HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-04-18R~CUlk~R,~ILO _, ~ CITY. COLTCIL 07 m"E_., CITY OF The regular meeting of the sit; council of tlc Cit;, of South San F~'ancisco was held in,~ cit~,~ i~al~onf.~j evening, April 18~ ,18t~,lgS~. The ~eeting :vas called to or& -,: at 7;50 o'clock.~.m. bj Hayer Joseph ?.Quinlan. i~OLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- ~ Lloyd N.IiinuCciani ''~ Tibbetts Joseph _~.Quinlan. Councilmen, ¥.Boido,~. , ,~. , The minutes of tLe previous :,-oting were rosd. T~ere being no errors or omission~ thcs? %vets approved as read. ~ communication was received from Mrs. James C.Wallace and familj~ expressing their gratitude and appreciation of tlc ki~dness of tLe city council during their recent boreavemen~ in the death of ]Jr. Wallace. The c~mmunica ti on was accepted and the clerk instructed to reply acknmvledging~the receipt of the conmmnication. ADplication~or the position of fire truck driver were received from A.J. Eudolph ~otrocchi~and 3~gelo Colombo. Ordered placed on,file. Richard Harder requested tLe ~?ef~d of ~l. OQ~harged against his property , lot 8 · block l&7, stating that flowers are gro~m tLere. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts. Iff; G.H.Thommon made application to the city for a lease of 1.679 acres o~ land at the concrete sign "South San Francisco,tLc Industrial City" for the purpose of erecting , maintainin~ and operating an electric siFn displaying illuminated letters and otLer charact~r~ for a ?cried of l0 ,Tears at annual rental o~f ~lO0 Der year. .C o~cilman Ti%betts introduce& a o~on Frantin~ the lease,;n.~c~ ~vab:regularl~~ adopted Book 0ff:R~solutions;:Vol.2. ' : ~ ~ s~.~ion f/as introduced b~ councilman Lloyd aut~orizing t'~. city attorney in na~e of t'~e Cit[: of ~Jout~ ,~ ancisoo :~:~ commence and prosecute an action against O.~.~.'''o an~ ~~=~,~ J.?urlong to -'ecover ~amages from said 0.~'.!~iserman. and ~ilarl J.?urlong, sustain( ~- "-~ -~. u~.~nzmous vote of all the members of the Tire ,,~g~,~.,~-~ The zesolution was ad0pte& b~ the council, to-v;It;- --~'~-°eo, Councilmen, V.~oido, R.Llo,~m, N.~inucciani,z,.~bbutts,Joseph,~.Quinlan, Yoes, Counc~lmen,~ one, ~, sent, Co~.c~lmen,I o~e. .,ttest Daniel Ec ~weeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Bes.~luti,ons, Vel. I, at !'~age 362. Councilman Ninucciani intr0.1uccd a resolution accepting a deed fron~ the South S~:~ Francisco Land ~ ~mproveme~t Company for a sign location. The resolution '~Jas adopted by the unanimous vote of all the mer,:bers of the city council, to-wit-; A~!es, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Llo~d, N.Ninucciani,R.Tibb~tts,Joseph P.'Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,Uone, Absent, Councilmer.,Uone. Attest Daniel NcS'~Jeenej~ City Clerk. ?lecorded in B~oi~ of Eosolutiou~ , Vol~2, at page 365. .,~,,_,~ O? ~:_,. OF SOU .~.Lt' i??~i:CISCO ~IL 1.1TL,1932, t~ be as fol!mvs;- ~oO,Warr~ A, Cavassa, 516,Albert J. Eschelbach 717 City C'our~cil, Tulle Blandint, !{ecsc Lloyd,V4S, ?'ioLele ?~inucciani,SgZ,F,,odorick Tibbetts 968. City Clerk, Louis ~.Deltrami,A08, Daniel l~c~weeney,l~4-8. Cit~' Treasurer, Charles Crant, n,, ~dward Phi!lip L~auffmann,992, ~,,~ter Lind 1. C to-wit;- _.~e ~eso=ution u~as adopted by the vmanimous vote of all tl~e members of the city om A~es, Councilmen, V.Boido,~<.I,! ~,d,~- lq. Tibbett s,!~.l,:inucciani, ./os~n ..... 7. Quinlan. Uoes, Co~cilmen, I~one. Absent, Co~ciln':en ~ ,~one. Attest Daniel NcSweeney City Clerk ~r, ecorded' in Book of Resolutions,Vol. 2 at '~ge~.~67,368'369. ~' ~ - ' The City Clerk's certificate of election u~as submitted, and recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at pages ZVO,ZVl,572. Nayor ,~uinlan was then re-elected ~ayor of So. San Fr 2ale K.Francis made application for the position, of pound%aster. Application placed file. The ~touth S~ Francisco Fire D~::partment apl~lied for permission to hol~ a dance in Frate_n~2.~' ~, ITall, on ~lay 14th,19ZS, and paid "~.~.00 ~ for the usual police protection. Permit grant Fireman ~lyde Emerson v;as gra:~ted a six months leave of absence. A.J. Schmidt was appointed in his place. Nark ~.t!aher applied for the .!: osition of Truc~. driver in the street department, sts he wa.s an ex-service man, understood grinding and sewer work and general street work. After ~ mediating the position vacant, releavins' Yes L.L~cDonald, .ti~e council a?pointed Nark _.~.~her t ~ ~0 0e the ~osition,::~o~be ~6~'~?~rZ Nay 1~,~ l'~ayor Cuinlan~then announced t e follov;in~, coz~mittees, re-appoir~ting the present ,~ committees;- Finance:,~ D ~treet Conm~ittee, Rod. Tibbe .~eese Lloyd, Chairman,!~.L~inucCiani,V.Boido,. .~.l~inucciani,Reese Lloyd. Corporation: Con~nittee, Reese Lloy~m,c~a~rman,~,' ' '.Boido,~,.'~ Tibbetts. Purchasing Co~m~ittee ,N.L~inucciani ,Chir~-an,V.Boido ,R.Tibbetts. Pblice Conm~ission,Entire Cotmcil V.Boido,Chatrman, Fire Co~;m~ission, Enti:e Council, N.l~inucciani,Chairmen. Inspector ~eatty requested a ~uildi~;g permit for the Shell 0il ConJp~y. to construe a steel building. Permit granted. B. Pasquale Co. Dudley Fe rkins C o. Foster G. Dyer Superior Laundry Service Garage Union 0il 0o. So. 0ity Lumber & Supply Co. J. Medeghini Old Reliance Garage Mark Maher Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. I. Ratto Mark Maher F~ed Brown $. L, Bolopolous Des~e ~lan2 Liszle ~hl N. Gia~eochini A~ Pe~y Robert Me~ itt Fr~oee Garola Teresa McCarthy Elizabeth C offlnberr2 A. Ant one ~deraa ~ ~neri Mildre~ Foley Jo~ B~nchard O. ~offechil~t Grace Ely ~, ~. ~rtin Co. Marco Capite lli Mrs, I. Brawn D. ~. Ratto G, A, ~eeee E~er Vaco J. ~. 2uin~n The Enterprise Golden rest quarry So. City Lumber Co. S. Minetti Bank of South San Francisco ;. B. Pilkington 1 police cap repair motorcycle 1 w indsh ie 1E p~ral in repair Engine ~2 wash ~1 and ~2 house foot choke wire · 45 tons asphalt frame & concrete mix sweeping streets re,airs Chev. tripe Redwood City precinct' registers 1 ribbon prem. bond City Clerk & Assessor prem. bond tax collector erecting and taking down booth~ eervioe election Ata'il 11-103II rent polling place Ap. Il money expended Dollar Ave. wreath for .~. la]lace expenses grade cro~stJa~ con- ferenoe & unemployment con. printi~ nominees for off Joe 2300 ba~lots 2127 post cards polling places printing notice to taxpayers police tags &lic. notices 3~ y&s. rock ;~pplies for park ~ber for .park drinking fountain valve various labor claim~ for work on. Park acac ia tre es $7.00 3.16 2.25 121,~5 11.74 .40 8.78 49.~0 54.15 6.00 .75 5,00 7~.00 26.50 10,00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 251.00 10.00 7.40 6.00 76.00 36.75 24.74 52.19 18.6Z 7.00 88.00 140,00 Total .......... -$1,394.65 There being no further business befo~;~: the board eouncil'"an Boido moved to adjourn u~til the next regular z~eeting, Yonday ~,~ay £nd,19Z£. The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Lloyd a~d regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;50 o'clock,p.m. o~ South San Francisco Recpect fullj submitted,