HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-12-05REGULAR }?~EETINC OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCI~C0, HE~LD I~0~DAY, DFD~I~B~:,R~, 19~2. The regular meeting of the cit~,/ council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~,~onday evening~ December 5th,1932. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Nayor Joseph P.Cuiulan. ROLL CALL. ' ~ ~' ' · '~Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R,Lloyd, 1,i.Einucciani,l~.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A conm~unication was received from the League of California L~unicipalities requestint t~e City of 2, outh San Francisco to adopt a resolution favoring the return of part of the SZate tax on gasoline to the municipalities, etc. Request taken under advisement., and will be acted at the next meetin~i of the city council. Peter Lind made application for a refund of personal property taxes in the amount of O15.20, stating he had no business at pr,~sent and h~s original personal property was destroy ed aud abandoned. The council took the matt,ir under consideration and will investigate. ~ ~1~. 71, claimin ocampini and Zanetti applied for a duplicate check in the amount of they had not received the original. %~he clark was instructed to issue another check after noti lng both banks to stop pa$~ment on the original. A communication was received from the Yorthside Taxpayers' Protective As~ociation o ~outh San ?rancisco requesting partial improvement of the Lartin Primary School ~ark, in levelin~ and grading for recreational purpo~es for the children of the district. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. }i!ayo?' O, uinlan stated he he the subject under considerati and had consulted -~ngineer ~laosen regarain~~ it Laj~or Quinlan received an invitation to attend a dinner of the Peninsula League of l~tmicipalities, '.!;an Lares, December 8th, at which sewage disposal would be the important topic -ecaid he expect~d to attend,as the matte~" is a problem of the greatest i=portance to the Peninsula. TDe city council will attend,ac~-ompanied by the cit~,' engineer and the city attorney Healtk Officer Jas.).~'ct ills subr:~itted a statement of the State iL~!ureau of Sanitary Inspections, sayiz~g the~/ Lad complaints of .onditions at the city garbage dump, that the dun~p ~'as i~] a deplorable condition, scattered ox'er a wide areaand waste material entering: the bay, and requesting the city to do something to remedy the this state of affairs . Councilman Lloyd moved that the city council meet in a body and inspect the premises and agree upon a plan of procedure to abate the nuisance. '~:he motiou u~as seconded by councilman 5~linucciani and regularl carried. Health Officer James I, cL~lls will work in conjunction with the council. A co~Eunication ~,:~as received from I~.E.i{eady, engineer of Oakland, California, off~,r his services to the city in case the cit~ c~ntemplates the acquiring of its own public utiliti The communication was accepted a~d placed on file. Applications for licenses or p~rn~its to sell beers,wines and liquors in the City-of South San Francisco, were received from Lawrence Vincenzini,Thomas D,Corradetti,Frank Vincinzi Ruses,Ruses & Silvestri,L.Battucchi, John Eaoopi, Cregoria Antonano. The applications were or ordered placed on file. Giovanni Guistetti ap~plied for a refund of taxes paid on his property, in the sum. of $12.16. On motion by councilman }.~inucciani, seconded by councilman Bolds the request was f'ranted. A resolution accepting a deed fo? a right of way in Peck's Lots westerly from the west end of Randolp Avenue to open a road to the Ifartin School District, connecting with the Hillside Boulevard, was introduced by coun~:ilman Tibbetts and adopted by the vote of all t members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilman, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, !~.~finucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ?.fuinlan. I~o es, C ounc ilmen, 1,Ions, Ab sent ,Counc ilmen ,~one. Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of l{esolutions The monthly reports of the Chie£ of Police, City Judge, City Treasurer,Fire Chief, Health Officer,Building Inspector and Oity Ol~,~rk for the month ending llovember Z0th,195E were submitted and accepted by the council, and ~,he officers were thanked by !~ayor Cuinlan for thel prompt attention to their duties. After a recess of five minutes,Counci~lmen },~inu~cianimBoido.L1 Cuinlan,Tibbetts answered)Claims in the amount of ~,149.~6 were next presented to the council for payment; the roll call'. Adolph Buehler Dudley Perkins Scampinl & Zanetti Black & White Station ~. Belli & Co. Superior Steam Laundry F. ~. Iautz~ Pierce Bros. Western Acturial Bureau Lakeview ~ress Robins on Durggist A. J. Pacheco The i~ub Black & White Service Std. F. J. Lautze Black & White " " Rob ins on D~ggist S~n ~ateo Co. Title Co. J. Welch California Water Service l~acific Tole. & Tole. Co. Sweeping s%reets 1 - 19S3 motorcycle gas - " "- oil police Dept. repairs -Buick wash ~1 and ~ 2 houses repairs Ford roadster 6 rolls bandages - fire dept. 1 book fire protection 1 copy Industrial Fire Hazards Supplies - fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Nov. 6 to~ls - fire dept gas -' fire dept repairs Ford dump truck gas - street dept. adding machine paper reports Nov. removing dogs and cats Nov. hydr~.nt rental Nov. fountain and fire house Nov. ,, ,, '~ July Phone ~1170 Dec. " ~407 " $100.00 290.00 4.76 64 33. O0 11.22 1.10 2.75 1 · O0 4.80 22.79 20.O0 2.94 9.91 25.75 49.14 .~0 1.50 21.50 450.00 ~ 4.70 6.19 4.10 4.78 ~, :,.r ,:',~Roll call: found all members o_I' the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ~.Boido,R.Lloyd, Id.Yinucciani,P,.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previou~,~ meeting were read. There being no errors or omissio~ they were approved as read. A conm~unication was received £rom the League of Cal~:fornia Yuntcipalities reque~ t~e City of tenth San Francisco to adopt a resolution favoring the return of part of the tax on gasoli~e to the municipalities, etc. Request taken under advisement., and will be a~ at the next ~eeting of the city council. Peter Lind made application for ~ refund of p~rson~l property taxes in th~ amou~ ~_~-~,20, stating he ha& no business at pr~sent and h~s original personal property was des1 ed a~d abandoned. The council took tl'~e matt,::~r under consideration and will investigate. ~.l~.~l, cla~ ~.campini and Zanetti applied for a duplic~te check t~ey had not received the original. The clark was instructed to issue another check after i~g both banks to stop payment on the original. A comr~unication was received fr:~:; the Yorthside Taxpayers' Protective Associati¢ South San .?rancisco requesting partial improvement of the Lartin Primary ~chool ~ark, in leveling and grading Tot recreational purposes for the children of the district. Com~unica~ accepted ~,nd ormered placed on file. ~:ayoT' quinlan stated he he the subject under considez and had consulted ~ngineer ~:lassen regarain~, it. Layor Quinlan received a,n invitation to attend a dinner of the Peninsula League un~c~pal~ties, :~an Lateo, i)ecember 8th, at which sewage disposal would be the important to -e ~aid ke expect~:d to attend,as the ~:~atter is a problem of the greatest in~portance to the Penir~sula. The cit~- council will attend,ac~.o~,~panied by the cit~' engineer and the cit~ attor Health Officer Jas. 0.~'c] ~lls suh~itted a state~:~e~t of the State i~!ureau of Sanita Inspections, saying riley Lad complaints of .onditions at the cit2 garbage dump, that the du ~as i~ a deplorable condition, scattered o~'er a wide areaand waste material enteri~g: the b and requesting the city to do something to remedy the this state of affairs . Councilman moved that the city council meet in a body and inspect the premises and agree upon a plan o procedure to abate the nuisance. ~he motion ~,',~as seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regul carried. Health Officer James Y, cEills will work in conjunction with the council. A con~unication was received from l:.E.tieady, engineer of Oakland, California, of his services to the city in case the city c:~ntemplates the acquiring of its own public uttl The communication was accepted and placed on file. Applications for licenses or p~-rn~its to sell beers,wines and liquors in the city South San Francisco, were received from Lawrence Vincenzint,Thomas D,Corradetti,Frank Vinci: Russo,Russo & Silvestri,L.Battucchi, John ]Iaoopi, Cregoria Antonano. The applications were ordered placed or~ file. Giovanni Guistetti applied for a refund of taxes paid on his property, in the of $1~.16. 0n ~ot~on by councilman F, inucciani, seconded by councilman Boido the reGuest was ~'ranted. k resolution accepting a deed Tot a right of way iu Pack's Lots westerly from_ th~ west end of Randolp Avenue to open a road to the L:artin School District, connecting with th< Hillside Boulevard, was introduced by coun~ilman Tibbetts and adopted by the vote of al: members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilman, V.Boido,R.Lloya, !!.Yinucciani,R,Tibbetts,Joseph P.~uinlan. I~oes, Counc ilmen ,}Tone ,Absent ,Councilmen ,~one. Attest, Daniel YcSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vel. E, at page The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, City Treasurer,Fire Chie~ Health Officer,Building Inspector and i}it~: O!~.~rk for the month ending l~ovember 30th,19~2 we~ submitted and accepted by the council, and the officers were thanked by !'ayor ~uinlan for t~ prompt attention to their dutieS.After a recess of five minutes,Councilmen Yinu~cianimBoido, Cuinlan Tibbetts answered)Claims in the amount of '~= , w~,149.~6 were next presented to the council for paymen~ i i the roll calL. Adolph Buehler Dudley Perkins $campini & Zanetti Black & White ~tation M. Belli & Co. Superior ~team Laundry ~..~. Iautz~ Pierce Bros. Western Acturial Bureau Lakeview 2ross Robins on Durggist A. J. Pacheco The Hub Black & White ~ervice Sta. F. J. Lautze BPack & White " " Robins on D~ggi~t ~an Marco Co. Title Co. J. Welch California Water Service l~acific ~ele. & Tole. Co. Tony Detomasi Bank of America Swseping streets 1 - 19Z~ motorcycle ga8 - " "- oil police Dept. repairs -Buick wash ~1 and ~ 2 house~ repairs Ford roadster 6 rolls bandages o fire dept. 1 bock fire ~rotection 1 copy Industrial Fire Hazards ~upplies - fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Nov. 6 to~als - fire dept gas - fire de~t repairs Ford dump truck gas - street dept. adding machine paper reports Now, removing~ dogs and cats Nov. hydr~.,nt rental Nov. fountain and fire houee Nov. , ,, July Phone ~ll?O Dec. " :~407 " 1 day poisoning rats claim of A. Johnson Hanging flags $100.00 290.00 4.76 64.55 33.00 11.22 1.10 2.?5 1.00 4.80 2£. 79 20.00 2.94 9.91 25.?5 49.14 .SO 1.~0 21.§0 450. O0 ~ 4.70 6.19 4.10 4.78 4.00 12,00 98 The Enterpr i~e G. Cuistetto California Water Service Hallawell Seed Co. Geo. Knees e Frank Giffra & 2OhS Chas. Lema P. G. & E. Street lig~%l 1~. J. Lautze ScamDini~ & Zanetti ~treet lights July. " Aug. " Sep. Misc. service July " Au~. " Sep. " Oct, Notice to taxpayers refund account taxes, ]~ots 1 & 2 Block 136 Service Ball park Nov. 1000 tulip bulbs & seed a/c unemployment relief supplies street & fire cleaning Jail Nov. 0ct. 1932 payment Ford truck in lieu of check ~12782 (lost} fire dep, gas $9~9.27 760.12 783.46 11~. 81 100. ~5S 101.89 116.12 4.00 12.16 30.96 30.75 15.00 B. O0 '/35.88 52.92 12 .?1 Total .... $6,149.26 The claims having been audited by the finance comEtttee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman l~inucoiani and regularly carried. Mire chief bJelte, on question by L'ayor ~uinlan stated Gussone & Giffra had not yet submitted plans and specifications for a proposed ~asoline station building, ou ~an Bruno Road, therefore no pern~it to operate was issued. There being no furth.~r business before the council councilman Lloyd. moved to ~djourr_ until ;~,To~da~ ~veni~g, DeceH~b~r 19th,1932,at ?;50' o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boi and regularly carried. Ti~e of adjournment 9;0~ o'clock r of ~oouth ~an Francisco. Respectfully submitted,