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Minutes 1933-08-07
i~EGULAR ~,~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0P SOUTH 2~ PEANCISC0,HELD ~0NDAY, AUGUST ?TH 19~. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was hal in the city hall ~,~onday evening, August 7th,1953. The meeting was called to or(~er at 7;30 o'clock,p.m, by },{a,vor Joseph P.Cuinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido ,R. Lloyd, },{. }~inuc ciani ,~. Tibbetts, Jo seph P. Cuinlan. The minutes of the i~wo:previous~meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The application of Willian~ Colber for a soldier's free license,having been laid ov until a medical certificate of his illness could be obtained, he presenteda certificate of ill health from Dr. John A.Crowe,San Francisco ,Ca _lif. Chief Louis Belloni was instructed to requi the applicant to secure a certificate from the Veteran's Bureau. Rudolph Petrocchi made applic~tion for the position of Fire Truck Driver in the svent of a vacancy, kpplica ti on ordered placed on file. A communication was received from A.W.Deuel,Treasurer of the San Mateo County ienovize Campaign Committee sta.ting the date of beginning ~he campaign had been extended to August 15th, and asked for the consideration of an appropriation of the sum of $90.00 to help finance the campaign. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. Pacific TEL & TEL~!~'~ .~ Company submitted a statement showing the sum of $?97.45 was due the city on its franchise under ordinance Nc. SS of this city,and enclosed a check for the amount. Accepted and placed on file A communication was received'from !::.A.Cunningham Jcting Secretary of the League of 0alifornia ~:~unicipalities, requesting the city to send. an exhibit to the Santa Cruz Convention in September. ~.~,ccepte~ and placed on file. On motioA regularly carried the beer licenses of ~,~.~ Firenze were canceled..0n':~ale beer licenses were granted to :2.D.~usK, 16 Tanforan 2venue, ~nd john G. ?artinelli,Del lonte ~estaur~,nt,S10 Gran~ Avenue, Off sale beer licenses were granted Charles 3ollazzi and Peter A.Dress. The monthly reports of Building Inspector,Beatty,Cheif of .Oolice Belloni, Judge Edward Farrell,Health Officer Ec~ills,Pire Chief Welte, City Treasure ~auffn~nn and City Clerk .~,fcSweeney for the month ending July Slst,19B5 were submitted and accepted with the thanks of :,{ayor Ouinlan for the promptness of the officers in attendi~]g to this duty. 0RDINA~ICE N0. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE O~ THE CITY 07 SOUTH ~LN ~AI,'CI~C0 P~0UIRING F00D, ?RUIT, t,~AT, DRY G00DS, CLOTHING, JE¥~'ELHY, HARD',~'ARE,SDONTINC G00DS, SHOE STORES AND ,SHOE RE°AIRII~C STORES Ai~D B~%i~BER SHOPS TO RE~fYI~; CL0~ED DLRI!~G CERTAN~ H0~S", was introduced by councilman Einucciani, had its first reading and was laid over t( come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the City Oouncil. 0RDINA}~CE NO. L An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDINYNCE 0P TPD] CIYY OF SOUTH S~ F!~NCI,°~0 PROHIBITINC THE OPERATION ~%ND CONDUCT OF FOOD STOHES, ~,~EAT ~.~t~fETS, DRY GOODS STOR~ ~LOTHII~G STOKES, VEGETABLE STORES, SHOE STORES, H~RDWARE STORES, OR STORES IN WHIG SHOE REPAIF!NG IS DONE, WITHIN SAID CITY ON AJ,~Y SUNDAY OR OTHER LEGAL HOLIDAY", was introduced by councilman Tibbetts,had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. On suggestion of the city clerk City attorney Coleberd was instructe~ to draw up az amen~,ent to the city assessment ordinance,No. Yl, changeing the the delinquent penalties from ten and five and .five per cent to 8 and three and three per cent. On motion by Councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Boido the clerk was instructed o pay the balance due the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company for the city parks 4000 principal and $52.?8 interest~ and to secure deeds for the four parcels of land. Claims in the amount of $6,90~.t0 were next presented to the council for payment;- Fred J. Lautze 14th pyt,?ord Truck $ 50.60 S0.S.P.Land & Imp. Company final payment parks ~0§2.78 Fred Brown repairing roof $ 2.25 ~rion Petroff S,E.Co. Title Co., ~estinghouse Electric Co Wacific Cas & El. company Westinghouse Elec.Co Jack Welck Howard Buick Co ~eneral Ml~otric Co . Louis Belloni A.J,Pacheco labor sweeping street ~$.00 real estate transfers 1.~0 finals & Bands ~ 1~.8~ disconnectinF lights$ ~2.~0 connecting l~ghts ~! ~2.~0 misc. lights ~,~109.18 luminair~s & canopy ~ ~0.90 removing dogs,cat~ ~ 28.~0 adjusting brakes J 8.~0 c~ntact block assembly 5.80 pol Buick ~ail lights 8.?6 maintenance Fire alarm20.00 Standard Oil Co., " " check-rep s~r.signal$ 9.00 Service Garage,m~chine shop,motor cycle S 1.00 Sierra Equip. Corp'n, Hep traffic bell $ 5.80 Qha~ L~ma,clea~in~ jail Ju,ly~ ~a ~r s Au~o ~ar~s oa~tery,etc,pol dept~ So.S.F. Lumber& Supply Co., materials Flink Service Station, oil,supplies~rep tir~ 20.07 Calif Water Service'Co water fountain,etc ~$ ?.10 " " " "library " " " "baseball grounds ~ ~.~0 ~ hydrants ~A~2.00 gasoline July ~llS. gA John Figoini cleaning C.0F.C, ~.A,~ssier reappraising The Enterprise Oress licenses " " ~eting notice " " brewers reports " " delineuest list ~ervice Garage,i condensor A.Carlisle & Co.,~ini HandBZg ~V.L.Hickey & So~s,v~lves ~uperior ~team Laundrywash, Ro~al Supply Co., materials Hobinson-Druggist n~terial Joe Pe,nna, mstches Pac. Tel& Tel Co. city phones Bank of America,Cordon HoweAC Fac. Cas & El,Cc., lighting Jul~650.~ Hobinson-Druggist, bal,claim, ~ 6.0{ Bank of America,~ claims ~ ~.0~ Total $6,908.1¢ The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Einuccis moved they be paid. The motion was sec by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Roll ~all found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido ,R.Llopd, I?~. ~inucciani ,E.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Cuinlan. The minutes of th~· ~woprevious~meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The application of William Golber for a soldier's free license,having been laid o~ mutil a medical certificate of his illness could be obtained, he presenteda certificate o£ ill health from Dr. John A.Crowe,San Francisco,Cra lif. Chief Louis Belloni was instructed to requ~ the applicant to secure a certificate from the Yeteran's Bureau. i~udolph Petrccchi made application for the position of Fire Truck Driver in the ~vent of a vacancy, application ordered placed on file. A communication was received from A.W.Deuel,Treasurer of ~he San Nateo County -Qenovize Campaign Committee stating the date of beginning the campaign had been extended to August l~th, and asked for the consideration cf an appropriation of the sum of $90.00 to help finance the campaign. Comm~uio~tton accepted and ordered placed on file. Pacific TEL & TEL~ ~-' .~ ~omp~ny submitted a statement showing the sum of ~9~.4~ was due the city on its franchise under ordinance No.8~ of this city,and enclosed a check for ~he amount. Accepted and placed on file A communication was received from L~.A.Cunningham ~cting Secretary of the League oi Oalifornia ~unicipalities, reguesting the city to send ~n exhibit to the Santa Cru~ Convention in September. ~.ccepte~ and placed on file. On motio~,~ regularly carried the beer licenses of N. 9irenze were canceled, 0n~ale beer licenses were granted to ~J,D.i~ust~, 16 Tanforan ~,venue, ~nd John G. ?~artinelli,Del LOnte ~estaurs, nt,210 Gran~ Avenue. Off sale beer licenses were granted Charles Bollazzi and ~eter A,Dress. The monthly reports of Building Inspector,Beatty,Cheif of _Oolice Belloni, Judge Edward ?arrell,Health Officer Ec.?~llls,?ire Chief Welte, City Treasure ~auffmann and City Clerk ;~o~weeney for the month ending July ~lst,19Z~ were submitted and accepted with the thanks of ::,'a~or ~uinlan for the promptness of the officers in attendi~g to this duty. ORDINANCE N0. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~0UTH Si}~ ~A~CI~C0 P~OUIRING FOOD, ?RUIT, ~'~,~AT, DRY GOODS, CLOTHI}~G,JE~¥ELEY, H~RD?~ARE,EOOETINC C00DS, SHOE STORES AND ~HOE RE°AIRI~C STORES Ai~D B~RBER SHOPS TO R'!~N~IN CL0~ED DURIYG CERTAIN HOIFRS", was introduced by councilman Einucciani, had its first reading and was laid over come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the City eouncil. 0i~DINM~CE NO, An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDIN~OE 0~~ TPD; CIi~Y OF SOUTH S~.N F?c~NCI~0 PROHIBITI!~G THE ~PERATION ~ND CONDUCT OF FOOD STOREB, MEAT I~IE~ETS, DRY GOODS STORH ~LOTHING ST0i~ES, VEGETABLE STORES, SHOE STORES, H~tRDWARE STORES, OR STORES IN ~IC SHOE REPAI~'!NG IS DONE, WITHIN SAID CITY ON A~Y SUNDAY OR OTHER LEGAL HOLIDAY", was introduced by councilman Tibbetts,had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. On suggestion of the cit~ clerk City attorney Coleberd was instructe~ to draw up an amen~,ent to the city assessment ordinance,No.21, changeing the the delinquent penalties from ten and five and ~five per cent to 8 and three and three per cent, On motion by Councilman Lloyd,seconded by councilman Boido the clerk was instructed to pay the balance due the South San ~raneisco Land and Improvement Company for the city parks $4000 principal and $§~.78 interest~ and to secure deeds for the four parcels of land. Claims in the amount of $6,B0~,.~) were next presented to the council for payment;- fred J. Lautze 14th pyt,?ord Truck ~ ~0.60 SO.S.F.La~d & Imp. Oompany final payment parks ~0§~.78 Fred Brown repairing roof 8 ~.2~ ~rion Petroff S.M.Oo. Title 0o,, ';Yestinghouse Electric Co Wacific Gas & El. company Westinghouse Elec.Co Jack ~elck Howard Buick 0o Ceneral M~otric Co . Louis Belloni A. J,Pacheco labor sweeping street 45.00 real estate transfers 1.~0 finals & Bands ~ 12.8~ disconnectinF- lights$ ~2.~0 connecting l~ghts ~ ~2.~0 misc. lights ~,~109.18 luminair~s & canopy $ ~0.90 removing dogs,cats ~_~ 28.~0 adjusting brakes ~ §.B0 c~ntact block asse~b~y B.80 pol Buick tail light~ 8.76 maintenance ~ire alarm20.00 check-rep s~r.signal~ 9.00 Service Garage,m~chine shop,motor cycle ~ 1.00 Sierra Equip. Corp'n, Hep traffic bell ~ ~.80 a L~ma cea in jail Ju~y ~ ~r s ~o ~a~s oattery,etc,pol dept~ So.S.~.Lumber & Supply Co., n~terials ~ 44.~8 Flink Service Station, oil,supplies,rep tir~ ~0.07 Calif Water Service Co ,1 . Standard Oil Co., S, Mine t ti, water fountai~,etc "library - baseball'grounds ~ hydrants gasoline July city hall saterial 7.10 28.47 53.30 4§2.00 ~113.94 6.55 John Figoini cleaning C.0F.C.~ 2,00 n. ~. ~essier reappraisi~g ~234.00 The Enterprise Oress licenses ~121.00 " " .r.~eting notice ~ 3.00 " " brewers reports & 9.48 " " delin~uest list '.!~376.00 ~ervice Garage,i condensor ~ .80 A.Carlisle & Co. ,L~uini HandBt~ ~ £.13 W. Lo Hi ckey & S ohs, v~:~lves ~i 2.00 , , ,f! 12.43 ~uperior ,~team Laundr~wash Ro~al Suppl~,? Co., materials $ 2.00 i~obinson-3ruggist material ©,~ 12.70 Joe Penna, matches ~t . ?~ Pac. Tei& Tel Co. city phones $ 63.25 Bank of America,Cordon EoweAC $150.00 Mac. Cas & El. Co., lighting Jul~650.~2 i~obinson-Druggist, bal,claim, ~ 6.00 Bank of America,S claims $ 38.00 Total $6,908.10 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Einuccian moved they be paid. The motion was seco b~ councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. There being no further business before the boar~ councilman Tibbetts moved to adj~ until Eonday,~lugust 14,1933 at 9;~0 o'clock A.E. The motion was seconded by councilman Yinuccim~ and reguls~rly car~ie%.Tim~ ok adjournment, 9.15 o'clock p.m. respectfully submit~_ed~ ~ ~