HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-05-01 REGULAR MEETING OF THE 0ITY COUNCIL OF T~ 0ITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANOISO0, HELD MONDAY, NAY let ,19~S. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, May lst,19Z3. The meeting was called to order at. 7;30 o'clock p.m. by ?.~ayor Joseph P. Quinlam. ROI~ CAT,T., Roll dull found all ~embers of the council present, to-wit;- Coune~lmom, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd, M.Mlnucciani ,R. Tibbet t e, Joseph P.C.uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A re~solution_ adopted by the Nothern California Fire Chiefs Club at Santa Cruz, devising ways aha means zor the prevention of calamities at fires was submitted to the city council for their oonsiAeration. The resolution was accepted and placed on file. Mrs. Francis S.Garcia tendered her resignation as a member of the Library Board o South San Francisco. The resignation was accepted. A commu~tcation was received from Miss Rue Clifford, stating that Mrs. Garcia had resigned her position on the Library Board, and Mr. Potter elected President, and requested the city to send notice of the filling of the vacancy. The communication also state~ Mrs. 0arcia ha~ been appointed janitor of the library. Communication accepted and placed on file. Sllvio Nieri reported a light out in front of his place of business since April 25, and wished the same replaced. Building Inspector Beatty stated there was no ladder of the kind used in replacing lamps belonging to the city. He was instructed to procure one and have the lights replaced. An application for a soft drink license was received from G.A.Mertes, for the location ~17 E1 Camino Real. As Mr. Eertee was not a resident of the City of South San Francis the application was denie~. The monthly reports of the Gasoline Pump Tender, Building Inspector,Chief Of POli Fire Chief, Health Officer and City Clerk, for the month ending April ~Oth,19~3, were received and accepted with the thanks of Mayor Quinlan. In reference to the garbage situation City Attorney Coleberd stated he was in touch with the district attorney, who said the ~istrict garbage ma tter would be taken up in the courts of San Jose on the 15th,of June next, and asked for further time. Granted. The proposition to extend electroliers out Upper Gramd Avenue under proceedings No.74,and the date set for the hearing of protests were taken up and the date postponed until November 6th,19~3. Fireman Mairani remarked that the lights should be ~ept burning if the electrolie were installed,unlike Lower Grand Avenue. Mayor quinlan stated all possible was being done to keep down the city's expenses, and the program was to incur no more indebtedness than was absolutely necessary. Claims in the amount of $6,?94.18were next presented to the council for payment; Baden Cash store, brushes, otc ~i~ 4.15 Lolus Belloni feeding prisoners$ 3,$0 Ohas. L,ma, cleaning jail, Aprils 5.00 Acampini & Zanetti gas & oil mc.cycle ~ 16.40 A.J.Pacheco rep sig Linden & Gra$ 3.50 W.P.~uller Co, t'~-affic ~,~hite,Hed pt$ 44.00 Universal Tool & ;,~nufactur~ng rep pinch rog ?.~0 L~.Belli & Co., ~ "grts oil ~ 1.~0 S.Minetti re,:air urinal 3.00 Chas Elder paint emblem on fire choir's car $ 2.80 Highway Transport ~'ire dept freight ~: Fire Protection engineering co pumps,s~raps,et$ 18.40 A.J.Pacheco fide alarm maintenance ~ 20.00 Scampini & Zanetti bearing oil ,oct$ 3.~0 Marion Petroff 11 days sweeping errs $ 44.00 01d Relatable Garage rep Ford Truck, ~ $ 8.~B ~o.City Lumber ~ Supply Co., mlterials,outfall sewer ~936. ~6 Pacific Tel & Tel Co~ ~hones $ $.90 J.0.McMills April phone $ So.S.F.Bakery bread used poisioin& $ 1.~,6 rats Frank Robinson type ribbon, $ .9~ H.L. Haaker bond city treasurer ~185.50 J.Welch re~ cats,dog, ~ 1~.50 W.L. Hiokey And Son rep radiator ju~ge~ oar $ ~.25 q;JA~ellick oqrpenter v,'ork. ~ outfqll sewer $ 18.00 Calif Water Service Co hyCrant rent April ~450'00 " " " " fountain water" $ 3.60 J.B.Pllkington a 2 ~ol~en Irish Yew tre~ ?.00 H. V.Oarter Co garden couplings etc$,1£.88 ~o.S.F.Land & Imp Co., par~: payments 84820.00 Calif Water Service Co l~b.water April $ " " " ball park water " $ ~.0.17 Fre~ Lautze pyt on Ford truck $ 51.46 Total $$. 794.18 The claims havi~ been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tlbbetts move the2 be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Mtnucciani and regularly carried. There being no further busir, ess before the council councilman Lloyd moved to adjo until the next regular meeting, Monday, May 1Bth,1933. The mO~ion was seconded by councilman B and regularly carried. Time of a~journment, 8;45RespectfullyO' clock~ p.m.sub~, ,~, ~._~'/~~ ~; BOi~o ,R' ~.,1 oy d. M.NlnUco lami .R. Tlbbe t t s, ~o seph ~. C~uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omiss~ they were approved as read. A r~solutio~ ad~p~ed~ b2 the Nothern California Fire Chiefs Club at Santa Oru2 devising ways an. means zor ~ne prevention of calamities at fires was submitted to the cit] council for their conslAeration. The resolution was accepted and placed on file. 'Mrs. Francis S.Garcta tendered her resignation as a member of the Library Boa~ South San Francisco. The resignation was accepted. A comm,u~ication was received from Miss Rue Clifford, stating that Mrs. Garoia resigned her positi6n' on the Library Board. and Mr. Potter elected President, and requeste~ the city to send notice of the filling of the vacancy. The communication also stated Mrs. Garcia had been appointed Janitor of the library. Communication accepted and placed on fi] Silvio Nteri reported a light out in front of his place of business since Apr! 26, and wished the same replaced. Building Inspector Be.try Stated there was no ladder of t kind used in replacing lamps belonging to the city. He was instructed to procure one and hs the lights replaced. An application for a soft drink license was received from G.A.Mertes, for the location ~17 E1 Camino Real. As Mr. Eertes WaS not a resident of the City of South San ~ra~. the application was denied. The monthly reports of the Gasoline Pump Tender, Building Inspector,Chief Of P ~ire Chief, Health Officer and City Clerk, for the month ending April ~0th,193S, were recei and accepted with the thanks of Mayor Quinlan. In reference to the garbage situation City. Attorney Coleberd stated he was in touch with the district attorney, who said the district garbage ma tter would be taEen up in the courts of San Jose on the 15th,of June next, and asked for further time. Granted. The proposition to extend electrollers out Upper Gramd Avenue under proceeding No. 74,and the date set for the hearing of protests were taken up and the'date postponed unt November 6th,193S. Fireman Malt.nj remarked that the light, shoul~ be kept burning if the electro were installed,unlike Lower Grand Avenue. Mayor Quinlan stated all possible was being done keep down the city's expenses, and the program was to incur no more indebtedness than was absolutely necessary. Claims in the amount of $6,?94.18were next presented to the council for paymen Baden Cash store, Lolus Belloni Chas. LSma, Aoampini & Zanetti A.J.Pacheco W.P.Fuller Co, brushes, etc ~ 4.15 feeding prisoners$ cleaning jail, Aprils 5.00 gas & oil mc.cycle rep sig Linden & Gr.a~, ~.50 t:~'affic ~hite,Red pt$ 44.00 Universal Tool & Manufacturing rep pinch res ?.§0 ~,~.Belli & Co., § "grts oil ~ 1.50 S.Mtnetti red, air urinal ~.00 Chas Elder paint emblem on fire choir's car $ 2.50 Highway Transport ~ire dept freight ~ .~5 Fire Protection engineering co pumps,s~raps,et$ 18.40 A.J.Pacheco fiae alarm maintenance ~ 20.00 Scampini & Zanetti bearing oil ,eot~ ~.~0 Marion Petroff 11 days sweeping strs 44.00 Old Reliable Garage rep Ford Truck,. $ So.City Lumber a Supoly Co., m&terials,outfall sewer ~9~6.~6 Pacific Tel & Tel Co~ Phones $ 6.90 J.0.McMills April phone So.S.F.Bakery bread used poisioing $ 1.26 Frank Robinson H.L. Haaker J.Weloh W.L. HieEey And Son rats type ribbon, bond city treasurer rem cats,dogs rep radiator ju~ge~ car Q~JA~ellick cqrpenter ~ork. ~..~ outfqll sewer $ 18.00 Calif Water Service Co hyCrant rent April $4~0~00 " " " " fountain water" $ 5.60 i 185.50 1~.50 ~.E5 J.B.Pilkington a 2 ~ol~en Irish Yew tre~ ?.00 H. V.Carter Co garde~ couplings etc$,1£.88 3O.SeF. Land& Imp Co., par~: payments ~4820.00 Calif Water Service Co l~b.water April $ 1~5 " " " ball park water " $ ~0.1~ Fred Zautze pyt on Ford truck $ 51.46 Total The claims havln~ been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts mo they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business before the council councilman Lloyd moved to ad until the next regular meeting, Monday, May l~th,19SS. The mo~ion was seconded by councilm~u and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, APproved South San ~'rancisco. 8;45 ~o'clock p.m. ~ / Respectfully subm~, ~