HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-02-19150 REGULAR MMETING 0:~ T}~.~] CITY C OL~TCIL 0F THE CITY OF SOU~ S~,~ F~ITCISC0,RU,]LD YOALDAY, F~]BRUARY 19TH ,19.54. The regular meet. ing of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held ~m,~onday,Pebruar.v 19th,19~. In the absence of ~ayor Ouinlan,Councilman ReeseLloyd was Mayor pro tern. The ~eeting'was cal ..... d order at ?;i~ o'clock o.m. by L?ayor pro tern Reese Lloyd_. chosen ROLL CALL. Roll call found the ~following members of the city council present,to-wit;- ~ ounci lmen, V.B0ido ,R. Lloyd ,Ninucciani ,R. Tibbe tts. Absent, ~ayor Joseph P.~uinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The Three Liusk~eers, a social society of South San Francisco applied for permission to to hold a benefit dance in Fraternal Hall,Saturday evening, April 14th,19Z4,from 8 p.m. until 1 o'clock A.L~. permissi}n granted. A communication was' received from Paul A.EcCarthy,President of Peninsula Divislor. of the League of California Municipalities, inviting the city council and city officials to attend a meeting of the league at the Alta Eira Club, San Leandro, ~arch 2nd,19~4 at 6;~0 o'cl°ck~ p.m. The invitation was accepted and seven city officers agreed to attend. A co~ication was received from the San Francisco Chroni~le Stating the~ Cit~~ o~ San Bruno had decided to take no further action in regard to a proposed local tax. Communication ordered placed on file. An application from HoWard S.Hawkes for a free soldier's license to sell an exterminator preparation was deniers. An application for a pool room l$cen~e for a garage at 805 Linden Avenue was denied. Xngelo Colombo applied for a pool room and lunch counter license for £39 Crand Avenue. License granted. Mrs. Minnie Hendel 1011 San Bruno Road, applied for a position on the election ~oard April 9th,19Z~. Laid over to come up at a future meeting of the city council, Confirmation was given a quartet of young men.?~odgers,Eggers~,Bonini and~allin for . · their permit for a dance held in 2raternal Hall Saturday e~ening,?ebruary l?th,193~. Judge Farrell submitted his monthly/ reports for December ~nd January. The reports were accepted ~md ordered placed on file. The ao~olication of John Dertone,overm ess soldier, for a £ree.license to r:eddle was laid.6ver. The ~o~!cation of the ~Couth San Yrar~cisco Land and Improvement Company for a correction in t~e number of acres in lots ~ and 7 in zone "Y" was referre~ to.city attorney Coleberd,engineer Elassen in conjunction with the city council, which commission will also make a study of holdings of the Land Company. The Land and Improvement company's a?y, lication for a refund of taxes was also laid over. Pac. Tel& Tel Lo.was ~ranted oermission to set ~t~v.o pole,$ .and anchor in Huntington Avenue. . City Attorney ~olebordf stated there cou±~ ce no~n~ng done in the wa~~ o~f removing the' Ferrario building on F, ailroad Avenue,under the circumstances. i~o action was taken in the matter of the prevention of the destruction of Wild Flowers, it was reported to t~,e cit~~ council. Claims in the amount of ~1089.52 ~ere next presented to the council for payment. Margarite Ruiz Enterprise Press ·red Br ~own Kinetic Chemicals, Inc. So. 0ity Lumber Co. Harold 3. Hawkes Service Garage ~red J. ~autze ~he Seagrave Corporation American ~ire Equipment Co. ~o. City ~Lumber Co. ·est inghous e Electric Pti ce ~urniture 0 o. H. ~ Crocker Co. Enterprise Press Burroughs Adding Machine C o. A. Detomasi Standard 0il Co. Geo. A. Eneese H. ~. Haaker H' ~. Haaker Pacific Tole. &Tele Co. ~erry Morse Seed Co. G. ~. Bishop,Co. John Mager Interpreting ~eb. ~ $ 5.00 250 stamped envelopes 9.05 repairing fire house doors 1.80 1 copy book on fire hazards 2.25 1 qt engine enamel 1.~ 1 2 boxes ant pads 1.00 repairs No. I engine ~.$~ 4 Pneumo_tic tire and tubes fire truck 476.83 1 Ignition Coil 8.20 4 reducers 8.20 materials 17.77 24 base dc~n st.lamps ~ 41.61 1 0il heater ~,05 1 box challenge eyelets 2.57 10~0 poet card tax notices & affidavits26,08 Maintenance to Aug.19~4 5.5~ 1 da[ poisoning rats gas m oil Jan. 300 scale ma!ms Prom. Treas. bond " 1916 3eagrave Phone $1071 300 Lbs. Golden Gate mix '. repairs lawn mower 5 days foreman Orange Ave. park 4. O0 112.22 6.06 250.00 5.00 2.75 58.42 11.55 25.00 Total ........ $1,089.52 The finance committee having audited the claims councilman Tihbetts moved they be The motion was seconded by councilman Einucciani and regularly carried. There being no firther business before the council councilman Tibbetts moved to adj~urn~ Monday evening,Pebruary 26th,1934,at 7;30 ~o'clock pm. The motion was seconded by councilman~ iani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;55 o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the city council present,to-wit;- Councilmen, V.B°ido ,R.Lloyd,Minucciani ,R.Tibbe tts. Absent, L;ayor Joseph P.ruinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The Three Liusketeers, a social society off South San Francisco applied for permission to to hold a benefit dance in Fraternal Hall,Saturda~/ evening, April 14th,1934,from 8 p.m. until I o'clock A.L~. permission granted. f~ communication was' received from Paul A.EcCarthy,President of Peninsula Divisior. of the League of California Municipalities, inviting the cit~? council and city offficials to attend a meeting of the league at the Alta Mira Club, San Leandro, ~/~arch 2nd,1934 at 6;30 o'clock p.m. The invitation was accepted and seven city officers agreed to attend. A co~mnnnication was received from the San Francisco Chronicle stating the-Cit~- of San Bruno had decided to take no further action in regard to a proposed local tax. Communication ordered placed on file. An application from Howard S.Hawkes for a free soldier's license to sell an exterminator preparation was denied,. An application for a pool room l$cen~:e for a garage at 805 Linden Avenue was denied. Angelo Colombo applied for a pool room and lunch caster license for £59 Crand Avenue. License granted. Mrs. Minnie Hendel 1011 San Bruno Road, applied for a position on the election koard April 9th,19Z4. Laid over to come up at a future meeting of the city council, Confirmation was given a quartet of young men,F, odgers,Eggers,,Bonini and~allin for their permit for a dance held in Fraternal Hall Saturday e~ening,February l?th,19Z4. Judge Farrell submitted his monthl~ reports for December and January. The re~oris were accepted :~nd ordered placed on file. The ao~:lication of John Bertone,over, eas soldier, for a f~ee.license to r~eddle was Iai~,dYer. The ~o'~!~.cation of the ~outh ~an Yra~cisco Land and Improvement Company for a correction in the number of acres in lots 5 and ~ in zone "Y" was referre~ to.city attorney Coleberd,engineer Klassen in conjunction with the cit~ council, which commission will also make a study of holdings of the Land Company. The Land and Improvement compan~'s ~jl~lication for a refund of taxes was also laid over. Pac. Tel& Tel Oo.was granted permission to set two pole. s .and anchor in Hunt,in. ton Avenue City Attorney 0olebord stated there could be novnzng done in the wa~ o~f removing 'them- Ferrario building on Railroad Avenue,under the circumstances. ~o action ~vas taken in the matter of the prevention of the destruction of Wild Flowers, it was reported to the city council. Claims in the amount Of ~1089.52 ~ere next presented to the council for payment. Margarite Ruiz Enterprise Press ~red Brqwn Kinetic Chemicals, Inc. So. 0ity Lumber Co. Harold 3. Hawkes Service Garage ~red J. Lautze ~he Seagrave Corporation American ~ire Equipment Co. So, 0ity V. umber Co. Westinghouse Electric Pti ee ]~urntture O o, H. S, Crocker Co. Enterprise Press Burroughs Adding Machine Co. A. Detom~si Standard 0il 0o. Geo. A. Eneese H. ~.. Haaker H. t. Haaker Pacific Tele. &Tele Co. ~erry Morse Seed Co. G. ~. Bishop,Co. ~ohn Mager Interpreting ~eb. ~ $ 5.00 250 stamped envelopes 9.05 repairing fire house do,rs 1,80 1 copy book on fire hazards 2.25 1 qt engine enamel 1.Z1 2 boxes ant pads 1,00 repairs No. 1 engine 5.Z~ A Pne~tic tire and tubes fire truck 1 Ignition 0oil 4 reducers m~terials 24 base down st.lamps 1 0il heater 476.83 8.20 8.20 17.77 41.61 2,05 1 box challenge eyelets 2.57 10~0 poet card tax notices & affidavits26.08 Maintenance to Aug.19Z4 5.~5 1 da[ poisoning rats gas m oil Jan. 300 scale malms Prem. Treas. bond " 1916 ~eagrave Phone $1071 300 Lbs, Golden Gate mix repairs lawn mower 5 days foreman Orange Ave. park 4.00 112.22 6.06 250.00 5.00 2.75 58,42 11.55 25. O0 Total ........ $1,089.52 The finance committee having audited the claims councilman Tihbetts moved they be pai~. The motion was seconded by councilman ~l.~inuccianl and regularly carried. There being no firther business before the council councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn~ until Monday evening,~ebruary 26th ,1934 ,at 7;30 o'clock pm. The motion was seconded by councilman' Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjourr~nent, 8;55 o'clock p.m. Approve~ ~yor pro rem SOUTH SAN ~RANCISC0. Re ~p~c t~ully ~mi tt~,