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Minutes 1933-11-06
138 ?,EGULAR i~ETING U.F UHE CITY COUi~CIL 017 T~ CITY 0Y SOUTH S~ Fi~CISCO,HELD i.?0NDAY, !~0VE~JB~ 6th, 19~. The regular meeting of the Cit~, Council of the Cit~ of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Nonday evening, November 6th,19SS. The meeting was called to order at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. by l,~ayor Joseph P.O~uinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, 7.Boido ,R. Lloyd, N.Minicciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the two previous meeti~qgs were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. APplication was made by local order of Re&men for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,Wednesday evening, Noven~er ~9th,195~. The applicatio~ was accompanied by ~he ~.00 required for police protection and the permit granted. Applications for business licenses were received from Ernest Bonalanza and B.O.Polon. Applications denied. ~obert and Anna Burns applied for a business license to run a gasoline stat! on at California Avenue and San Bruno Road. ~eferred to ~ire Chief Welte for investigation and report. The Virden Packing Company applied for a reduction of values on all their prooerty the next taxable year,stating all their property has depreciated 50~[, in value in the oast few years,and requesting the new assessment be made accordingly. Communication and ordered placed on file. A comm, unication was received from the Nutual Engineering Company, requesting a reduc- tion in the assessed values of their personal rroperty and improvements. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~ire Chief ~,~elte reported the house of Wm. ~errari,on lot ll,block 119,444 Railrcad Avenue,in a very dilapidated condition, had notified L,~r. Ferrari several times to make repairs or tear down the building, but so far had no response, and refuested the council's advice in the matter. ~eferred to City Attorney Coleberd for advice. Councilman L~inucciani introduced a resolution authorizing Fire Chief Welte to permit one f.ir~ tr~ek belonging to the City of South San Francisco, when, in his judgment he may deem it proper, to be~removed fro~u this city in res--onse to a call for assistance to extinquish a fire in any cit>~ in the county of San L~Lateo,etc. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes ,Councilmen,¥.Boido ,R.Lloyd, ~.~Iinucciani ,R.Ti~betts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel NcSweeney City Clerk. ~ecorded in Book of Resol~tions,¥ol.£,at page 4~5. ~ayor Quinlan rendered a report oz~his investigation into the possibility of secur- ing Federal aid in the purchase of a hook and lattder for the fire department, ne stated that ~0% is ~donated outright by the national govern~nent on propositions backed up by bond issues in municipalities or counties. And this covered any project of improvement required by a community and of public necessity. Ray Spangler stated several other projects, such as al outfall sewer, park improvemuet, other sewers or works might be included and placed upon the December 19th,ballot. Chairman Coleberd of the Chamber of Comme~ce thought the propositioLs all good, but that the people should be given ample time to study the propositions ~o as to thoroughly understand their merits. He stated the Chamber of CoHEerce of South .~an Francisco would hold a meeting and dinner Friday evening,November 10th,at which Congressman ~cGra~h would be a speaker, and discussions on the various projects would be had,and invited a~l present to attend. Accepted. ~ ~.~r. ~dorton of the Advertising firm of Foster ~ Y_lieser a~opeared before the eit~ council with volur~mious data concerning the amounts paid other cities for th,~ privilege Gu advertising on sign boards. After discussion the city council agreed to meet with the '?oster & ~lieser representatives ~fonday evening,November 1Zth,19ZZ. ~eferring to the establishment of cleaning and dyeing busiuesses, cindy attorney Coleberd stated the ~tate Fire }:~rshal ?,~s jurisdiction to pass upon licensing such places. The proposition to install electroliers upon upper Orand Avenue was r>ostponed un~il Nonday,b~ay ~th,19Z~. ?lans and specifications for the construction off-the proposed new building of the American Brake ~hoe Company were reported not yc~t ready by InspeCtor Beatty. £he application of the 017mpian Oil Company for permission to construct a service L.,~.corner of Cali~fornia Avenue was granted ~orovided station on the San Bruno Raod on the ~ '" , ~ ~ all o=dinances and regulatio s were complied with. _~ delegation of wome~ ~:~:eared be~'ore the cit~ council and requested that a commzttee ' ~ ~,~,,~z~= COLa~,~I_~'_.:~ This committe would secure of seven members be appointed as a COOD AI,D ~ ~"~. ~ "~ ~'~'~, recreations grounds for the entertainment o~' the youth of the city. l.:iss Cavassa and I,?rs. Annie Cunningham spoke in favor of the project. City attorney Coleberd staten an orminance would first have to be drav~n up for the purpose. The committee woulm consist of seven members two of ~' .... ~ w,,,o~:_~ would be the ~uperinten~ent of the Board of Education and the ~u~eri~.tendent of' the Park Commission. Pending the mrawing up of tD, e ordinance i.layor fuinlan appointed a temporary co~,~r0[ttee of the five additional members, as follows, J.W.Coleberd, 1.M. Carl Ue~ler,~Lr ~,~'ilson,l/rs, Annie Cunningham,~s,,Hazel ,~lt~y,~and ~?iss I~arion Cavassa. Councilman l,:[inucciani stated all cont~actors opening streets or alleys in the city must first secure a permit and deposit 50Y a sq'~.are foot for concrete removed and 15 fJ a square foot for dirt, and the same must be re-cad'ed unac:r tL~e supervision of the city street inspector, where no bond has been posted, lie stated some openings are lez't open for months,to the detriment o£ the streets or alleys. Inspector B,~atty was inst~ucted to keep $~"~m'~ in touch with the sit,uation. Oitlj Attorney Coleberd re?orted a si, ewalk projection in Grand Avenue,A re?crt was received of a depression in the street payement in ',~aln~t A.venue,near Laple and in Linden Avenue between Railroad Avenue and Tanforan Avenue. All referred to Councilman Tibbetts 'Yor investigation. Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, ¥.Boido,R. Lloyd, E.~inicciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minu~es of the two previous meeti~gs were read. There being no errors or o~issions they were approved as read. Application was made by local order of Eed~_en for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,~Yednesday evening, November 29th,19~. The applicatio~ was accompanied by ~he ~.00 required for police protection and the p, rmit granted. Applications for business licenses were received from Ernest Bonalanza and ~ B.O.Polon. Applications denied. ~obert and Anna Burns applied for a business license to run a gasoline stat! on at California Lvenue and ~an Bruno Road. ~eferred to ~ire Chief Welte for investigation and report. ~he ¥irden Packing Company a~plied for a reduction of values on ~ll their property the ne×t taxable year,stating all their property has depreciated ~©~i. i~ value in the oast few years,and requesting the new assessment be made accordingly. Communication and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from the ~utual Engineering Com,.pany, requesting a reduc- tion in the assessed values of their personal ~roperty a~d improvements. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~ire Chief ~elte reported the house of ?~. ?errari,on lot ll,block ll9,~ ~ailrcad ~venue,in a very dilapidated condition, had notified ~r. Ferrari several ti~_~es to ~ake repairs or t~ar do~rn the building, but so far had no response~ and reo~uested the council's advice in the matter. ~eferred to Cit.~? Attorney Coleberd for advice. Councilm~u ~inucciani introduced a resolution authorizing Fire Chief Welte to permit one f.~r~ truck beloz~ging to the Cit~? of South San Francisco, when, in his judgment he ~ay deem it proper, to be~re~oved fro~u thi~ city in res-~onse to a call for assistance to extinquish a fire in any city in the count~j of Ran ~teo,etc. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- ~yes ,Councilmen,¥.Boido ,E.Lloyd, ~.~inucci ani ,R.Til;betts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Counc~ln~.en,None. Attest Daniel NcSweeney ~ity ~lerk. i~ecorded in Book of Resol~tions,¥ol.~,at page ~E~. ~ayor Quinlan rendered a report on, his investigation into the possibility of secur- ing Federal aid in the purchase of a ~ook an~ ladder for the fire department· he stated that ZO,~ is donated outright by the national government on propositions backed up by bond issues in municipalities or counties. Dnad this covered any project of improvement required by a community and of public necessity. Ray Spangler stated several other projects, such as outfall sewer, park improvemnet, other sewers or works might be included and placed upon the December 19th,ballot. Chairr~n Coleberd of the Chamber of Comme~ce thought the propositioz_s all good, but that the people should be given a~.ple time to study the propositions mo as to thoroughly understand their merits. He stated the Chamber of Oommerce of South ~an Francisco would hold a ~eting and dinner Friday evening,November 10th,~t which Congressman ~cGra~h would be a speaker, and discussions on the various projects would be had,and invited a~l present to attend· Accepted. Er. ~!orto~ of the Ldvertising firm of Foster ~ ~lieser appeared before the eit~ council with volu~nious data concerning the a~our~ts paid other cities for th,~ privilege advertising on sign boards. After discussion the city council agreed to meet with the '~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ove~ber 1Zth,19~Z. ~ooter ~ ~lieser representmtives Londay evemin~, ~eferring to the establishment of clenching and dyeing busiuesses, ci~ attorney Coleberd stated the ~tate Fire I~rshal h.s jur~sdiction to pass upon licensing such places. The proposition to install ~lectroliers upon upper ~rand ~venue was oostooned un~il ~,:~onday,~,~ay 7th,19Z4. ?lans a~'%d specifications for the construction off-the proposed new building of the A~erican Brake ~hoe Compan~~ were reported not :~,~t ready by Inspector Beatty. 2he application of the Ol~mpian Oil Co~npan,¥ for permission to construct a service station on the ~an Bruno iQaod on the L.~.corne~' of Cali~ornia Avenue ~¥as granted ~rovided all o~dinances and regulatio s ~'ere complied with· ~ delegatior~ of womer ~eared be-~'ore the city council and requested that a committee of seven n~embers be appointed as a ~-OOD ~kI~D ~,EL~n?d~~aO~:~;'~~.~,~,~.-, ~, This committe would secure recreations grounds for the entertainment oi' the youth of the city· I~iss Cavassa and Ann3e Cunn~ngham spoke in favor of ti~.e project· City attorney Coleberd states an orminance would first hs~ve to be drawn up for the purpo~e. The com~ittee would consist of seven members two of who~u would be the ~uperintendent of the Board o±' Education and the ~-~uperintendent of the Park C ommis si on. Pending the mrawing up of the ordinances i~ayor ~uinlan appointed a temporary committee of the five additional members, as follows, J,W.Coleberd, ],.~. ~Jarl Uem~ler,~r ?~'ilson,~r~,, Annie Cunn~ngham,~-~ze 5~l~y~,~and Eis s ~ri on Cava ssa. Councilman ~inucciani stated all cont~3actors o~pening streets or alleys in the city must first secure a permit and deposit 50~Y a so'~are~ foot for concrete removed and 15 ~ a square foot for dirt, and the same must be re~aired und,~r t]~e supervision of the city street inspector~ where no bond has been posted. P~e stated some openings are lem't open for months,~o the detriment of the streets or alleys. Inspector B,~atty was inst~ructed to keep ~'~?.~ in touch with the sit~uation. City Attorney Coleberd r,a?orted a si~ ewalk projection ia Grand ~Yvenue,k re)~ort w~s received of a depression in the str~et paye~ent in Yaln~t 3~.venue,near i~aple and in Linden Avenue between Railroad Avenue and Tanforan ~v~ue f~ll referred to Councilman Tibbetts for inve sti gati on. Councilman Ninucciani askedthe city s~ttorney if the new business license no.161 Nas e 'fective and working properly, llr Coleberd stated it was. i.~r . · Councilman Minucciani then stated the city would allow until the next meeting of the board for all business places to pay up their business licenses. The monthly reports cf the Building Inspector, City Treasure.r, Chief of ~olice, Health Officer,Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month ending October Jlst,1933 were submitted and accepted with the thanks of Eayor Quintan for the officers' promptmess in attending to this duty. Eayor ~uinlan a?pointed Councilman Reese Lloyd a mamber of a county co~lnittee of councilmen of ~an ~,~teo County to re~re'.~ent South ~an 2rancisco in the matter of securing gasoline tax money from the $~ate of California, according the an act of the Legislature at the 19~Z session. The clerk was in~tructed to notify Paul F~cCarthy, se¢~retary of the organization of the appointment. Claims in the amount of ~188~.&9 were next presented to the council for payment;- H. A. Crocker Co. The Electric Corpora- tion Scampini & Zanetti Heald Menery A. Johnson American Fire Equip. Ric's Service Station J. Nayerle R. Bisagno Set of Code Amendments 1 Ruby Globe Gas, oil, police dept. Oct. 1 State map painting signs Miller & Maple 1~ spanners 55 grease fire dept. ~? hrs. cleaning home~ Fuller fire C. Robinson 8 " " " Superior Steam ~aundry Wash ~1 and $2 houses Oct. California ~ater Ser. relocate hydrants ~119 & 152 A. J. Pacheco Arndt's Dept. Store 01d Reliance Garage So.City ~umber Co. E. Milani S. Minetti West Disinfecting Co. ~. G. & E. Calif. ~ater Service Calif. Pacific Title Robinson Druggist A. Carlisle Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. San Mateo Co. Title A. J. Pacheco J. Welch Geo. N. Messier California '¢~ater Servic · W.P. Fuller Co. Electric Corp. Standard Oil Co. fire alarm maintenance Oct. 4 N.R.A. flags labor & material street truck supplies materials sewerjob ,! M days painting hot house pipe labor & material at City Hall 60~ pail westolite & freight Misc. service Sop. to 0ct.10 street lights Oct. service Swift Ave. fire house hydrant service Oct. report on Block 146 supplies - clerk's office I register of licenses $ B.20 3.23 26.85 4.50 8.00 8. O0 1.~5 18.~ 18.50 1.50 13.23 ? .54 20 o O0 1.64 1.60 38.10 1.64 22.4? 16.5~ ~4.12 21.60 1.10 25.14 5.98 95.45 S. 45 455. ~$ 10. O0 ~. 4~ 18.20 1 ribbon .?? reports Oct. 1.50 Install electrolier Linden &Lux 25.00 removing cats & dogs Oct. 29.50 reappraisal Morris & Thompson property service Baseball park paint for hot house " and oil " supplies police dept, 646 gals. gas. Sept. 819 " " Oct. 36.50 6.00 1.37 14.78 17.90 94.12 114.66 Total - $1,867.49 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Ninucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by COuncilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, ~ on~a;~,November 20th,19JJ,at V-J0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and ~-egularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;20 o'clock p.m. Ci ~ut~n i~an ~rancisco. L'a,y or, i-~espectfullI~ submitted, . /