HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-06-13REG~LY ADJOURNED MEETING Ol~ THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY 01~ SOUTH SAN F~ISOO,HELD WEDNESDAY, JIR~E l~th,l~4 A regularly adjourned meeting of ~he city council of the Olty of South San ~ranoia~e was held in the city ~all Wednesday even~, J~e ~,19~4. In:: ~he :.ab~ e t s ~:j I ~.or Reese ~oy~:.: c o~ci l~..:~nuccl~i ~ moFe~.,: that ~C o~ci 1~: Qui~ be selected ~yor pro tem.~e motion was seconded b~ co~o~lm~ Tlbbetts an~ re~l ~arrie~. Co~oll~ ~l~ thereupon took the chal~ as ~yor pro tem ~ o~le~ the meeting to or,er. RO~ CALL. Roll call 'fora the following co,oil present,to-wit ;- Oe~ollmen ,V.Boido ,M. Minuoolani ,R.Tlbbe tts, Joseph P. Qui~an. Absent,O°~ollm,Reese .~o~d. ~e reading of the ~nutes of the previous ~etl~ was ~lspensed with. City Atto~ey stated he was ~able to'proo~e the ~eessary form describing the State Hlghw~ Route t~ou~ the Oity of South ~ ~oisoo from the State Highway Oommissiom but ~pected they would be on ~nd in the very near ~t~e, this being necessary for the p~poee ef t~ city laying claim to its sLare of the ~soline t~. The laid over application of D~ Giavia for a business license was renewe~ ~der the firm ~me of ~ Glavia and A. So~ni.for a reata~t license. On motion bY Co~cil~ Minucci~i seconded by Co~cilm~ Tibbete and reg~rly carried the license was grante~. Do~nga Ruiz,o~er of a grooer~' store at 511 San Br~o Roa~, asked for a transfer of his license to lOE Grand Aven~. ~ motion by co~cilm~ Tibbetts seconded by Oo~cilmn Mlnuccla~ ~d ~'regu~rly o~ried the desired transfer was grante~. B.J.R~don~ appeared before the city co,oil ~d requested that the application o~ Ro~ondi and ~rrta for permis~ion to erect a gasoline station on lots l~,16,1~,Block 14~, be c~nged to B.J.Rodon~. ~ motion by Oounctlmn Minucolani seconded by Co~oilmn Boido and regu~rl2 carrie~ the request was granted. Co~cil~ Tibbetts stated the Or,ge Tavern was conte~lating raking alterations in the premises. There being no f~ther business Oo~cil~n Einuoclani moved to adjourn eveY~ng,J~e 18th,19~,at ~;~0 o'clock p.m. ,the reg~ meeting night. The motion was seconds ~ co,oils Tlbbettm and regally c~rted. Time of adJo~n~t 7;50 o'olock p.m. Approved MaYor pro: tern of south San Francisco