HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-02-27REGUIARLY ADJOURIJED L~ETINC OF TI~E CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY 0F SOUTL S~ FR~CISC0,~LD }~0I~DAY, . ~:~'~ 27TH, 1933. A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of ~:~outh San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evenir~g, February 27th,1933. This meeting was called to order at 7;Y~ P.~,~. by ~[ayor Joseph P.Quinl~n. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the coureil present;to-wit;- Councilmen,V~Boido, R. Lloyd, ~.Einucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A com~unicatio~ was received fro~ George ~.Cadan, Prosident California League of I.~unicipalities, advising the city that for the best interests of California l~unicipat- ities the cities should go on record as against the diversion of Gasoline tax money to the ~tate General Fund, and support the measure Troposed by the League of California ~uni- cipalities,Assembly Bill No.1172, which would divert a percentage of the present gasolin~ tax to mu~icipalities. The clerk was instructed to write the league stating the city council is aMainst the diversion to the State general fu~d and in favor of Bill,ll~2, to procure a share of the gasoline tax for municipslities. BUTLER ROAD ILP_~OVE~NT. Councilman l~inucciani introduced a resolution for the improvement of Butler F, oad, eac~'~ property owner to pay the sum of $6£.~0 and ti~e city to s~tand a share of the cost also. The resolutionv:as adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~f.L~ir, ucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.¢'uinlan. NSes, Councilmen, Hone. Absent, Council~-~n , None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutoons, Vol. ,2, at Page No.397. ~ESOLUT!OI~ AWARDING COUTRACT. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resol~tion awarding to South City Lumber and Sup-fly Company a contract to i~oprove Butler ~oad according to specifications for the sum ,~3o3.611 Dollars and ~i~ty-one cents. The resolution was adopted by Three Hundred Fifty-Three (& ~ the unanimous vote of all the :~ember of the couz~c~l,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilm. en, V~.Boido, E.Lloyd, .~'~.~:'~ucciani, R.Ttbbetts, Joseph P.~uinlan. Noes, Councilmen, l~!one. Absent, Councilmen, i~one. Attest Daniel ~:c~weeney City Clerk. i(ecorded i~ Book of Resolutions, ¥oi.2, at page 398. i~ESOLUTI~i' :~ROVID!!'O FOR TI~ ]~IJ~RC~A.~' o-,, OF A C:-.~V:,0L~T AUTOL~OBILE FOR THE C ITU Oi~ ~OUT~[ SAIJ Ft~M~CISC0. A resolutio~, for the purchase of a Chevrolet automobile for the City of South ~an Francisco was introduced by councilman Zloyd. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the men, bets of the city coincil, to-v:it;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, E.Einucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ~.O~uinlan., Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilr~:en, None. Attest, Daniel EcSweeney Cit~ Clerk. ~eCorded in. Book of Resoluti,ns, Vol.2, at page 399. Uhe request of J.L.De ~enedetti for per~ i'~:sion to make repairs to his building, the i~orthwest corner of Grand and Cy)-,ress Av~nues, u~as taken up and the desired permission granted. Citizen Fred ~rov~ reported one light out in the 500 block, Grand Aven~e. Co~cilman Tibbetts stated he would attend to the ~mtter. Citizen Pete Lind appeared before the council and reminded them of the death ef games L.~cDonald, the first or second ~ale child born in South Sa~ Francisco, and requezted the conncil to send a floral piece and lower tbs ~fiag to half-mas~ as a to,~n of respect. Off-'motion'by councilman Lloyd the council ga~e Nr. Lind authority to order a ~10.00 flora]. ,- piece from the Vaccari Floral GoD, party. Claims in the amount of $135.08 were next presented to the co~cil for payment, A,...W~-lte, Convention expenses, ~10.00.Thomas :~"ur~'siture ~tor$,cotton pads ~,7.00,A.J.Oac.heco, Feb.maintenance,;~':~0.00,~ighwa~ Tran port,freight. ,~ ~.50,.D.:,~.R~tto,.ns. ~,onds ~-~.:;~arrell,~.0t~enfield $50.00.1~oise !flin~er Co.,pads. $4.85,C.Landucci, r~d_in~ flag, ~,(;.50.M.L.Haaker, Ins. poun~aster ~5.90. '~o. City L~ber ~ ~upply Co. Lumber rmt~=ials. ~37.23. 0n motion by councilman ~'inucciani seconded by councilman Tibbetts the~ claims were orde~ paid. There being no further business before the council con cilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until t~onday evening Narch 6th,19~3, at 7;30 o'clo::~:.p.m.~?he motion was seconded by CounciLman' ~$oido.and regularly carried. Time of adjourr,~t, l~y~r of ~outn San FranciscO. i~espec~lly ~t~d, . ROLL C ALL. Roll call found all men~_bers of the cour, cil present;to-wit;- Councilmen,V,Boido, R. Lloyd, ~.~.~.~inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previoue meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received from George k.Cadan, Prc~sident California League of l:unicipalities, advising the city that for tiie best interests of California ~'unicipat- ities the cities should go on record as against the diversion of Gasoline tax money to the ~tate General Fund, and support 'the measure proposed by the League of California ;,~uni- cipalities,Assembly Bill IIo.llTZ, which would divert a percentage of the present gaso!in~ tax to municipalities. The clerk was instructed to write the league stating the city council is aMainst the diversion to the State general fu~:~d and in favor of Bill,ll~., to procure ~ share of the gasoline tax for municipslltles. BUTLER ROAD Councilman ]Jinucciani introduced a resolution for the improvement of Butler Road, each property owner to pay the sum of ~6~.50 and ti~e city to s,tand a sha~e of the cost also· The resolution~:as adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;2 Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, l~.Kir, ucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Cutnlan. N~es, Councilmen, I~one. Absent, Councilr~en , None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutoons, ¥ol.S, at Page ~To.59~. '~{ESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution awarding to South City Lumber and Supply Company a contract to improve Butler Road according to specifications for the sum Three Hundred ?ifty-Three ($S~S.61) Dollars and Sixty-one cents. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the ~ember of the council,to-wit;- ~%yes, Councilmen, V~.Botdo, R.Lloyd, ~'.E~rucciani, R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Cuinlan. Noes, Councilmen, I~!one, Absent, Councilmen, l~one. Attest Daniel ~c~weeney City Clerk. ]~{ecorded in Book of Resolutions, ¥o1.~, at page 598. RESOLUTIOI' ~ROVIDI!~G FOR T!~ PURCHASE OF A C.~!EVi~0LET AUTOITOBILE FOR THE C IT%[ OF SOUTH SAI~ Ft{A~?CISCO. A resolutio?~ for the purchase of a Chevrolet automobile for the City of Mouth San Francisco was introduced by councilman ]~loyd. The resolution was' adopted, by the unanimous vote of all the men'bets of the city coincil, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, t¥~.Eiuucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ~.Cuinlan. ~ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Counc~!~en, None. Attest, Daniel EcSweenes? City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resoluti,ns, ¥o!.~, at page 599. The request of J.L.De ~enedetti for per~ission to make repairs to his building, the Eorthwes~ corner of Grand and Cy,'~ress Avenues~ ~;~as taken up and the desired permissior_ granted· Cittzer~, Fred Dro~,,~na reported one light out in the 500 block, Orand Avenl~e. Councilman Tibbetts stated he would attend to the ~tter. Citizen Pete Lind appeared before the council and reminded them of the death ~f Sames L.F. cDonald, the first or second male child born in South San ~'rancisco, and re. Guested the council to send a floral piece and lower the flag to half-mas~ as a token of respect. ~h~motion~by councilr~.au Lloyd the council ga~e }~r. Lind authority to order a %.~10.00 flora~ piece from the Yaccari I~loral Cor~-.,pany. Claims in the amount of ~1Z5.08 were next presented to the council for payment, A.J.Wnlte, Convention expenses, ~:$10. 00. Thomas :Urr__~.ture i'tore,cotton pads ~7.00,A.J.~acheco, .... ~' " 'ns !~onds :-~ :~:arrell,E 0t~enfield Feb.maintenance,~,~0.00,~ighwa~, Tran uort,freight,~-..50, D ~,~.Ratto, $50.00.~oise Klinkner Co. ,pads· ~4-.8~,C.Landucci, ~'~-r, din~: flag, ~.50.~.L.~aaker, Ins. ~oundmaster $5.~)8. l~o. City Lumber & Supply Co. Lumber n~ate;-ials. ~7.23. On motion by councilman ~,~inucciani seconded by councilman Tibbetts the~ claims were paid. There being no further business before t]-~e council con c~l~an Lloyd moved to adjourn until }~onday evening ~,~arch 6th,19?3, at 7;30 o'clo~:i:.m.m.?he motion was seconded by councilman' L~oido and regularly carried. Time of adjourn~,~t, Approved Sou~n ~an FranciscO.