HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-02-05RECULkR }fEETII!G OF T?~E CITY COUITCIL OF TP~ CITY OF :30UTE S=~2j F:~LNCISCO,n~,~ ] 0LD,~Y, FEBRUARY~u,1934. The regular meeting of the city council o-' the City of South ~an ?rancisco was held in the City Hall,?onday evening, February 5th,19.~4. The meeting was called to or,er at 7-~0 o'clock p.m. by }ayor Joseph ?.Cuinlan. ROLL CALL. !~oll call '~ound all members of the cdt;; council present,to-wit,; Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, ,:.h~nucc~a~,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ~.~uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There beirzg no errors or omission~ they, v;ere approved_ as read. The ~,oard of Education re, Lasted 10 l~ght~F' ~ ' ' ~=:~tan~aras~ ~ ~ for ~pruce & Taft, rack Request granted. A. co,~munication was recoived '~rom ?ra~ !~ojica, requegting ]permission to hold a Christeni~g dance in /fraternal Iiall,?~tur~ay evenini~,, ?ebru~y 10th,19Z4,from 8 p.m. to 2,A.I~. ~ermission granted. ?red Lautze as~,ed permission to ~ub,_~t a price on truck tires.when reouir~d Accepted & filed. A comm~i,~':ation was recei~e~ from the Pacific Gas ~"t~ ~lectr~c~ ' Company requesting'' ' permission to install a 2" gas main in the easterly sidewalk area of Cypress Avenue between Pine and Aspen ~venues. i{eferred to cozmcil~n Tibbetts and the iesirei permission granted. ~ invitation was extended from the City of S~ta Barbar~ to the city council of this city to attend ~he Third ~ual Convention of the California ~ission Trails Association to be held at the Biltmore Hotel in S~ta Barbara ~'~e~L~ruary 9-10-11. The invitation v:as orde accepted and placed on file Anderson 0il Co.was ~r~ted a · ~ ~ - permit to install a lO000 gel. tan ent one. Granted. A commendation was received from the Division of Higkways enclosing a direction~~ siam print standardized for use on the high~y system. ~'he m~tter was referred to Chief' of Police Belloni for investigation, service John Bertone, a resident of ,~an 2ranci~.co, with overseas ,accredited ki~:. according to Dr.Z.0.¥aters, request~d a free peddling license. Laid over for investigation. ~zt/ ~reasurer ani city ~erx for the mo'~ ~ .~.di~g -Ta~n~y ~lst,_.9o~ were suhmitteE and decal, ted %" tLe co~-nci]. ',:ith the thanks of :~asor ~uir~an ~or the o~=ioers ~ro~t~t~ess in attendi~~ tol- this duty. ~ ~ ~. o~ :.or able ~ resolution was ir, troduced b~ counci!mau Tibbetts e'ndorsi~.~_ the action of Joh:-~ John ;.LmTrath, ~er~ber of bongress of ,.~he l,]t~ited ~t~tes fro~'; the ~i~b+h District of California,_~n ur~,inga a ~ioint use of transbay~ brid~e tracks and other facilities b~ ~acific 0o:?~y and 7/e~stern Dacific ~ailwaj Compa:a? between ¥i!es and and 7an Fra~cisco, California.via;~e '~ dwood Cit,>,~,..: coF:s:~ was ordered s,~nt to Hon. uozm~ ~ J.L]cOrath & other munici~-aliities. ~ne re~olution was amoptad by the una~ir~mous vote of a~l the r~:er~bers of the Czty C o~mil, t o-v;i t; - '~ .... Lloyd .... ~'inicciani ,=~.Tibbetts, Jooe-nn _~. A;/es, Counc~lmen,¥ .... ,o~do,_-~. ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~uinlan. ~,oeo,'~ ' Councilmen,]7one 1~ Co~mcilmeu,Uone. Attest Daniel l:cZweeney City Clerk. :;:ecor~ed in Book off Resolutions,Vol.2,at yage 428. of Lnaer new businessAndrew .:!.$nding addressed the council on the subject,tAe annual prize gard n con' adiitional tree planting and submitted a long list o streets where shrubbar~ ~d ~ t~st, .~ ' ..... trees aoul~be planted to e=~ance the beauty of uf;e city. ~he cdt: council approved the suggestions. ~'r Hynding also stated many depredations are being co~aitted hy boys and others to vacant property i~ the city such as bread:dug, window-s, stealing lumber from ou~[.ouses, ets,and suggested the cit~ take action of so~e Zini to abate tho nui~anae~ by way of a rc:~,'.,~ard or other v:ise. He stated he was re~res~entin~ the Cham'ber of Co;m~erc. ~he cit~- council took *-~.,~;~ L~tter'.-,~ ' un~:;r~"~ ir, v~stigation and will volice deuart~:ent ou t~,e alert for vio!aters. '~r. -'~ -' ~=~auste ~=;e under the head of ~ood a~d ~a.~ r, cretary of the ~b~ ~q-~r cT 7elfare, brought ~o the attention of t~ city council the flagrant destruct]~ of wild flowers in the {pring seasons,oy persons trave!inb through the city and more or less by residents city also,and stat.~d some cities have ordinar~ces against this abuse a~od suggested ;~outh ~an i~rancieco might take some action. The city cou~qcil thou~ht well of the suggestion,will take ~some action and Chie~ of ~olice Belloni wi~ll assist in the preve~tion of the wanton destruction. Claims in the amount of (~Z098.~6 were ~'-~ext ~:ere nep~t ~'~resented to the cit~;~ council for payment;- John M~ger Rob ins on - Druggist Dudley Perkins Zouis Belloni Dudley Perkins Howard Buick Co. A. J. Pacheco ~. ~ombardi A. Bchmidt A. J. Pacheco Earvel Carbureter Sales Co. So. City ~arket Buperior Steam Laundry Price Furniture Co. Price Furniture Co. Robins on Druggist A. J. Welte Enterprise Foundry Westinghouse Electric Co. Santini & Roccucci OLD Reliance Garage E~u~fmann Bros. ~red. J. Lautze Geo. A. Kne ese Geoo A. Eneese C~lifornis ~/ater Service Scl. l~bor Orange Ave. drainage $~0.O0 supplies - police dept. 5.g8 repairs - motorcycle ~ feeding prisoners Jan. 1 rear chain and service cycle repairs Buick repair police call signal gas end_oil police d~Dt, Jan. B brushes fire dept. fire alarm maintenance Jan. I pin and £ weights first trk. tallow ±or boiling chains wash $1 and ~£ houses Jan. i shower curtain ~ house 8 mattresses ren~de Fire Dept. Supplies fire dept. cash paid for welding gov. part £ Burys - fire dept. supplies street lights boots repairs ford truck freight on brooms install new battery preparation of des. street from Hillside Bldv. to Ralston Ave. preparing official mad fountain & fire house water &8.71 5.55 5.60 6.00 1,3.3~ .71 £0. O0 .5.3 12.80 2. O0 55.50 11.01 ~0.75 9,9~ 6.65 20.95 .35 7.79 99.25 1,197.97 3.00 The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they ~.~ere approved as read. The 3card of Education re(u~sted 10 lighti~F Standards for ~Druce & Ta~arack~' i~equest granted, i. co~munication ~:as recoived ~rom .~ra~ Yojica, reque~tin~I ~ermission to kold a Christening ~ance in ~raternai Hall,:~tur~'~' "~" , · ~,~, evening', rebru~5 lOth ,1934 , from 8 pm. to [,,.~t a price on truck tires,~vhen reouired, '~ermission granted. Pred Lautze asked permission to sn Accepte~ L 2'iled. 2 co~:~m~i,-:ati~n was recei,;e~ from the Pacific Gas '~ Electric Company/ requesting ?ermission to install a 2" gas main in the' easterly si~ev;alk area of CFpress Avenue between ~ine an~ 2spen ,{venues. Referred to co~oil~n ?ibLetts an~ the &esire~ permission grante~. ,~ invitation was extended from the Cit~: of S~ta Barbara to the city council of this city to attend uhe Thir~ A~ual Convention of the California '.'ission Trails Association to be hel~ at the Biltn'.ore l[o2el in S~ta Barbara ~ ;~,ruary 9-10-11. The invitation was orde: . ~' ~'~' permit to install a 10000 gal. tan}~ next to nr accepted and placed on file lnderson Oil go.was ,.:r~,~teG a ent one. Granted. k com~i~ ti on was received from the Division of t[igh%vays ~nclos~ng a mkrectzon~.. si~jn print standardized for use on the highv~y system. The m~tter vzas referre~ to Chief' of ~olice Belloni for investigation. ~ervice John Bertone, a resident of 3an Pranoi::co, with overseas,accredite~ hi~;~ according to Dr.Z.0.1aters, request:~d a free pedd!in6 license. Lai~ over for investigation. The renorts~ of tl:.e ,~hief o~_~ ~olice, Building Inspec~or,Fire Chief,xeaitL Officer, ~' -~ z,~o ~ ending Janu~y 31st,_.9o4 vzere submitted and accepte~ ~zt;,' Treasurer and City Clerk for the ,' ~" ~ o~=oers ~ro~:.ptness in attending :'"~: the co~-ncil !vitx the thanks of "~ -~ ayor Quir~an for the' ~ ' this duty. i resolution was ir~troduoed by counei!ma~'~ Tibbetts en~.orsinCz the action of Nonorable Jokn John J.LcT~rath, ~ember of Congress of the United Ztates from tke :~[,g~,~-h District of California, in urging a .oNao use of transbaN bridF'e tracks and other facilities b~ ?outhern~ ' ~, ~ j .,~ · ,- y ,_, r~ ~ and a~ Zan FraNcisco, ?acific ~omo~ and Uestern Pacific r~azl,,¢a,,, CompaN~~ b~-tween .... =,~ California.~ia Redwood City, i co~.~2: was ordered s~:}nt to ]{on. John J.IicOrath & other munici}-ali~ties. ,ne resolution was amo~tem by the unaNir:ous vote of aL1 the ~e~'~ber~ of the City C o%zuci 1, t o-v:i t; - Ayes, Counc!lmen,U.Boido,R.Lloyd.~'.~%nicciani,R.Tibbetts,J°se~'h ?.~uinlan. Noe~, Co~ci linen,None ,Absent, Co~mcilmeu,None. Attest Daniel ]~c~weeney City Clerk. Recorded iN Book of Resolutions,Vol.~,at ],'age ~8. of Under new businessAndrew H~ing a~dresse~ the council on the subject,the annual p~ize garden cont est, additional tree planting and submitted a long list o~ streets where shrubber~ aud trees could be planted to erEaance the beauty of the city. ~2he cit~~ council approved the suggestions..~r Hynding also stated :~}any depredations are being cor~itted by bo~s and others to vacant property i~ the city such as breaking, windows, stealing lumber from ou~ouses, ets,and suggested the citF take action .... e stated he was representiu~ of some kind to abate th,~ nuisance~ by ~:~ay of a re,,var& or other v:ise, u the Chamber of Oo~'~:merc. 'he city council took the matter under inr~stigation and k~il! h~::.~e police ~b-r'b o!' , under the head of good a~d '~r. Rau NxiNgler, ~:~ocretari~ of the C ,~ ~r Con~ne~ce ~elfare, brought ~o the attention of t~: city ctouncil the flagrant destructi~ of wild flowers in the :J, pring seasons,oF persons traveling through the city and more or less by residents citj also,and stat,~d some cities have ordinances against this abuse a~d suggested ~':~outh Tan Erancieco might take some action. The city council thou~ht well of the suggestion,will take some action and Chief of ~olice Belloni will assist in the preve~tion of the wanton destruction. Claims in the amount of ~['~ 098. 56 were ne~, here ne::t ?,resented to the git! council fo r payment; - John Nager Rob ins on - Druggist Dudley Perkins Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Howard Buick Co. A. J. Pacheco J. Lombardi A. Bchmi dt A. J. Pacheco Marvel Carbureter Sales Co. So. City Market Superior Steam Laundry Price Furniture Co. Price Furniture Co. Robins on Druggist A. J. Welte Enterprise Foundry Westinghouse Electric Co. Santini & Roccucci OLD Reliance Garage Eauffmann Bros. Fred. J. Lautze Geo. A. Eneese Geo. A. Kneese California Water Service P. G, and E. Sal. /abor Orange Ave. drainage $20.00 supplies - police dept. 5.28 repairs - motorcYCle 48.71 feeding prisoners Jan. 5.35 I rear chain and service cycle 5.60 repairs Buick 6.00 repair police call s~gnal 22.40 gas and_oil police dept, Jan. lS.3~ 2 brushes fire dept. .71 fire alarm maintenance Jan, 20.00 1 pin and 2 weights first trk. .53 tallow for boiling chains ~.3~ wash $1 and ~2 houses Jan. lg.80 I shower curtain ~2 house 2.00 8 mattresses rent-de Fire Dept. 53.30 Supplies fire dept. ll.O1 cash paid for welding gov. part .~5 2 burys - fire dept. ~0.~5 supplies street lights 9.93 boots 6.65 repairs ford truck 20.95 freight on brooms .~5 install new battery 7.79 preparation of des. street from Hillside Bldv. to Ralston Ave. preparing official map fountain & fire house water hydrant service Jan. Misc. service Jan. 99.25 1,197.97 S.O0 454.00 155.14 Po G. and E. Pacific. Tele. & Tele. Co. J. Welch State Bd. of Equalization A. Detomasi J. 0. McMills Robinson Druggist ~. Minetti So. City Lumber Co. California Water Service California Water Service Hallawell Seed Co. Pac i fi e Nurs eri es Rod Tibbetts John I,,~a ger John 5lager Street Lights Jan. ~ 657.51 Phone ~626 2.50 Phone service jan. 55,?0 removing cats & dogsJan. 31.50 2 auto clearance stamps 1 day poisoning rats phone Health Dept. supplies " " pipe, etc. m~terials - p~rk 50 stakes Library water Jan. Civic Center & Ball Pk. Seeds 3 Acacia trees I machinist vice labor Orange Ave. Pk. 1.68 4.00 3.25 30.90 4.74 25.82 1.02 4.5O 12.00 4.97 12.30 10.00 2O.0O 2O.O0 Total - $3,098.56 The claims having b~.en audited by the finance co~¥~ittee councilman Tibbe~ts moved the~ · be paid. The motion ~vas second, ed b~ co~mcilman L~i~ucciani and regularl~ carried. Before adjour~ent Mayor ~uinlan a~nounced t)~t by a vrevious arrange~ents the Boy Scouts u~ould be given the freedom of the ~it~,~ after the meeting. The?~ being no further business Cou~cil~zn '~ibbetts moved to adjourn until ~on~y evening,February 19th,19~4,at 7;ZO O'clock P.~. ~e motio~ was secon&ed by counciln~n Boido and regularl~ carrie&. L,~a?or of ~outh ,~'pproved 0n the ~djour~ament oF the ci~ covncil ~ic Venturi, Chairu~n of Troop C'onr~it~ee, ~:~oys v~couts ~f~Imerica,~o.q0, lod the bo;.~ to their r:ew city pouiti.~ns. ~'a~or F~uinlan ?;elcomed the troop on behalf of the itT, oZ ~outh ~an Francisco , eulogized on the good vJorZ th~ bo?s are doing, and commendo~ them highl~ on their ef~'icien~,tr~iniug and excellent b~havior. The boys ~her~ tool ov~r tLe re