SEPTF~MBER 19TH ,1932.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was
held in the city hall Monda~ evening,September 19th,19Z2.
The meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan.
Roll call found all the members of the council present,to-wit;-
C ouncilmen, N.Boido, R.LloYd, M.Mlnucc ta~t, ~.Tibbe tts, Joseph P,Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or emissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was receiv, ed from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company requesting
permission to ope,, a trench in Tamarack Lane between Orange and Acacia Avenues. lieferred
to Councilman Tlbbetts and the desired permit granted.
Santo PascuzZe applied to the council for permission to open a barber shop on
CalifSrnia Avenue at No 258. As this location is in the unrestricted district no permit
is required and the council so agreed.
A communication was received from the. South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
stating that at its regular meeting of September End,by a regularly car. ried motion a vote
of commendation was given the city council of South San l~ranoisce for Its efforts to
ba lance the city budget. The city council accepted the compliment witch-thanks and Mayor
~ulnlan asked the city clerk to write the Chamber on behalf on'the city expressing the same.
An invitation was received from the South San Francisco Fire DePartment to attend
a steak barbecue at ~ngine~ House No.2, on Sunday,September 25th,at 2 o'clock p.m. Invitation
accepted. ' committee on
Acomm. unieation'was received from City Attorney J.W.Ooleberd,Ohairman of the,re-
organization of the League of California MUnicipalities, stating there would be a meeting
of the friends of ~¥illiam J.T, ocke, on his re-instatement, at the Plaza Hotel, San Diego,
Sunday evening September ~.Sth,19~2, and inviting the city council and friends to be in
attendance if in sympathy with the movement for re-organization and re-instatement of
Mr. Locke. Communication accepted.
The South San Francisco school board of trustees made application for the deput-
lzation of two school Janitors as special police~enn for the protection of school children
during noon hours. The janitors recommended are Mr. Cerqu~ttini and Mr. Severi. The request
was ordered granted.
Breckle ~rothers Ice Plant, applied for permission to install one 280 gallon
gasoline tank and pump at their place of business Second & B streets. Permt~ granted.
A communication was received from Jame~.L. Scott, Deputy County Auditor, stating
the Board of Supermisors do not a~low rent for any polling place situated in a city hall,
School,or other publl~',~bmilding. This meant ~he rejection of city claims for rental.
0ommunication accepted and placed on file.
The monthly report of City Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann for the month of August was read
and accepted.
Attorney A. Scampint addressed the council in the matter of the condition of the
city treasury. He asked Mayor Qulnlan the balance in the city's general fund. Mayor Cuinlan
referred him to City Clerk ~.~cSweeney. The city clerk stated to Mr. Scampini the balance in
the general fund September 1,was $§,613.79, wit~ approximately $2000 taken in since the first
of September, the salaries expenditures $3800 per month and incidm~tals for the fire and
police departments. The statement appeared satisfactory to Mr. Scampini.
Mr. Scampini asked Mayor Quinlan if he o~r any members of the city council were
interested financially if the Baden Kennel Club Dog Racing Track. ;-~ayor Quinlan Stated that
on his word of honor he had no financial interest, directly or indirectly, in the Baden Kennel
club, and that no ~ember of the city council had, either, as far as he knew. Mr. Scampini
stated the Mayor's statement was satisfactOry and he took his word for it.
John Colombo asked permission to remome several trees in front of his property.
He stated he had asked Mayor 0uinlan for permission. ~ayor ~uinlan stated he could not give
personal permission for anything pertaining to the city's property, that all members of the
ci'ty council should be consulted before a request' could be granted, and he so informed Mr.
Colombo. ~r. Colombo's language toward Mayor 'Quinlan became very abusive and insulting, amd
caused resentment in the council and audience. Joe Walker suggested t~e council inspect the
site of the trees and ascertain if the sidewalk~ were being damaged by ~he growing trees,
as was state& by Mr. Colombo. It was so agreed b~· the council.
Julie Ferre reported the street broken in Hickory Lane', and at .Grand Avenue and
Cypress Avenue. Eeferred to Councilman Tibbetts.
Claims in the amount of $108.82 were next: presented to the city council for payment~
Case Sheppard ~'~an Publishing Company, Fire Chief Hand ~ook $ A.00
A.J.Pacheco maintaining Fire Alarm System,Etc.~ug~29.§O
Mo. Dorman steel file, ploice chief.
Jos. P.quinlan expenses to :~acramento, Joaquin Eoad
So. City Lumber & Suppl~ Co., material ~all ~ark
Dunham Carrigan Hayden Co, 18 brooms~ $15.00
John Corso remov, garbage,dogs et~ July Aug. $ 9.00
The claims having been audited by the finance committee Tibbetts moved they be
paid as audited. The motion was seconded by councilman ~o!do and regularly carried.
There being no further business councilman Lloyd ~,moved to adjourn until the next
regular meeting, Monday evening, October lst,19~2, at ?;30':, o'clock p.m. The motion was
seconded ~ councilman ~:inucciani and regularl.¥
r off ~outh ~ ~cisco