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Minutes 1932-01-18
REGULAR MEETING OF' THE CITY COUI~CIL 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAIl FRAN0 ISCO ,HELD I~ONDAY, J~3TUA.RY 18th ,193E. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening, January 18th,1932. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by }.Tayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of t~e council present,to-wit;- Councilmen,V.Boido ,R.Lloyd, ~L~!inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. . A communication was received from Prank DI.Marchi tee. nesting a refund of $1.60 charged against his' lot for weed cleaning. Referred ~to Councilman Til~b~,t~.s.;~sp. Beatty and ordered placed on file with~ other requests for refunds. In connection with r~quests for refunds on accoun~ of weed cutting councilmen 2~inucciani moved the date for acceptance of requests for weed rei~ands be closed ~arch ?th,next. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and unanimously carried. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to open a trench anl lay a two inch gas main in the same in 2~agnolia Avenue 6 f~-~et north of the south line of First Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted. A request of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference for South San Francisc© to become a participating member at $50 annual dues w~s ordered, placed on file. ' American Legion Auxiliary of Bernard ~cCaffrey Post,~55 requested permission to h~ld a dance in the legion's rooms,~l£ ~aple Avenue,Saturday evening,.February .6th,19~.'-Permissic~ granted. Application was made by Salaya W. Prancie and Andrew Siffuentes for permission to give open air moving picture shows on lots 8,9,and 10,blocklZS, next to Councilman Boido's Bakery. As no building permit was requested and there being no ordinance against moving picture shows, ~here were no objections by the city council. Guistetti Brothers requested a refund of $12.05 of taxes, claiming they were promised a rebate. On motion by councilman Minucciani seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried the request ~as granted. Soft drink licenses were granted ~ario Ragalia,George W.~icolle and CesareQuericconi. A Pool room license was granted f~ario Regalia. Fire Chief Welte and Assistant Fire Chief E.Venturi submitted a report of the proceedings of the Northern California Chiefs Club, held at the Fairmont Hotel,San Francisco,California, Saturday afternoon,Janua ry 9th,19SS, and stated the m,~eting was highly satisfactory and instructive The monthly reports of Police Chief Louis Belloni,l~unicipal Judge Edw~rd Farrell and City Treasurer Ed Eauffmann for the month of December were submitted and accepted by the city council. An ordinance To. of the city of South San .Francisco prohibi, ting the distribution of handbills and certain other advertising matter in said city and fixing a penalty for the violation. thereof, was introduced by councilman Botdo,had its f~rst reading, and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the city council. ~,~ayor Quinlan stated he ~md attended a conference of the Grade Crossing Commission of the State ~Of Calit~ornia in conjunction with the Railzoad Commission at San Francisco January 5th, and it is 6xpected the Railroad Conclusion will arrange with the railroads to pay a certain per- centage of the costs of making changes. Referring to the t~e request of the l~orthsi~e Taxpayers~Association for the opening of a road continuing from the west end of Randolph Avenue to the Hillside Boulevard I~ayor Quinl~n stated city attorney Coleberd had been instructe~ to conclude arrangements with ;fr. Shaw of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company in securing' the desired roadway dedication. The' 2;~yor also stated he had conferred with ~upervisor Thomas L. Hickey who agreed to open, grade and roll the road to the }~artin School District. ~Ir. Victor Lonati of IIorth Linden Avenue appeared before the council representing p~operty m~mers on Butler Avenue, and requested that the matter of paving the avenue be taken up b2 the coun fl. Councilman Tibbetts explained that the street is so short the expense of advertising, surve2ing,etc through proceedings would be ~r27~high upom' ~he individual owner and suggested that the work be done b~ private contract~ good gravel :~oads now being put in for 5 cents per square foot. l~r. Lomati stated he would bring the prouosition before the property owners. L%yor qutnlan commended Chief of Police Bel~oni and his officers for the efficient manner in which they handled the Hunger Hatchers of, Los Angeles. Chief Bello~i state& he*received information that two of the marchers were in Jail and one in Agnews. ~ ~ Claims ~ln the amount of $1S81.86 wzre next presented to tt%e council for payment. Having been audited by the finance corm~.ittee councilman ~inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly ca tried. ~an Hateo County Charter Study Committe, donation ~.Belli $ Co oil-grease " " " oil, grease ,wa ~h, Service garage repair pol car C. Landucci uniforn~ Terrngo A. JoLnson cleaning jailDec Hoyal Supply Co supplies Fire & Pol E.U.Williams fire Encyclopedia A.J. Welte expenses to Fire Cony, The Gamewell Co keys,fire dept Superior Laundry wash F.H.No.1 Dec W.L.Hickey & Son,Rep Radiator" Depot garage battery engine No.1 Servtve Garage rep fire Ford Roadst ~25.00 4.65 7.15 1.00 65.00 ; 5.001 ~28.29 ?.00 3.00 .72 5.94 5.Z6 5.00 36..50 6.55 B.Brown capping hydrants ~ 4.50 R.Petrocchi, rep caps on hydrants ~ 4.50 A. Schmldt ctandardizing threads. ~15.75 Western Pipe & Steel Co sharp tools~10.VO Oalrock Asphalt Co ~alrock ~80.95 Fred Brown labor on serews ~5~.75 U.l~edeghini ~weeping streets ~ 51.75 2o.P.Cmpany freight,Calrock ¥ 19.45 A.P. arlettani unloading Calrok? 4.50 Enterprise Foundry nozzle ~:' · ,~6.50 So. Git:, Lbr. Co sewer pipe ~ 65. S8 " " " " rock ]i 5.67 Rlc's Set. Station C.Oil strts 01d Reliance Garage.rep Chrev 2.City Lbr. Co., line & sewpipe H.L.Haaksr,prem. poundmasterBnd~ Price Furniture Co,table, , S.l~.Co. Title Co rpts. 0ct toDec: Joh~ Corso rem. garbage,dogs Cuistettl Bros refund taxes So. City Lbr. Co.,2 trellises " " " " lumber,park Geo. A.Zneese engineering Park Total 2.50 22. ~ 75.5g 5.00 £.00 ~. BO ?.oo, 12.05 !3.% 5.89 ~722.44 ng were rea · being no errors or omiee£ons they were approved as read. A communication was received from Frank DI,Marchi re~,,~est~ng a refund of $!.60 charged against his' lot for weed cleaning. Referred to Councilman Tibb~ts;Insp. Beatty and ordered placed on file with~other requests for refunds. In connection with r~quests for refunds on account of weed cutting councilman l~!tnucciani moved the date for acceptance of requests for weed refunds be closed March 7th,next. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and unanimously carried. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to open a trench anl lay a two inch gas main in the same in Magnolia Avenue 6 f~-~et north of the south line of First Lane. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts ~nd permission granted. A request of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference for South ~an ~rancisc° to become a parttcipa, ting member at $50 annual dues wss ordered placed on file. ' American Legion Auxiliary of Bernard McCaffrey Post,~5~ requested permlssiou to h~ld a dance in the legion's rooms,~l£ ~ple Avenue,Saturda~~ evening,-February ~6th,19~2.~ PermissIo~ ~ granted. Application was made by Salaya W.Francis and Andrew $iffuentes for permission to g~ve open air moving picture shows on lots 8,9,and 10,blocklE5, next to Councilmmn Boido's Bakery, As no building permit was requested and there being no ordinance against moving picture shows, there were no objections by the city council. Guistetti Brothers requested a refund of $12.05 of taxes, claiming they were promised a rebate. On motion by councilman Minucciani seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried the request ~as granted. Soft drink licenses were granted ~ario Hagalia,George W. Nicolle and CesareQuericconi. A Pool room license was granted ;~ario Regalia. Fire Chief Welte and Assistant Fire Chief E.Venturi submitted a report of the proceedings of the Northern California Chiefs Club, held at the Fairmont Hotel,San Francisco,California, Saturday afternoon,Janua ry 9th,19~2, and stated the m,~eting was highly satisfactory and instructive The monthly reports of Police Chief Louis Belloni,Nunicipal Judge Edw~rd Farrell smd City Treasurer Ed Wrauffmann for the month of December were submitted and accepted by the city council. An ordinance No. of the city of South San Francisco prohibl~ting the distribution of handbills and certain other advertising matter in said city and fixing a penalty for the violation. thereof, was introduced by councilman Botdo,had its f~rst reading, and was laid over to come up at the next regular meeting of the city council. ~,~ayor Quinlan stated he ~iad attended a conference of the Grade Crossing Commission of the State ~Of Caltl:ornia in conjunction with the Railroad Commission at ~an Francisco Januar~ 5th, and it is ~xpected the Railroad Commission will arrange with the railroads to pay a certain per- centage of the costs of making changes. ........... ~ Referring to the t'~,_e request of the ~orthside Taxpayers, Association for the opening of a road continuing from the west end of Randolph Avenue to the Hil~lslde Boulevard L'ayor Quinlmn stated city attorney Coleberd h~d been instructed to conclude arrangements with ~Jr. Shaw of the South San Francisco Land &' Improvement Company_in~ seburing~the desired roadway dedication. The' 2&ayor also stated he h~d conferred with ~upervisor Thomas L. Hickey who agreed to open, grade and roll the road to the ~,~artin School District. 2~,Victor Lonati Of North Linden Avenue appeared before the council representing property mmaers on Butler Avenue, and requested that the matter of paving the avenue be taken up by the coun~l. Councilman Tibbetts explained that the street is so short the expense of ~dvertisinE, surveytng,etc through proceedings would be ~r~ihigh upo~he individual owner and suggested that the work be done by private contract~ good gravel roads now being put in for Z cents per square~ foot. l~r. Lomati stated he would bring the proposition before the property owners. L~yor O~uinlan commended Chief of Police Bel!oni and his officers for the efficient manner in which they handled the Hunger Hatchers of, Los Angeles. Chief BelloDi state& he*received information that two of the marchers were in Jail and one in Agnews. · ~ Claims in the amount of $1381.86 were next presented to the council for payment. Having been audited by the finance conm~.ittee council~an Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly ca tried. San Mateo County Charter Study C ommi tte, donat ion N.Belli $ Co oil-grease " " " oil,grease,wa ~h, Service Garage repair pol car C. Landucci uniform: Terrngo A. Johnson cleaning jailDec Royal Supply Co supplies Fire & Pol E.W.Williams fire Encyclopedia ~j 7.00 125.00 4.65 7.15 1. O0 65.00 ;500 ;28[29 A.J. Welte expenses to Fire Conv.~ ~.00 The Gamewell 0o keys,fire dept ~ .72 Superior Laundry wash F.H.No.1 Dec ~ 5.94 . ~ ,, . ,, ,, ~ . ~ 5. W.L.Hickey & Son,Rep Radiator" ~ 5.Z600 Depot Garage battery engine Eo.~ ~6.30 Servtve Garage rep fire Ford Roaast~ 6.55 B.Brown capping hydrants , ~ 4.50 R.Petrocchi, rep caps on hydrants ~ 4.50 A. Schmidt :~tandardiztng threads ~15.75 Western Pipe & Steel Co sharp tools~10.7O Calrock Asphalt 0o ~alrock ~80.95 Fred Brown labor on serews ~55.75 N.Medeghtni ~weeptng streets ~ 51.75 2o.P.Cmpany freight,Calrock ~ 19.4~ A.Barlettani unloading Calrok~ 4.50 ~nterprise Foundry nozzle ,:~ ',$-,-6.50 oo. Cit~ Lbr. Co sewer pipe ~ 65.~8 " " " " rock $ 5.67 Ric's Set. Station C.Oil strts ~ 2.50 Old Reliance Garage .rep Chrev 922.55 ~.Cit2 Lbr. Co., line & sewpipe$ 75.55 H.L.Haaker,prem. poundmasterBnd$ 5.00 ~rice Furniture Co,table, ~ £.00 o.~J.Co. Title Co rpts. 0ct toDec~ 4.§0 Jok~ Corso rem. garbage,dogs ~ 7.001 Cui~tetti Bros ~efund taxes $ 12.05 So. Cit~~ Lbr. Co.,2 trellises ~ 13.00 " " " " lumber ,park ~ 5.89' Geo. A.Xneese engineering Park $722~44 ' Total $1381.86 There being.no further business councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until Nonday,Pebruary lst,19Jf,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularlycarried Time of adJournr~ent 9,15 o'clock p.m. Appr ore d Respectfully submitted, ~ayor of South Bouth San Francisco. , CALrJ AI~D' ,;,RIVER 0F I~0TICE OF SPECIAZ L~ETING OP THE CITY COUI~CIL 0P THE CITY 0P SOUTE S~ FRANCISCO TO BE ~LD 01~ Jf~NUARY 25TH, 19~2. A call for a special meetimg of the city council of the City of South San Fr~isco, of m which the following isa copy;- The undersigned, being all the members of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco,hereby call a special meeting of said ~ity Council to be held in the Council Chamber: of the City of South San Francisco on Thursday, the ZSth day of January,1932, at the hour of 8- o'clock A.~.' for the purpose of amting upon a proposition to order the work of cleaning and excavating the portion 9f Colma Creek passing through the park site of said 2tty of South San Francisco in the vicinity of Orange Avenue;and we hereby waive notice of ~aid meetimg and conse~ to the transaction thereat of all such business as may regularly come before such meeting, Dated,January 2?th, 19B~. Joseph P.Quinlan, Reese Lloyd, Uictor Boido, E. Einucciani, R.Tibbetts, was m~:.de by the City Council of the Cdt~: of South San Francisco January 27th,1932 This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock,~.L Thursday, January 28th,19~2. ROLL CAL~. Roll call found the followinf members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, R.Zloyd, V.Boido,R.Ttbbetts,Yoseph P.Qutnlan. Absent, Counc tlman, },~.L~inucc iani. On motion by councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Tibbetts the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. In.acco~.dance with the purpose for which the meeting ws.s called Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution authorizing the city cotuuctl to make certain improvements in the city's park site in the vicinity of Orange ~lvenue, an emergency existing there requiring s~id impr creme nt s. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council present; to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd,R.TibbettS,Joseph P.Quinlan. l~oes ,C ounc ilmen ,None. 3~b sent, Counc ilman ,M.Minucc iani Attest_ Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol. 2,page 357.' Approved, Francisco. ~ The business for vJhich the meet~i~ng was called having been transacted councilman L~oyd moved to adjourn. The motion was second_ed by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of a~journment, 8;4~ o'clock A.~i. Approved Respectfully submitted,,/