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MONDAY,JUNE 25th,19~.
A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City .of South San Franoiso~
was held in the city hall Monday evening,June 25th,195A.
This meeting was called to order at ?;~0 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found all' members of the council present,to-wit;-~
C ouncilmen,V.Boido ,R. Lloyd,M.Mlnuccian! ,R.Tibbet ts, Jo seph. P. ~inlan.
The minutes of the previous meetihg Were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
An application for permission to Store ACETONE,SODA CHLORATE,BENZ0LE,CARBON
BISULPHIDE A~UD T~PENTINE in the P~tto building on South Linden Avenue, was received from
the Braun-aneoht-Hei~an OomparAy of San 2ranoisco. The City Clerk was instructed to write
the company and red,est tha, t they send a representmtive to appear before the city council
at the next meeting for the, purpose of explaining their reasons for storing such ~xplosive
material in the city limit.s of South San
A communication was received from Earl L~e Kelley,State Director of public Works,
in answer to the city's le~er requesting consideration ~ t,h'eo~h San Francisco under-
pass in the allottment of p,ublio funds in the next budged,stating the request would be made
a matter of record, and that the State Bridge Engineers have already had the subject under
ainVestiEation. The communication was. accepted and ordered pl~oed On file.
An offer was received from C.E.Piatt of San Ma~eo,~e~tified Publi~ Accountant, to
udit the city's books ~l~arterly for the sum of SB00 pe~ annum, or a finan=ial statement
t the end of each quarter for an additional amount of $45. The clerk was instructed to
report when the term of the present auditor expires.
The city council received a card of ackn. owle'dgment from City Clerk Daniel McSweeney & family
the beautiful floral tribute sent at the. ~f~death[~ of his wife, ~f~2 E,McBweeney, June 19th.
Ordinance No.l?Z,an ordinance amending Ordinance No.150, of the City of South San
Francisco, regulating the accumulation, collection and removal of garbage, by reducing the
license tax from $~00 to $400 for one year had its second reading,and was passed and adopted
as an ordinance of the City of South San ~rancisoo by the following vote;-
Ayes ,¢ ounc ilmen ,V. Boido ,R. Lloyd,M.Mln~oolani ,R. Tlb~e t ts, Joseph P, Quinlan.
Noes,Councilmen,None,Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney,
City Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Ordinances ,Vol. 2 ,at paf~e 2Z7'
Un&er the head of unfinished business Jack Hickey and Judge W.H.Dinntng were reappointed
members of the South San ~ranoisco Library Beard for the term of three years. The City Clerk
was instructed to notify the trustees of their re-appointment.
Discussion over the propriety of grmnttng the Orange Xavern a permit to construct
ar 'enlarge a dance floor withou~ Sufficient'authorization was had between Councilmen Boido
and Quinlan, councrtlo.n~n Quinlan stating the Tavern had no p~rmit to danc.~.~2or Lloyd stated
all contractors m~f.t occurs permits either from the building inspector Of city council. City
attorney Coleberd was instructed to look up the dancing permit ordinance and prepare a new
or an a~.ended one if necessary.
Under:~t.heah~a~:' eT new business city attorne~ Coleberd announced he would prepare a letter
for the city's use in determing the rights of veteran, s to tax exemption according to their
e~uities,etc. MaYor LloyA asked the city attorney' if an assistant or deputy building inspector
could be appointed by the council under the building ordinance, the city Building Inspector,
C..R. Beatty, being confined to the hospital with a severe illness. The city attorney stated the
cOUncil oo~d informally appoint an assistant in an emergency. Accordingly Councilman Ti~:'~e, tts
moved that Fire Chief Welte be appointed a tempora~j deputy'. 'i~ building inspector. The motiom
was seconded by councilman Minucelani ~nd regularly: carried~
Claims in the amount of $~A.18, having been audited by the finance committee,Oounailman
Tibbet~s moved ~hey be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
Seu~h ~an Francisco L,and & ImProveme. n~ Company,
" " "re~u~,..~/C double assessment $ 97.95
A.De Tomasi labor poisoning rate v,~ A.00
Western Manufact~ring Company six poI~ee outfits $ 47.66
~atrick-Moise lilinkner Co vehicle license plates $ ~0.4~
Fashion' Clothing Company seven police uniforms 8354.
family of ~ity Clerk Daniel Mo~weeney on account of his wife's death. Total ~5~4.15
. ~ City Attorney Coleberd was instructed by ~ayor Lloyd to prepare a resolution of condolence to ti
~.~There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn
until the next regular meeting,Monday,July ~-~lg~4,at ?;Z0 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded
by councilman Quinlan and regularly carried.
Time of adjourned $;20 o'cloc~ ?.~.~,
Mayor of South San~ancisoo
Re spec tfull~ ~ubmi tt ed, ~7