HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-03-07REGULAR MEETII~G OF THE CITY COUI~;CIL 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAI~ Fit~tJCISC0,ttELD TU~SDAY. I~hLRCH ?TH,1933. The regular meeting of tt~Ae cit~' council of the City of South San Francisco wa~ hel in the city hall Tuesday evening,l.~arch ?th,1933. The meeting was called to order at ~;30 o'clock p.m, by Yayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all ~embers of th~: council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.l~inucciani,R.Ti~betts, Joseph P.~uinlan. The minutes of the previous m~eting v/ere read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. Conncilman Boido introduced a resolution ordering the purchase of =,~terial for the extension of the outfall sewer of the City of South San Francisco, and inviting sealed proposals, bids for the construction of the same, to be opened on the 27th day of l~arch,1933. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city c ounc il, t o-wi t; - Ayes, Councilmen,¥.Boido ,R.Llo~:d., 1T.~;!inucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.(uinlan. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l~cSweeney City Recorded in Book of Resolutlous,¥ot.2:,at page 400. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TP~LNSFER OF CITY WATEil PIPES TO CALIEOt~,~IA WATEE 2ERVICE C O~?AI~ Y. Councilman ¥.inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Of 2outh San Francisco authorizing the transfer of certain water" pipes connecting hydrants with water mains in the City of South San Francisco~to The California Water Service Company. The resolution was adopt~d by the unamimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,V;Boido, R.Lloyd, t:.~:~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Cuinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l[cSweeney -C~ty Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolution,~, Vol.2, at page 401. The monthly reports of the Police Chief,Fire Chief, Building Inspector,City Judge City Olerk for the month ending Pebruar~ 26th,1933 were submitted to the city council and acce witht, the thanks of Nayor C, uinlan for th, officers' promptness in attending to the reports. A card of thanks was received :~rom John t~cDonald,~'rs. Elizabeth Pitt and ~ms. ~ary Eschelbach for the city's expression of sy~'~'pathy ~'-~t the death of James I~cDonald. Claims in the amount of $21?6.85were next presented to the council for pa~nent;, Fred J.Lautze; 9th ~ayment on Ford Truck $52.05 Ric's Service 3tation Royal Supply Co. ~red J. Lautze ~obins~n Drug Superi or Laundry Dunham-Carrigan & Hayden 01d Reliance Garage Pacific Tele. & Tele Co. P. G. & E. P. G. & Eo California Water Service California Water Service League of Calif. Munici- pal i ti es San Marco Co. Title Co. J. Welch g. Cavassa Louis Be lloni Dudley Perkins Howard Buick Co. A. J. Pacheco Chas. Lima West Disinfecting Co. West Disinfecting Co. Arndt's Dept. ~tore The Enterprise The Enterpr ise California Water Service C~lifornia Water Ser¥tce Californi~ Water Service California Water Service California Water ~er~ice Hallawell Seed. Co. Victor Gianelli $. F. Bishop Co. N. Adler W. Murray R. Ferrari o G. Ferrario W. Murray Gas & oil police dept. Feb. 2 dry cells fire dept. repairs - fire dept. supplies fire dept. Wash ~1 and $2 houses 1 doz. street boorms repairs ford street ~ruck phone service Feb. Street lights Feb. Miscellaneous service Feb. Hydrant rental ~eb. fountain & fire house water ~eb. 19Z3 dues reports Feb. removing dogs & ca~$ ~eb, supplies police d,e~t. feeding prisoners~Jsn. ~eb, service motorcycle & repairs repair Buick police car repair & install street signal cleaning Jail Feb. I pail westolite & I doz. towb~8 and supplies for City Hall 4 doz towels safety add. run Feb. 14 1000 post cards & 2000 envelopes water - Library & City Hall Jul. " Baseball park - July '" Library - Sept. " Library Nov. . " ~eb · " Baseball Park & City Rail-Feb. 25~ Park lawn mixture 20 days trimming trees repair lawn mower 5 da2~ labor Martin Park 5 days labor drainage ditch 46 hours labor sewer 1st Lane 61 " " " ~'" labor Martin School 5 days carpenter work on sewer 26.29 .90 24.46 3. O0 9.1Z 11.00 12.20 52.50 618,33 162.48 450.00 60. O0 1.50 21.50 9 5.60 2.75 8.60 4.50 5.00 14.50 39.25 10.00 15.00 92.45 81.51 58.8? 30.16 18 · 72 4.50 12.00 6.25 80.00 4.00 20.00 20.00 23.00 30.50 20.00 36. O0 20.00 Councilmen, V.Boido,R.t,loyd, k'..Minucciani ,R. Til~betts, Joseph P.~uinlan. The minutes of the previous m~eting v~ere read. There being no errors or omission: they were approved as read. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution ordering the purchase of ~,~terial for the extension of the outfall sewer of the City of Soutii Ban Francisco, and inviting sealed proposals, bids for the construction of the same, to be opened on the 2?th day of Earch,1955~ The resolution was adopted by t,be unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,¥.Boido,R.Llo~, ~f.l~inucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.(uinlan. ~oes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmo.n',I~one. Attest Daniel ~,~cSweeney City C l~ rk. Recorded in Book of Reso!utio~:~-~,Vol.2~,at page 400. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIIfG TP~)~ ~-,R 0F CITY WATE~-: PIPES TO CALI?0i~TIA ~ -~ ~ ~ERVICE C 0I._, ~1 ~. Councilman Einucciani introduced a resolution of the City Of 2outh San Francisc~ authorizing the transfer of certain water' pipes connecting hydrants with water mains in the City of South San Francisco,to The California Water Service Company. The resolution was adopt~-~d by the unamimous vote of all the me~bers of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,V~Boldo, R.Lloyd, ;~.~:~inucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Cuinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel l?.cSweeney -City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolution~, Vol.2, at page 401. The monthly reports of the Police Chief,Fire Chief, Building Inspector,City Judge City 01~rk for the month ending February 2~th,195~ were submitted to the city council and ac~ withtthe thanks of l~ayor Quinlan for th. officers' promptness in attending to the reports. A card of thanks was received from John ~cDonald,Yrs. Elizabeth Pitt and ~ms. l~ary Eschelbach for the city's expression of sympathy at the death of James ~cDonald. Claims in the amount of $21?6.8~were next presented to the council for payment:- Fred J.Lautze; 9th ~ayment on ~ord Truck $52.0~ Ric's Service Station Gas & oil police dept. ~eb. Royal Supply Co. Fred J. Lautze ~obinson Drug Superi or Laundry Dunham-Carrigan & Hayden 01d Reliance Garage Pacific Tele. & Tele Co. P. G. & E. P. G. & E. California Water Service California Water Service League of Calif. Munici- palities San Mateo Co. Title Co. ~. Welch H. Cavassa Louis Be 11oni Dudley Perkins Howard Buick Co. A. J. Pacheco Chas. Lima West Disinfecting Co. West Disinfecting Co. Arndt's Dept. Store The Enterprise The Enterpr California Nater Service C~.lifornia Water Set,rice Californi~ ~ater Service California Water Servlce C~Yiforn~a Water SerVice Hallawell Seed. Co. Victor Gianell i $. F. Bishop Co. N. Adler W. Murray R. Ferrari o G. Ferrario W. Murray ~. A. Se]lick N · Adler Gerald Quinlan' 2 dry cells fire dept. repairs - fire dept. supplies fire dept. Wash ~1 and ~2 houses 1 doz. street boorms repairs ford street ~ruck phone service Feb. Street lights Feb. Miscellaneous service Feb. Hydrant rental ~eb. fountain & fire house water ~eb. 1933 dues reports Feb. removing dogs & ca~S Feb. supplies police feeding prisoners Jsn. Feb. service motorcycle & repairs repair Buick police car repair & install street signal cleaning Jail Feb. I pail westolite & i doz. mo:ps. towels and supplies for City Hall 4 doz towels safety add. run Feb. 14 1000 post cards & 2000 envelop, es water - Library & City Hall Jul. " Baseball park - July " Library - Sept. " Library Nov. - " Feb · " Baseball Park & City Rail-Feb. 255 Park lawn mixture 20 days trimming trees repair lawn mower 5 day~ labor Martin Park 5 days labor drainage ditch 46 hours labor ~ewer 1st Lane 61 " " " " labor Martin School 5 days carpenter Work on sewer labor at garbage d t~np planting trees 26.29 .90 24.46 3.00 9.1Z 11.00 12.20 52.50 618.33 162.48 450.00 5.00 60.00 1.50 21.50 9.35 5.60 2.75 8.60 4.50 5.00 14.50 39.25 10.00 15.00 92.45 81.51 58.8? 30.16 18.72 4.50 12.00 6.25 8O. 00 4.00 20.00 20.00 23.00 30.50 20.00 36.00 20.00 16.00 $2,176.85 110 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Einucciani and regularly carried. T~ere being no further business before the council councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next r~gular m~eting,~onday,~arch E0th,19Z3,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by counci ~man Botdo and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;05 o'clock P.~. ~ Respectfully submitted,