HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-01-16REOUIaIR I,,5]ETII~G OF TPJ{ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
J&lfUERY 16TH ,193S.
The regular moeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was
held in the City Hall Monday evening, January 16th,19~.
The meeting was called to order at V;Z0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan.
In the absence of the City Clerk Councilman Einucciani acted as clerk pro tem.
Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;-
Councilmen, ¥.Botdo,R.Lloyd, E.Einucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P~uinlan.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
John L.De Benedetti applied for permission to install a new floor and re-roof
his building at the North West Corner of C.~/press and Grand Avenues. iieferred to building
inspector Beat ty.
An application from Ptliberto Teanni, 213 E1 Cav_,ino Real, to sell light wines an~
beer in his place of business was roceived, and ordered placed on file.
Soft drink lic®nses were granted Filiberto Teanni, Mrs. Mar~ Gianni, John Jacopi,
and Frank !{odoni.
A petition signed by twenty, residents and property owners in the Town of Baden
was received, asking the city council to take some action in the matter of a 14" outlet that
is drawing wa+er from the South side of ~he E1 Camino Real near First Street, causing floods
the basementscof the residences and' store in the vicinity. The petition cites that the State
Highway Commission is responsible for ~this condition, and there should be something done to
prevent further damage. The matter was referred to Engineer Klausen with instructions to t~
the matter up with Colonel Skaggs.
The monthly reports of the Chief of ~olice and ~,unicopal Judge for the month endi~
January 31,1933, were received a~d accepted.
A1 Kauffmann acted permission to move the equipment of the South San Francisco
~-%thletic Club from. the l.~artin Hall to the Fraternal Hall. He was instructed there is no ordin~
against moving such equipmant He also a~ked to have the $5.00 fee charged for police protecti
reduced to ~jY.~0. :e was advi~ed to take t~: matter up with the police department.
Claims in the amount of $14~£.~1 were next presented to the council for payment
Nm.!:urray, labor foreman $
C~ms Lema cl.-~.a~rg jail, Dec
Louis Belloni, fee~ i--~g prisoners
Pac. Coast Asso. Fire Chiefs ~u~s,fire chief
2uperior Steam Laundry wa~L fire houses,l,2 ~'
Plimk's Service ~ta. gas fire dept, ~
A.J.Pacheco, cha}~ging lines fire,D
Bertucelli & t~annini supplies fire dept
Baker Hamilton & Pacific sho~'els,picks ~tc,W ~
:arion Petroff sweeeing streets, $
Old i~eliance Garage rep ~'o:d Truck
sup~ol'es,clerk's office~
3. O0
Jennings Pharmacy 9.35
Patrick I~ ise t[lin~.:ner,Co re~>air dater 60
San l{ateo Co. Title Co. daily reports 50
Pac. Oas& Electric Co, street lights Dec. $?35 88
" " " misc,~.llaneous service ~ll?.ll
Jack Welch ~ ~ '~ " ~ ~ .
rer:.o~g acc.,cats Dec.¥ gl 50
~o. City Lumber ~ Supply Co.,lu*~.ber dump cottageS109.15
Standard Oil Company 2nd hana ~.as pump
" " " city' ~aso!ine Dec
Westinghouse Electric Co lam~'.~ for decorations
?acifi~ Tel & Tel Co., ph~na service December
~atrick-l~iose-Elinkner Co xe;:icle licenses ~Dog~
Elmer's Floral ~hop Christmas wreaths
Rev. J.J. Delah ,u~y Add iu Fair Program
Galland Eercm~tzle Laundry to~"el service Dec.
John ?igone
Russel Stapler
The Enterprise Press
The Enterprise
clear, dug fountain 6 mo ~)
tax refund
:o~,.o,. Cloth signs
shrub s
reprinting r~mnicipal b
b cuds
30. O0
15. O0
$ 50. O0
UE.l~urray labor foreman ~ 32.00
The clai~s ha~ing'b~en audited by the finance cemmittee'conncilman Tibbetts moved
they be p&id. The motion was seconded by cm~ncilman Boido and regularly carried.
There beinF no further busin,,ss before the board councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn
until the next regular" meeting, Monday, February 6th,1933,at ~;30 o'clock p.m. The motion
was s,conded by councilman Minuccian] and regularly carried~
Time of adjournment 8;20 o'clock p.m.
i~pec t fully submitted, /