HEL~ ~.~0NDAY, JUICE 18th,
19S4, -
A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of ~the City Of South: San Francisco
was held in the City Hall,Mo~day evening,June 18th,1934,
This meeting was called to order at ?;30 o'clock p.m. by Eayor 'Reese Lloyd.
0 olmc ilm~,
Roll call foun~ the following members of the council present.;
R. Lloyd, M.Mlnucelani ,R. Tibbe tts, Joseph P. Quinlan.
Absent, Councllman,V.Boido.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read, There being nb errors or
omissions they were approved as read.
A oe~unleation was received from The Sociedad Nutualista mexicans
re 9uesting permission to conduct a"KERMESS" in Fraternal Hall,August
from S P.M. until ~ A.M, for the benefit of the lodge. Permission granted.
A communication was received from the South San ~V~rancisco Chamber of Commerce
requesting the 0ity of South San Francisco to ~P~a resolution urging the con-
struction of the Lawndale Underpass in~:,ediately to prevent the diversion cf traffic
during constructton,an~ zequesting that copies cf the resolution be forwarded the
San ~ateo County Board cf SuperviSors, Joint Highway District No.$10,attention
Supervisor.Alber% Wits Jr, ,the State Board of Public W~ks-attenticn Mt. Earl Lee
Kelley,the Division of Highways,Distrlot,No~A,attention Colonel John
~ed one to the South S.F.Oham~er ~f Co~merce-
communica~ion was accep~e~ ane, A~d councilman Tlb~ettm lntroAuoeA a'resslutiom
the City Council of the City of 2curb San ~rancisoo requesting that the subway be constructed
un&er the Junipers Serra Boulevard at Lawndale, and copies of the resolution be forwarded to the
above mentioned persons.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council
present;-to-wit; ASes,Oouncilmen,R.Lloyd,N.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ~.~uinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, V. Boido.
Recorded in Book of Rescl~:tions,Vcl. Z,at page 44~.
Attest.1 Daniel McSweeney
Cl~y Clerk.
A communication from the South Sa~ Francisco Chamber of Commerce requested the
$1ty of South San ~rancisoo to adopt a resolution re~uiring that all contract work,sub-contract
work,day labor ,station work,otc,where material is resulted that said material be procured frcm
firms in San Marco county where prices and ~u~litIes are equal. Accordingly Councilm~n
Minucciani introdmce~ a resolution to that ei~feot, wi~ich was adopted by the votes of all the
members of the city council present,to-wit;-
Ayes,Oouncllman,R.Lloyd,M.~nucoianl,H.Tlbbetts, Joseph P,Quinlan,
Noes, Councilman,None,Absent,Oouncllman,V.Boi~. Attest , Daniel M~wee~ey
Recorded in Book of Resolutions ,Vol. 2,at page 444,
An ordinance amending ordinance No.150 of the City of South San Francisco
GARBAGE" pas~ed April 1,19~-9, was introduced by Councilman Tlbbetts
and was laid :over( tOi~comelup',~uder.:the~regular order of business at the next meeting of the
0 ltY O ouncil.
Neemv-ge~eA~me~vNe~evA~ee~4 ,-$e~me*~m~-.V.v~o&Ae,-A~ttee~~-~a~e~-Me~wee~,e~
Under tho head, o~ '~'J~fin*~shed l::)us£nos8 ~,~o~ ~Oy~ a~'m. ounced the appointment of
Councilmen ~utnlan and ~ib~etts as ~o~th San l~rancisco's members of the FIRST TOWNSHIP ADV~0R¥
The City Clerk was instructed to Write John F. Flink to the affect that no gasoline
may be stored in any place without the consent of the city council.
The request of the South San ~rancisco Land and Improvement Company for a refund of
$97.95 on account of the doui~le assessment of lots 5 to 9, Zone "D",was granted, and the clerk
instructed to write the check, on motion by. 0ouncilman 0uinlan seconded by Councilman Minicciani
and regularly carried.
The laid over application of Ho~ler & Ch_~se for a business lice. nsc to manufacture
paints and pigments was grante~, on motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman cuinLan a
and regularly carried.
Co'uncilman ~Ouinlan stated ,the Orange Tavern was proceeding to make repairs and
alterations for dancing in their place of business without proper authorization,that a permit
should be procured from the Building Inspector o~ 0itf Council b~fore alterations could be mad~,
and that no one member of the council has the right to grant pezm~tm.~::~He also, stated he believed
if a dance permit is issued to one it should be issued to all dance halls. ~yor Lloyd stated
all contractors must secure permits to make alterations from the Building Inspector or City
Council. Councilman Tibbetts's opinion ~vas that the alerations were making a legitimate saloon
out of a bootleg establishment.
Mayor Lloyd instructed Chief Belloni to make arrests iff the contractor has no
building permit to make'the alterations.
The matter of dancing was referred to the police 'commission and the city attorney.
Mr. Jack Byrtle appeared before the cit~ council and asked permission as agent
for gorradettl's music studio to enroll pupils,, withO~lt a~ se~ll!~itor's license. On question by
Cgunoilman Q.uinlan it developed that M~. Byrtle intended selling violins to the pUpils,and
would, therefore, be classed as a solicitor,and shoul~ pay a license.
Under the head of Good and Welfare Ray Spangler announced that a committee of
: : the South San ~rmnoisoo of Comme~ce would attempt to slow down traffic at the South San ~ran¢lsc~
asked that the city investigate the cond~tions,remove the A5 mile sign and place
~ i~O mile sign in or near, its place. Mayor Lloyd maid he favored action in-the matter,and
O~ ~ttSrney Coleberd stated the speed limit could be out down to 20 miles per hour by,
,, ounoL:Lman,
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco requesting that the subway be constructed
unAer the Junipers Serra Boulevar~ at Lawndale, and copies of the resolution be forwarded to the
abowe mentioned persons.
The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council
present;-to-wit; ANes,Councilmen,R.IAloyd,M. Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph ~.Quinlan.
Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, V.Boido.
Recorded in Book of Resol~tions,Vol. 2,at page
Attest Daniel NcSweene2
City Clerk.
R. Lle~ P. (~] .au.
Absent, Counollman,V.Boido.
The minutes of the two previous meeti~-~gs were rea&. There being n0 errors or
omission8 the2 were approve~ as rea~.
A oo~l~tion was receive~ from The Socie~ Eut~lista ~exica~ ~0~LOS",
re questing permission to conduct a~~SS" in ~rater~l Hall,August 4th,19~4,
from 6 P.M. ~til ~ A.M, for the benefit of the lo~ge. ~ermiselon
A comm~lcation was recelve~ from the Sou~ S~ ~m~cieco C~mber of Co~erce
requesting the City of South ~ ~anoisoo to ~p,t~a resolution ~gtng the con-
struction of the ~wn~le Underpass i~e~ately to prevent the ~lversion of traffic
· ~ing conatruction,~ ~equesting that copies of the resolution be forwarde~ the
~ ~ateo Co~t2 B~r~ of Su~rviSors, Joint Highway District No.~10,attentton
Supervisor .~bert Witt ~r, ,the State Bo~ of Public Works-attention ~.Earl Lee
Kelley,the Division of Highways,Distriot,No.4,attention Colonel Job~ H.~egge~
~ one to the.South S.~.Oh~er ~f Co~merce..
conniption was accep~ea ane, ~a co~cxlm~ Tlb~ett8 introduced a~reSeluti~
A communication from the South Sa~ Francisco Chamber of Commerce requested the
$1ty of South San Prancisco to adopt a resolution recuiring that all contract work,sub-contract
work,day labor ,station work,otc,where material is required that said material be procured from
firms in .~an Mates county where prices and ~u~litIes are equal. Accordingly Councilrman
Minucciani introduced a resolution to that efffect, wi~ich was adopted by the votes of all the
members of the city council present,to-wit;-
AY e s ,Councllman ,R. Lloyd,M. ~nuc c iani ,R. Tibb etts, Joseph P, Quinlan.
Noes, Council~m_a_.n,None,Absent,Oouncllman,V.Boi~. Attest . Daniel Me~wee~e2
Recorded in Book of Reeolutions,Vol.~,at page 444.
An ordinance amending or~ina_~ce No~lSO of the Olty of Bouth San l~ancisco
GARBAGE" passed April 1,1V~, was introduced by Oomncilman Tlbbetts
and was laid over~ tOi,come".Up~,/mderm~the'~regular order of business at the next meeting of the
0 itY 0 ouncil. ~e~v-~ew~~ '~ ~?i*~b~e~AvMvM~ueoA~sa&vR~&b~e$~ev$oael~h~v~m&~ta~.
N · ee v-ge~ei~aeavNeaev~beea4 v~ e~u~e~tw~-~=~e&Ae,-A~tteat--~a~e~-MeSwee~-e~
Un,er the head of unfiniahe~ Business ~tayc~ ~oy~ announced the appointment of
Councilmen ~uinlan and ~ibbetts as 2o~xth San Francisco's members of the FIRST TOWNSHIP ADVI~0EY
The City Clerk was instructed to Write John F.Flink to the affect that no gasoline
may be stored in any place without the consent of the city council.
The request of the South San Francisco L~nd and Improvement Company for a refund of
$97.95 on account of the doukle assessment of lore 5 to ~, Zone "D",was grante~, and the clerk
instructed to write the check, on motion by, 0ouncilman 0uinlan seconded by Councilman Miniccieni
and regularly carried.
The laid over application of Ho~ler & Ch~se for a business license to manufacture
paints and pigments was grante~, on motion b2 Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman CuinLan a
and regularly carrie~.
Councilman .~uinlan stated .the Orange Tavern was proceeding to make repairs and
alterations for d~ncing in their place of business without proper authorization,that a permit
should be procured from the Buildinc Inspector o~ 0it~ Council before ~!terations could be ma~,
and that no one member of the council has the right to grant ~erm~t~. ~.He also. stated he believed
if a dance permit is issued to one it should be issued to all d~nce halls, Mayor Lloyd stated
all contractors must secure permits to m~ke alterations from the Building Inspector or City
Council. Councilman Tibbetts's opinion '~as that the alerations were making a legitimate saloon
out of a bootleg establishment.
Mayor Lloyd instructed Chief Belloni to make arrests if the contractor has no
building permit to make'the alterations.
The matter of ~ancing was referred to the police commission and the city attorney.
Mr. Jack Byrtle appeared before the citL conncil and asked permission as agent
for gorradetti's music studio to enroll pupils,-witho~.~t a~ s~ll:citor's license. On question by
Councilman Q.uinlan it 'developed that ~. Byrtle intended selling violins to the pUpils,and
would, therefore, be classed as a solicitor,and shoul~ pay a license.
Under the head of ~ood and Welfare Ray Spangler announced that a committee of
the South San Francisco of Comme~ce would at,emit to slow down traffic at the South San ~rancisc~
underpass,an~ asked that the city investigate the cond~tions,remove ~he 48 mile sign and place
the ~0 mile sign in or near its place. Mayor Lloyd said he favored action in-the matter,and
City attorney Coleberd state~ the speed limit could be cut down to 20 miles per hour by.
ordAnance. A meeting on the subject will be held soon.
Claims in the amout of $78b.29 were next presented to the council for payment;-
George N.Nessier
Robinson-Druggi st
Price Furniture Com. pany
A. Johnson
San Mates Co. Tltle Co
Dan MoSweeney
researching for city
supplies fire dept
1 pair window murrains
burning grass
Nay reports
$14b. 80
stamps, for city offloer~
& box rent,Jan, to June .~ 16.20
Bo.City Lumber & Supply Co., fence poet material S100.87
" " " " " " " $ 22.24
" " " " Supplies Hillside Job $ 56.29
. . . . . . w ~ 64.4S
D.,W,BattO inS,p rem No 2 tire Ho
~nlt~e ,eto $ 96,40
Welttnghouoe ~. Supply O o la~$, ets, $1~6.2~
Ba~ of--Se. San ~anotsco, safet2 b~ rent ~ ~.85
To.S.P.C~ber o~ C~erc,e, J~e aivertie!ng ~ ~.00
Je~lngo P~r~oY epup les,clerk's offlce8 .8~
B~er E~ilton · ~aolfio Oo~s suction p~p $ 59.84
Interoit2 Tr~sport lines freight ~ .94
Total ~VSa. M9
The claims having been audited by the finance committee,councilman Tibbetts moved
they be paid..The motion was seconded by Oounoilman t~Inuoolani and regularly carried.
There being no further busines,c before the meeting Councilman ~:finucelani moved to
adjourn until ~onday evening,June 25th,19~A,at ?;~0 o'clock p.~. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adJournment,9;~O o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk.