O0 18.50 18.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 ~.00 ~.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 11.40 3.00 ? .00 49.50 420.80 32.00 17.28 · 6.15 2.60 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 90.00 ~. 94 21.10 ?4.25 1.93 42.?5 452,00 452.00 452. O0 452. O0 12,9.88 10.27 100.67 Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. J. Welch D. W. Ratto John Luci o D. W. Ratto Down Town Assn. State Compensation Ins. ~und gouthern Pacific Leagme of Califor~'d.a Mmai. Oeo, A. Xneese The Enterprise J, B. Pilkington Stuart ~ith California Water Service Bank of So. Ban ~ran. Martin Moro Pac. tele.& Tele. Co. service ~n signs. Aug. misc. service 7/27 to 8/26 service on signs, Sep. misc. service 8/26 to 9/25 service signs Oct. misc. serv.~,ce 9/25 to 10/26 service signs Nov. misc. service 10/26 to 11/24 Street lighting Aug ~'" Sept. " Oct. " Nov. service~ Sept. Service Oct. Service Nov. doge and cats removed Nov. refund a/co charge for imp. Lot 29 BIock 84 refund reduction 1931 tax port, Lot 23 .& 24 B. 102 prem. E. Farrell bond Mayor's membership dues ~ec. prem. Ins. city employees' rent privilege 24' storm culvert dues to Jan 1932 'expense weed cleaning 1931 1000 stamped eavelopes legal notice inviting bids Buick 1000 tu.~ip bulbs 84 yds,. crushed rock for Orange Ave. misc. water service Aug. " ~ep. w Oct. " NOV, various labor claims for labor on sewer labor on sewer service Dec. & ext. Service $ '3.42 100.47 3 114.30 3.42 105.96 3.42 128.56 930.70 928.95 928.0? 9~8.07 4,4.80 58 50.55 31.00 108.16 25.00 2.00 1174.75 5. O0 60.00 94.68' 29.?5 14,50 30.00 63.00 100.57 9~ .32 69.26 24.44 280.35 P. 4.75 56.38 Total - - - $10,128.85 There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until Monday evening, December 21,1951,at ?;30 o'clock, p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly ca tried. Time of adjournment, 9;§§ o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, 0A~.?. AND WAIVER OF NOTICE 0F SPECIAL MEETING THE CITY O OU~*. T.V~ TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER IlTH, 19 51. A call for a special meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francis, .of which the following is a copy;- The undersigned, members of the Oity Council cf the City of South San Francisco, hereby.call a special meeting cf said city~ ~uncil,to be held on Friday, the llth day of Dec, 19~1, at the hour of 9;~5 o'clock a.m. in the council chamber in the city hall in the City o~ South San Prancisc~, for the purpose of acting upon the offers filed with the ~lty Olerk of said City of South'San Francisco, on the 7th,day of December,1931, to sell to said ~ty of S, San Francoisco a Buick automobile and for the transaction of all' such business as may be lnc~ to acting upon such offers; and we hereby waive notice o.~ said meeting and con~ent to the transaction thereat of ,any and allsuch business as may regularly come before S~ch meeting~ Dated December llth,19~l, V.Boido Reese Lloyd. Michael Minucciani. R. Tibbe t ts. Jos. P.Quinlan , was made by the city council of the City of South San l~ranctscO Friday, December llth,19~l, This meeting was called to order at 9;~ o'clock A.M. by ~.~ayor Joseph P.Quinlan ROLL OAT,T,. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councllmen,V, Boido ,R, v,loyd, M. Minucciani ,R. Tibb et ts, Jos. 2. Quinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTtLACT FOR BUICK AUTOMOBILE. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution awarding the contract for the purchase of a Buick automobile to M. Belli & Company,Ltd, at the price named in their, namelY,S193?, eliminating the Shatter proof glass and covers for upholstering from the !bis. The bid of the company of $2§0.00 for the present city's 19~9 Buick Touring car being accepted the same to mpply upon;~the purchase price of the ne~ Buick autom~l~ile, wheel base 126 inches,104 horse-p, type Model 5L4-6~ Regular. ~ :' ~.~ '~ ~'~ /~e resolutio~w~as adopted ~2 ~he ~ani~ous vote of all the members of the city co~cil, to-wit;- , ~'..~ ~ ~es, Co~cilmen,V.Boido ,~.Llo'~, M.~nucelanl,R.Tlbbe tts, Joseph P.Q~nlan. Nos s, C o~il~, None ~ Ab sent ,C o~cilmen'NO~e. Attest ~ ~L'~' D~iel McSw~ene2 ~ ' ~':~'~' ~' ' '~'~ ~l~ clerk. ~%rtet in Book of Reso[utfons";V$1.2,at page 555. 00. - ~ere being no ~rt~r business beffore the co~cil, councilman Tibbetts move~ to a~Journ ~ttl the next regular meeting. The motion was secon~e~ b~ Co~c~lman Lloyt an~ reg~arl2 ca~ie~. T!me'of adjournment, 10 0'cl'~ck A.M. f ,Sou~h ga~-~anotsoo