HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-02-20106
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco
was held in the city hall, I~onday evening, F~_bruary 20th,1933.
The meeting was called to order at ~;30 o'clock p.m.by ~fayor Joseph P.(~uinl~n.
Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, N.Ninucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.~uinlan.
The minutes of the previous meetir, g '~'ere read. There being no errors or omi-
ssions they were ,approved as read.
An Application was filed by Guiseppi ~ertuccelli for a license to cell wines,
beers and liquors when and if the ?ederal government permits the issuance of suc~ licenses.
The application was ordered placed on file.
An answer was received from. the ~Tovmlty Electric o gn Company stating-- the
property on which they wished to erect a sign is loca ted on the west side of the ,~an Bruno
Road immediately inside the city limits and adjoining the Crocker ~state. The clerk was in-
structed to write the company and request them to furnish a better description of the pro-
perty, and confer with Chief of Police Belloni ~s to the erection of the sign.
A communication was received from the City of Coronado requesting the City
Souti~ San Francisco to contac't' our assemblyman and senator and urge ':.thm~' pa'ssage of A~sembly
Sill ~166~, favoring the development of motor boat and yacht facilities along the ¢~ast and
waterways of California. The clerk was instrv, cted to w,,~tte ~-]er~tor Parkman and Assembly Deter
Peterson and request their support~in the matter aa rep~,esentatives of the ~ity of South
San Francis co.
~ernard ~cCaffrey Post 1~o. ~ ~,-e American Legion submitted a communication
requesting the City of South San Francisco to pass a resolution opposing the action of the
l~ational Eco.momy League in endeavoring to reduce the allowance of disabled war veterans.
City Attorne~ Coleberd was instructed to bring a resolution to this affect at the next meeting
of the council.
~kn invitation ~.,'as received fron~ i.ayor i~ossi of San Francisco inviting the City
authorities of South San Francisco to attend th~ grourd breaking for tlc Colden Gate Bridge
on Sunday, February E6th,at E;30 o'clock p.2~. The council voted to accept the invitation.
A statement was received from the Industrial Accident Cot:emission of California
showing a settlement m de with the Zampatti far",~l
..... y ~y allowing the sum of $4~96.17 for the
family, payable at the rate of '?jl?.S1 p~..r v~'~ ~k. The statement was ordered filed.
In a communicatio?~ the Universal Vmrater Q
.,ervzce agreed to cancel the balance due
them by' the City of South San Francisco for tthe installation of hydrants, and requested ~3r.
Enderlin to keep in touch with the city council on the subject.
The clerk was instructed to write the Research ?roducts Inc.. and again request
payment of their personal property tax of ~lS£.00.
City attorney Coleberd reported ~be State }~ighway Con~ission unwilling to do anything
in the matter of controlling the flood waters at Baden n~-ar First ~treet, and-recommended that
the city undertake the work.
~ a?
Referring to the broken sidewalk~· on ,~ *runo koad L~ayor Outnlan reported no
reply had yet been received from the superintendent of construction of the state Highway
C onm~.i ss ion.
Citizens A. Sani,?rank Robinson, and A.?.Arndt appeared before th~eUtmcil,
representing the Businessmans Association of South San Francisco and proteste~against the
cutting out of sb many lights on Grand Avenue. All councilmen replied individually, stating
all and any reductions made in the city'S expenditures were made in the interest of all tax-
payers of the city, and lessening the lightly? cost is one of the ways of reducing ~expenses~
cuts having beer made in all other departments.
Claims in the.sum 0~_~..~5~-~re next presented to the council for payment;-
~=n 57g~"~6'""(~-6] Title C o., d ~ily re-ports t. 50
Fred Brown
Enterprise Press
Dr. Doak
C has. Bollaz z i
John Carso,
'Bank of Italy
Gall and La_undry
Chamber of Commerce rep
dumping permits
medical ? trice to Serini
broom brush backer
Rem. dead dogs etc,~ov. Dec
safe depo[~t box
towel serx'ice January
',Vest Disinfecting Co case toilet
Pacific Cas & Electric Co. ]~i~c. Service Dec
" " " '~ight s, January
Pac. Tel ,.-~ Tel service January
" " " " Dec , January ,
California Water Servi~e Co " fire house
" " ", " Library Jan.
" " " " De c.
" " " Hydrari~ service Jan
450. O0
Jack Welch remov, dead do,~ ~_' ca~ Jan ~ 16.00
Standard Oil Co. ~ gasoline Jah~ ~103.30
State Compensation In~.. }kmd o~e on ~emium : ,~ 69.83
California Water S,'~rvice Co service hal~"i~k'c 1E;00
2.~,~inetti material for park ~ 9.65
Continued on next page;-
E. ~dle r
~/~,~. I/.urr ay ,, .
],~arion Petroff " sweeping ~'~treets
" " ga soline
S?Einetti rep; Jail basins
Burrough' s Ad. machine main~enance
Enterprise Press City Receipt Books
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.,~Back Heater Gas)
George A.~Y~neese unemployment ~-.ngineering
Bertuccelli & Yauntni spade handle
A.J.Welte expenses to convention
lmbor 1,~artin's School Park
~280 29
!0. O0
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Lloyd moved the~
be paid. The motion was seco~dea by councilmsm Boido and regularly carried.
There being no furthest business councilman Boido moved to adjourn to ~fonday eveni~
February E?th,19~,at ~;Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was ~econded by councilman Tihbetts an~
regularly carried.
Time of adjourn~ant, 8;~5 o'clock p.m.