HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-03-05REGULAR ~IEETII.~G OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0~~ Th~ CITY OF SOUTH SAIl F~iNCI£C0,~LD EONDAY, ~I RCH 5TH,1934. The regular meeting.of the city council of the City, of South San Francisco was held in the city hall,Eonday evening,~arch 8th,19~4. The meeting was cal~ed to order at ~;~ O'clock p.m. by Eayor Joseph P.Quinlan. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the csuncil present;to-wit;- COuncilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd,M. Einuccia ~ni ,R. Tibbett s, Joseph P. Ouinlan. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being m.o errors or omissions thsy were approved as read. A communication was received ~'rom the South San Francisco Chamber i of Co~merce~ ...· ree~esti~ in. formation concerning the ~coard's action in the ~tter of unfair competition alled~edly sustained by photographer,Mr. James Spuri, on which subject the chamber wrote the City Co~cil, ~,M. Coleberd stated the license governing this business would be amended, in the near ~tuge. The application of.Ch~les L.Wood for a soldier's free license was denied. The monthly reports of the Bulling Inspector, City ~reasurer, Health Officer, Chie: of Police,Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month ending Febr~ry 28th,1954,were submitted to council and accepted with the tha~s o:~ L~ayor OUinl~. Sr~nce No.156, ~an ordi~nce regulating ~d relating to the erection, constructio~ and ~aintenance of advertising struct~es, and the placing and ~intenance of signs tn the Cil of Co~.th San ~rancisco, liceusin~ and resulating the occupation of outdoor advertising; ~-. . r t ~ ~.- '.~ .~ ~' .~ -~ ~.' ,~ ~.~'~,provi~ng for the .issuance of permits an~ fees therefor; requiring the permission of the o~sr or lessee of property upon which any advertisi~ug struct~es or sign is located, and providing penalties for the violation of this Ordinance, introduced February 25th,1934 by CouMciln~ Minucciani, was adopted as an ordinanc( of the City of South San Francisco by the following vote;- Ayes, Co~cilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes,Co~cilmen,None, Absent, Co~cilmen None. Attest Daniel ~cSwee~y City Clerk, in Book of 0~di~nces, Yol. 2,at pages 222 and 225. ~ ordi~nce repealing ,ordinance No.156 of the Ci~ of South San Fr~cisco entitl~ "~ 0RDIN~CE ~GU~TING ,~{D RE~TING T0 TP~ COUSTR~TIOI,~,E~TION, },~INTENANCE AI~ USE 0F BIL~0~qDS IN THE CI~f OF SOU~ S~ ~ICISC0, .~D LICENSII~G ~D RECb~TING THE ~CUPATION 0] ~%%IlfTENM~CE BIL~0ARDS A!~ OUTDOOR ADVERTISII~G, PROVIDII~O PEUALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOU 0F THE n:~_s.~,~ ALL ORDIN.~!CES 0R PARTS ThU~REOF II~ COI~FLICT THEREWITH" ,passed Lay 4th,19B1. introduced 2Vthth~y of February,1934, by co~cil~n Boido, was adopted by the votes of all members of the city co~cil,to-wit;- . Ayes,Oouncilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, E.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.Ouinlan. l~oes, Co~cilmen,I[one, Absent ,Councilmen,llone. Attest Daniel McSweeney Cit[,~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of 0rdi~nces,Vol.2,at ~ge E24. 0RD!~A~EE N0.168. An ordinance amending Ordinance No.21 of the Git2 of ~outh San Francisco entitled "A~ ORDINANCE PROVIDING A SYSTE~ FOR THE A':!SESSL~NT, LEVY .AI~ COLY~CTION 0~ ALL CI~_' TAXES Ill THE CITV 07 SOUTH S~tl~ '~NCISC0" passed ADril 19th ,1909 ,by adding thereto two sections, to be numbere~ed 53 and 54, introduced by Councilman Minucciani February 27th,1934, was adopt, as an ordinance of the City o£ South San Francisco,by the following vote;- Aye s, Councilmen, V.Boido ,R.Lloyd, ~.Ninucciani ,R.Tibbett s, Joseph P. auinlan. Noes, 'Councilmen,None,' Absent, Councilmen,l~one. Attest Daniel NcSweeney, Recorded in Book of 0rdinance~-~,Vol.2,at page 225. City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. ~ & ~ ~N 0RI~INANO~ 0F ~EH~ CI~ ~ S01~H ~ ~'2t~§I~0 ~1~I~I1~ TOOI~,~1~IT,EEATS,DRY GOODS C LOTHING, JE~,~ELRY,HARDWAi~E, SPORTI!~G GOODS, SHOE STORES, SHOE ?,EPAIRIUG STORES, AND BARBER SHOP', TO RE~f~IN CLOSED DURING CV~TAIN HOURS,AND REPE~LING ORDINANCE NO,163 ~NTITLED "AH ORDINANCE 0F THE CITY 0~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUIRI1,TO FOOD,FRUIT,MEAT,DRY G00]~S,CLOTHING,JEWELRY, HARDWARE,BPORTING GOODS, SHOE STORES,AND SHOE RE°AIRING STORES AND BARBER SHOPS TO RENAIN CLOSED DURING CERTAIN HOURS," passed August 14th,1933, was introduced by Councilman tibbetts, had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. Claims in the amount of ~171~.98 were next presented for payment;- John Mager T. ouis Bell chi Peninsula Glass C o. Margarite Ruiz Ric's Service Station · ~2al Supply C o. Eauffmann Bros. Za Mat's Garage ~uperior ~,aundry 2ariani & Zimberg Natl. Ice & Cold Storage Co. J. B~ Guglielmetti W. ~. Fuller Co. The Seagrave Corporation California Nater Service $ 20.00 Salary foreman Orange Ave, Park feeding prisoners, peace officers dues and exp. San V, eandro 13.40 Glass .50 Interpreting ~in Court ~ 5.00 Gas police de~.t, ll.15 Supplies fire dept. 7.12 frei ght .35 spark .plugs 1.2 8 Wash ~l and $2 houses ~eb. ll.41 repairs fire chief's car 5.82 5 reals, distilleA water .51 luSrication - fire dept. ~ 4.00 1 gal. fullumina - fir e dept. 2.92 labor & material overhaul Engine $1 698.78 fire house & fountain service ~eb. · Roll call found all members of the council present;to-wit;- , Councilmen, ¥.Botdo,R.Lloyd,M.Einucciani,R. Tibbetts,Joseph P.0uinlan. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being Ho errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received Trom the South San Prancisc0 Chamberi. of Commerce: reou~.sti~,F in. formation concerning the %card's action in the ~tter of unfair competition alled~edly sustained by photographer,Mr. James 2puri, on which subject the chamber wrote the City Co.oil, ~. Coleberd stated the license governing this business would be amended~ in the near future. The application or,Chiles L.~food for a soldier's free license was denied. The monthly reports of the Buil~ng Inspector, Cit~/ ~reasurer, Iffealth Officer, Chief of ~olice,Fire Chief and City Clerk for the month ending Febr~ry 28th,1934,were submitted to t council and accepted with the tha~s o'~ L~ayor Ouinl~. Sr~nce No.166, an ordi~nce regulating ~d ~elating to the erection, construction and ~aintenanoe of advertising struct~es, and the placing and ~intenance of signs tn the City o~ ~m~th ~an ~'raneiseo, lice~sin~ and regulating ,,ne occupation of outdoor advertising; ,', .:::~ t ~'~' ,.' ,:, ~' ,. ..... . ~,,~ ~.:" ,provi~ng for the ..issuance of permits and feem therefor; requiring the permission of the o~r or lessee of property upon which any advertising struct~es cz sign is located, ~d providing penalties for the violation of this Ordinance, introduced ?ebruary 26th,1954 by Cou~cil~ Minucciani, was adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San .Francisco by the following vote;- Ayes, Co~cilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. Noes,Co~cilmen,None, Absent, Co~cilmen l[one. Attest Daniel EcSwee~y City Clerk. i~corded in Book of 0~di~nces, 7ol. 2,at pages 222 and 223. ~.. ~ ~.~.~, ~ OR INA E NO.16 . ~ ordi~noe repealing ~or~inance ~o.156 of the Oi~ of South San Pr~eis~o entitled "~ 0RDIS~IOE ~GU~TING ~D ~TING TO T~ O0i~STH~TIO~,ER~TION, }~INT~ANCE Al~ USE 0F BIL~O~qDB IN THE OI~f OF BOU~ S~ ~CISO0, ~;D LICEI~SII!G ~D RECD~TING THE ~CUPATION OF ~%%II~TEN~OE BIL~O~DS ~ OUTDOOR AD~RTISING, PEOVIDIITG PElZALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOI~ 0F THE E~Q:~,~D i{~P~.~LII~G ALL ORDIN~OES OR PARTS T~REOP II~ COEFLICT T~REVlITH",passed Lay 4th,19Sl, introduced 27thth~y of Pebr~ry,19S4, by oo~cil~n Boido, was adopte~ by the votes of all tk members of the city co~cil,to-wit;- Aye s ,Oo~oi lmen ,V.Boi~o ,R.Lloy~, M.Minucolani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P. Cuinlan. I!oes, Oo~cilmen,l~one, Absent,Oo~oilmen,t~one. Attest Daniel MoSweene2 Cit~: Clerk. Recorded in Book of Or~inances,Vol. E,at ~ge E24. 0RDI~A~E N0.168. An ordinance amending Ordinance No.21 of the Cit2 of South San ~'rancisco entitled "A~T 0RDI1TANCE ?ROVIDING A SYSTEI~.~ FOR THE A:::~SESSL~I~, LEVY AI~ COLYECTION 0P ALL CIT%[ T~tXES IN THE CIT~,f 0~ SOUTH S~R~ ~'~I~CISC0" passed April 19th ,1909 ,by addin~ thereto two sections, to be numbere~ed 55 and 54, introduced by Councilman Einucciani February 27th,19~4, was adopte~ as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, ~LNinuceiani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph _~.~uinlan. Noes, ~Oouncilmen.None,' Absent, Councilmen,l~one. Attest Daniel NcSweene~. Recorded in Book of 0rdinance~,Vol.2,at page 225. City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. t & ? AN OE]II}I~i{H~ OF ~H~ CI~ ~ SO~I~H S~Ji ~'2~li§I~O RB~1~I~I)I~ F0~)]~,~R1/IT,I~ATS,DRY GOODS, C LOTHIEG, JEWELRY,HARDWAi~E, SPORTING GOODS, SHOE STORES, SHOE 2~:EPAIRII~G STORES, AI~ID BARBER SHOPS TO RES~IN CLOSED DURING CFSiTAIN HOURS,A/~D REPEALING ORDINANCE N0.163 ~NTITLED "AN ORDINANCE 0P THE CITY 0P SOUTH SAN FRANC ISC 0 REqUIRI1,TC FOOD, FRUIT ,MEAT, DRY O00]~S ,C LOTHING, JEWELRY, HARDWARE,~PORTIIIG GOODS, SHOE STORES,AND SHOE REOAIRI~G STORES AND BARBER SHOPS TO RENAIN CLOSED DURING CERTAIE HOURS," passed August 14th,1933, was introduced by Councilman tibbetts, had its first reading and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. Claims in the amount of $171~.98 were next presented for payment;- John Nager ~ouis Bellonl Peninsula Glass a o. Margarite Ruiz Ric's Service Station H~yal Supply O o. Eanffmann Bros. La Mar' s Garage Huperior Laundry Pariani & Ltmberg Natl. Ice & 0old Storage Co. J. B. Guglielmetti W. ]~. l~uller Co. The Seagrave 0orporation California Water Service $ 20.00 5 ~als. distilleA water luSrication - fire ~ept. Salary foreman Orange Ave. Park feeding prisoners, peace officers dues and exp. San V, eandro 13.40 Glass .50 Interpreting in Court ~ $.00 Gas police dept. 11.1~ Supplies fire dept. 7.12 frei ght .35 spark .plugs 1.2 8 Wash ~1 and ~2 houses ~eb. 11.41 repairs fire chief's car 5.82 .51 4. O0 1 gal. fullumina - fir e dept. 2.92 labor & material overhaul Engine $1 698.78 fire house & fountain service ~eb. 4.04 hydraut service Feb. 454.00 154 Pacific Tole. & Tele. Co. Standard 0il~ Co. H. Baldini San Mateo Co. Title Co. J. 0. MeMills J. Welch Geneva & ~unnydale Nurseries D. Cerefolini P. Baratteri $o. City ~umber Co. J. B. Pilkington Baden Cash Store So, City Zumber California Water Service Phones ~626 & 1071 Phone service Feb, gas and oil Jan & Feb, 32 hrs, painting rail City Hall 4 gals. concreta Daily reports Jan & Feb. phone -, health Dept. Feb. removing dogs & cats ~eb. 2 palms 12 Camillas · 35 gals. kerosene supplies park ~ des. Rhododendrons supplies - park materials library service Feb. City Hall & Ball Park service 5,25 49,80 202,60 38.60 3,00 3.25 26,00 8,00 56.88 7.00 19.98 12.30 6.30 17,24 4.50 12.00 Total ...... $1,71~.98 The claims having been audited by the fin?.nce committee councilmn Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Counciln~n Lloyd, under the head new business, moved that all city officers present th~.r monthly reports to the council in more descriptive and complete form,giving essential detaile. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried, The clerk was' instructed to convey the message to all city officials rendering ~0nthly reports. Councilman Ninucciani moved that all~ city effic~s ordering materials should make a requisition for the same and the order submitted to the purchasing agent for approvel. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. The City Clerk was instructed to notify all city officials ordering goods to comply with this order. Inspector Baetty stated the }[orrell Ink company had been granted a permit to construct an addition~to their holdings in the estimated cost of :!9800. There being no f~rther business councilma~ LlOyd moved to adjourn until !:onday evening,L~rch 12 ~L~rch l~th,1934,at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and ~egularly carried~~ Time of adjournment,8;10 O'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved Mayor of South San Francisco. 0HDIIIAITCE 1T0.166 A~ ordinance/ regulating and relating to the erection, construction and mainten- ance of advertising structures, and the placin.~ and mainteTnance of signs in the Ci,ty of South ~an Francisco;LiCensing and reg~ating thp occupation of outdoor advertising providing for the iss~nce of p~rmits ~nd Fees therefor; ~equiring/the permission of the o~r or lessee of property upon whi~ any adve~ising strutters os si~ is located, and ~rovidir? penaltie= for th~ vi~la~ion ..of/this ordi~nce,introduces ~ebr~r~.~6th,1934, was adopted as an ordinance of the Cit~ of SoUth~San Fr~ci~co by the following vot~;~ _ · Aye s, C o~cilmen, V.~oido ,R. Lloyd,M.Ni~ic cirri ,R. Tibbe tt s, Josep~ P. Quinlan. Noes,~o~cil~n,llo~e,Xb~ent, Co~ci~u~, Lone. Attes~ Daniel ~Sweeney / / / , -- Cit~ Clerk, Rec/rded in B°°k~f 0rdinances'V°~/2'at Pages 2~'~'~ ~ Approved, . / , / , / RespeCtfully submitted, ' '0 I !. ~or of ~ou~hn~an 2r~cisco ~ '-~. City Clerk