HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-08-01REGU~ MEETING OP THE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OP SOUTH SAN PRAtTCISCO,HELD MONDAY, AUGUST IST, The regular meeting of the city council of the Ci~ of South 'San ~ranoisoo was held in the city hall Monday evening. August The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,~to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Dloyd,M.Mlnucciani, R.~ibbettS, JOseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Italian Catholic ~'ederation asking for a permit to hold a dance in ~raternal Hall, We~_nesday evening, August 10th,19~E from 9 p.m. to 1 A.M. Permit granted. ~o~th San i~ranoisco Grove ~o.l?l,United Aucient Order cf ,Druids applied for permission to hold a Gazn~vai Dance in Praternal Hall Saturday eve~ing, August 2?,19BE from 8 o',clock p.m. t to 1 A.M. Permit ~rarA~e~. ~. ~.u'~ --.~;~?'~':~ ,u.,~,'? Au~ia tiglon applied for the position of Traffic Officer or policeman. Application ordered placed on file. Paal Perron applied for the ~ion of policeman on ~he regular force, or in the dog race track, or any position in the city service that might be vacant. Application ordered placed on file. The June reports of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, oi~y Judge, city building inspe~tor and city clerk wet submitted to the council. ~yor Quinlan thanked the officers for their promptness in turning in the report~. Councilman Lloyd introduced a resolution protesting against the proposed diversion of m~o~or vehicle revenues,now being ~used exclusively for the maintenance,, aonstructien and reconstruc tion of highways, to the payment of interest and redemption on outstanding highway bonds . The resolution was adopted by the unanimous' vote of all the members of the City Council; to-wit ;- Ayes, Coinoilmen, ¥.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts and Josepl~ P.Quinlan. l~oes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,acne. Attest ~aniel McSweene2 $ity Clerk. Recorded in ~ook of R~olutions,vol. E at page Action on proposed pr5~eedfngs Yo.74, the installation of electrolters on Upper Grand Avenue, was postponed tO the first meeting in November, ~ovember 7th,19~2. City Attorney Coleberd announced the claimains against the Walker-l~artin Corporation, Zt$, had not presented their callms in proper form and August 5th,was the last day to fil-, officially. The clerk was instru~ted to make out forms for the claimants to sign and forward same t~ them. In the matter of deputizing members of the school department as s~;eclal pollcem-n to assist in handllng traffic during the school hours,coming and going, the clerk was instruc- ted to advise Mr. Eleemeyer to be in attendance at the next regular seeing ef the city cou~cll ~o con,er_on the subJe~t. A recess of 15 minutes was taken. Roll call found councilmen ~,~lnucc~anl,~ibbetts ~un~ ~Uinlan present. Claims in the amount of $~29.81 were next presented to the council for payment;- M.Bellt & Co. Buickrepairs $ ~.80 Chas Less, cleaning Jail July $ 5.00  argaret Ruiz Intrepreting Pol Court $ 5.00 ouis ~elloni meals for prisoners July $ 5.10 J.Magers Serv'. St&, '- gas,oil police ~ept $12.05 Rec's Serv. Sta ': ' ' ~ " $75. L.L.Kluse 6 cane polish,fire Dept $ 2.25 A.J.Paohece fire alarm Maintenance JuS20.00 J.P.Mager i battery,fire dept.; $$6.70 R.Rivers attending flres, $ 2.50 E.Kowslowsky " " $ 2.50 Paul Penoski " " $ ,2.50 Joe Bernardo~ " "' t ~.50 D.Pierce · " " . L.l[arar es " " ~ ~.00 H. Bisagne - ' . . $ 5.00 Angelo Colombo " "I 5.00 J. l~;ayerl e " ~ 5.00 Ed. Generdini " " 5.00 Jules Ferre " " 5.00 R. Smith ~ '" $ 7.50 R.Petrocchi " " $ 7. ~0 E. ~,~eyer s . "$ 7. ~0 Pac..Tel & Tel Ce ~ervice July, ~47.00 " " " " " " ~11.85 Jack Welch removing ~ogs,oa~s,etc $19.50 The ~nterprtse legal bla~s,police dept. S19.?5 On motion by oounoil~ Lloy~,s~conded by co~cllm~ Boldo, aha regularly carri ~he claims were ordered ~id. There being no ~rther business co~cilman Lley~ moved to adjourn until evening, Au~st 15th,19~2, at ?;50 o'clock p.m. The motion wss seconded by co~cilman Botdo and regularly carried. Time of adjournmant, 8; 50 o'clock. of South San Franoisco.