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OOTOB?~R l?TM, 1952.
The regular russet'trig of the city council of ~.the City of Mouth San Francisco was
held in the City Hall Monday evening, October ]..?th,19~2.
The meeting was called to order at ?;30 o;~Iock p.m. by:Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan.
Roll call found all members of the city council present;-to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd,-M.Mintcciani, R.Tibbetts and Joseph P.Q~nlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors o~ omissions they
were approved as read.
A communication was received from Clyde Emerson, fireman, who took a leave of absence
six months ago, requesting re-instatement in the fire department. Communication referred to
Councilman MinUcciani, chairman of the fire commm i, sion.
The West Central'Oil Company requested permission to erect additional gasoline
storage tanks exceeding 110 gallons upon their property. Referred to Fire Chief Welte.
James Botterini and Jessie Herbert made application ~or a soft drink license for
Tanforan Avenue location. ~eferred to the police co~:mission.
The Pacific Gas & !~lectric Company applied for permission to open a trench in the crossing
of Tamarack and Spruce Avenue. Permission granted, for the installation of a 2 .inch gas main.
Owing to the poor conAir'ion of the gas company's main in Baden Avenue between Maple
and Linden Avenues the company requested to abandon the same and install new mains in the side~
sidewalk areas. Permission granted.
Notice of a meeting of the Peninsula League of ~unioipalities for October 20th was receiv~
from Mayor buck, inviting all citynrepeesentatives. Mayor ~uinlan asked as many city officials
to attend as could afford the time,
Request was made by the Ho~ Pepper Jaz Orchestra of South San Francisco for permission
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on Saturday,October 15th,1932 from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight.
Permission granted.
A communication was received, from the Business Men's Association, through Secretary
J.Eallman, enclosing a resolution deprecating the action of Attorney A.J. Scampini in
presenting a petition signed by 95 residents of South San Francisco requesting the city council
to revoke the dog license of the Baden Kennel Club. The resolution further accused Mr. Scampini
of making insulting an~ vindictlmeremerks about t~-~e city councilmen. The resolution commended
t!?e Cit>~ 0ouuctlmen for their actio'n in refusing the request of the petitioners,ahA ordered the re~
In connection with the receipt of the Businessm,-n's Association let%er comme~ing the city
councilman, with its accompanying resolution, thirty~seven other letters were rec~ved, asking
the city council to withdraw their names from the petition of 95 which asked for~ the revocation
of the dog license, stating the~ had been misrepre~ented or misinforme~ regara, ing the contents
of the same,
A comm. unication was next received from Thoma~ E.Hicke~ Post,~E860, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, commending the action, of the City Council in ex~ending the license of the Baden Kennel CI~
on the gronr~d, that the track gave a great amount of work to the veterans, and that its continua
ncc would give labor and more business for the city's businessmen the coming winter.Fred Brown
Senior ¥ice;Com3nander of the post was delegated to co~nunicate the sentiment of the Veterans
to the city. The city council thanked the Veterans for their consideration and sentiments and
the communication ordere~ placed om file.
Another petition signed by 1~79 names of residents of the City of ~outh san Francisco
appealed to ~he Baden ~ennel~Cjub to continue its ~peration of the meeting as long as permissible,
and requested the city counc~i of the City of South San Francisco to join with ~he wishes of
the ~etitlonems to keep ~'~ so many persons at work and for the sake of relief organitIcns
for the coming winter. Councilman Lloyd moved the petition be accepted and placed on file.
The motion was seconded, b~ councilman Minucciani and carried by the unanimous vote of all the mem~
of the city council.
Attorney A.J. Scampini requested to know what consideration the council intended t6 give
the'petition of 9S persons who signed to have the dog race track closed.
I~r. Spindler arose and spoke in favor of the race track running, the benefit i~
brought the city in the way of employment to 174 persons and the increased business to 5he
merchants. He stated no one was asked to do any bett~.ug, and did not need to. His remarks
were complimented by l'Yayor Quinlan. Attorney Scampini protested that the betting was illegal.
After considerable further discussion, Mr. Scampini still protesting, Mayor Qul~lan informed
him the city v~ould take no action on his petition and requested him to take his seat.
Councilman Lloyd then moved to deny the petition to revoke the license of th~ Baden
Kennel Club. The motion was seconded by coun~ilman I'Yinucciani and carried by the unanimous
vote of a ~
1,_ the members of the council.
The application of Luigi Fregosi to open a grocery store on California Avenu~
at no 5~.~ ~as denied, the location being outside of the business zone.
In the matter of the ~roposed extension of Randolph Avenue Mayor Quinlan requested
Bob Elasson to con-mence proceedings at once.
City attorney Coleberd addressed the audience on the proposed $S50,000 bond issue, .
stating it would be of great benefit to the unemployed, increase the tax to a very slight ?
degree and bring much needed prosperity to our county.
Mayor Cuinlan then announce a meeting of the townspeople to be held Monday evening
October 24 for the benefit of the nsw propos~d charter.
A resolution in respect to the memory of our deceased member of ~he ~treet
Department, the late Dominico Zampatti, was introduced bY Councilman Lloyd. The resolution
~was adopted by the unanimous vote of all th~ city councilmen,to-wit;-
~ Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, H.Lloyd, M.~inucciani, H.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Cuinlan.
goes Councilmen ~one, Absent, Councilmen,gone. Attest Daniel }~cSweeney.
~ecorded in Book of ReSolutions, ¥ol.2, at page,S84. City~Clerk
Clima in the amount of $540.04 were next pr,-~sented to the council for payment;-
Westinghouse ']lectric Supply co.
~campini & Zanetti
San ~ateo Co.tiile co.,
F. E. Mur ray
Jennings & Co.
Patrick Moi se Klinkner
Charlie Bollazzi
Old Reliance Garage
Eutual Engineering co
park lamps ~177.54
ga.sollne, otc $ 1~.71
" " $ S9.06
" "$ 76.78
dail~ reports $ 1.50
rental of comptometer $ 6.~5
ink ,pens otc ~ E.70
rate stamp,19~ $ ~$.49
prune shaer $ 4.10
rep sprinkler $ 2.25
rep fire truck alves $ ~.75
Elmer's Floral ~hop R.Plant~ampatti Floral Peice
The claims having been audited by:.the finance Comxnittee, Councilman Tibbet~s
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded b~/ councilman ~inucelani and regularly
to Nov. ?,1952,?; 50]
There being no further business councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn. The motion
was seconded by coumotlman Tlbbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9.05 o'clock p.m.
South San Francisco.
Respectfully submitted,