A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
was held on Monday, April 2, 1934.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p. m. by Jos. P. Quinlan,
Roll call found the following members of the City Council present:
Councilman R. Lloyd, M. Mtnucciani, R. Tibbetts and Jos. P.~Quinlan
Absent, Councilman V. Boido.
City Clerk Daniel McSweeney being absent, on motion made by Councilman
Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, Councilman
Minucciani was appointed to act as clerk pro tern.
Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting of the City Council was
dispensed with.
Application was received from Tippecanoe Tribe .No. lll Improved Order of
Redmen, for permission to hold a dance Saturday evening, April 7th, 1934. On
motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried,
the application was granted.
Application was received from ~. Alcalde, 62 Bayshore Circle, Ban Bruno,
fOr permission to operate a pool room and soft drink parlor at ll5 Grand Avenue.
On motion by Councilman T, lepd, seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and regularly
carried, the application was granted.
A communication was received from G~ Brovelli, 632 Miller Avenue, pro-
testing against a raise in the assessed value of his property from $1500. to
$1400.00. The City Clerk was instructed to write ~,~r. Brove~i that the matter
should be brought up before the Board of Equalization when they meet in August,
for consideration.
A communication was received from B. H. Truax congratulating the city on
the efficiency of the the Police Department andthanking the Chief' and officers
Bianchini, McGraw, Whipple and Terragno for their quick response to a call on
account of a prowler roaming about the yard. M~yor Quinlan also complimented
the Police Department. The comunication was ordered placed on file.
A certificate was received from Dr. H. A. Wald, 355 Grand Ave. South San
Francisco regarding Angelo Mariani, 450 Baden Avenue, stating Mr. Mariani is con-
valescing from an abdominal operation at which was found an inoperable ulcer, which
would prevent him from performing manual labor. This certificate was accompanied
by a petition bearing the names of 33 property holders asking that the district on
Baden Avenue between Maple and Spruce Avenues be included in the business district
of South San Francisco. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman
Lloyd, the matter was laid over for the consiieration of the full board.
A petition was received,, signed by fourteen property owners and residents
of the cit~ asking the Board to place street lights on the alley bounded by
Maple and Olive Avenues and Aspen Avenue and School Street. The matter was
referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation.
City Clerk's McSweeney monthl? re crt for l~arch v~s submitted to the council
The monthly reports of the City Judge for the months of February and March and
the reports of the Fire Chief, Chief of Police and City ~reasurer for the month
of March, 1934, we~received. On motion of Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Council-
man Minucciani and regularly carried the reports were accepted and placed on file.
01aims in the amount of $2,~04.94 were next presented for payment to the
C ounc il:
Robinson - Druggsit
John B. Guglielmetti
Mutual Engineering Co.
Superior Steam Laundry
Seagrave Corporation
A. J. P~checo
Fred. J. l~utze
So. City Auto Service
Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co.
J. Welch
Standard 0il Co.
A, Detomasi
So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce
R. Bis agno
Kelley _~[_ar C o.
Eauffmaun Bros.
Prank O. Jordan
Bank of Amer~ o,~
Geo. A. Kneese
Supplies Police dept,
Gas & oil "
"fire dept.
reaming inside tube for steer-
ing column fire engine
Wash ~ I & ~2 houses March
labor & material overhaul
No. 2 engine
fire alarm maintenance ~iar.
I governor, I tire and tu~e
Ford truck - st. dept.
2 tubes
ph, one service Mar.
removing dogs & eats Mar.
GaSoline march
poisoning rats
March advertising
2 days putting up and taking
down flags
1934 Auto Blue Book
3 empress packages
ball ct paper ,~
Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. to
3/31/ 4
Engineering, etc. new relief
$ 1.95
125. O0
Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting of the City Council was
dispensed with.
Application was received from Tippecanoe Tribe .No' H1 Improved Order of
Redmen, for permission to hold a dance Saturday evening, April 7th, 1934. On
motion by Councilman Lloyd, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried,
the application was granted.
Application was received from F. Alcalde, 62 Bayshore Circle, ~an Bruno,
for permission to operate a pool room and soft drink parlor at ll5 Grand Avenue.
On motion by Councilman tlOpd, seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and regularly
carried, the application was granted,
A cowm~tuication was received from G~ Brovelli, 632 Miller Avenue, pro-
testing against a raise in the assessed value of his property from $1J00. to
$1400.00. The City Clerk was instructed to write ~r. Brovelli that the matter
should be brought up before the Board of Equalization when they meet in August,
for consideration.
A comnunication was received from B, H. Truax congratulating the city on
the efficiency of the the Police Department andthanking the Chief'and officers
Bianchini, McGraw, Whipple and Terragno for their quick response to a call on
account of a prowler roaming about the yard. Mayor Quinlan also complimented
the Police Department. The comunication was ordered placed on file.
A certificate was received from Dr. H. A. Wald, 355 Grand Ave. South San
Francisco regarding Angelo Mariani, 450 Baden Avenue, stating Mr. Mariani is con-
valescing from an~ abdominal operation at which was found an inoperable ulcer, which
would prevent him from performing manual labor. This certificate was accompanied
by a petition bearing the names of 33 property holders asking that the district on
Baden Avenue between Maple and Spruce Avenues be included in the business district
of South San Francisco. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman
Lloyd, ~the matter was laid over for the conskteration of the full board.
A petition was received, signed by fourteen l~roperty owners and residents
of the cit~ asking the Board to place street lights on the alley bounded by
Maple and Olive Avenues and Aspen Avenue and School Street. The matter was
referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation,
City Clerk's ~cSweeney monthly re crt for !~arch v~ms submitted to the council
The monthly reports of the City Judge for the months of February and March and
the reports of the Fire Chief, Chief of Police end City ~reasurer for the month
of March, 1934, weZereceived. On motion of Couucilman Lloyd, seconded by Council-
man Minucciani and regularly carried the reports were accepted and placed on file.
01aims in the amount of $2,80&.94 were next presented for payment to the
Robinson - Druggsit
John B. Guglielmetti
Mutual Engineering C o.
Superior Steam Laundry
Seagrave Corporation
A. J. ,Pacheco
Fred, J. 'I~utze
So. City Auto Service
Pacific Tele.& Tele. Co,
J. Welch
Standard 0il Co.
A. Detomasi
So.S,F.Chamber of Conl~erce
R. Bisagno
Kelley Ear Co.
Eauffmaun Bros.
Frank O. Jordan
Bank of Amer~
Geo. A. Kneese
Supplies Police dept,
Gas & oil "
" fire dept.
reaming inside tube for steer-
ing column fire engine
Wash ~ 1 & ~2 houses March
labor & material overhaul
No. 2 engine
fire alarm mai;~;tenance Mar.
1 governor, 1 tire and tu~e
Ford truck - st. dept.
2 tubes
phone service ~Mr.
removing dogs & cats Mar.
Gasoline march
poisoning rats
March advertising
2 days putting up and taki~
down flags
193~ Auto Blue Book
3 empress packages
ballot paper
Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. to
Engineering, etc. new relief
$ 1.95
The Enterprise
Enter~ri se press
Goodyear TLre & Rubber
printing Ord. Nos. 166-7-8 and 9
appointment election officers &
advertising for Ford truck
printing nominees for pub~lic office
20 copies precinct register, ballots
and card notices
200' lawn hose
To~I $2; 804.94
The claims havi~ been'audited by the finance committee, 0ouncilmen Tibbe~s moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
There being no fur'~er business before the Council, Councilman Ti$betts moved to
adjourn until Monday evening, April 16, 1934 at 7:30 o'clock p. m. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Time of adjournment
8 o'clock p. m.
· Respectfully sub mitt e d,
City Olerl~pre tern.