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A regularl2 a~Journed meeting Of the 0it2 council of the Cit2 of South San
was hel~ in the Clt2 Hall MOnna. 2 evenin~,Al~ril ~Oth 19~4.
This meeting was oalle~ to order at?;~0 o'clock ~.m. B2 Nasor Reese Lloy&.
Roll o811 found all members of the oit2 OounOll present,az follow8;-
V.B01~ ,R. Lle2 ~,M. MAnuooX anl. R,TXbb eSq8, ~os eph
The minutes of the ~evious mee$1~ were rea~. ~re being no errors or
omissions the2 ~re appr~e~ as re8~
Aoe~i~tlon was TeoeXve~ ~om Jose B~bo~, stating the v~tion of hi8
P~oPert2 was p~oe~ at too h!~ a fl~e,an~ a~e~ re.ess ~om the oi~ oo~ll. ~ ~tlon
b2 oo~etl~ ~X~ol~ ~ re. Fl2 o~rle~ the ~tter was referre~ to the BO~ of
Eq~lzat~on. ~ Mtlon b~ o~ll~ ~Inl~ ~e olerk wa8~ lnat~ote~ to ~swer the
IMt~o~ 8tatl~ the ~tSer ha~been referre~ to ~e B~ e~ Eq~lution.
~.B.w~a,O~ty.Cler~ of~ ~ ~$eo C~,replsl~ for the B~r~ of
of the eo~t2 tO'r~O~'Reese ~oy4's.let~er off. the 20~ht~ April relating to the
the co,t2 of p~ote ~ufaet~e~ In the eo~tS_, 8tate~ the ch~ter of S~ ~ateo cowry
provides a prefere~e clause for pro~uot8 of San ~teo Co~t~.prloe ~ q~lit~ bel~ eq~
~Or O~tton of San Mateo.through Clt2 ?Sfanager E.~.Wilaes.~pl~ed to ~70r
~02~'8 lett~ of the ~me 8ubJeot.atatl~ ~ hteo h~ al~8 ~e it a practice to
looall2, p~ovi~e~ the prloe ~er~qial was not too great ~ a q~lity pro~uot 00~ be
obtaine~. Both letters were ao~ept~ an~ or~re~ plaoe~ on file.
~e Paoifio Oas ~ Eleotrio Comp~ ~e ~ltten appli~tlon for permission to
open a trenoh 14' in width in ?irst vA~e between SPruoe ~ Na~olia Avenues for the p~p08
of xeplaol~ a 2" lnoh ~s ~ln which Is In ba~ con~tion. The application was referre~ to
m~ Tlbbettz an~ ~he ~esire~ permit granted.
An ordi~nce of the City o~ South 2an Francisco providin~ ~or licensin~
business,proffessions,trades,Callin~ and occu~ations was introduced by Councilman ~,~inucciani
and was laid over for ~the second hearin~ until the next regular meetin~ of the City Council.
A co~ic~tion was received ~rom the League of California Munici~aiities on
the subject o~ ~emplo~ent relief. The league is in flavor off a works pro,ram instead
dire~t relief pro,ram under the 9EP~ work relief, and requested the City of South San Franci
to pass a supportin~ resolution an~ ffo~ar~ a copy off the sams to the league, Conncilman
~oved the co~unication be accepted and. a resolution be passed supportin~ the views off the
League of Califfornia MnniCi~lities on the subject. The motion was seconded ~y council~n Bc
and regularly carried. Councilman Quinlan then introduced the ffollowin~ resolution;-
RESOLVED, that a works pro,ram instead off a direct relieff pro,ram is essential
a means off dealin~ with ~emplo~ent problems in the State off Califfornia; that the extent,
financin~ and c~racter off the works ~pro~ram should be similar to the CWA when that organize
was in f~l operation~ and that ~he amount available flor ~terials should be suff~icient to
permit economically sound and socially desirable projects to be undertaken.
The resolution was a~opted by the ~animous vote off all the co~cilmen,to-wit;
Ayes, Co~cilmen. V.Boido,R.Lloyd. M.~iinucciani,R.Tibbet~, Joseph 2.Quinlan,
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene~
City Clerk,
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 440.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the South Ss
' ~rancisco Land & Improvement Company to 7.84 acres land adjoining the Willows Park. The
resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote o£ all the members oi' the city council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilman,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Res. olutinns,Vol.2,at page 438.
Councilman Quinlan introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the South Saz
Francisco Land & Improvement Company for a 3.335 acre park and a deed for a 4.694 acre park,
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the membe:~'s of the Ci~
Council, to-wi t; -
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.~,finucciani,R.Tibbetts ,Joseph P,Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
~. Claims .in the amount of ~246.88 were next presented City Clerk.
· to the co~mcil for paymant.;-
F.A.Alcalde, refund business license
Pariani & Lindberg repair Buick ~edan
". " " " Chevrolet Co'.~e
Scampini & Zanetti water bottle~ydrometer
The Hub, 6 towels, fire dept
Calif. Lab0ratory B~oducts 2 oxygen refills
Shell 0il Co, ~ fuel oil
American Bitumuls Co 15o gals Bitumuls
A.De Tomasi i day poisonin~ rats
Dr.J.0.McMills health o±'fice ~hone
Robinson-Druggist supplies health demt
Calif Water Service Co labor
and materials hydrant 4£4 ~l]
A.Carlisle & Co., election supolie~7~
Auto Re~is Service auto ca,ds' ~2(
Pacheco Electric labor-material
hot house liEhts
Hallewell Seed Co nico tabacco pa~.;~ [
Total $24(
The cliams imving been audited by th~
finance committee councilman Minuccis
moved they be paid. The motion was ~econded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
There being no further busimess councilman Boido move~ to adjourn until the next r~
meeting,Monday,May 7th ,1934 ,at 7~0 o'clock p.m.'The motion was seconded by councilman Minuc¢
and re~ularly~ ~-~ carried. ~Time of adjourr~nent, 8'05, o'clock .v.m,.. Re'~:~ect£ull~ub~fftted,~ z
Roll call foun~ all members of the city ooumoil present,as followS;-
¥.Boid. e,R.Lloy~,M.MAnucelani,R,TXbbeSte,Joseph
The minutes of the previous meeting were rea~. There being no errors or
the2~ were &ppreve~ as rea~.
Aeemmuntaation was reeeive~ from Jose Bathos&, stating the valuation of his
property was places at too hiSh a figure,an~ aske~ re~resa from the city council. On motion
b2 eo~ell~ ~nueel~ ~ re~rl2 o~rie~ the ~tter was referre~ to th· Bo~ of
Eq~lzation, 0n ~tion ~ ~e~ll~ ~inl~ the clerk was lnst~etea to answez the ce~-
i~tion Stati~ the ~tter ha~been referre~ to the B~r~ ef Eq~ll~tton.
E.B.HX~,Co~ty Clerk of S~ I~tee Ce~ty,replying far the B~ra of Supeevisor~
of the eo~t2 to ~2o~ Reese ~ey~'s-letter of the 20thth April relating to the purehaSe~:By
the co~t2 of p~o~uota ~ufaot~e~ In the oo~2, atate~ the ch~ter of S~ ~ateo 0o~t2
provlAes a prefere~e clause for products of san ~teo Ce~ty,prioe aha q~lit2 being eq~.
~r $~tton of ~ ~teo.through Ol~ ~~e~ E.~.Wllaey,rlpl~e~ to Mayor
~oy~'s letter of the '~me subJeet,atati~ ~ ~teo ~ alw~s ~e it a practice to ~o~s
locally, p~ovi~ the pries ~er~qlal was not too great ~ a q~lit2 product oo~
obtal~e~. Both letters were ao~ept~ an~ or~re~ plaOe~ on file.
~he Pacific Cas & Electric Compax~ mad~ written appli~tion for permission to
open a trench 14' in width in ~iest v~e between Spruce ~a Ma~olia Avenues for the p~pose
of '~ePlaol~ a 2" l~eh ~s ~ln which Is In ba~ con~tion. The application was referre~ to Co
m~ TlbhettS a~ ~he ~esire~ Permit grante~.
An ordi~nce o~ the City off South San Francisco providin~ ~or licensinc of
bu~iness,proffessions,tradem,Callin~s and occu~ations was introduced by Councilman Minucciani
an~ was laid over flor ~the second hearin~ until the next recular meetins: of the City Council.
A complication was received ~rom the League of California Municipalities on
the subject of ~emplo~ent relief. The league is in favor of a works program instead of a
direct relief program under the ~E~ work relief, and requested the City of ~outh Ban Francisc
to pass a supporting resolution and ~o~ard a copy of the same to the league, Co~cilman Quin~
~o~ed the co~unication be accepted and a resolution be ~ssed supportin~ the views of the
League of California E~iCi~lities on the subject. The motion was seconded by counc~l~n Boi~
~nd reMularly carried. Co~cilman Quinlan then introduced .the followin~ resolution;-
RESOLVED, that a.works program instead of a direct relief program is essential ~
a means of dealinM with ~emplo~ent problems ~n the ~tate of California; that the extent, fi~
financing and c~racter of the works program should be similar to the CWA when that organizat~
was in full operation; and that ~he amo~t available for ~terials should be sufficient to
permit economically so~d and socially desirable projects to be undertaken.
The resolution was adopted by the ~nimous vote of all the councilmen,to-wit;-
Ayes, Co~cilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, I~.~inucciani,R.Tibbet~, Joseph P.Quinlan,
Noes, Councilmen,None,~Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel EcSweeney
City Clerk~
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vel.E, ~t ~ge ~A0.
Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the South San
' Francisco Land & Improvement Company to 7.84 acres land adjoining the Willows Park. The
resolution was adopted by the u~nimous vote of all the members o£ the city council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilman,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, L~.Minucciani ,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutinns,Vol.2,at page 488.
Councilman Quinlan introduced a resolution accepting a deed from the ~outh ~an
~rancisco Land & Improvement Company for a J.Z85 acre park and a deed for a 4.694 acre park.
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the Cit~
Council,to-wit ~ -
Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts ,Joseph P.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
Claims .in the amount of $2~6.88 were next presented City Clerk.
:: to the co~mcil for pa.~mmnt. ;-
F.A.Alcalde, refund ~usiness license
Pariani & LindberM repair Buick ~edan
"~ " " " Chevrolet Co~.~e
Bcampini & Zanet~i water bottle~ydrometer
The Hub, 6 towels, fire dept
Calif. Lab0rat0ry Bmoducts 2 oxygen refills
Bhell 0il Co, ~ fuel oil
American Bitumuls Co 15o gals Bitamuls
A.De Tomasi i day poisonin~ rats
Dr.J.0.McMills health office ~hone
Robinson-Druggist supplies health deot
~!1. ~3
Calif Water Service Co labor
and materials hydrant 424
A.Carlisle & Co., election supplie$77,
M~.to Re~is Service auto ca,ds $20.
Pacheco Electric labor-material
hot house lights $28
Hallewell Se~d Co nice tabacco Pa~-i~ 2
The cliams ~aving been audited by the
finance committee co~nucilman Minuccia:
moved they be paid. The motion was ~econded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
There being no further busiaess councilman Boid~o moved to adjourn until ~he next re
meeting,l~onday,D~ay 7th,19J4,at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by co~':ncilman ~inucc
and re~rularly carried Ti~e of adjour~nent, 8;05 o'clock ~.m. ne~].ectzull~ub~tted,
Approved ' __
~YOR~ South ~a isco C~y C~rk. ~