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JANUARY, 2nd, 19S4.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco
was held in the city hall Tuesday evening,January 2nd,1934.
The meeting was called to order at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. by ~yor Joseph P.Quinlan.
Roll call found all members of the co~mcil present,to-wit;-
Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd,M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or
omissions they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement
Company, stating an inspection of the city garbage dumping ground shows a violation of the
rights given the city in the agreement and deed of October 2Z,1928, in that garbage is being
dumped on the land company's property to the west of the roadway, instead of the city
dmn~ing ground according to agreement. The communication also states the dumping grounds are
being used by others than the City of 3outh San Francisco, and should be policed and kept
in ~ sanitary condition. Councilmen Lloyd and Tibbetts stated there should be no dumping
on the city dumping grounds of garbage other than the garbage of the City of South San Franc-
isco. Councilman Lloyd moved that the garbage of the City of South San Francisco alone be
allowed to be dumped on the city's dumping ground. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts.
Councilmen Minucciani and Boido objected to the action proposed, and contended that the
garbagemen had an informa~l permit to dUmp garbage in the city's dUmps from Lomita Park and
Brisb/~-.~e~ from the City Council of South San Francisco,and that the city should stand by its
word. They also contended the garbagemen had no notice or previous warning of the proposed
restriction, and should be given a hearing. Cmmc~lr'mn Tibb~tts ~ated the verbal permit
was from day to day. ~
After considerable further discussion ~,~ayor Quinlan suggested a meeting be called
for Friday evening,January 5th, this week, to give the garbagemen a chance to be heard by
the cit:~ oouncil.Councilman Lloyd and Tibbetts agreed,councilman Lloyd withdrew his motion
and the meeting was set for ~riday evening as suggested by Mayor Quinlan.
A communication was received from Huber Earl Smutz,Chairman of the City Planning
Section of the League of California Municipalities,San Francisco, stating President Roosevelt
had created a National Planning Board for the stimulation of regional, stat~ ~ud local
planning, and the board had been allotted the sum of $250,000 for demonstzation purposes
in a western region. He stated he and associates recommend four western states for this region,~
California,Nevada,A~izona and Htah. Mr. Smutz requested suggestions ~rom the City of South San
Francisco as to t~.e most advantageous manner of distributing the allotted money.
The city clerk was instructed to reply stating the region designated is satisfactory
to ~he City Council of South San Francisco,and that 'the appropriation might well be spent in ~
reforest~tion,,the lining of highways with ornamental trees, the planting of trees closely
on river banks to help prevent overflows, and the building of byways into forest regions for
the transportation of materials to be ~sed in reforestation.
The monthly reports of the Building ~nspector,Health officer,Fire Chief and City
Clerk for the month ending December Slst,19J3 were submitted and accepted with the thanks of
Mayor Quinlan for the ofi'icers' promptness in attending to this duty.
The application of R.G.Burns for a business license to opon a gasoline station on
his premises w~s next taken up. The report of the ~ire Chief was that none of the recommendations
required of Mr. Burns ~eretaken and the ~pplication was laid over.
On motion b.~ ~ouncilman Boido,seconded by Count[ lman Lloyd and regularly carried,
the claim of the ~outh San Francisco Land & Improvement Company fo~ taxes on the city parks
in the sum of $1&2.A5 was allowed and the clerk ordered to issue cb,ok in the amount.
Comucilman Lloyd, under the head of good and welfare, strongly advocated the
construction of the ~pening of the s~..oon~underpass at the foot of Baden Avenue, advising that ~ow
now is the time, when government aid can be secureA by the city, the state government and the
railroad. City Attorney Coleberd voiced the same sentiments, and Editor Ray Spangler volun-
teered to help with publicity and to contact Chief Engineer Skaggs at Sacramento on behalf of
the movement.
Claims in the amount of $1520.J9 then presented to the council for payment;-
John F.~ager salary,labor foremen 20.00 San Mateo Co Title Co, daily reports ~i 1.50
Howard Buic Co., rep police car
Shell Service Inc. gas oil,police dept
Irvine & Jackens 8 silver police stars~
Margarite Ruiz interpreting
Ris'c Service Station ~as etc,police dept
Pacific Coast Ass'n ~ire Chiefs, dues
A.Welte engine needle valve
So.City Sheet Eetal Products Co repairs
Ray Zanetti cleaning fluid
A.J.Pacheco material £ire alarm
industrial City Lbr. Co., sewer pipe
S.P.Compan¥ freight
01d Reliance ~arage repairing Ford truck ~ l&.10
~ 19.68
EnZerprise £oundry Co,manhole steps,etc, V
Calrock Asphalt Co., 15.91 tons Cs3.~ock 65.23
American Bit~nnuls Co 21g gals Bitumuls $ 16.38
The Flax Company type ~apers,ribbons $ 5.00
Baker HamiltonPaci£ic 2 doz shovels
Crocker First Nat Bnk,check Gordan Rowe~125.00
~,;'est Disinfect ~o., supplies ~ 59.25
Puc. Tel &Tel. Co., phone 828 ~ 2.95
Calif Water Ser.Co fountain water ~ J.16
" " " library " ~ 5.59
" " ~' hydrant " ~454' 00
J.Welch rem cats dogs . ~ 28.50
The Enterprise ~ress complaint blanks ~ 33.82
" " " notice to taxpayers~ 23.00
Patrick-Moise-Klinkner, dog ii.plates 5 5.12
Cali£ State Auto Ass'n, unit signal ~ 15.$7
Laague Calif.~nicipalities 1934 dues ~ 60.00
Westinghouse Electric Co lamps $10~,23
Dr.J.0.McMills, health dept phone $ 5.25
$o.S.£.Land.& Imp. Co.,city,county taxes
on city's three parks ~i142.45
Price Furniture Co., one oil heater ~ 2.56
park~ 11.46
52 80 California Water Ser. Co water ball
Richmond Pottery Co 100 pots 4[00 $.Minet~i,change fixtures,ball park
The claims having been audited by the i'inance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be
be paid. The motion: was seconded by councilman l~[inucciani and regularly carried. There being no £
further business Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting,Monday,
January 15th,19J4,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regular
ly carried. Time of adjournment, 8; 55 0' clock p.m. Respect~s~ub~m~t~ts~
Roll call found all members of the council present,to-wit;-
C ounci lmen, V.Boido, R. Lloyd ,M.Minucc iani, R. Tibbett s, Joseph P. Quinlan.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or
omissions they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement
Company, stating an inspection of the city garbage dumping ground shows a violation of the
rights given the city in the agreement and deed of October 2Z,1928, in that garbage is being
dumped on the land company's property to the west of the roadway, instead of the city
dumping ground according to agreement. The communication also states the dumping grounds are
being used by others than the City of ~outh San Francisco, and should be policed and kept
in .~ sanitary condition. Councilmen Lloyd and Tibbetts stated there should be no dumping
on the city dumping grounds of garbage other than the garbage of the City of South San Franc-
isco. Councilman Lloyd moved that the garbage of the City of South San Francisco alone be
allowed to be dumped on the city's dumping ground. The motion w~s seconded by Councilman Tibbetts.
Councilmen Minucciani and 3oido objected to the action proposed, and contended that the
garbagemen had an informa~l permit to dump garbage in the city's dumps from Lomita Park and
Bris~me, from the City Council of South San Francisco,and that the city should stand by its
word. They also contended the garbagemen had no notice or previous warning of the proposed
restrictLon, and should be given a hearing. Coumc~lmsm T~bl?etts ~ ~,~t~d. tD_~ verbal permit
was from day to day.
After considerable further discussion Mayor Quinlan suggested a meeting be called
for Friday evening,January 5th, this week, to give the garbagemen a chance to be heard by
the city council.Councilman Lloyd and Tibbetts agreed,councilman Lloyd withdrew his motion
and the meeting was set for Friday evening as suggested by Mayor Quinlan.
A communication was received from Huber Earl Smutz,Chairman of the City Planning
Section of the League of California Municipalities,San Francisco, stating President Roosevelt
. sta .... ~nd local
had created a National Planning Board for the stimulation of regional,
planning, and the board had been allotted the sum of $250,000 for demonstzation purposes
in a western region. He stated he and associates recommend four western states for this region,~
California ,Nevada ,ATizona and ~Itah. Mr. Smutz requested suggestions from the City of South San
Francisco as to the most advantageous manner of distributing the allotted money.
The city clerk was instructed to reply stating the region designated is satisfactory
to ~he City Council of South San Francisco,and that ~the appropriation might well be spent in
reforestation, ,the lining of highways with ornamental trees,, the planting of trees closely
on river banks to help prevent overflows, and the building of byways into forest regions for
the transportation of materials to be used in reforestation.
The monthly reports of the Building Inspector,Health officer,Fire Chief and City
Clerk for the month ending December Zlst,1953 were submitted and accepted with the thanks of
Mayor Quinlan for the officers' promptness in attending to this duty.
The application of R.G,Burns for a business license to open a gasoline station on
his premises was next t~.k~en up. The report of the Fire Chief was that none of the recommendations
required of Mr. Burns ~eretaken and the application was laid over.
On motion b~- $ouncilman Boido,seconded by Councilman Lloyd and reFularly carried,
the claim of the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company foz taxes on the city parks
in the sum of $142.45 was allowed and the clerk ordered to issue ~:~eck in the amount.
Councilman Lloyd, under the head of good and welfare, strongly advocated the
construction of the ~pening of the s~.oon~underpass at the foot of Baden Avenue, advising that ~ow
now is the time, when government aid can be secureA by the city, the state government and the
railroad. City Attorney Coleberd voiced the same sentiments, and Editor Ray Spangler volun-
teered to help with publicity and to contact Chief Engineer Skaggs at Sacramento on behalf of
the movement.
Claims in the amount of $1520.39 then presented to the council for payment;-
John F.~ger salary,labor foremen 20.00 San Mateo Co Title Co, daily reports ~ 1.50
Howard Buic Co., rep police car
Shell Service Inc. gas oil,police dept
Irvine & Jackens 8 silver police stars
Margarite Ruiz interpreting
Ris'c Service Station ~as etc,police dept
Pacific Coast Ass'n Fire Chiefs, dues
A.Welte engine needle valve
So.City Sheet Metal Products Co repairs
Ray Zanetti cleaning fluid
A.J.Pacheco material fire alarm
industrial City Lbr. Co., sewer pipe
1 .o9
S.P.Oompany freight
01d Reliance ~-arage repairing Ford truck ~ 14.10
Enterprise Foundry Co,manhole steps,etc, ~ 19 68
Calrock Asphalt Co., 15.91 tons Cs].~ock 65~23
American Bit~muls Co 21Z gals Bitumuls $ 16.38
The Flax Company type ~apers,ribbons $ 5.00
Baker iLamiltonPacific 2 doz shovels 52.80
West Disinfect Co.,
Pac. Tel& Tel.Co.,
Calif Water Ser.Co
,, ,,
Crocker First Nat Bnk,check Gordan
phone 828
fo~mtain water
library "
hydrant "
J.Welch rem cats dogs
Rowe ~125.00
The Enterprise Bress complaint blanks ~ 53.82
,, " " notice to taxpayers~ 23.00
Patrick-Moise-IClinkner, dog Ii.plates ~ 5.12
Calif State Auto Ass'n, unit signal $ 15.~7
Laague Calif.;dunicipalities 1934 dues ~ 60.00
Westinghouse Electric Co lamps ~105.2~
Dr.J.0.McMills, health dept phone $ 5.25
So.S.F.Land.& Imp.Co.,city,county taxes
on city's three parks ~142.45
Price Furniture Co., one oil heater ~ 2.55
California Water Ser.Co water ball parks 11.46
Richmond Pottery Co I00 pots ~ 4.00 S.Minettl,change fixtures,ball park ~130.Z5
The claims having been audited by the i'inance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be p
be paid. The motio~ was seconded by councilman l~[inucciani and regularly carried. There being no f
further business Com~cilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting,Monday,
January 15th,19~4,at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regular
ly carried~k. Time ~.~ ~ ~k 9v..°f adjournment, 8;55 o'clock p.m. Respect~l/~ subm4~-~t~d~,
~i~'~"/kl'~' ~ icityCle~