HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-05-16REGULAR MEETING 0I~ TEE CITY COUNCIL OF Tm 0ITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY,MAY 16,19SE.' The regular meeting of the city c~Uncil of the Oi.~y o£ South Jan Francisco was held in the c. ity hall, Monday e~.ening, May 16th,1932. The meeting mas ,,called to order at ?;.S0 o'clock p.m, by Mayor Joseph P. Qu. inlan. ROI[L CAY.?., Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- C o6.ncllmen, ¥.Boido,R. Lloyd, M.N~c61ani,R.Tibbetts, ~os.P.Quinl_an, The minutes.of the prewious meeting were read. There being ho errors or omissions they we~e &l~P~oyed'~.ae read. So~th San.FranciSco Gr'ov~ No.171, Unifed Ancient Order 'of Druids, applied for a permit tQ hold a dance in South San ~rancisco at the ~raternal Hall, June 4~h,19$2.Permiss[on g~anted. Tbs Italian American Citizens Club of South San Francisco requested permission hold a Benefit dance on June .llth,19~. Permission grante, d. Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans Ghap;~ltepec~s request for permission to hold a danc~ and Kermlss f. rom 12 m,July ~rd,tOol a..m., July fourth was granted. The 01ympie Hotel Company,Inc., made application for permission to erect a 10' x bill board on Bays~ore Highway and Linden Avenue. Request denied. The Chancellor Hotel made aPp~icatlon for permission to erect a 10' by 40' bill board at Linden Avenue and Bayahore Highway. Permission de,led. Mr. A,Q.El~emeyer requested the council to appoint George Klessltn$,Joe D1 Nardl and himself, det~u~tN 'policeman to look after the safety of the school children at the cross- ing of Grand and Magnoli Avenues and Magnolia and Baden Avenues. Request taken under advt ~e- merit. A communication was received from the Ltarket Street Railway Coapany, 'showi.ng the amount due the City of South San Francisco April Elst,19Z2, under franchise, to be $2~9.10. C ommuni cationaacc ept· d. Charles Alx applied~ for a permit to operate ~ construct a dining car on lots 1~- 17, 'b1~46 on the San B~tno Road- l~aY~iow&z~:faz:.:~e~sideration. RefUnds on account of weed cleaning were allowed as follows, C.Oauz.~a,$1.60,Oharles .Roberts ,$1.00 ,Richard Harder, '$1..00,~ Antone Martin, $, 50,A~.gelo Monettini,. $$1.6.0,Tony Hoyos, ~1.60 ,Bt idge Investment C ompan2, $1.00 ,Kathe rise Fawc.et t, $1.60, Ellen C arm0d2, SE. 00. R. Ander son, $10.48. Weed refund claims were denied the following,- Rose Schellmann,Fred Barni,F. De Marchi, Frank Mojica,Antone Zero,Pacific Oar & Eqtipment Company, Alfred Medics. RESOLUTION TO ABATE WEEDS, 1952. A resolution to abate weeds the year 19BE was introduced by councilman Tlbbetts and adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M. Minucciani,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.qulnlan. Noes, Counailen, None. Absent, Councilm~m, none. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recoeded in Book of ResolutiOns, Vol.2,at,- pages ZTZ-Z74 Voit appeared before the council and asked the cfty's san~tion~$o number th~ Henry curbs in front of houses throughout the city, and at no expense to the city.'~ He stated the property owners or tenants would pay for the numbering. He was granted the sanction of the city council provided he employ persons selector, by the city from the unemployed relief unit. Officers Belloni and Beatty were instructed by Mayor Quinlan to collect billboard licenses from Foster &Elieser. Judge Farrell submitted his April report. Accepted as read. Claims in the amount of $ 2085.~4 were next presented to the council for payment; IA. H. Grady, rep. Dudley Perkins Superior Laundry High~ey Transport Co. Service Garage E. D. Bullard Co. So. City Lumber Co. N. Medeghini B. Greene ~. Lewis P. G, dE. Pac. Tele. &Tele. Co, E. ti. ~ackson J. J. McDonald California State Auto Assn. Peninsula Drug Co. San Mateo Co, Title ~o. J. Corso Ga~ land Mcr. Laundry So. City Lumber Co. Chas. Bollazzi Highway Transport Co. F. Pistoni Has t in ge Servi ce Garage Webster We lbank~ Cesare Oauzza Chmrl es Roberts Richard Harder Ant one Mart in Angelo Monettini Tony Hoyos Bridge Investment Co. Eatherine ~awcett Ellen Carmod.v "Nations Bus iness" published by U.S.Chamber of Comerce $ ?.~0 servicing motorcycle 1.~O wash $1 and ~2 houses- April 9,51 freight - hose .89 rear axle - repair starter fire Dep. 1J. 60 1 lineman's body belt & strap bitumuls - crushed rock 11 days sweeping streets grading streets Apr. B & 6 street lights Apr. misc. service Apr. servi ce ,. installing signals Grand & Bayshore 2 signs at Orange Ave. 1 ribbon and 1 box clips reports Apr!l removing garbage March - Apr. towel service Apr. ladder - lime, etc. 1 sack snarol freight - garden hose 24 hrs. labor on park Uniform - A. Schmidt fireman repairs ~2 engine , refund a/c charge for house not on lot 1922 to 1931 refund,,a/c weed charge 11.66 9.51 49.50 10.00 12.00 949.80 131.25 50.73 18.10 18.10 9.00 2.25 1.50 9.00 5.00 11.3~ 2.75 .50 12.00 43.00 508.98 99;06 1.60 1.00 1.00 .50 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.60 2.00 permit to hoida da~e in'South San l~ranoisCo at the Fraternal ~11, June 4t .9$2.Permiss£on granted. Th~ Italian American Citizens 01ub of South San Francisco requested permission ~o hold a Benefit ~ance on June !lth,19~. Permission granted. Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans GhapBltepec~s request for permission to hold a danc~ ,~,", and Kermiss f. rom 12 m,Jul2 Srd,t0ol a.~m., July fourth was granted. The 01ympio Hotel Company,Inc., made appli~ation for permission to erect a 10' x 4G bill board on Bays~ore Highway an~ Lln. de.n Avenue. Request denied. The Chancellor Hotel made application for permission to erect a 10' by 40' bill ~o~rd board at Linden Avenue and Bay~hOre Highway. Permission de~ied. Mr. A.Q.Eleeme~e: requested the council to appoint George Klessling,Joe D1 Nardi and himself, de~u~,:~eliceman to look after the safety of the school children at the cros~- lng of Grand and Magnoli Avenues and Magnolia aud Baden Avenues. Request taken under advi ~e- A communication was received from the ~,~rket Street Railway Company, showi.ng the ,, amount due the City of South San ~ranoisco April Elst,1932, under franchise, to be $2~9.1,). C ommuni c &tioga acc ept · d. Charles Alx applied for a permit to operate and construct a dining car on lots 1~- 17, 'b1~3[-1~46 on the San Bruno Road' ImP~iowAz~-~ff~r:_~ofisideration. Rei~m~s on account of weed cleaning were allowed as folloWs, C.Cauzza,$1. 60 ,Charles Roberts,$1.00,Rlchard Harder, '$1.00,' Antone Martin, $,50 elo Monettini, $$1.6.0,Tony Hopes, ;1. ~0 ,Bridge Investment 0ompany, $1.00 ,Katherine Fawcett, 60, Ellen carmod~, $2.00.R..Anderson, ~10.48. Wee~ refund claims were denied the following;- Rose Schellmann,Fred Barni,F. De Marchi, Frank Mojioa,Antone Zaro,Paoific Oar & Eqtipment Company, Alfred Me&ica. RESOLUTION TO ABATE WEEDS, 19S2. A resolution to abate weeds the year 1932 was introduced by councilman Tlbbetts and adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M. Minucciani,R. Tlbbetts, Joseph P.quinlan. Noes, Cou~ilen, None. Absent, Councilm~n, none. Attest DaZ~i~e$ MoSweeney Ci~ y Clerk. Recoeded in Book of ResolutiOns, Vol.2,at~ pages S73-S74 ~ ~ Henry Voit appeared before the council and asked/the cfty's sa~tion~o number th~ curbs in front of houses throughout the city, and at no expense to the cityo He states the property owners or tenants would pay for the numbering. He was granted the sanction of tae city council provided he employ persons selecte~ by the cityfrom the unemployed relief unit. Officers Belloni and Beatty were instructed by Mayor Cninla~ to collect billboard licenses from ~oster &Elieser. Judge Parrell submitted his April report. Accepte~ as read. Claims in the amount of $ 2085.54 were next presented to the council for payment; tt. R. Grady, rep. Dudley ]~erkins Superior Laundry High~ay Transport C°. Service Garage E. D. Bullard Co. So. City ~umber Co. ~. Medeghini B. Greene ~. Lewis P. G, & E. Pac. Tele. &Tele. Co. E.' H. Jackson j. J. McDonald California State Auto Assn. ~eninsula Drug Co. 3an Mateo Co. Title Co. J. Core o Ga] land Mcr. Laundry 3o. City Lumber Co. Chas. Bollaz~i Righeay Transport Co. F, ]~ls toni Eaetings 3ervi ce Garage Vebeter ~e lbanke Cesare Cauz~a Charles Roberts Rich~ Barder Ant one Mart in Angelo Monettini ~on2 Hoyos Bridge Inveetmeat Co. ~ther~e ~awcett Ellen Oamo~ R~ · Andereoz O. ~ducci "Nations Business" published by U.S.Chamber of Comerce $ ?,50 servicing motorcycle 1.50 wash $1 and ~2 houses- April 9.51 freight - hose .89 rear axle - repair starter fire Dep. 13.60 1 lineman's body belt & strap 11.66 bitumuls - crushed rock 11 days sweeping streets grading streets Apr. 5 & 6 street lights Apr.. misc. service Apr. servi ce installing signals Grand · Bayshore 2 signs at Orange Ave. 1 ribbon and 1 box clips reports April re~oving garbage March - Apr. towel service Apr. ladder - lime, etc. 1 sack snarol freight - garden hose 24 hrs. labor on park Uniform - A. Schmidt fireman repairs ~,2 engine refund a/c charge for house not on lot 1922 to 1931 refund,,a/c weed charge Uniform Officer ~;hipple Total - - - 9.51 49.50 10.00 12.00 949.80 131.25 50.73 18.10 18.10 9,00 1.50 9.00 5.00 !1 · 33 2.75 .50 12. O0 43. O0 508,98 99.06 1.60 1.00 1.00 .50 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.60 2.00 10.48 65.00 .. $2,08~.40 On motion by Councilman Minucolanl,. seconded by Co,mucllman Tlbbetts and regularly the claims were ordered paid. ~h~yor Quinlan announced the city .~should pa~ its reppects to the memory of Pobert Dollar, shipping magnate of the Pacific, who passed away recently at a very old age, and requeste~ all city officials and the audience to stand for a moment in silence, and adjourn the meeting out of respect to his memory. This was done and the meeting adjourned on motion by councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;05 o'clock p.m. jZa r of sout san Respectfully submitted,