HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-01-15 The regular meeting of the cit?~ co~mcil of the City of South 2an Francisco ~-as held in the city hall Londa,m, evening, January lSth,195~. The meeting :;as called to order at 7;,:~0 o'clock ~.m. b,7 Layor joseoh ?.O. uinlan. Roll call :found all me,sets o~' the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Llo~,d, L'.?Yinucciani ,i~. ?ibbetts, Jose-oh ~. ~uinlan. The minutes of~. the previous ~:l_-eting were read. There being no errors or omissions they v~ere approved as read. An a-oplication for a posizion on tl~e election board .~'~pril 9th,next r~as received from ~;rs ~.~ E~ Dinning. ~;U~e application v,~as acce~ted and ordered placed in f~le ~,~ith oth:~r a~ol cations for positions of t];e c~mracter. ~ cop~/ of a resolution adopted by the City Plar~_ing Con~nission of -~o Alto was receiv from L~r. E.L.Beach,Zecretar~; of the Co mission..Accepted and ordered placed on file. The City of Naywood,Los Angeles County,e~tenda'~ the city co~cil of the City of South San Zr~cisco an invitation to attend a meeting of the'~ Los Angeles Co~ty League on Thursday, January 18th,19Z~. The invitation was accepted and ordered place& o~ file. ~ cor~ication was received from the South S~ ~'~ ' IT~-~O1SOO Chamber of Co~m~erce the attention of ~he cit~~ co~c%l to th,~ apparent failurs of the citj~ business license or&inan to protect L~r. James ~3puri.photographer, from ~fair cor~:,.petion, and cited where an outside photographer came into the city without paying a license, and ~orked up a considerable business The city co~cil accepted the communication an~ stated the boar& would investigate the m~tter and take action. ~.J.Ludtke,Zl~ San Bruno Road, a~plied for a business license to open a l~ch counter business at the address given. The n~ter was referred to Chief of Police Belloni and He~lthe 0 EcI~ills. L~onthly reports were received from Chief of ?olice Belloni and City Treasurer Xauffman and ~ire Chief ::elte submitted the yearl~ report of the operations of the fire department. The reports v~ere accepted and ordered p~ced on file, ~vith the thanks of Fayor ~uinlan for the officers' oro~ptness in attending to ~his duty. Under the head of ~finished business City Attorney Coleber& stated the status o~ the ?erratic matter, the removal of a ~il~ idated building on Railroad Avenue, had not yet been de termined. lQeferring to the co~n~ication of the ~outh ~an 3?ancisco Land & Improvement Company r~questing the city to confine the dual, ping of ~arbage to the city's dump and keep the grounds i order,i~a~or ~uinlan stated the city co:~ncil met with t]~e land con~pany o~f~cials and the garbage ~asters and agreed u~on a plan satis~actory to all concerned. Councilman LloT~d re,vested that t police de~oartment prevent any further d~?ing ~rom outsiders on tLe cit~ dumping grounds. ~olic Chief Belloni stated his de~artment v~uld t~e care of the situation. Claims iu the amount of ~198~.~6 were next ?~resented to the council for payment;- John ~.]%ger, labor ~oremau Orange ~ve.~ark ~ ~8.00 Pariani & Limberg The, Electric Corp. Louis Bell oni Scampini & Zanetti Dudley Perkins ~. Savares Superi or Laundry repairs police car supplies " dept, feeding prisoners & supplies tires and tubes police dept. service motorcycle I badge Asst. Fire Chief Wash ~l and #2 houses Dec. Royal Supply Co. Supplies fire dept. American Push Broom Co. 2 dozen brooms and handles San ~ateo Co. Title Co. reports Dec. Underwood ~aype. Co. rent typ'ewriter to Jan. 24 ~. C. Thomas 6 shades City Hall Elmer's Floral Shop wreaths, etc Xmas Ind. City Electric Co. 60 sockets and 500' wire E. Myers 4 hrs. labor hangin flags So.S. ~. Bakery John Figoni J. Corso P. Go & E. Bank of America bread for poisoning rats~ cleaning fountain to Dec. Jl-33 removing dogs Nov. Dec. Misc. service Dec. Street Lights Dec. Safe Deposit rent to 12/~1/~4 Pac. Tele. & Tele.Co. service Dec. Standard 0il Co. Metal Thermit Co. Ch~s. Bollazzi ~ ~o. City Lbr. Co. gas and oil Aug. Nov. Dec. 6 fe~t pipe, 1 valve supplies materials park I! Westinghouse Elec.Co. supplies for street lights John Mager Labor-foreman Orange Ave. Pk~ J. S. Baker Grading Randolph Ave. Jack Hickey trimming trees 2 4 days John ~ager ~oreman Orange Ave. Park 50 o O0 9.,16 9 .,54 51.5 2 7.27 2.00 11.87 3.03 22.55 1.50 10. O0 18.24 15.00 17.1Z 2.00 .76 6.00 9.00 lfS.o~ 637.31 4. O0 48.83 193.44 1.49 1.23 18.02 21.97 41.44 12.07 6.54 95.29 25. O0 250.00 66. O0 20. O0 Victor Gianelli trimming teees 175.00 Total - - - $1985.46 The claims hav~ng been au~iited by the tnance co~m~ittee Co~mcilm~n Tibbetts moved they be The motion was seconded by Councilman.,~-~nucciani and.regularly ....... carried. ~h~ being no further ess Councilmen Boido moved to adjourn until ' the next regular meeting,~Onday,~?ebruary ~th,19J~,a~ ~;J0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by ~ouncilman ~-inu~cciani a~rM~g~ul~ly ~rried. Time of adjournment,8;2~ o'clock p.m. ~espectfully suomitted. ~-~ ~/~ ROLL CALL. Roll cal.'_ fourid all menfoers o/' the council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, V. Boido,!i. Lloyd, I(.:,~inuociani,i{.Tibbetts,Joseah ?.r~uinlan. The minutes of the previous ~:: eting were read. There beir~g no errors or omissions th v~ere aDprove~ as rea~. An a~?licatiou for a posizion on t]~.e election board April 9th,next ~vas receiveG from ~rs. L~ry ~ Dinning. The apvlication v~as accel)ted and ordered placed in f~le w'ith oth-~r a~ cations for positions of t]:e c~racter. A copy off a resolution adopta~ by the City Plazming Cor~nission of -~alo Alto was rece ffrom D~r. E.L.Beach,:Zecretary off the Co.mission. Accepted and ordered place~ on file. Th~ City o~ ~a~wood,Los Angeles County,e~tende~ the city council of the City o~ San Er~cisco an invitation to atten~ a meetiz~g of the~'Los Angeles cowry League on Thursday January 18th,1934. The i~vitation was accepte~ and ordere~ place~ o~ file. A eon~mnication was received from the South S~ ]'r~.ncisco Chamber of Co~m~erce the attention off the cit~ co~=~c!l to th~:~ apparent failure o~ the city business license to protect ~Jr. James ~ipuri.pkoto~raphar, from ~ffair competion, and cite~ where an outside photographer came into the city without paying a license, and wor~:ed up a considerabl~ busine The city co~cil accepted tl~e communication an~ stated the board would investigate t ~:atter ~d take action. [~].J.Lu~tke,312 San Br~o i~oad, a].plied flor a business license to open a l~ch counte business at the address given. The ~tter was refferred to Chieff off Police Belloni and He~lthe L;onthly reports were received ffrom Chieff off ~olice Belloni an~ City Tre:surer KauffffH and ~ire Ohieff '~:elte submitted the yearl: re~:ort off the operations off the ffime department. Th reports were accemted and ordered p~ceG on ffile, with the thanks off Yayor Quinlan flor the offfficers' ;~romptness in attending to ~:his duty. Under the head off ~mffinished business City Attorney Coleberd stated the status off th Ferrario matter, the removal o~ a ~i12 idated bulling on Railroad Avenue, had not yet been de t ermine~. Re~:~erring to the co~micaSion of the ~outh ~an i~rancisco Land & Improvement Company r~questing the city to conffine the ~umping off ~f;arbage to the city's ~_ump and keep the grounds order,!~ayor ~uinlan stated the city council met with t]~e land company off~icials and the garba m~sters and agreed u~:on a plan satisfactory to all concerned. Councilman Lloyd reovested that police de-oartment prevent any further d~ping From outsiders on the city dumping grounds. Chieff Belloni stated his de~artment w~uld t~e care of the situation. Claims i~ the amount off ~1985.46 were next ))resented to the council for payment;- John ~.]~ager, labor foremau ~range ~:~.ve.~ark ~: 25.00 ]~ariani & F, imberg The, Electric Corp. Louis Bell oni Scampini & Zanetti Dudley Perkins ~,. Savares Superior Laundry repairs police car supplies " dept. feeding prisoners & supplies tires and tubes police dept. service motorcycle I badge Asst. Fire Chief Wash ~l and $2 houses Dec. Royal Supply Co. Supplies fire dept. American Push Broom Co. 2 dozen brooms and handles San Mateo Co. Title Co. reports Dec. Underwood Type. Co. rent typewriter to Jan. 24 2. C. Thomas 6 shades City Hall Elmer's Floral Shop wreaths, etc Xmas Ind. City Electric Co. 60 sockets and 500' wire E. Myers 4 hrs. labor hangin flags So.S. ~, Bakery John Figoni J. Corso P. Go & E. Bank of America bread for poisoning rats~ cleaning fountain to Dec.31-J5 removing dogs Nov. Dec. Misc. service Dec. Street Lights Dec. Safe Deposit rent to 12/~1/~4 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co. service Dec. ~tandard 0il Co. Metal Thermit Co. Chas. Bollazzi So. City Lbr. Co. gas and oil Aug. Nov. Dec. 6 fe~t pipe, 1 valve supplies materials park II II Westinghouse Elec.Co. supplies for street lights John Nager Labor-foremen Orange Ave. Pk. J. S. Baker Grading Randolph Ave. Jack Hickey trimming trees 2 4 days John Mager ~oreman Orange Ave. Park ZO o00 9;16 9 .~4 51.5 2 7.27 2.00 Ll.8~ 5. O~ 22.55 1.50 10. O0 18.24 15.00 17.13 2.00 .78 6.00 9.00 11~ · O1 6S? .Sl 4. O0 48.83 193.44 1.49 1.23 18.02 21.9~ 41.44 12.0~ 6.54 95.29 25. O0 250.00 66. O0 20. O0 Victor Gianelli trimming teees 175.00 Total - - - $1985,46 The claims havJug, b~en au,~ited by the inance cor. m~.ittee Co~mcilm~n Tibbetts moved the:/ b !2he motion was seconded by Councilman ~'~nucciani~ and.regularly carried. ~h~_ ~.~ being no furthe: ess Councilmen Boido moved to adjourn until v;30 o'clock p.m. The motion v.:as seconded by Ti.me of adjournment,8;25 o'clock p.m. the next reg.u_lar meeting,~'onday,L~ebruaEy 5th,1934 ?_ouncilman :-inu.cciani a~r~g~y ~rried. ,~espectfully suomit te