HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-05-15118 ' REGULAR MEETING OP THE 0ITY C OUNOIL OF THE OITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCI?~0,NI~.LD, NONDAY,NAY Z'~th. 195~. The regular meeting of the city. council of the City of South San Pranoisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, May ~5,1933. The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROIL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councllmen;-V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from Hollis R.Thompson, Chairman Gasoline Tax Committee of the League of California Municipalities showing the result of the State Legislature's ways an&Means committee of the Assembly on the proposed distribution of gasoline tax money. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. Notice was received from Mayor Buck of Burltngame inviting the city council and city officials to attend the next meeting of the Mayors' and Councilmen's Association of Northern California. Ail councilmen and some of the city officers agreed to attend. The E&gles Drum Corps of South San Pranoisoo made application to hold a dance in Fraternal on Saturday evening, May 27,19~ from the hours of 9 PM,until E.A.M. Permission granted. Mr. Jesus Moya, Secretary of the Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans "Ctt~PULTEPEC",ZNC,, of South San Francisco requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,on Saturday eyeing June 10th,19~$, from 8 O'clock p.m. until 1 A.M. Permission granted. Mr. Chas Bollazzi, President of the South San Francisco Industrial City Band, requested permission to hold a dance in ~raternal Hall, Saturday evening, May £0th,19~$, from 8 p.m. until 1 A.M, Permission granted. 20 tickets enclosed in the oommunloation for purchase by the city for the dance were not accepted. N.r. WilliamM.Abbotte, ~eneral Counsel of the Market Street Railway Company of San F~anoisco, California, submitted a statement showing the. gross earnings cf his company for the period April 2lst,19BE to April 21~t,19~, to be $11,EA9.~6, and the amount due the city under franchises to be $2~A.99. The city council accepted the statement and re- quested the city clerk to so notify the railway company. The monthly reports( Judge Farrell and City Treasurer Ed Kauffmann for th~ month ending April ~Oth. 19~ were r~Ceived and accepted with the thanks of the Ma~or nd CO~u~ The mat~er of filling a vacancy of the Library Board was postpon§d t~l a Meeting. City Attorney C oleb~,rd stated the garbage situation ~as much the same as at the previous meeting, Councilman Lloyd suggested a resolution of ~ondolence be drawn up and forwarded to ~he f~mily of Emil Bohn of San Bruno who was kille~ in an accident recently, and City accordin 12 instructed to prepare the resolution. Attorney Coleberd was g Claims in the amount of~15~?. 84 were next presented to the board for pa2memt;- Dudley ~' erkins howard Buick Co. Superior Steam Lsundry knterprise Foundry 01d Heliance Garage ~iarion ~et off Shell ~il Co. Cook's 0il Co. John Corse gan ~ateo ~o. Title Co. 3eorge I(. .... oo~ Penins~ 31ue~r i~ter~ ~'. G. ~ ~. Pacific ~ole.~ ~ ,~, ''~ - Geo. A. ~eese Eugene Mil~mi ~d c, ~ l',h Bue hi e r ¥;._~'. Fuller Co. The Enterprise Zt~.ud,3rd 0il Co. maintenance motorcycle & repair repai? etc. - Buick wash ~, ~ ~d ~:£ house~ Apr. 4 wedges re.fairs Ford truck I] d,~y~ ~:eeping streets !10 gals stove oil ~'~ fue] oil reuoving dogs & g~rb~e ~ · re~orts A;ril 5 d~TM v~r~ on reappraisal bluerrints for Z~essier ~]sc. service Arril Street lights " ~n~,ineer~ng, etc. on unemw]ovn'ent " Les. of Int. ~7~ ~eo~ . of Int. ~i days ~sinti~:f City Hsll 4 days paint, hZ City T~int, s~h iools, brush':es ~ot~ce !o ta~syers 792 gals. ~as Ay~ril Tot,-,~ - _ 5.82 161.50 10 · 64 10 · O0 4.80 44. O0 3.19 1.25 1/~. O0 1.50 45.00 8.28 99 637.31 gg.00 100.00 !00.GO 28.80 Z8.54 O .00 102.96 ~]_ , 5c~7.84 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they ,be pai~. The motion was seconded by councilman Mtnucolani, and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board, Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting..Eonday,June ~th,1933, at ?;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. ~ Approved Time of adjournment 8;10 o'clock p.m. of South 8an Francisco.