HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-10-01 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTE SAN ~ANCI SOO, HELD MONDAY, 0COTBER 1, 19~.. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South s~n ~rancisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, October l, 19~. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p. m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd, ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following m~nbers of the City Council present: Councilmen V. Boido~ Jos. P. Quinlan, R. Tibbetts., M. Minucclani, R. Lloyd. Absent, Councilmen mono. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. An application was received from Sociedad.Mut~altsta Mexicana 'Morelosm to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall October E?, 19B4. Permission granted. An applicati'on was received from Italian Catholic Fedoratfon, Branch $? of ~outh .San Francisco te hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, November 10, 1934. , Permit to be granted after payment of the $5.00 fee far police protection. An application was received from Joe ~errario to build a sun porch on his house -at 45?. Co~ercial Ave. Referred to building inspector. An application was received from Adolph C. Bushier for the position of Janitor at the 3curb ~an Francisco Library. Application accepted arzl p~aced on file. A communication was received from the South ~s~ Francisco Library~ thanking the board for their wonderful cooperation in the project o£ altering the Library and extending them an invitation to be present at their meeting October 2, 19~4, to in- spect the work done, also advising that Mary Wishing was appointed librarian of the children's room, The invitation was accepted and all would go that could. A communicati-on was received from Levic Raffaelli tendering his resignation from the paid forces of the So. San Francisco ~ire Department to take effect September 24, 19~, On motion of Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Quinlsm, ai~d duly carried the resignation was accepted, A copy of a conununication to the South San ~rancieco ~ign Co. was received from the Chamber of Comer, ce objecting to the board sign being erected on the back- ground of the electric sign. The matter as to whether a~painted sign was permissible under the terms of the lease with the South San Francisco Sign Co. was referred to Mr. Coleberd for investigatf on. The month~ reports of the City Clerk, Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, and Bu~ilding Inspector, and Health Officer, were submitted and aecepted with the thanks of Mayor Lloyd. Councilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution of the City of ~outh ~an FranCisco appointing R. A. Klassen Assistant City Engineer of said City for all projects of the $tate Emergency Relief Administration to be carried on within said City. The resolution was adopted by all members of the City Council present, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Joe. P. Quinlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucctani, Reese ]~loyd Absent, Councilmen None Noes, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. By Elizabeth Ottenfield. Pep. Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions -1[ol. 2 at page 4~0 Councilman Tibbetts introduced a'resolution of the City of Youth San Francisco appointing R. A. Klassen, Assistant City Engineer of the City of South San Francisco to act as agent of said city in all matters pertaining to the State Emergency Relief Administration projects to be carried on within sa~d City. The resolution was adopted by ~he ~otes:~:.of all,~,the members of the council present, to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Jos. P. Quinlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minuccisni, Reese Lloyd Absent,, Councilmen None Noes, Councilmen None Recorded in Book of Resolutions - Vol. 2 page 450. Councilman Qulnlan~ introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco employing Charles N. Kirkbride, a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States to appear as counsel far the said 0ity in the ~upreme Court of the United States in the case of San Francisco Shopping News Company vs. City of ~outh San Francisco, et The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the council pres~ to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen ¥. 'Boido, ~os. P. quinlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani, Re ese Lloyd Noes, Councilmen None - Absent, Councilmen None Recorded in Book of Resolutions - Vol. Attest: Daniel Mo~weeney, City Clerk Elizabeth Ottenfiel~, Pep. clerk Councilmen V- BOido Absent, Councilmen The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. An application was received from Sociedad.Mutualista Mexicans "Morelos" to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall October 2?, 19~4. Permission granted. An application was received from Italian Catholic Federation, Brauch ~? of South Sa~ Francisco to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, November 10, 19B4e Permit to be granted after payment of the $§.00 fee for police protection. An application was received from Joe Ferrario to build a sun porch on his house at ~§?~ Commercial Ave. Referred to building inspector. ' An application was received from Adolph C. Buehler for the position of Janitor at the South Zan Francisco Library. Application accepted ar~l placed on file. A co~uni~atfon was received from the ~ outh ~an FranCisco Library- thanking the board for their wonderful cooperation in the project of altering the Library and extending them an invitation to be present at their meeting October ~, 19~, to in- spect the work done, also advising that Mary Wishing was appointed librarian of the children's room. The invitation was accepted and all would go that could. A communicati~on was received from Levio Raffaelli tendering his resignation from the paid forces of the So. San ~rancisco Fire Department to take effect September 2~, 19~&. On motion of Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Quinls~, a~d duly carried the resignation was accepted. A copy of a communication to the South San Fraucieco Sign Co. was received from the Chamber of Commerce objecting to the board sign being erected on the back- ground of the electric sign~. The matter as to whether a~pminted sign was permissible under the terms of the lease with the ~outh San Francisco 'Sign Co, was referred to Mr. Coleberd for investigation. The mont~ reports of the City Clerk, Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, and Bu. ilding Inspector, and Health Officer, were submitted and accepted with the tha~ of Mayor Lloyd. Co~u~cilm~n Tibbetts introduced a resolutiom of the City of South San FrsnCtsco appointing R. A. Klaseen Assistant City Engineer of said City for all projects of the Ztate Emergency Relief Administration to be carried on within ssi d City. The resolution was adapted by all members of the City Co~zucil present, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Botdo, Joe. P. Qutnlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani, Reese Lloyd Absent, Councilmen None Noes, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel NcSweeney, City Clerk. By Elizabeth O~tenfield, Dep. Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions -Vol. 2 at page 4~0 Councilma~ Tibbetts introduced a'resolutton of the City of ~el~th San Francisco appointing R. A. Klassen, Assistant City Engineer of the City of South San Francisco to act as agent of said city in all matters pertaining to the State Emergency Relief Administration projects to be carried on wil~in said City. The resolution was adopted b2 ~he ~o~es~:.of~ !allah. the members of the council present, to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Jos. P. Quinlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minuccisni, Reese Lloyd Absent,. Councilmen None Noes, Councilmen None Recorded in Book of Resolutions - Vol. 2 page Councilman Qulnlan$ introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~rancisce employing Charles N. Kirkbrlde, a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States to appear as counsel for the said City in the ~upreme Court of the United States in the case of 3am ~ranctsco Shopping News Company vs. City of South San ~rancisco, et ~ The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the council pres~ to-wit: Ayes, Councilmen 1[. Boido, ~os. P. quinlan, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani, Re ese Lloyd Noes, Counatlmen None - Absent, Councilmen None ReoorAed in Book of Resolutions - Vol. Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk Elizabeth Ottenfield, Dep. Clerk 01aims in the amount ef $2,448.18 were next presented to the council for payment: Oeorge N. MeSsier Mrs. A. E. Baker Dudley Perkins Fred Brown IV, P. ~uller & Co. Louis Belloni G. E. Leverton A. :J. Pacheco Pacheco Electric Co. Chas. Bollazzi A. 0anziani A. Schmidt Superior Steam Laundry ~ V. De Luca Frank L&nducc i O. Stanch ~nl Joe Oalli Old Relian~e Garage l~ighwa~ Blacksmi th Shop A. Marcucci Baz~k of Amer ica 0has. Bollazmi A. Der omasi Dr. J. O. MoMills A. Carlisle Pacific Tale. & Tel. South City Sheet Metal Products Pacheco ~rlectric J. Welch F. W. Brown So. City l~bing Shop 'Geo. A. Eneese Van Fleet-Freear Co. California Water Service w H. V. Carter Co. Chas. Bolla zzi Union 0il Co, closing del, tax report, etc. witness fee-people v. H. J. l~oles servicing motorcycle, etc. labor & material motorcycle painting safety zones 10 galS traffix paint feeding prisoners - 1 shoulder strap repair Fire Chief's typewriter maintenance fire alarm system Sap. Installing bells and relays fire alarm circuit mdse- Sept. Fire Dept. suppl ie s " extra duty Sept. 24 to ~0 .. wash - Sept. 73 hrs. labor on Baden Ave. sewer 52 " " 7~ " " 5~ " ·" repairs street supplies- street dept. 10 ~[ays clerical l~bor clerk's off, P*0 ~ays profelW~onal ca,ices 1 ~rawer lock 1 ~ poisoni~ rats Pho~ health ~ept. A~. ~oc. oablnet · money ~rawer phone ser~oe ~ept,. Installi~ copper ~tter~[ty ~11 128 street l~ps removing ~ogs · cats Sept,; City Hall re~i~s repair fo~t~n Linden fiel~ · office wor~ on State Gas T~ f~ linole~ tnst~le~ tn library library service Sept, by,ant rental 2e~. fountain · fire house Sept. Civic Center ~ ~seb~l ser~ce Sap.. 1 Electrimer supplies Civic Center O~soline A~t $?2,00 4.20 4.17 3.52 24.00 20.76 4. 87 ?. 50 20, O0 120.72 3.89 4.40 15.75 15.';5 13.07 ~6.50 16.00 56.0O 16.00 14.55 45.00 500,00 .87 4. O0 6.50 71.~9 51.40 I96.75 25, 50 29. O0 4.40 1.50 92,95 282.?6 20.15 454.00 6.58 44.8? 26. ?5 9.12 115.86 Total .......... $2,448.18 The claims having been audited by the finance committee., Ooun~l~n Boi~o moved~ they be paid~ The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts an~ regularly carri e~. There being no fu~r business before tho board, Councilman Mtnucolani moved to adjourn until the next' regular meeting, Mon~L~y, Oc%ober 15, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock p. m, The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8:10 o'cloc]~ p. m. Respectfally submit te~, AppT~ed: ~ ~ayor~of ~uth ~$~ncfsoo' Da~i~ UpSweeney, City Clerk,