HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-06-13REGULARLY ADJOURNED YE. ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD TUESDAY,JUNE was held A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco in the city hall Tuesday evening,June lSth.19SS. This meeting was called to order at ?;Z0 ofclock,p.m, by ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call fou.~d all members of the council present,to-~it;- Co~ncilmeD,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.Mtnuccisni, R.Tibbetts,Joseph P,Quinlan. T~e minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received~ from Carl B.~toner,chairman of the San Mateo County Harbor Committee, requesting the City of South San Francisco to use every effort in further- ing the proposition to form a Harbor District i~ ~n ~teo County, and offering to furnish a speaker if the City of~ South San Francisco would call a meeting of the citizena and taxpay- ers at any time before the 2?th of June,election day. After discussion it was decided to call a meeting in the city hall Friday evening,June 2Brd,at 8 o'clock P.N. The clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Stoner of the fact and ask that the Speaker attend. ORDINANCE N0. - An ordinance entitled "~; 0HDINDd;CE FORVI~ING FOE THE LICENSING FOR REVENUE AND REGULATION THE CARRYING ON OF V~IOUS LAWFUL BUSINESSES,PROFESSIONS,TRADE CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS, was introduced by councilman Mln~cciani, had its first reading and was laid over to come up the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. A resolution authorizing the ~it~ of South San Francisco to enter into an agree- ment with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to furnish electric current for the electr~lier system~of South San Francisco for a period of three years,was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts . The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,by the following vote;- Ayes ,C ounc ilmen, V. Boido ,R. Lloyd ,E. Eir~u¢ c iani ,R. Tibbet t s, Joseph P. Quinlan. Noe s, C ouncilmen,None, Absent ,C ouncilmen,None. Danlel ~cSweene~ City Clerk. Hecoeded in Book of Resolutions,vol.2,at page ~o?. A resolution of the City of South San Francisco authortztu~ the said city to enter into an agreement with the Pacific ~s and ~lectric to furnish gas for a perio~ of one year in the Grand Avenue Ptre House,in the cit~ ~all, was introduced by councilman Lloyd. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council, to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boid, R.Lloyd, ~.Minucci~ni,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.~uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,NONE,Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at pm,~ge ~08. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. in the matter of a sewer outlet for block ?8,~Inspector Beatty stated the L~nd company, had offered the easement for the same. Chief of the fire department Al.~elte was instructed by the council to take charge of the lighting of the city hall for the Druid's Convention. Cliams in the amount of ~122~,0S were next pr~ted to the council for payment. A.Bo~ino, blasting stumps $ $01,00 Be~n.: of ~outh i~* ::". k/3 Bushier check John :,ager gas & 0il " W.P.Fuller Co., paint l~ational Pure Water distilled water S.City Lbr. & Supply Co., lumber,ax handles A. Vandal Hartley Hardware Co Old Reliance Garage Pacific Gas & El. Company Dr. J. O.McMills Pac. Coas~ Bld'g Officials Conference Geo. N.Messier Pac. Gas& Electric Co., The Enterprise Press H.A'. Hyde Company .~ ~£.0~ ~:' ~5.59 5.91 .50 ~.00 windoe glass broken 2.85 fuse,powder,caps 1Z.lS rep,Ford Truck ? ~0 ~isc. Service ~119~61 streets lights,~y ~6~.~1 phone $ S.2~ dues to June,19~$ ~ 10.00 27 day,Reapprais~l ~tting wires ~ 1~.8~ ~ayor's letterheads$ ?.?~ SOO Begonir plants 8 ~0.00 Total SL~2A.0B Minucciant and regularly carried. Time of adJournmant, 9;10 o'clock p.m. Approved ~'r~, ~. of Sout~gan Fr~ctsco. The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business councilman Tlbbetts moved to adjourn until ~onday evening,June 19th,195S,at ?;S0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman