HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1933-12-04149
"~ ~ ~ - ? r:'i~'" ~ THE my
:~..,~GU~d ..... TIL,:~ OV CITY COI~[CIL OP Ti2~] CI:~ OF
S 0UTN ,.. ~ 1'.~ Pl%~[C ! SC 0, HELD :.:0I'~Y,
DEC ~ ~ :~ _.
The regular meeting of the oitF council of the City of South ':~an ~h'ancisco was
held in the city hall I',[onday evening, December 4th,19Z3.
The meetir,~ v:as called to or,..zer at 7- 'z '
o, o clock pm. by ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan.
Roll call found all members of the coun:~:.il present,to-wit;-
Councilmen, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd, L[.~,[inucoi ani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Ouinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from ,,_m:,~ s Floral 2hop statinf~ t~:e City L:rcnants are
paying for Christmas Greens and other decorations in front of their places of business, and
wishing to know if the City of South San Francisco would pay for grems and decorations in front
of vacant lots and stores. Councilman Lloyd stated the city should not pay for decorations
of this character and the city council agreed.
A co~mtunication was received from the State Water Plan Association requesting financ-
ial aid in furthering propaganda for the passage of the Water Act :~.p:,_~cation accepted and
ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from the Business I'~en's Association of ~outh San Francisco,
reouesting a dispensation allowing the business men the privilege of keeping their places of ,
brininess o-~en after 7 o'clock p.m. from December 18tn to ~$rd,19ZZ,inclusive. Request denied.
~,ay ~r Quinlan received notice from the Peninsula Branch of the League of California
unicipalities, reminding him and the city council and city officials of the next meeting of the
i~ranch,':'n~rsday,December~lg~ at the Seeuoia~ Hotel,Redwood City,at 6;50 p.m. Nine city. officials
agreed to attend,and the city clerk was instructed to so inform City i,Lanager Roleson of ~edwood
Albert B.Cattalini m~ede aoplication to ti~e city council for the position Liquor Disoenser
for the City of South !~an Francisco in the event that the city enters i~to and takes control
of its liquor business. Application accepted and ordered placed on file.
i,~nu~l J.Oosta registered a complaint o~ the 19SS assessment of his house a~ Lot 7,
block lO1, i,~ of i~,outh :~an ~'rancisco. :'aken u~der advisement.
:'rard~ Ghilardi,i~:ecorder o~? '},outh San ~,'rancisco Druid Chapter, requested permission to
hold a social dance in ~outh 3an 5'rancisco,!:;un&er evening,December 17th,19S5. ~:ermi~:,sion granted~
The monthly reports ,~f the City T~easurer, i~ealth Officer,Building Inspector,Chief of
Police, Fire ~:hief,and City Clerk for the month of November were next presented to the city ecu
council. The reports were accpted and ordered ~ ~ced on file with the Thanks of IvIo~or Quinlan
the promptness of the city officers in attending to their duties.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Of South San Francisco accepting
a deed from the South San Francisco Land and Impro~e~t Company for a right of way for a drainage
canal through the Willows Park. '~he resolution w~s adopted by the unanimous vote of all the
members of the city council,to wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R,Lloyd,M.Minucciani,R.~ibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen , None. Saniel~C'~weeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volumne ~,,at page 4£?.
The deed for the conveyance was submitted to the city council and is now on file in the
office of the city clerk. ..
Councilman Tibbetts and E~gineer Klassen reported on the condition prevailing in W~lnu~
Avenue during the rainy season,stating the street could be rai~ed by fill in for a ceetain
distance to drain the winter waters off.
~,.~r. Hansen appeared before the city cotmcil and offered to decorate the front of
vacant lots and stores w~+~h winter green decorations for a certain price. Councilman Lloyd
stated the city should not spend money for this purpose and the council agreed .
Editoe Ray Spangler of the Enterprise requested the a~sistance of the city in support-
ing a full time paid assistant clerk in the Chamber of Commezce, to be re-opene~ in their old
quarters in the city hall. His request ~as granted in the sum of $25 per minth for a period
of six months.
Claims in the amount of $3,259.34 were next presented to the council for payment:
John Mager
Jack Hickey
Joe Galli
H. ~. Truxall
Fred Brown
Louis Belloni
Dudley Perkins
Baldl & Sciandri
Pariani & Limberg
Superior lm~ndr y
Auto Electric Supply Co.
Pariani & Limberg
Frank Giffra
Old Reliance Garage
Underwood Elltott Co.
Dr. J. O. McMills
Pernau ~alsh Co.
D. ~. Ratto
J. G. ~'~alker
$. ~¥eloh
California ~"~ater Service
Pac. Tele,& Tele. Co.
Labor- foreman
Cleaning streets - Baden
checking ears Bayshore & Grand
feeding prisoners Oct.& Nov.
repair motorcycle
soldering gas tank
gas & oil, Nov.
repair police car
wash No. I and 2 houses
repairs No. 2 truck
repair fire chief car
repairs ford trucX
rent typewriter to Nov. 25
Phone-Health Dept. Oct. Nov.
35 Briefs - Shoppong News vs. City
prem. 1927 Seagrave
prem. bond E. Ottenfield to 1~-34
removing cats and dogs Nov.
fountain & fire house Nov.
hydrant rental Nov.
phone service Nov.
$1 ~. O0
36. O0
36. O0
4. O0
1. O0
45 4. O0
0 ounci las n, V. Boido ,R. Lloyd, ~.Minucci ani, R.Tibbet ts, Joseph P. ~.uinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no error~ or omissions
they were approved ~s read.
k co~mni~tion was received from ~ ~ ,
:~!m,:~r s Floral ~;hop statin~ t~e City Lerchants are
paying for Christmas Greens and other decorations in front of their places of business,
wishing to know if the City of South San Francisco would pay for greas and decorations in front
of vacant lots and stores. Council~n Lloyd stated the city should not pay for decorations
of this character and the city co~cil agreed.
A conm~i~tion was received from the State Water Plan Association requesting financ-
ial aid in furthering propagan~ for the passage of the Water Act. Application accepted and
or~iered placed on file.
A comm~ication was received from the Business ~en's Association of ~outh ~an Francisco,
re uesting a dispensation allowing the business men the privilege of keeping their places of
%~iness o?en after ? o'clock p.m. from December 18tn to 2Zrd,19Z~,inclusive. P~equest denied.
Liay~r Quinlan received notice from the Peninsula Branch of the League of CalifornLa
unicipalities, reminding him and the city council and city officials of the next meeting of the
~ranch,Thursday,December~lg3J at the ~equoia Hotel,Redwood City,at 6;30 p.m. ¥ine city officials
agreed to attend,and the city clerk ~vas instructed to so inform City ~.anaeer Roleson of Redwood
Albert B.Cattalini m~,de a0plication to t~e city co~cil for the position Liquor Disoenser
for the City of South ~an Francisco in the event that the city enters into and takes control
of its liquor business. Application accepted and ordered placed on file.
~,~nusl J.Costa registered a complaint o~ the 193Z assessment of his house an Lot
block 101, L~ of ?outh ~:~an ~rancisco. ~aken un~.~er advise~nt.
~ra~ Ghilardi,i~ecorder o[; ~outh S~ ~rancisco Druid Chapter, requested permission to
hold a social ~nce in ;outh ~an .Francisco,~un&?y evening,December l?th,19ZZ. 'craig:sion granted,
The monthly reports ~f the City Tseasurer, iiealth Officer,Building inspector,Chief of
Police, Fire ~:hief,and City Clerk for the month of November were ne~t presented to the city cou
co~cil. The reports were ~ccpted and ordered ~U~ced on file with the Thanks of ~v!o~or QuinLan
the promptness of the city officers in attending to their duties.
Co~cilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City 0f South San Francisco accepting
a deed from the South Szn Francisco Land and Impro~evt Comvany for a right of w~y for a drainage
canal through the Willows Park. ~he resolution w~s adopted by the ~animous vote of all the
members of the city council,to wit;-
Ayes, Co~cilmen,V.Boido ,R,Lloyd ,M.Minucciani ,R. ~ibbetts, Joseph P. Quinlan
Noes, Co~cilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen , None. ~aniel ~C~eeney~
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volumne 2,,at page 4£?.
The deed for the conveyance was submitted to the city council and is now on file in the
office of the city clerk, -.
Councilman Tibbetts and h~gineer Klassen reported on the condition prevailing in Walnu~
Avenue during the rainy season,stating the street could be raised by fill in for a ceetain
distance to drain the winter waters off.
~r. Hansen appeared before the city cmmcil and offered to decorate the front of
vacant lots and stores w~th winter green decorations for a certain price. Councilman Lloyd
stated the city should not spend money for this purpose and the council agreed .
Editoe Ray Spangler of the Enterprise requested the amsistance of the city in support-
ing a full time paid assistant clerk in the Chamber of Conunezce, to be re-opene~ in their old
quarters in the city hall. His request ~as granted in the sum of $25 per minth for a period
of six months.
Claims in the amount of $ ~,259.B4 were next presented to the council for payment:
John Mager
Jack Hickey
Joe Galli
H. ~. Truxall
Fred Brown
Louis Be lloni
Dudley Perkins
Baldl & Sciandri
Pariani & Limberg
Superior ~undr y
Auto Electric Supply Co.
Pariani & Limberg
~rank Giffra
01d Reliance Garage
Underwood Elliott Co.
Dr. ~. 0. McMills
Pernau ~,~alsh Co.
D. ¥~. Ratto
J. G. Walker
~. ~elch
California ~ater Service
Pac. Tele, & Tele. Co.
Crane Co.
California ~ater Service
Southern Pacific Co.
Labor- foreman
Cleaning streets - Baden
checking cars Bayshore & Grand
feeding prisoners Oct.& Nov.
repair motorcycle
soldering gas tank
gas & oil. Nov.
repair police car
wash No. I and ~ houses
repairs No. 2 truck
repair fire chief car
repairs ford trucX
rent typewriter to Nov. 2~
Phone H Dept. Oct ov
- ealth . N .
3~ Briefs - Shoppong News vs. City
prem. 1927 Seagrave
prem. bond E. 0tteufield to 12-34
removing cats and ~ogs Nov.
fountain & fire house Nov. ~
hydrant rental Nov.
phone service Nov.
pipe, etc. for hot house
library service Nov.
water Civic Center & Baseball pk.
$12. O0
36. O0
36. O0
4. O0
1. O0
10. O0
Claims continued:
D. ~Cassa
Royal Supply Co.
Frank Giffra & Son
State Comp. Ins. Co.
B. J. Rodondi
A. J. Pacheco
John Mager
10 trees
8 exes, etc.
18 mattocks and handles
prem. to Nov. 19, 19~A
premium City H~ll
"fleet ins.
repair wiring fire alarm control
labor- foreman
1, ~1~. 31
A. 50
20. O0
Total $3,259.34
The claims having been audited by ~he finance committee Oouncil,~an
3oido moved they be paid~ The motion was seconded bL~ councilman ~loyd and regularly
There being no further business counciln~n ~'loyd moved to adjourn until tbs ~t
regular meetin~, fhe motior~ was s~conded b~ councilman Boido and regularly/ carried.
Time ~of atLjournment 5;~J5
~tespectfully submitted,
South 2an Francisco