HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1932-12-13SPuCI~L ~.~:ETIi~!C OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH SA~? FEAI~CISCO, HELD TUESDAY, DEC~BER 13 TH,1932. Pursuant to call, of which t~e following is a copy;- "The undersigned, n~embers of the ~it~7 Bouncil of the City of South San ?rancis~ hereby call a special meeting of said Cit~' Council to be held in the ~ouncil Chamber in the City Hall of said city on Tuesday, December 13,1932 at 9;~50 o'clock ~.1~. for the purpose of directing the ~osting a~d recording of a ~otice of non-responsibility for any labor or m~terJal used or to be used by C.H.Thomson under his lease with said City of South S~n Franol~ dated April 18,1932, and for consideratio~ of any and all such other business as ~ay regula~ co~e~'before said City Council, and we hereby waive notice of said special meeting and consent to the trausactio~ thereat of assy and'all b~siness which may regularly come before said meeting. Dated Dece~nber 13,19~2. Signed V.Boido, " R. Lloyd, " ~,~ .l~inuc ci ani, " R.Tibbetts, " Joseph P.Quinlan.",a special meett~g of the City Council of the City of South ~an Francisco was held i~ the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Tuesday n~_orni~g, December 1.~th,193~. The meeting was called to order Et 9;80 o'clock A.E. by Eayor Josmph ?.Quinlan. ROLL C~LL. ~Roll call found all the memb~r.s of th~ council present,to-wit;- Counciln~en,~'.Boido ,ti.r, loyd, E.l~inucciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The reading of the r~inutes o~~ the previous meeting was dispensed with. Councilman Lloyd i~troduced a resolution authorizing the fresident of the City Council and the Oity Clerk to execute and psst upon the land lease~ to G.H.Thomson for electric advertising purposes, a notice of Non-responsibility for any labor or~material used or that may be u§ed in the construc.tion of an electric sign on said leased property. The resolution was adopted b~ the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,~.~.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~#~.Einucciani,R,Tibbetts, ~Joseph ?.Quinla~ li~oes, Councilmen,i~one. Absent, Councilmen l~one, Attest ~aniel City Clerk. South San Francisco. There beir~g n6 further business the council adjourned on motion by Councilman Llo.~ seconded by Councilmau Einucciani and re,~ularly carried, to meet again Lo day evening Decemb~ 19th,1932, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted,