HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-05-28HEGULARLY ADJOURNED ~ETI~!O .07 ~ C I TV C 0UNO IL 0F THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN~ FRANCISC0'HELD MONDAY, MAY 28TH,19~4. ? A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South Francisco was held in the city hall Monda[; evening,May ~8th,19~4. This meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m; by Mayor ~eese Lloyd. ROLL CAIn. Roll call found all mem~$ of the city'council present,to-wit;- ~e_ mi~ O~: ~eh~g~W:&~s. $~e~.l~ ~e~ ~;~:~e~ ,b~ :no .errors :~ar omi ssi OhS t were:~appreved as re. acidification was reoeive~ from the South San Francisco Chambe~ of Oo~erce, calling at~en~ioh the ~he ci~2 co. oil of the fore,ion on ~y ~2,19$A,of ~he ~IRST T0~SHIP ~VIS~Y O0~0I~",~o oon,l.~ of two representatives from each first ~o~ahip advising ~he ~l~y o~ Som~h ~ ~noisoo to n~e l~s ~epresentative,, and suborning nine projects ~der oon,!dera~ion in the ~o~ship. Willie ~cei~i e~a~e~ ~he Businesmmen ha~ ~der consideration ~he naming of ~a~ Robinson fo~ one of the delouses, an~ ~2o~ ~ey~ ,~ed he wo~d appoint ~he o~her from the Sou~h S~ ~olmoo $~m~e~ of Soiree. ~e oo~~lon was aooep~e~ and placed on file. ~n appll~ion was ~eceived from ~o~ F. Fli~ re~ueating pe~miesion ~o one h~dred ~e of gasoline in Xauf~'Bro~her.' Oo~ Yar~, ~l~ ove~ for co~sidera~ion. A reply was received from lilliam N. Abbot~,general 0'o~sel of the ~ke~ Street ~ilway 0o~any, to ~he ct~y's~letter accepting his statemen~ of the amo~ due the oily of South ~an ~anoisce ~der ~he franchise,68 and 8~, and a check for the Bum of $~1A.68 , the amo~t ~ue the city enclosed. ~ motion by ~o~cil~n Boido ~econded by 0o~cil~n }~nucciani ~d reg~arl2 o~ried both ~,were ordered a~cepted. A letter was received from ~z. Ellen 0armo~ asking for a readJustmen~ in the value of her proper~y at BI~ Lindem Avenue and ~00 Linden, stating the places have been empty and values have decreased. 0o~i~tion referred to the Board of Eq~lization, and the clerk instructed to write ~,~m. Oarmo~ to this effect. ORDINANCE NO An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REPRALINC AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING ~OR LICF/~SING ~0R REVENUE AND REGULATING 2HE CARRYING ON 0F VARIOUS LAWFUL BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS, TRADES, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS" passed and adopted June ~8,19SS, wll intro~uced by councilman Tibbetts and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of tLe city council. ORDINANCE NO An ordinance entttle~ "AN ORDINANOE A~NDING ORDINANCE N0,1S0 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN I~RANCISCO EETITLED 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING REGUIATIONS FOR THE ACCUNULATION,COIJ, ECTION AND RE~0VAT. OF GARBAGE" ,passed April 1,19~.9, was introduced by councilman ~uinlan and was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at the nex~ regular meeting of the city council. Hr. Harry A.0avassa appeared before the council in reference to a proposed road from Tanforan to connect with the foot of Spru~e Avenue, and if a planning commission would be in cgarge of the proposition. Mayor Llo~A stated the commission had not been appointed,and 0ouncilman Quinlan stated he expected ~he commission would be appointed later. There being no further business b~fore the board,Councilman Nlnucolani moved that adjournment be taken until Monday evening,June Ath,19~A,at ?;~0 o'olocE p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8 o'clock p.m. Approved Respectfully submitte~,