HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-03-19REGULAR I~ETII~G 0P THE CITY COL%TCIL OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAI? F~%I~CISC0,HELD 1.~0Lq)AY,~L~.RCH 19TH ,19~4. t,' · il of the Cit~7 of South San Francisco was held The regular meeting of the ~t~ counc ~ 19 ~ , 19,54. in the city hall !~onday evening,Larch The meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by !~ayor Joseph ?.Ouinlan. ROLL C ~LL. Roll call found all members of the citj comacil Iresent,to-wit;- C ounci linen V.Boido ,2~. Lloyd, ~f.~inucc iani ,R.Tibbet ts, Joseph ?. ~uinlan. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Sho~ ~e~mesting the City of ~outh San Francisco to decorate the streets of the city as far as the Exchange Building at the Union Stockyards in the usual colorful manner. The city council was agreeable to use its efforts to make the show a success, and designated Councilman Tibbetts, ]hairman of the Street Committee,to handle the matter of the decorations. A resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco appointing R.k.Klassen as agent of said city in all matiers pertaining to the ~ivil Works Administration projects to be carried on within said city was introduced by Councilman Einucciani and was adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Aye s, Councilman,¥.Boido,R.Lloyd, I~.Ninuociani,R.~ibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. l~oes, Councilmen,l~one. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~Sweeney City Clerk. ~ecorded in Book of 2qesolutions, ¥ol.2, at page 45S. RE S 0LUT IOU ~T,~A?.D I ¥ O C 0I~ Ti~AC T FOR FORD TRUCK. This being the date set for ~h opening of bids for the purchase of a Ford Truch for the street department Councilman ~loyd moved that bids for the sam6 be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. But one bid was submitted, ~hat of Fred J.Lautze,who offered to selL,the city the Ford truck according to £"~ecifications for the sum of ~994.72, and to purchase the old city truck for the sum of 8325' making a difference of ~669.72 due him by the Cit~? of South San Fr~ upon delivery of the truck. · Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the Cit~ of ~outt San Francisco accepting the bid of Fred J.Lautze at the prices mentioned and awarding him the contract. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the city councilmen,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Noido ,R.Lloyd, l.~.~.,~inucciani ,R.Til~betts, Joseph ?. ~uinlan. lJoes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~fC~weeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page 432. 0RDII~fYtCE N0.169. An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco requiring food,fruit,meat,dry goods. clothing,jewelry,hardware,sporting goods, shoe store,shoe repairing stores, and barber shops t re~in closed during certain hours, and re~ealing ordinance ~o.16~ entitled "AN 0i-~DINA!~TCE 07 ~ CI~f O? SOUTH SAN Pi~%NCI~C0 Ei~UIRING ?00D,~AT,FRUIT,DRY GOODS ,CLOTHIUG, JEWELRY,P~RDWARE, SO0RTI3. G GOODS,SHOE STORE~,~'-~.HOE R~%IRIUG STORES AND BARNER SHOOS TO RE~I~? CLOSED DURING CERTAI~ HOURS" ,passed August 14,19S~, had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the Cit~ of South San Francisco by the following vote;- Ayes ,Councilmen, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd,~L~linucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.~uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None,~bsen~ ,Councilmen,None. Atte st. Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, 7ol. E, at page ER6. 0i{DINANCE NO.- /'~ ~,~ An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco prohibiting the operation and condu, of food stores,,meat markets, dry good stores,clothing stores, vegetable stores, shoe stores, hardware stores,barber shops or stores in which shoe repairing is done within said city on a] Sunday or certain other legal holidays, and repealing 0r~inance Uo.164 of said City of South San Francisco entitled;" Ail 0i~DIEAI~C~: 0~' Ti-~ CITY O? SOUTH SA!~ F~'?CISC0 PROHIBITING THE OPERATION AiJD CONDUCT 0F FOOD STORES,I~AT I~RI(ETS, DRY GOODS STORE2~: CLOTHIUC ~TORES,~AT OR STORES I? %~tICH SHOE EEPAIRIi'G IS DOIVE ,WITHI~ SAID CITY 0~7 .~IJY 'i.u'I~DAY OR OTHER LEGAL HOLIi Passed August 14th,1933.,was introduce& by Councilman Tibbetts,had its first reading and was over to come up under the regular or(lev of business at the next regular meeting of the city Under the head of new business,good and welfare, ~fayor °uinlan and the city council congratulate~ Cizy Attorney Coleberd on t.l.e ~u~cess of his O~dinance prohibiting the distrib~ of handbills in this city, the or~inances Laving been upheld in the high~r courts. ~r Colebe~ stated the honor was due the city council ~.nd they should ?rove the credit. Claims in the amoun~ of $697.33 were next presente~ to the board for payment;- John ~"~ labor foreman f~20 00 Dudly '~erkins rep motor cycle, ~50 Scampini ~% Zanetti grease £~ polim~h~ 4.00 ', Dudley Perkins ~set seat springs ~! 2.98 ,~imons' Auto rec. Conp~ny spark plu~s ~ 3.69 Fred J.Lautze one s¥~eed gea~ - ,,~10.47 01d Reliance Garage building tm'~sr street wagon ~ 5.75 West Disinfecting Company soap dispenser J~ ~.21 John Corso removing Cead dogs b: 4.00 Burtmcoellt :% Co kerosine etc ~. 1.45 Oeo A,![neese preparing questionaire ?o18.~0 John ~ager labor' foreman ^~,~0~0~0 ~Ix' ~,,al~',.~~' y couno I1 present, to'wit; - Counollmen V. Boido ,R. Lloyd, !_'. L'.inucc iani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph ?. Cuinlan. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being no errors or remissions they were approved ~s read. A communicat~on was received from the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef S~ requesting the City of ~outh San Francisco to decorate the~ streets of the city as far as the ~xchange Building at the Uuion Stockyards in the usual colorful manner. The city council was agreeable to use its efforts to make the show a success, and designated Councilman Tibbetts, ~hairman of the Street Committee,to handle the matter of the decorations. A resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco appointing E.A.Ela~sen as agent of sald city in all matters pertaining to the ~ivil Works Administratio pro~ects to be carried o~ within said city was introduced by Councilman Einucciani and was ~dopted 'by the vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilman,¥.Boido,R, Lloyd, E.~Iinucciani ,E.~ibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan. I',Toe~, Councilmen,!~one. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~t3Sweeney City Clerk. ?~ecorded in Book of ~esolutions, ¥ol.2, at page 455. RESOLUTI OU ~TiAi~DIFG C 0I?fl/AC T ~OR FORD TRUCK. This being the date set for ,h opening of bids for the purchase of a Ford Truer fo the street department Councilman ~"loyd moved that bids for the same be opened. The motion wa seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. But one bid was submitted, lhat of Fred J. Lautze~who offered to selL,the city the 3oral truck according to £~eci~ications for the sum of ~994.72, and to purchase the old city truck for the sum of ~825, making a difference of ~669.72 due him by the Cit~? of South San F upon delivery of the truck. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City Council of the Cit3~ of ?ou San Francisco accepting the bid of Fred J.Lautze at the prices mentioned and awarding him th. contract. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the city councilmen,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen,¥.Noido,R.Lloyd, E.L'inucciani ,R.Tit~betts, Joseph ~. ~uinlan. F. oes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~fCSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page ~52. 0RDINDF~CE N0.169. An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco requiring food,fruit,meat,dry good~ clothing,jewelry,hardware,sporting goods, shoe store,shoe repairing stores, and barber shops re:r~in closed during certain hours, and re~ealing ordinance 1~o.16~ entitled "AN 0!:~DINA~ICE 0F CI;~ 0:? SOUTH 2AN Fi~%IICI~C0 E?,QUIRIliG Y0OD;I~AT,FRUIT,DRY G00DS,CLOTHIt?G, JEWELRY,?_&RDWARE, SO0RTI~G GOODS,SHOE STOEE~,F. HOE E.?AIRII[G STORES AND BARNER SH0~S TO RE~I~J CLOSED DURING CERTAI~ HOURS" ,passed August 14,19~5, had its second reading and was passed and adopted as a] ordinance of the Cdt3 of South San Francisco by the following vote;- Aye s ,Councilmen, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd,H. Minucciani ,R. Tibbetts, Joseph P.~uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,it'one,.Lbsen'~ ,Councilmen,None. Atte st. Daniel LcSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, 7o1.2, at page Z~.6. 0i{DIN"~I~CE NO.- /~ i.~, An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco prohibiting the operation and oond~ of food stores,,meat markets, dry goo~ stores,clothing stores, vegetable stores, shoe stores. hardware stores,barber shops or stores in which shoe repairing is done within said city on ~ Sunday or certain other legal holidays, and repealing Ordinance Uo.164 of said City of ~out! San Francisco entitled;" AU 01~DIE~C-~-: OF Ti~ CITY OF SOUTH SAU PiLr~CISC0 PHOHIBITI~C THE ~I~D COI~DUC~ OF POOD STORES,L~AT I~RKETS, DRY GOODS STORES~, CLOTHIUG ~T0i~ES,~AT ~'~ OR ST0lq3S I? %~{ICH SHOE i{E~AIEI?G IS D0~[E ,WITIIII~ SAID CITY 0~7 &I[Y "L'I[DAY OR OTHER LEGAL HOL] ~assed ~ugust l~th,l'~S.,was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts,had i~s first reading and was over to come up under the regular or,er of business at the next regular meeting of the city ( Under the head of new business,good and welfare, ~,~ayor °uinlan and ~the city counci congratulate~ City? Attorney Coleberd on tl.e ~u~cess of his 0~dinance prohibiting the distrib of handbills in this city, the or~inances kaving been upheld in the high~-~-~- courts. ~r Colebe stated the honor was due the city council ~-nd they should ?~ave the credit. Claims in the amount of ~697.33 were next presente~ to the board for payment;- John ~iager labor foreman ~20.00 Dudly °erkins rep motor cycle~ 2.50 ~-~campini ~ ~anetti ~rease & poli.'h? 4.00 Dudley Perkins set seat~ springs ~ 2.98 Simons' Auto rec. Conrany spar~ plugs fJ Z.69 Fred J.Lautze one synced gear ~10.47 01d iQeliance Garage buildi:'~g tov~r street wagon West Disinfecting Company soap dispenser John Corso removing dead dogs ~. ~ine tti galvani zinf-pan Burtmcoelli ?~ Co kerosine etd Ceo A.!:neese preparing questionaire John Nager labor'foreman Total 158 The claims h~.'..ving been audited by the finance cor0~nittee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motio~ was seconded by councilman t~tnucciani and regularly carried. '?here being no further business before the council, councilman Lloyd moved to adjourn until the next regul, r meeting,.Uonday,2~pril 2nd,_~1934,at.,V;Z0,.O'clock p.m. T;e motion ~as seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;20 o'clock p.m. 'So& Pranoi soo Respect full~, submitted,