HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-11-20140 The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening, ~Tovember ~0th,19Z$. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, to-wit;- Councilmen, V. Boido,R.Lloyd,~.~.~.~inucciani,R. Tibbetts, Joseph V.Cuinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Sociedad EUtualista I, iexicana "EOREL0S", inc., stating they had severed connectionts witL the Sociedad ~dutualista ~exicana "CHAVULTEPEC" and wished to be recognized by the new name. Acce~vted. The new society wished a permit to hold a dance and literary exercises ou tke evening of December 16th,next, from 8 O'clock until one A.E. Permission granted. Societa 0perala ~utuo Siccorso of ~outh San Francisco applied for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, Decer:ber 9th,195S from 8 p.m. till one A.I~. Permit granted. Thomas .~,Hickey Post,~Z660 of South San Francisco extended an invitation to the Layer and Council to attend a public installation of officers on the evening of ITovember ~lst,19Z5. Invitation accepted. Eiss Rue Clifford, Secretary of the Library Board of South San Francisco, invited the members of the cit~? aouncil to attend the library board's meeting as quests on the evening of December 5th,19ZS, at which meeting plans beneficial tbm~the library will be submitted. The invitation was accepted. The ~oters League of South ~an Francisco applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal H~ll, ~$aturday evening, December End,19,BZ, at which Ohristmas baskets will be given away free by the 7oters League. Permission granted· ITotice was received from the Feninsular Bsanch of the League of California ~unici_~al- ities that the next meeting of the branch would be held in Redwood City, Thursday,Dece~ber ?th, at 6;Z0 o'clock p.m. icce~ted. In a separate men, sage from the President of the Laegue to the .a,~ors and Councilmen stress was laid upon the imnortance of kee~ing the organization alive and active, the many problems to be confronted, and the appointment of representatives to represent cities before the Boar~ of ~upervisors iD the rrat!~er of gasoline tax alottment. Accepted. Applications for business licenses u~ere received from Ernest Bonalanza and drank Betti. Applications granted. 2 protest against a raise in valuation ~vas received from 2rederico Rozzi. l~eferred to committee on investigation. Aprotest ~gainst a raise in the valuation of their wharves and bulk- heads was received from the South ~a~ ?rancisco Land & Improvement Company. Taken un,er advisement for investigation· A protest against the amount of acreage assessed to ~hen was received from the South Francisco Land & Improvement Compan>~, claiming to be over assessed 1S.48Z acres. Taken under advisement and investigation. ~= report of the fire chief on the premises of Robert Burns, al~plicant for a permil to ~nstall and sell gasoline ,etc ,at Oalifornia Avenue and San Bruno iqoad~ ~;~'as received,accepted and ordered,-olaced on file. An ap[i:lication for a permit to hold a dance and concert in ~raternal Hall v.~s received from th~ ~o~th San ~:'rancisco C~ove Druids,Ye.iV1. Permit granted. ~ne quarterly report of beer sold in th~ City of South San Francisco was received frorz: ~iartin Dovichi,and accepted. He had distributed lll caees of pints. At the suggestion of ~'~r. Ray Spangler,,qecretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Councilman ~,~inucciani introduced a re~::olution urging the '~ta~ e !~ighway Division to v~'iden the underpass at South San Trancisco as soon as ~oossible. The r:-solution v;as adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the cit~ council,to-wit;- 2yes, Councilmen, ¥_oido,:~.Lloyd, ~,:.I'Tin~cciani,~. ~:' Tibbetts,Joseph P.Ouinlan. Voes, Councilmen,i~[one, Absent, Councilmen,iTOh,. At.~est_ Daniel kc.vweeneF City Clerk. Recorded in 'i~ookOf i{esolutions, 7olumn~v ~::, at page 426. Yr. ~,'/.~. '~ Dinning v:as apoointed, a trustee or~ the li::rary bo'~rd to succeed t~e unex-oired term of I,'~r. I.}-[.?otter, resigned, term expirin? Jv.l~: lst,1934. _~,,r. Jack ~Tickey was appointed a tru~tee~ the library board to succeed !:rs Carcia,resigned, term ~xpiring July lst,1934. Property owners on ~;alnut Avenue a~?eared beC'ore the counc~il an& reported v,~ater laying in the street in front of their residences long after the rains stop· Chairmen Tibbetts of the street committee and Engineer Zlassen were instructed to look eve r the premises an report to the council. Under the head of Good & Welfare i:ayor 0uinlan ar_nounced the time was due to begin preparations for the Civic Center Christmas ~'!ree destival. :_e s~ated he would call a meeting of all , ol~e bodies and citizens to meet in ti~e cit.~ hall I:[onday evening l~ovember 27th,at 8 o clock p.m. '" to form plans and program for arrangements. He requested Editor Spangler o-': the Enterprise to give the festival as much publicity in his newspaper as possible to interest the public. Cliams in the amount of $1,219.07 were next presented to the council for payment;- Dudley Perkins A. Mutti A. J. Pacheco H. A. Cavassa H. S. Crocker ~o. Service Garage New Lincoln Market J. B. Guglietmetti National Ice & Service Co. E. D. Bullard Co. John C oreo J. Pigoni & Co. Price Furniture Co. ~¥est Disinfecting Co. So. City Lumber & Supply Co. ~. L. Hickey & ~on Fred BrOwn C. Detomami Geo. A. Kneese Pac. Tele.& Tele. Co. The Enterprise Press Southern Pacific Co. Crane Co. A. Z angrando So. City Lumber & Supply Co. Richmond Pottery Co. A. Hynding Leon d'Artenay Service machine $ 5 days labor repair and change traffic signals suppli es 200 traffic tag books radiator hose- fire truck fly spray and gun lubrication Job- fire car 5 pals distilled water 2 all service canisters fire dep. 5 dogs removed Sept. and Oct. cleaning city hall windows 2 lace curtains & rods 1 mop bucket supplies jail and fire dept ready mix, etc. " " , top sand, cement 1.~0 20.00 27.10 10. O0 59.30 .30 1.64 1,26 .51 10.84 5.00 20. O0 3.24 1.02 8.14 19.69 24.10 " " " for jail 4?.57 removing steam pipe jail floor 6.90 repairing lock & Jail floor 36.00 1 day poisoning rats 4.00 engineering, etc. sewer pro~ect 329.50 service Nov. 39.93 1000 letterheads & 2000 state- merits freight pipe, etc. for hot house contract - hot house sewer pipe, cement 200 9" pots Ins. premium on library furn. & books repair building inspector's car 25.62 1.24 53.57 308.84 37.26 30.00 19.50 65.50 Total $1,219.07 The claims having been audit,d by the finance cormittee councilman Einuccia~Li _moved they be paid. The motion was seconal_ed by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board Councilman Boido moved to adjourn until the next r'~gular meeting, ~.!onday,December 4th,1933,at 7;30 o'clock.p.m. The motion · ?Jas seconded by councilmau Lloyd and regularly carried, Time of adjourrm~ent, 9;10 o'clock p.m. of ~outh 3an 2rancisco. iiespec tfully sub~.t t~e d, C~ty Clerk.~