HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-02-26Regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco,held Monday, l~bruary 28th ,1934. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the ~ity of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening,February 26th,1934. In the absence of Mayor 0uinlan~Councilmn ~,~inucciani moved that Councilm~u Reese Lloyd be selected ~JaYor ~p~o tern. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and on roll call regularly carried. Councilman Lloyd then took the presiding officer's chair. Roll Call. Roll call found . the following menbers of the city council present,to-~it;- Councilmen V.Boido ,i~. LLoyd,~LMinucciani ,R. Tibbetts. Absent, Joseph P.Ouinlan. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with, Applications for positions on the election board the forthcoming election April 9th, were received from Mrs. Vera,Gsell,609 Linden Avenue and Mrs. M.Kahn,A~6 Baden Avenue. The applications were ordered placed on file for consideration by the co~cil. Fr~ L. Ghilardi,representing San ~teo Co~ty Druid Chapter applied for a permit to hold a Sha~ock ~nce in ~aterna~ Hall,Sa~ur~y evening, ~ch l~h,19~A. Permission granted. A petition was received from eigh~~South S~ Pr~cisco barbers requesting the city co~cil to ref6se barber's licenses to applie~ts for business in residential zones,referring particularly to a barb~ shop on California Avenue,near Linden Avenue. Sam Zucco, repre~enting the petitioners, w~s informed the ~strict mentioned is no~zoned as residential territory, and therefore the cit~ co~cil would be ~ble to prevent business there ~il the zoning ordinance couId be amended. A comm~ieation~was received from Rapp Brothers,instance agents, requested to be heard on the matter of Fleet Instance, being agents in San ~teo County for ~eet insurance companies. Oo~ication accepted and placed on file. An ordinance entitled "AI~ 0RDI~A~CE REGLU~TINC AND RElaTING T0 THE R~CTION, CON~TRUO'~t0~ AND ~:~INTEN~CE .0F ADVERTISII~G STRUCTU~S,~J~D.~E P~CII'~G ~D ~,~AINTENANCE 0P SIGNS IE THE CITY O~ SOUTH SAN F~CISCO;LICENSIIIG ~2~D REO~ATING TIlE ~C~ATION OF OUTDOOR AD~RTIS. ING;~ROVIDIYC P Ti~ ISSU:~CE 0F PER}:~ITS A}~ FEES THE~FOR; RE0,UIRIIJC T~.UE PER~,~ISSIOI~ 0P THE 0~Vr~R 0R LESSEE 0F PROPERTY ~3N ~/~ICH A!~ ADVERTISII~G STR~T~E~ 0R SIGN I~ L~ATED, AI~D PROVIDI~G :POR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLITION 0F ~IS 0RDIN~CE" was introduced by co~cil~n ~,:inuccl~i, h~d ~.ts Ctrst readi and was laid over to come up ~der the regular order of business at the next reg~ar meeting-: ,, of the city co~cil/ RE~0L~ION ORD~RI;~G Tt~ PURCHASE 0F A FORD TR~DK. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco ordering the purchase by the City o~. :~outh San ~rancisco of Ford Truck, and calling for bids to be opened for the same Eonday,L~arch 19th,19Z~ at ~;Z0 o'clock p.m. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the member~ of the oit~ council,as follows,- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido~R. Lloyd, M.Mln~cciani R.Tibbetts. Noes, 0ouncilmen,none, f~bsent, 0o~ucilman, Joseph P.Quinlan, Attest Daniel McSweenep, City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~ at page Fire Chief Welte delivered a me~sage to the city council to the effect that the Library Board would hold a meeting on Wednesday evening February 28, at ? o'clock p . m., at which the presence of the city council was desired. Accepted. City attorney Coleberd stated ~he closin~ ordinance was under process of adjustment. Fire Chief Welte stated the fire zoning, erdinan~ce sh~uld~als0~be revised. Claims in the amount of $~4,8§ were next presented to the council for payment;- Fred J. Lautze, Bonney wrenches ~.Minetti 1 closing basin cock S.S.F.Chamber of ConEerce,Com. Add Feb. Walter A.Hoff ~0 acacias Richmond Oottery Co pots and saucers Total 00' ~25.00 $20.50 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion v~as seconded by Councilman l~inucciani ~nd regularly carried. There being no further business before the board councilmen Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, February 27th,19,~4,at V;00 o'clock p,m. The motion ':?as seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;30 o'clock p.m. ~e spec t full~? submit~ ~ ~.. t~ e~ ? Approved e~/~ Mayor pro tem of South San Francisco . ~ ~y C1 -