HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-04-17REGULAR EEETING OF T:~.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE
YO~rDA¥, APRIL, 1 ?,
The regular meeting of~ the city council of the 0ity of South San Francisco was
held in the city hall Monday evening, April l?th,19~.
The meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.~ , b2 ,Uayor Joseph Vequinlan.
Roll call found all members o£ the council present,to-wit;-
C ouncilme n, V. Boido ,R.LloYd, M.Mlnucciani ,'-~. Tlbbet t s, Jo seph ?. Quinlan.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or
omissions the2 were approved as read.
A communication was receive~ from the Department of Public Health at Sacramento.
referring to the matter of rat-proofing buildings, and offering the available services of the
department to an2 municipality or community desiring assistance in drafting ordinances relatil~
to rat-proffing, i:,eferred to Building Inspector Beatty.
A communication was received from the League of California requesting a little
financial assistance in their endeavors to pass Bill NO, A.B.11?~, to secure a portion of the
gasoline tax revenue to municipalities. Th~. council voted the sum of ~0.00 for the purpose.
Application was made by the South San Francisco Fire Department for a permit
to hold a danes in Fraternal Hall ~&turda2 evenLng,Ea~ 6th,19B$, Permission granted.
An application for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturda~v evening,
April 29th,18~$ Until 1 o'l o'clock A.M. was received from the sooleta Operala Mutuo Soocorso,
The application was granted. The society requested that the $5.00 police pro~ection fee be
reduced from $5.00 to $2.50. Taken ~mder advisement.
The Baden Eennel Club mede application for a license to conduct their 193~
Grey-hound racing meet. On motion by councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried the license
was granted.
South San Francisco Grove l?l,~cient Order of Druids invited the city council J¢
in their parade and celebration on the occasion of their annual convention in this city. June
19 to £2,19B~. The council accepted the invitation.
A communication was received from the Business Men's Association of South San
Francisco, requesting the city council to charge a nominal fee to the Baden Kennel Club in
return for guarantees that as many persons as possible from South San Francisco be employed
on the race track, an~ as much business as possible given the the merchants of South San
Francisco. Communication accepted and placed on file.
A communication from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce was received,
favoring a moderate fee from the Baden Kennel Club for its 193~ Spring Meet,in return for
the employment of as many Or more men t;~an were employed last 2ear,pref~renoe to South Sam
Franciscans in giving employment and cooperation with the unemployment relief organization
of South San Francisco. Accepted and placed on file.
The South San Francisco Cro~e lTl,United Ancient Order of Druids requested the
loan of the city flags for their eonvention. June 19th,to RY. Granted.
Soft drink licenses were granted to South Clt$,~ Fruit Matket,A.Lazsari & Company,
Charles Bollazzl,Louis J.Poulis, Bertuccille & Nannini, Pete A.Dress, The application of
P.Magni for a soft drink license was denied on account of non-citizenship,
Referring to outside persons dumping garbage in the Garbage Dumping grounds of th~
'City of South San Francisco without pay, City Councilman Reese Lloyd proposed that an ordinanc~
be enacted requiring the city garbage collector to dump the garb, age outside the city limits.
Councilman Boido thought it better to raise the license fee to $900 to make the grounds self-
supporting, allowing the garbageman to ~ump garbage from other communities. Mayor Quinlan
requeste~ that the matter be taken unaer advisement until May let, when some conclusion would
be definitel~ reached.
Clerk ?,~cSweeney stated it was reported that'extra help was about to be employed
for revaluation purposes. He stated it was his duty as city assessor to perform this ~class of
work. Mayor Quinlan stated the city council would decide the matter in due time.
Claims in the amount of $975.63 were next presented for payment:
Service Garage
Dudley Perkins
Ric's Service ~tation
M. Belli & Co.
American Fire Equipment
Superior Steam Laundry
American Push Broom Co,
Marion Petroff
Union Oil Co. of Calif.
San Mateo Co. Title Co.
$o. City Lumber ~ Supply
Pac. Tele.& Tele. Co.
A. Johnson
ti. L. Haaker
Andrew Hynding
D. ~. i~atto
A. J. Sellick
Geo. A. Kneese
Chas. Bollazzi
A. Buehler
A. Johns on
road service motorcycle $ 1.00
w indsh~eld and maintenance 4.00
labor and material motorcycle 9.78
2~ grease for fire truck .50
Install red lights, siren, etc
Fire Chief's car
24 hydrsm t caps & 12 length chain
Wash ~1 and ~2 houses
sweeping streets
.46 ton asphalt
reports March
material for Butler Road
phone service
hanging flags stock show
Ins, prem. 1916 Seagrave
"Library, furniture, Tax
Collector's bond & Clerk Bond
Pres. City Hall
5 days carpenter work outfall
preparing descriptions Rando;~ph
Unemployment relief work
2 bottles ~lack leaf
labor painting zones
painting zones
5? .49
133 · 05
Roll call found all members of the council present,to-Wit;-
Councilmen, V. Boido ,E.Lloyd, M.Mlnucciaui ,E. Tlbbet t s, Joseph ~. Q~nl~.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read, There being no errors or
omissions the2 were approved as read.
A co~ication was receive~ from the Department of Public Health at ~acr~e,
referring to the ~tter of rat-proofing buildings, and offering the available services of
department to a~ m~icipalit2 or co~lt2 desiring asslst~ce In ~afttng ordin~ces rela
to rat-proffing. Heferred to Building Inspector Beatty.
A co~tcation was received from the League of California requesting a litt
fi~nelal assist~ce in their endeavors to pass Bill No, A.B.11~2, to secure a portion of t~
gasoline t~ revenue to m~leipaltties. That~ co~ctl voted the s~ of ~.00 for the purpose
Application was ~e by the South ~an Fr~oisoo Fire Department for a permit
to hold a ~nee in ~aternal H~I ~atur~2 eveni~.~[~ 6th,l~ZZ, Pe~ission gra~te~.
~ appll~tion for a permit to hol~ a ~ce In ~ater~l Hall Sat~ evenin,
April 2~th,183~ ~tll 1 o'I o'cloc~ A.M, was reoeive~ from the Soeleta 0persia Mutuo Soocor,
The appli~tion was gr~te~. The societ2 requeste~ that the $~.00 police protection fee be
re~uce~ from $~.00 to ~,50. T~en ~er a~viaement.
~e Baden [e~el Club ~e application for a llce~e to conduct their I~SZ
~rey-ho~ racing meet. ~ motion b2 oo~cllm~ Tlbbetts an~ reg~arl2 carrie~ the license
w.~s gr~te~.
South S~ Fr~oisco Crove 171,~cient Order of Druids invite~ the city co~ci[
in their parade an~ celebration on the occasion of their ~ual convention In this city, ~
19 to ['~,195Z. The co,oil accepte~ the invitation.
A co~leation was receive~ from the Business Men's Association of South San
Fr~cisco. requesting the city co~cil to c~rge a nomi~l fee to the Baden Ee~el Club in
return for guar~tees that as ~2 persons as possible from South 3~ Fr~oisco be employe~
on the race trac~, a~ as much business as possible given the the mercers of South S~
~anclsco. Co~l~tion accepte~ an~ place& on file.
A codification from, the South San Fr~oisco Chubsr of Co~erce was recelve~
favoring a moderate fee from the Baden Ee~el Club for its 195~ Spring Meet,in retu~ for
the emplo~ent of as m~ 0r more men t;:an were employe~ last 2e~,pref~rence to South S~
~r~olse~s in giving employm~t an~ oo~peration with the ~employment relief org~lzation
of South San ~eisoo. Aocepted'~d placed on file.
The South S~ ~eisco Cro~e 171,United ~cient Order of Druids requested the
loan of ~he city ~ags for their eonvention, J~e 19th,to EY. Granted.
Soft ~i~ licenses were granted to South Clt~ Frul~ Matket,A.Lazzari & Compan~
Charles Bollazzl,Louis J.Poulis, Bertuccille & N~ini, Pete A.Dress, The application of
P.Magni for a soft ~i~ license was denied on accost of non-citizenship.
Referring to outside persons d~ping garage in the Garbage D~ping gro~ds of
City of South S~ Francisco without pay, City Oo~cl~ Reese ~o~d proposed that ~ ordin~
be enacted requiring the city garbage collector to d~p the garbage outside the city limits,
C o~cilman Boido tho~ht it better to raise the license fee to $~0 to ~ke the gro~de scl:
supporting, allowing the g~bagem~ to ~p garbage from other oo~lties. Mayor Qulnl~
requested that the ~tter be taken ~aer advisement ~-mtil May 1st, when some conclusion wo~
be definitel~:~ reache~,
Clerk ~.IcSweene2 stated it was reported that'extra help was about to be employe~
for revaluation p~poses. He stated it was his duty as city asses~or to perform this ~class ~
work. M~or Q~~ stated the city co~cll wo~d decide the ~tter in due time.
Claims in the ~o~t of $975.63 were next presented for pa~ent:
Service Garage
Dudley Perkins
Ric's Service Station
M. Belli & Co.
American Fire Equipment
Buperior Steam Laundry
American Push Broom Co,
Marion Petroff
Union 0il Co. of Calif.
San Mateo Co. Title Co.
So. City Lumber ~ Supply
Pac. Tele.& Tele. Co.
A. Johnson
E. L. Haaker
.~ndrew Hyndi ng
D. ~. Ratto
A. J. Sellick
Geo. A. Knaese
Chas. Bollazzi
A. Buehler
A. Johns on
road service motorcycle $ 1.00
w indsh~eld and maintenance 4.00
labor and material motorcycle 9.78
2~ grease for fire truck .50
Install red lights, siren, etc
Fire Chief's car
24 hydrant caps & 12 length chain
Wash ~1 and ~2 housew
sweeping streets
.46 ton asphalt
reports i~arch
material for ~utler Road
phone service
hanging flags stock show
Ins. prem. 1916 Seagrave
"Library, furniture, Tax
Collector's bond & Clerk Bond
Prem. City Hall
5 days carpenter work outfall
preparing descriptions Hando~ph
Unemployment relief work
2 bottles Black leaf
labor painting zones
painting zones
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tlbbetts
moved they be paid. The motion was eeoonde~ b2 councilman Mlnuooiani an~ regularly carried;
There being no further business before the council councilman LloYd moved to
a~journ until the next regular meeting,Monday,Ma2 lst,193~,at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The
motion was secon~e~ by councilman Bol~o a~ regularly carried.
Time of adjournment. 9;15 o'clock p.m.