HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-06-05REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL 0~ T':E CITY 01~ SOUTH SAN PRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, J~NE 5TH,19S$. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Franc&soo was held in the city hall Monday evening, June 5th,19~. The meeting was called to order at ?;SO o'clock p.m. by Mayor Joseph P,Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido ,R.Lloyd,M.Min~cciani ,R.Tlbbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were reade There being no errors or omissions ~hey were approved as read. A communication was received from H.A.Mason, Secretary of the Mayors' and Councilmen's Association of Northern California, enclosing a report of the Finance Committee of ~he Peninsula League of Municipalities. The finance committee of the league advised that the sum of $200 be raised for the expenses of the secretary for stationesy,postage,typing mimographing, etc,etc, and stated that each city might contribute something toward this expense. On motion by councilman Boido, ~econded by councilman Lloyd the sum of $10.00 was voted for the purpose, and the clerk instruc ~ed to write a check in favor of Mr. Mason for the amount. ~.A.Balopulos made applioatLon for the position of attendant at the garbage Dump. Application aooeptei and oraered placed on file. Miss Rue Clifford, Secretary of the Library Board sent a communication to the ooun¢ notifying them of the vacancy in the library board, and of two more to become vacant July 1,19~ Mayor ~.~quinlBn stated the positions would be filled at the next meeting of the city council. A communication was received from R. Earl Ruddy,Secretary-Manager of the League of Calif ornia Municipalities, showing that a ceetain percentage of the gasoline tax had been allotted by the State Legislature to municipalities. Accepted and placed on file. The State Druid's Convention Committee of the City of South Ban Francisco applied for a permit to hold'a five day festival here beginning June 18 and lasting till June Lude ~ancing every night from 8 p.m to la.m. a street parade with exercises afterward, etc. The committee also asked the council to provide better lighting facilities for the oscasion ~he opening exercises. Ail re~uests granted by the city council. A co.-ununicatlon was received from William M.Abbott enclosing a check in the sum of $224.99, being a percentage of gross rec~,ipts of the South San ~ranclsco Railroad & Power Com Accepted and placed on file. A petition was received fr;m the Merchants Association of South San Francisco requesting the city council to assist the merchants in endeavoring to have the various BuslneS es close at a certain hour in the evening and close all day Sundays and Holidays. They suggested that an orainance might be p~ssed regulating the matter. The city council agreed to meet the members of the businessmen's association at 8;30 o'clock P.H. Tuesday evening and go over the situation with them. The monthly reports of Chief of Police Bellonl,City Treasurer Kauffmann,Fire Chie~ Welte,Health Officer EcMills,City Clerk McSweeney and Gasoline Custodian Quertsima were recei~ and accepted, with the thanks of L.'ayor chinlan for their ~romptmess in attention to this duty, A resolution of the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Boid¢ endorsing the action of the San Mateo County Harbor Committee in the proposal to form a harbo~ district for San Mate0 County. The resolution urges the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo Cotu ~o pass suitable resolution placing the proposition before the voters of the county at the special election to be held on June 27,1933. The eesolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit; - Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido.R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.qulnla~. 1,'ocs Councilman,None, ~bsent Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene~ ' ' City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,¥ol.[',, at page 406. RESOLUTION (~F ~ONDOLENCE Councilman Minuocianl intrSduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco, ~xtendtng the sympathies of the people of South San Francisco to the family of Emil Bohm, 3f the City of San Bruno, who was killed in an accident in San Francisco. requesting a copy resolution be sent to the bereaved family and one to the City of San Bruno. The resolution ws adopted by the unanimous vote of ,all the members of the dity council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P,quinlan. Noes, ~ouncilman,None. Absent, Councilmen. None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Reosolutions,Vol.2,at page 405. ORDINANCE NO,161. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE VENDING AND DISPOSING OF BEER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FI~ANCISO0, was introduced by councilman Tibbetts,ha~ its first rea~ing and was laid over to come up before the council at the next meeting. Willie Minuccia~i appeared ~efore the council and requested that something be dc to procure a sewer in block No.?8 to serve a new building now being erectin~ ~ others may be erected in the ~t~e. The co~neil decided to appoint E~lneer ~a~.~en,Oit2 A~torne2 0oleberd and Inspector Beatt2 to go ever the gro~d ~d reoo~nd a pl~ to solve the proble Mr. M~ph2 of the M~ph2 Decorati~ Comp~ speared before ~he co.ell and asks pe~lssion to decorate the cit~: hall for the Druid's convention. He sai~ his price was $25.( The council granted permission. ~yor q~nl~, ~mder the head of new business s~ate~ It was ~oo late to is~e a procl~ation to request property o~ers and residents to clean up parking spaces,vacant lots m~h~wtaa ~idw u~ ~remises in which they live. He state~ the convention of D~l~s woul~ oonw f ~e minutes o~ the preTiov~ meet~n~ were rea~. There be~n~ no errors or ~hey were approTe~ as re~d. A co~i~tton was reoelTe~ ffrom H.A.~ason, Secretar~ of the ~ayore' ~d Co~cilmen'e Assoc~ation of Northern California, enclosing a report of the Finance Co~ittee :he Penins~a Lea~e of The finance co. tree of the lea~e advised that the s~ of $~00 be raised for expenses of the secretary for etationeey,poetage,typing mimographing, otc,otc, and stated the each city ml~t contribute something toward this expense. On motion by co~cil~ Boldo, ~econded by co~cll~ Lloyd the s~ of $10.00 was Toted for the purpose, ~d the clerk inert zed to write m check in fawor of Er. Eaeon for the ~o~t. ~.A.Balopulo8 made mppli~tl~on for the position of mtten~nt at the garbage ~ Appli~tion accepteA ~d oraered placed on file. Miss ~e Clifford, Secretary of the Libr~y B~r~ sent a co~lcation to the ecu notifying them of the Tac~cy in the library board, ~d of two more to become vacant July N~or (['quin~ stated the po~ttion8 would be filled at the next meeting of the city co.oil. A oo~loation was received from R.Earl Ruddy,Secretary-E~ager of the Lea~e of Calif ornia N~iolpalitiee, showing that a ceetain percentage of the gasoline t~ had been allotted by the State Legislature to municipalities. Accepted ~d placed on file. The State Druid's ConTention Co~ittee of the Ci~ of South S~ Francisco applied for m permit to hold a fits ~y festival here begt~t~ June 18 ~ lasting till ~e ~, to Lude ~ctng every night from 8 p.m to l~.m. a street ~rade with exercise~ afterward, etc. The oo~lttee also asked the co.oil to 9~oT~de better lighting facilities for the occasion :he opening exercises. All re~ueets grated by the city co.ell. A oom~i~tion was recei?ed from William ~.Abbott enclosi~ a check in the e~ o $~E4.99, being a percentage of gross receipts of the South San Francisco Railroad & Power Accepted ~d placed on file. A petition was received fr..~ the Merchants Association of South S~ ~eqtesttng the city co.oil to assist the meroh~te tn endeavoring to hate the T~rious busine ee close at a certain hour tn the evening and close all ~y S~days and Holidays. They suggested that an orain~ce might be p~eeed reg~attng the matter. The city co.oil agreed to meet the members of the businesemen'e association at 8;30 o'clock P.t~. Tues~y evening and go ewer th ~ltuation with them. The monthly reports of Chief of Police Belloni,City Trems~er Eauff~n,~ire Chis Welts.Health 0ffioer [cNills,Ctty Clerk NcSweeney ~d Gasoline Custodian Queri~ima were recei' and accepted, with the thane of L~ayor Quinl~ for their ~0romptmese in attention to thi~ duty A resolution of the City of South San Fr~cieeo was introduced by Co~oil~n endorsing the action of the San Narco County H~bor Co~ittee in the proposal to form a harbo district for S~ Nmteo Co~ty. The resolution ~ges the B~rd of Supervisors of San Narco Co~ ~o pass suitable resolution placing the proposition ~fore the woters of the cowry at the ~peolal election to be held on J~e ~7,1933. The eeeolution wme adopted by the ~lmous vote of all the members of the city c o~cil, to-wit; - ~e8. Co~ctlmn, V.Boido,E. Lloyd, N.Elnucclani R.Tibbett8, Joseph P.quinlB. l~oee, Co.climb,None, ~bsent, Co~cilmen.None. Attest D~lel NcSweene~ Cl~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resoluti.~ns,Vol.£, at page 408. RESOLUTIOE (}F mONDOLENCE Councilman Einucciani intrtduced a resolution of the City of South San ~rancisoo, ~xtending the sympathies of the people of South San Frinoieco to the family of Emil Bohm, ~f the City of San Bruno, who was killed in an accident in San ?rancisco) requesting a copy resolution be sent to the bereaved family and one to the City of San Bruno. The resolution wa~ adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Mtnucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P,quinlan. Noes, Douncilman,None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Reosolutions,Vol.2,at page 405. ORDINANCE NO. 161. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TME VENDING AND DISPOSING 01~ BEER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~ANC IBC0, wa8 introduced by oouncilman Tibbetts,had its first reading and was laid over to come up before the council at the next meeting. Willie Minuccia~i appeared lefore the council and requested that something be don to procure a sewer in block N0.78 to serve a new building now being ereotinA and other8 that may be erected in the future, The co~noil decided to appoint Engineer KlatSch,City Attorney Coleberd and Inspector Beatty to go ever the ground and recommend a plan to solve the problem Mr. Murphy of the Murphy Decorating Company appeared before the council and asked permission to decorate the city hall for the Druid's convention. He 8aid his price was $~5.00 The louncil granted permission. ~ Mayor Quinlan, ~mder the head of new business stated it was too late to issue a proclamation to request property owners and residents to olean up parking spaces,vacant lots ~ ~therwise tidy up premises in which they live. He stated the convention of Druids would conve~ in this city June 19 to ~E,inc. and requested ~11 citizes to help make the city look a s heal Dossl~le ]20 He stated unemployed persons might call at the various houses and ask for the work of cutting grass in the parking spaces or lots,thus procuring considerable labor forthemselves, as the city would~ not older the weeds cut this year,by the usual resolution procedure. Claims in the amount of $12S?.57 were nex~ submitted for payment;- Ric's Service Station 13 Gals Gas. Fire Dept. $ 2.60 A. d. Pacheco Ric's Service Station New Lincoln Market American Fire Equitment Co. Leon d'Artenay Frank Giffra and son Service Garage Superior Laundr2 Bertucelli & Nannini American Bitumuls Co. So. ~Jity Lumber & Supply Co Standard 0il ~o. Royal ~upp!y Co. Eugene i~i lani W. P. Fuller Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. California ~:ater 2ervice Co. California Water Service Co. San Mateo County Title Co. A. Carlisle Co. California Water Service Co. California Water Service Co. Louis Selloni Fred J Lautze Howard'Buick Co. Fred Brown J. Welch ~.Petroff Ch~r~es Le~a Patrick & ~oise Xltnkner Co. Fred Lautze ~. A. Mason A. Bonino Bank of South San Francisco Fire alarm naintensnce May 2 tire Jobs - fire dept. 2 brooms -~ doz. qts. fire extinguisher fluid water can rack fire det~t, 10 gals oil fire dept. Invoice ~Z775 Wash ~I and ~ houses ~ay clothespins and rope St.Dep. 282 gals bilumuls MateTi~ls Street & Fire Dep. ~aterial Street Dept. 20.00 1.00 1.50 6.00 2.25 2.00 1.00 11.73 2.65 21.15 4.64 10.03 Gas. and oil May 116.72 1-~- 5al. Alum Enamel 2.10 12 days painting City Hall 100.80 Oil, putty, tt~pentine, etc. 16.30 Phone service May, Phones ~1170 and hydrant service May fount & fire house May Reports May Supplies for reappraisal Library service May Baseball Park & City Hall service l~ay feeding prisoners May repair lights Buick labor & Material .Buick repairs to City Hall removing cats & dogs ~aym sweeping stz~eets to June keeping jail clean May I rubber stamp, for Judge Prin. & Interest Ford truck Stationery & supplies Secty. Mayor's a,Counc ilmen's Assn. of l~orthern Calif. blasting stumps Claim of A. Buehler paint- lng City Hall 48.85 7.55 451.33 4.92 ! .50 74.50 !5.7Z 29.90 2.20 1.90 7.60 2.00 19.00 66.00 5.00 1.96 51.17 10.00 ~. / o.oo. Total -$1,237.57 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilma~ Lloyd: mowed t~.ey be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carries. There being no further business before the council,councilman Mlnucciani moved to ad;cum until Monday evening,June 12th,lBSZ,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilnmn Botdo and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;.5 o'clock p,m. ~~r Of ~outh Ban ~rancisco.