HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-06-11R~GIU~RLY ADJOURNED ~TING 01~ THE CITY COUNOIL THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN i~R~NOISOO,HELD MONDAY, JU~,,~ 11TH,19~. A regularly adjourned, meeting of the city council of the Oity of Bouth San Franciec, was held in the city hall,Monday evening, June 11th,1934. In the absence of Namer Reese Lloyd 0ouncilman Minvcolani moved that councilman Quinlan be selected ~ayor pro tern. The motiinn was seconded by 0ouncilman Tlbbetts and regular~ carried. Councilman Quinlan therupon took the chair as Mayor pro tern. Roll call found the following members of the'city council present;- 0ouncilmen,V.Boido, R.TibbettS, Joseph P.~uinlan,M.~lnucoiani. Absent,0ouncilman,Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An invitation was received from Miss Rue Clifford,,Secretary of the Library Board, inviting the eity eounollmen to attend a budJet meeting of the Library Board on the 26th of Jm and notifying the eXty council of three Vacancies to fill on the Libray Board by July On motion by e~unetlma~Nlnuoolani,seoonded by councilman Tibbetts the council accepted the invitation and agreed tO attend, the meeting June.~6. A communication wa~ received from the Directors &; the Staff of the League of 0altfornia MuniciPalities thanking,the cit~;.OOUncil for their support and cooperation and the payment of the special serviee charge requested for the ~ntinuanoe of the work of securing greater benefits for munieipalities. 0ommunioatien aodep~,A~&~i placed on file. A communication from the Chamber of Commerce dated May ~lst,1934,announced a meetin~ of the First Township Advisory Council would be held in the oit2 hall,Tuesday,June ~th ,1934 ,at ?;~0 o'clock p.m.,and requested the attendance of the representatives of the South San ~rancis, 0ity 0ounoil. Accepted and placed on file. Another communication was received from the South San ~rancisco Chamber of 0ommerce requesting the city counetl to take action in urging Earl Lee Kelly to include the South San ~rancisco Underpass in his request to the Federal Government for aid to carry on other pr0ject~ Mayor pro tem Quinlan requested 0it2 Attorney C~leberd to address a communication to Earl Lee Kelly in behalf~of the 0ity of South San F~ancisco on the subject. An application for permission to Open a gas station on lots l~,Ig,l?,Block 147, and install 4-1000 gallon gasoline tanks underground,was received from Rodondi and I tetris. The application waslaid over for consideration and the clerk instructed to notify Rodondi and Harris to appear at the nex$ meeting o~ the city council in person. Request was made b2 Guiseppe.Uccelll,10~5 ~rand Avenue,for consideration of a reduct in the assesSed value of ~1,52 ao~es of la~d recently bought from the Bignottis. He stated he purchased the land for $12,800, and the city's valuation is $1000 per acre. Referred to the Cit~ Board of Equalization ~nd the clerk instructed to inform Nr. Uooelli of the city's action An invitation was received from~yor 2atrick Conoonnan of Santa Clara,inviting the city officials of South San Francisco to attend their Fourth of July celebration,stating the local post of the American Legion is sponsoring the celebration ,therby assuring all of a successful time'. The invitation was accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the R,W.Blxby, Inc. recommending a sanitary engines: for the City of South ~an Francisco. The conmunication was accepted and ordered placed on file An application for a business license was received from the ~ncini Motor Sales. The application was granted on motion by Counctlman~n~colani,seconded by Councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried. Kohler & Chase applied for'a busi:~ess license to manufacture paints and pigments at ~rohetti ~otor plant. Laid over for consideration. The monthly reports of the Fire Ohief, City Treasurer, Chief of Police, City Judge, Building Inspector and City 0lark for the month ending ~,~y 31,19S4 were received and accepted, with the thanks of ;'Mayor Pro tam quinlan for the officers' promptness in attending to this du ORDINANCE NO,, 17~ An ordinance repealing an ordinance entitled"AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING i~0R LICENSING FOR REVENUE A~¥D REGUIATIN~ AY~D CARRYING ON 01~ VARIOU~ LAWI~;L BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS, TRADES, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS" passed 'and · adopted June 28th,19~$, had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~ranolsoo,by the following vote;- Ayes, C ouncilmen,V. Boido ,R.~ib~etts,M.~inucciani ,~Joseph ~.~uinlan. Noes,Councilmen,None,Absent,Councilman Hesse Lloyd. Attest Daniel Mc~weene2 ., City Clerk Recorded in Book of ordinances, Vol. 2, at page 2S6. The proposed ordinance amending ordinance No.150, regulating the garbage collection otc. was,on motion by Councilman Einuccia~i,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carrie laid on the table. Mayor ~ro tam Quinlan , under the head of New Business,announced that merchants calla his attention to certain stores keeping open on Sundays 'in violation of the city Sunday closi law. Claims in the amount of $2009.06 were next presented to the council for payment. Claims submitted for payment;- J~h~8on's service station, Dudley Perkins Pariani & Limberg Argus I,~nufacturing Co., A. J.Pacheco Superior Steam Laundry J. B. Gugl i elms ttl Plihk's service station R.Petroochi B.Brown E.Meyers .~.Mayerle Western Auto Supply Co Simon's Auto reconstruction Enterprise ~ress A. J.Pacheco Ceo A.Eneese California Water Service Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Oo. W.P.Puller Paint Co Prod Brown Arthur Johnson Angelo Nonettini };~r tin Gazsa A.Oarlisle & Company B. J. R odondi $tand~rd Oil Co Jack Welch, Pacific Tel & Tel Co.- Pacific Coast Building Conference California Water Service California Water Service Co gasoline police dept ~ 12.21 tires,spot light8 ets, ~ 41.~S repairs ,police Buick ~ 6. ? iron claws,police dept ~ ~8.50 Fire Alarm ;.laintenanee Mays 20.00 ~ Bu?gese Dry Cell Batteri~ 1.~0 fire houses wash icy ~ 1E.28 lubrication Job fire chie~ 1.~0 t~res,tubes fire chief cars b~ning grass ~ 12.00 " " ~ 1~. O0 . w $ 1~.00 " " 0 1~.00 fire gauge engine No.2 ~ re~irs Ohev.~oupe ~ 8.~$ 500 police oaths ~ 400 post ear~s lie. ~u. ~ ~:84 1000 post o~a auto t~ noti 1 repair,replace opal b~l,hall$ 8.60 look up .~exation bo~r~ $ 10.00 engineering , SE~, setups $112. ~2 by.ant ;waterm ~ $454.00 water,fo~ta~n, & fire house $ ~le. service ~2 19~ $ 92.28 street '_lshtl. ~2 $6~. g~ rail paint 15 gals S ~.90 painting A fe~es $ 12.00 6 ~2s carpenter work,fences ~ 42,60 ~ ~ys ia April e~eoting fe~ 2.00 ~ ~y8 pain~ing ~noe8. $ 12,00 ~ ~ya lbor on fences $ 20.00 helping[ carpenter $ 4. cleanin? wee~s fro~illside si~ $ 14. O0 3 sets index g~des,cit2 clerk pres on bona of city Judge Gas & Oil 1{ay,1934 removin~ dogs,oats ,l~y ,1954 city phones ~ years dues, water ct~'ic center May library water, ~.~y water ,baseball park Total 25. O0 88.60 ~.9.50 47.o5 20.00 27.17 ~1.06 ~0~)9.06 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business councilman M~nucciani moved to a~[~ourn until Wednesday evening, June 1Bth,19~4,~t ?;~0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;15 o'clock p.m. pro tern o ~ranoisco , Respectfully submitted, ~ '