HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-03-21 The regular meeting of the City council of the City of Tenth San Francisco was
held in the city hall ~.~onday evening, L~arch Elst,1932.
The meeting was called to order at 7;$0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.C, uinlan.
Roll call found all members of the council pres~nt,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~.~.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the Railroad Com~:ission of the State of Califoznia
requesting the use of the council chambers in tke hearing of the application of C.C;~.fcDanial
for a certificate of public convenience ~o operate a water system in San Eateo County,on
Tuesday April 19th,tgz2, and inviting all interco'ted parties to appear. Permission for the use
of the hall granted.
The Portuguese Sociedad ~,~iscalensa of ~outh Ban,Francisco requested permissioL to
hold a parade in the City of South San ~ranclsco on I;a2 1st, to close Eiller Avenue from Spruce
to Walnut from I to '5 p.m for dancing g~d'firel.works. Pezmission granted under the supervision
of the police department.
J.Penna'requested permission to re,construct his store at 379 Grand Avenue. Permissien-
granted' · under the direction of the Building Inspector.
The Pacific Tel & Tel Company requested the refund of SE.~0 on account of haviLg paid.
too much conm~_ission on the booth phone in the city hall. Councilman Zlo2d moved the refund be granted.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
A,J.Pacheco made application for the position of City Electrician, stating his qualifaca-
tions for the position, which includes care and repair of fire alarm systems, signal systens,
and street lighting systems, length of experience and references. Application ordered placed on
A lengthy communication was received from Attorney William J. Locke, formerly and
for many years ,~ecreta~yManager of the League of California Nunicipalities, stating he had been
unjustly disch~';'ged fromthe position which he had held so long.'Nr. Locke expressed the wish
that the member cities take some action against tLe procedure at the next convention of the
league or before.
City Attorney Coleberd was requested to draw up a suitable resolution repudiating the
action by the small group of league members and forward same.
The ?acific Cas & Electric Company requested pern~sion to open a trench in Lindsen
Avenue for the purpose of installing 2,three inch and l, one and one half in. electric conduits.
between Con~nercial Ave, and 100 ft so. of Rail-, cad, Ave. Referred to councilman Tibbett~
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution approving diagram ro.?3. The resolution
was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the ~,:embers of the council, to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, L'.L~inucciani,R. Tibbetts, · Joseph P,Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,l~one. Absent, Councilmen, tone. At%est, Daniel EcSweene~
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of aesolutions, Vol.£,at page ~62.
In relation of the Breckel Bros. Ice Co., for relief from the floods in the neLgh-
borhood, ~.~a~or Quinlan stated he~ had acom, ference with Mr. Skaggs 'of the Etate Mighway ~om~nission
on the subject and was ~dvised Mr. Skaggs'Would endeavor to do something for the company.
.~ r,~cess of five minutes was taken,after which all members answered the roll call.
Claims in the amount of $1~0~. were then presented to the council for payment.and
on motion b~ Councilman Lloyd, seconded by ~ouncilman Boido and regularly carried were ordered
The 3eagrave Corp.
Venturi's Service Station
J. Penna
Paul Hamilton
N. Medeghini
Enterprise ~oundry
12 spark plugs
Repair speedometer
1 tube - repair tire ~ire car
6 cans brilliantshine
1~ days repairing fire line
11 days l~bor sweeping ~treets
~ .50
1 C-I Grate installed et. dept. llel00
,Dunhsm Carrigan & tlayden 2 dozen steel brooms & 2 scoops 23.~0
Patrick & Moise Klinkner CO. set bands for dater -3 ink pads 6.10
Robinson- Druggist supplies clerks office 12.$0
C. Bollazzi ink well - waste basket Mayor 1.75
Fred Brown chan~ng lock on mail box 1.00
John Corse removing garbage Jan. ~eb. and
grave 1 ~ or dumps 24.2 5
The Enterlmrise printing.notice of election,
Ord. $158 -2000 police cards 28.00
" 4 sets preeints registers 205.70
Bank of $o. San ~'rancieco various labor claims - work
Orange Ave. Park 275.00
- ,' 326.00
~o. City Lumber &$upply Co. sewer pi~e - Re. pine for park 62.36
" glass - tree stakes 10.50
" Pine and nails - ~ark 21.49
" rough redwood and nails 9.00
" Pine - rough and ha'ils 25.62
" 0. Pine rough and 2 oak mallets 38.05
" cement and sewer pipe 34.2§
" blakes crusher run 38e07
Rod 2ibbetts 4 steel bars 8.00
~est Coast Nursery 200 acacia trees 70.00
~ac. Tele & Tele. Co. refund acct. overpay 2.40
Tot al $1 ~04.24
There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until k'onday,l~arch
Egth,1932,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. TLe motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
o ~e' prey: cue see lng were read. ,rrors or oTM .one'
they were approved as read.
:~ com~mnfcatton was received from tko Railroad Con-~uisslon of the State of Callfoznia
requesting the use of the council chambers in t~e hearing of the application of C.C'.YcDani~.l
for a certificate of public convenience ~o operate a water s~-stem in ~an Eateo County,on
Tuesday ~pril 19th,tgz2, and inviting all interco'ted parties to appear. Permission for the use
of the hall granted.
The Portuguese ~ociedad ~,.~iscalensa of Douth Ban~Prancisco requested permission to
hold a parade in the City of South Sen ~raucisco on I~ay let, to close ~,iiller ~.~venue fro~ Spruce
to Walnut fron~ I to'~ p.m for dancing a~d'fire~works. Pe~mission granted under the supervision
of the police department.
J.Penna requested permission to re;construct his store at Z~9 Grand Avenue. Permissi/)n~
granted~ ~ under the direction of the Building Inspector.
The Pacific Tal & Tel Company requested the refund of $~.40 on account of haviLg paid.
too much con-m~ission on the booth phone in the cit~ hall. Councilman ~loyd moved the refund be granted.
The motion was seconded by Councilman l~inucciani and regularly carried.
A.J.Pacheco n~ade application for the position of City Electrician, stating his qualifaca-
tions for the position, which includes care and repair of fire alarm systems, signal systens,
and street lighting systems, length of experience and references. Application ordered placed on
A lengthy communication was received from Attorney William J. Locke, formerly and
for many years ~ecreta~yManager of the League of California Nunicipalities, stating he had been
unjustly disch~ ~ged fromthe position which he h~d held so long.'Nr. Locke expressed the wish
that the member cities take so~e action against tLe procedure at the next convention of the
league or before.
City ~lttorney Coleberd was requested to draw up a suitable resolution repudia~,tng the
action by the small group of league members and forward same.
The Tacific Cas & Electric Company requested porn~sion to open a trench in Linden
Avenue for the purpose of installing 2,three inc~ and l, one and one half in. electric conduits.
between Con~nercial Ave, and 100 ft so. of Rail~ cad, Ave. Referred to council~_.an Tibbett~ .
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a r~solution approving diagram ~o.?Z. The resolution
was ~dopted by the unani~.~ous vote of all the ~_~e~ubers of the council, to-wit;-
f~yes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~.L~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, · Joseph P.Quinlan.
~7oes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen, ~one. At%est, Daniel McSweene~
· City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.£,at page ~6~.
In relation of the Breckel Bros. Ice Co., for relief from the floods in the neigh-
borhood, Eayor Quinlan stated he~ had a coherence ~ith Er. Skaggs of the ~tate Highway '~om~_ission
on the subject and was advised M~. Skaggs~Would endeavor to do something for the company.
A r~'cess o~ five minutes was taken,~fter which all members answered the roll call.
Olaims in the amount of $1BOA. were then presented to the council for payment.and
on motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded b~ ~ouncilman Boido and regularly carried were ordered
The 3eagrave Corp.
Venturi's Service Station
J, Penna
Paul Hamilt on
N. Medeghinl
Enterprise ~oundry
1~ spark plugs $12.00
Repair speedometer E.50
1 tube - repair tire ~ire car E.E5
6 cans brilliantshine .75
1~ day~ repairing fire line 15.00
11 days lebor sweeping ~treets 49.50
1 C-I Grate installed st. dept. 11,00
D~_nham Carrigan & Hayden 2 dozen steel broom~ & 2 scoops 23.40
Ps,rick &Moise Klinkner CO. set bands for dater -3 ink pads 6.10
Robinson- Druggist supplies clerks office 12.80
C. Bollazzi ink well - waste basket Mayor 1.75
~red Brown chan~ng lock on mail box 1.00
John Corse removing garbage Jan. ~eb, and
grave 1 ~ or dumps 24.2 5
The Enterprise printing ~not ice of election,
Ord. $158 -2000 police cards 28.00
" 4 sets preeints registers 205.70
~$nk of $o. ~an ~¥ancisco various labor claims - work
Orange Ave. Park E?O.00
" " ~£6.00
80. City Lumber & ~upply Co. sewer pipe - Re. pine for park 6E.~6 '
" glass - tree stakes lO.~0
" Pine and nails - Park ~1.49
" rough redwood and nails 9.00
" Pine - rou/h and nails £~.6~
" 0, Pine rough and 2 oak mallets ~8.0~
" cement and sewer pipe 8A. Yb
" blakes crusher run ~8.07
HO/[ ~il~l~et~s 4 steel bars 6.00
~eat 0cast Nursery 200 acacia trees ?0.00
~e. Tele& Tole. Co. refund acct. owerpay 2.40
Total ' $1,~04.24
There being no further business counciln~an Lloyd moved to adjourn until Monday,i~arch
28th,l~,a~ ?;$0 o'clock p.m. The motion was ~econ~_ed by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.