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,w3/GU LA R ~E~ T
~0I~I)AY, YJ~RCH 20TH,1933.
The regular meeting of the cit? c or~n<~il of the Cit~~ of South ~an 7rancisco was hel,
in the city hall ~onday evening,~,~arch ~0th,19,%3.
The meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m.. by }?ayor Josep~ ?.Quinlan.
i~oll call ?ound all members of ti~ council pr~,sent;to-wit;-
Councilmen,~.Boido, R.Lloyd, E.~inucciani.R.Tibbetts,Joseph ?.Quinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
the~ ¥~ere approved as r~ea~.
Jo~m Tacchi,~anager of the ?~outh ,-2~n francisco Athletic Club asked permission on
behalf on the club .to hold &ancss in l~artin Hall for a period of six months. The communicati~
~,~as ordered placed on file.
An a!~plication for a license' to sell-beswas received from Peter Baratteri. Applica'
ordered placed on file.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested p~rmission to open a trench in the s,
side of ~irst Lane between Linden & Spruce Av~nues, to replace a two inch gas main. i{eferred '
Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted.
Nayor quinlan received an acknowledgment from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company o
his letter of }~arch lst,confirming his conversation with Er. Larrab$~, and advising the city
theft th~ gas company is willing to arrange to cut in the twent~-ons ' electrollers on Grand Ay
the cost to be borne by the city. Accepted.
Replies from Assemblyman ?eterson and State Senator Parkman were received to the c
letters requesting them to use their best endeavors to-jdefea~- measures '~f(~ the diversion o'
the gas tax to the State ~eneral F~nd, and support measures for the diversion of a percentage
the State gas tax to municipalities. The replies stated they would give the measures earnest
and particular consideration. Accepted.
Erli Innocenti, ~ecretary of the 3ocieta Lombardi, requested permission to hold a
in }~raternal Hall, Satu~daf. evening, A.,ril 2Snd,19ZS,at 8 o'clock p.m. Permissio~ granted.
i'~ayor <uinlan received noti'~~ from_ the Junior Livestock and Baby ~eef Show,stating
tlc s}~ou~ ~,ould be held this year '~aste'~ 'eek, \~ril 10th,19~5 to April 13th,!9~, and requ es
the city's co-operation in ~the usual lib~'~ral manner. Councilman Tibbe~tts moved th% corr~munic
tion be accepted and the city assist iu co-operating ~ith the show as customary. The motion w~
seconded by councilm_au Z~inuccianl ~ns r~gularly carried.
Councilman ~,.:inucciani intro,'~c~d a ~l~solution accepting a deed from the ~ierra and
San Francisco Po~er Company for certain? rights of way to extend i{andolph A~e.to the Nartln Sc
The resolution was adopted b~; the unanimous vote off,ali_ the members of the city co
to-wit;- A~,es, Councilmen, ~f.Boido,R,~loyd, ¥.~!inuccianimR.Tibbetts, $oseph ~.Cuinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, C¢~-~cilmeu,~one. Att%st Daniel NcSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resoluti ,nc, Vol.2, at page 402.
Cour~cilman Tibbetts introduc~d, a resolution accepting a deed fro~ the ?~cific Cas
Electric Company for certain Ei~:bts of ?fay to extend Randolph Avenue to ~,artin School.
The resolution was adopted b~ the ~imous rote of all the members of the City Co
to-wit;- A~'es, Councilmen, ~.Boido, R.Lloyd, ¥..l~ir. ucci~ni,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ~.Qui~lan.
l:oes, Councilmen, None, kbs'~:~t, Co~cilmen,~'one. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney,
Cit~ C l~-rk.
Recorded in Bo~G.~ of Resolutions, ~ol.2, at page 403,
This being the night set for bids for furnishing the city a Chevrolet c~ for the
~ire Departm,':nt, O o~cilman l~inucciani ,.~ored that bid~ be opened. The motion was seconded
eo~cilman Tibbetts ~(i regularly carried. But one bid was received, that of ¥.Belli Co. Lt
.The bid offered to fur~is}~ t, e city with a 19~,3 Chevrolet Coupe for the s~ of
$706, and to allow the sum of ~140 for th, city's 1929 ford Eoadster. The bid being satisfac
to the council, cot~cilm~ Lloyd introduce~ a resolution awarding the contract to N.Belli
The resolution was adopted by the unaniD~ous %'otc of all the members of tke council,to-wit;-
dyes, Co~cilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~.ICinucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph p.(~uinlan.
l~oes, Co~cilmen,None.,~bsen~ , Councilmen,l~one. Attest Daniel }~cSween~y
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutt ~n~, Vol.2, at page 404,
On motion by Councilman Lloyd, s~conded by Co~cilmaD Boido and regularly carried,
A,E,~[auffmann was appointed Deputy Treasur%~r of the Cit~ of South S~ ~rancisco.
Yayor Quinlan called the attentio~ of the councilmen to the annual Easter }~t whi
the cit~ had b~en giving the past few ~'ears through the efforts of the late Mrs. Carrie E.
Winterhalter, and sugg~sted so~e per~:ons v ~lunteer to act as sponsors for the event, ~Jr. J.VL
Coleberd a~d ~r. Ray L, Spangler, President -nd Secretary' respectively of the South San Franci
Chamber of Commezce offered their serviette to the city for the ceca sion, and were accepted w
the thanks of the cit~ co~cilmen.
Claims in the amount of $6~1.18 were next presented for palm. t;-
Wm. l"~ur r ay
J.A. Setlick
~!. Adler
O. Quinlan
l~r ~. J.Ringue
~r e d J. Laut z ·
Am~rican Fire ~xt,Co., turnout pants
The ~eagrave Corp, spark plugs
?'.Oetroff sweeping streets
I~i..~dler labor garbage dumps
labor ~']artin School ~ark $20.00
carpenter work on se~er $36.00
labor garbage dumps 820.00'.
"Tlantin~] trees ~?~16.00
maZron services ? 5.00
rep. police car ?~ 9.65
$ 8.50
~)1£. EO
E.Pugnotti rep ax handle $ 1.00
Ceo A,l~_nees~, relief '.':ork surimi36,78
Elm, ers }~'loral Shop, ~'cDonald
wr e~-, th %?10.00
~tandard 0il Co ~s oil ~111,56
The ~nterp~ise cea!ed proposals27.50
Ingrain Print Co ~'a~rel ~inde~['~55~19
~.Belli Co ,dynamite ~ ,25
J.B.?ilki~gton acacia tree~t55.~5
J.A.fellick carpenter work 236.00
~otal 2671.18
· .h claims ha%'ing been audited b~~ the fina~e~; conmittee Councilma~n Boido mox'ed the2~ be paid. Th
r~otion was seconded b~ councilman lloyd arid re~ularl~ carried, 'L'here being no further busin
before the council councilman :~inucciani moved to adjourn until l~onda~ evening_ March 27th_~92
~ls tett er
Jo~m Tacch~.,l~anager of the South Man Francisco Athletic Club asked permission on
belzalf on the club .to hold dances in ~.iartin Hall for a period of six months. The communicati
was ordered placed on file.
,~u ayplication for a lioense lto sell-beewas received from Peter Baratteri. Applica
ordered placed on file.
The Pacific Gas & Electric Company requested p~rmission to open a trench in the s
side of I~irst Lane between Linden & Spruce Av,':nues, to replace a two inch gas main. i~eferred
Councilman Tibbetts and permission granted.
~ayor quinlan received an acknowledgment from the Pacific Cas & Electric Company o
his letter of ~arch lst,confirming his conversation with ~r. Larrabee, and advising the city
that th~, gas company is willing to arrange to cut in the twenty-one electrollers on Crand Ay
the cost to be borne by the city. Accepted.
Replies fro~ Assemblyman Peter~?.on and State Senator Parkman were received to the c
letters requesting them to use their best endeavors to "de£eat measures fog the diversion o
the gas tax to the State Ceneral F~nd, and support measUres for' the diversion of a percentage
the State gas tax to municipalities. The replies stated they would give the measures earnest
and particular consideration. Accepted.
Erli Innocenti, Secretary of the Societa Lombardi, requested pern~ission to hold a
in ?raternal Hall, ~aturday evening, A-,ril ~'2nd,1933,at 8 o'clock p.m. Permission granted.
i,:ayor duinlan received noti~;~ from the Junior Livestock and Baby ~]eef Show,stating
the s~mw would be held this year '~aste'~_~ u~eek, .!pril 10th,1933 to April 13th,1933, a~d requ es
the city's co-oparation in .the usual lib~ral manner. Councilman Tibbetts moved th~ communtc
tion be accepted and the city assist in co-operating with the show as customary. The n',otion w
seconded by councilman ~finucciani aha r~gularly carried.
Councilman ~,,,:inucclani intro,',uc~d a ~esolution accepting a deed from the Sierra and
San Francisco Power Company for certai~ rights of way to extend l{andolph A~e.to the Yartin Sc
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote off,all the members of the city co
to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Zloyd, M.EinuccianimR.Tibbetts, doseph ~.Cuinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,~one, Absent, Ccuucilmen,14one. Att~at Daniel ~cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recoeded in Book of Resoluti,ns, Vol,2, at page 402.
Councilman Tibbetts introduc~d a resolution accept'lng a deed from, the Pacific Cas
Electric Company for certain l~i }~ts of Way to extend Randolph Avenue to i, artin School.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the memb~:rs of the City Co
to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ~.Boido, R.Lloyd, ]d.Kinucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Qui~,lan.
Yoes, Councilmen, I~one, Absc~t, Co~,cilmen,Fone. Attest Daniel Z(cSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Bo',k of Resolutions:, Vol.2, at page 405.
This being the night set ?o~ bids for furr~ishing the city a Chevrolet car for the
?ire Departn~mt, Councilman ~finucciani ..~oved that bids be opened. The motion was seconded ~y
~ouncilman Tibbetts ant. regularly carried. But one bid was received, that of ~f. Belli Co. Lt
.The bid offered to fur~is~ t, e city with a 19Y~5 Chevrolet Coupe for the sum of
~705, and to allow the su~ of ~140 for the city's 1929 ?oral Roadster. The bid bei~g satisfac
to the council, councilmam Lloyd introduced a resolution awardi~g the contract to ~?.Belli Co.
The resolution was adopted by the umani~ous %'otc of all the members of th, e council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~'.;,finucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
l~oes, Councilmen,None.~bsen~ , Council~en,l~one. AtteSt Daniel ~/.,cSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resoluti ,ns, Vol,2, at page 404.
On motion by Councilman Lloyd, s~conded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried,
A,E.Eauffmann was appointed Deputy Treasur~r of the City of South San Francisco.
lfayor Quinlan called ~:he attention of the councilmen to the annual Easter }Tunt whi
the city had been giving the past few years through the efforts of the late ~rs. Carrie E.
Winterhalter, and sugg*sted so~.e per~ons v-~lunteer to act as spomsors for the event, Mr. J.W.
Coleberd a~d },;r. Ray L. Spangler, President -nd Secretary respectively of the South San Franci
Chamber of Commerce offered their service:~ to the city for the occa sion, and were accepted w
the thanks of ~he city councilmen.
Claims in the an'.ount of .~671.18 were next presented for paymemt;-
Wm. ~,,~lur r ay
J.A. Sellick
~! .Adler
C. Quinlan
l~rs. J.Ringue
mr ed J. Laut ze
American .?ire Ext,Co., turnout pants
The qeagrave Corp, spark plugs
?'.Oetroff swe epir,~ streets
I(.Adler labor garbase dumps
labor I~'!artin School -~ark 020.00
carpenter work o~~ se~-,,r $36.00
labor garbage dumps ~20.00
"planting trees ~16.00
ma~ron services '.-:11~ 5.00
rep.police car '~; 9.65
s. o
E.?ugnotti rep ax handle $ 1.00
O~eo A.~_~neese, relief ,.:'ork sur~136.~8
[~;lmers ?loral Shop. ~cDonald
wr~-th ~10. O0
~tauasrd 0il Co gas ,oil ~,111 ....6
The ::lnterprise eealed proposa~'~27.50
Ingrain Print Co Fa~rel
~'.Belli Co dynamite 5 ,25
J.B. ~ilki~gton acacia tree~55.~5
J.A.tellick carpenter work 2~6.00
' ~otal ~6~1.18
'?he claims ha~ir, g been audited by the finan~:e conmittee Councilman Boido r..o~'ed they be paid. Th
~_otion was seconded by councilman Lloyd a~d regularly carried. There being no further busin
before the coUZ~cil councilman :~inucciami moved to adjourr_, until l'onday evening, Earch 2Vth,193
at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion ~.~as sec ,nd~'o. by councilma~~, Tlbbetts and regularly carried.