HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-10-15REGULAR M.!!]ETII~G 0P THE CITY COUI~CIL 0P THE CITY OF SOUTI[ SAI~ FRANC ISC0 ,HELD MONDAY, 0C TOBER 15TH , 1934. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was he~d in the city hall,Monday evening, October 15th,1934. The meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R. Lloyd,M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Jos. P.Quinlan. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissions there were approved as read. A'communication ~ ~ received from Rudolph Petrocchi,Chairman of the Dance Committ of'the first annual ~aseball ~dance requested permission to hold a dance Saturday evening, November 3rd,1934, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Permission granted. A petition was received from ten property owners and residents in the vicinity of Orange And Grand Avenues complaining of the noises made by the cars of the ~darket Street Rail when passing the switch ~here, and stating the road bed is in vary bad condition and in need o repairs. The clerk was instructed to write' the Market Street'Railway Company, giving the and requesting them to have repairs made as soon as convenient. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce advising the City of South San Francisco that the chamber of commerce ~officially went on recor pr6testing any sign visible in daytime on: the structure erected by the South San Francisco sign Company above the city's hillside sign. Communication accepted and placed on file. A conmaunication was received from Ci~7 Attorney Coleberd advising the city that, hig opinion, the letters 'on the sign are to be illuminated by electricity. Communication ~ ~:. acqepted and placed on file. Mr. H.G.Thomson,owner of the sign appeared before the council and stated he did not intend to use daytime signs f~ any gain,but was experimenting to ascertain th~ best colors to be used foe distances at other parts of California,and requested permission to'continue. ~The request was not granted and no further action was taken. A communica tion was received from the ¥orthside Taxpayers Protective Association of'South San Francisco, requesting that electric lights be ~laced in Hickory Lane, between 01~ Avenue and Maple Avenue. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. Applicationsfor the position of Janitor in the South San Francisco Public Library were reeeived from Alfredo Cerri and Adolfo Soldani. Applications ordered placed on file. An application for the position of janitor in the City Hall was received from Application ordered placed on file. 'The Paci'fic Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to cut a trench in Lind Avenue between California Avenue and 6TH, Lane for the purpose of replacing 81' of gas main. Referred to councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A communication was received from the Peninsular Division of the League of Califc Municipalities, requesting the city council and other city officials to attend the league's next meeting at San Jose in the Hotel Saint Claire, Thursday evening, October 18,1934,at 6;30 o'clock p.m.,and requesting to know how many would attend. Mayor Lloyd asked how m~y ci officials present would attend and six indicated their intentions to be at the meeting. A claim and dec,and for damages in the sum of $10,000 was made by Zefferino De Lam 'through his attorney,P.E.Hoffmann,alleging he was injured by a city auto. On motion regularly carried the claim and demand was denied,and the city clerk instructed to notify the City's bonding Company of the claim, enclosing a copy of the claim'and a copy of of the denial of the claim and demand to be sent to the attorney for Zefferino DeLamar,F.E.Hoffmann. City Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann submitted his ~0~thly report for the month of Septe The report was accepted with the thanks of Eayor Reese Lloyd for the officer's promptness in attending to this duty. Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO., An ordinance prohibiting the breaking, removal or destruction of trees upon publi streets and highways of the City of South San Francisco without the consent of the city counci was introduced by councilman Tibbetts,had its first reading and was laid over to come up undez the regulae order of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. Under the hes,l of new business 5~ayor Rees Lloyd appointed A.¥utti a janitor of ~ city hall at a salary of $50 per month,and called for a m$tion to that effect. ' Councilman Minucci&ni moved that the appointment be ratifie~ by the cit~' council. Th~ motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and ~egularly carried. Councilman Cuinlan moved th~ the appointment of Mr. Mutti become effective October Sth,1934. The motion was seconded by Co~ man Boido and regularly carried. Under the head of good and welfare ~,~r. A.J.Eschelbach appeared before the council requested that the city accept a check from him in the sum of $331.83 in ps.yment of the taxes of the Electrical Research Rroduo~,Inc, for the years 1932,1933, provided the city refund to the sum of $298.53, claiming the sound equipment had been assessed ten times too much. The cit~: council agreed with Mr. Eschelbach and councilman ~'iinucciani introduced a resolution accepting the check for $$~1.83 and refunding the sum of $298.53. The zesolution was adopted by the um~animous vote of all the councilmen,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Jos. P.Quinlan. Noes, Councilmen,l~one. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene2 '. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2,at page 452. Claims in the amount of $1880.39 were next presented to the council for payment;- 190 Bay Shore Theatre Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. # H H H Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ruth Bernardo Union .0il Company ]~red Brown West Disinfecting Co, Antoinette Marcucci The Enterprise Press A, 0arlisle & Co. The Enterpris e ~he ~lax Company West Disinfecting Co, George A. Eneese So.S.~~. Bakery So.S.F. Chamber of Commerce John Corso W.P. Fuller & Co. Dudley Perkins Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Co. Jenning' s Pharmacy So.City Lumber & Supply Co. Pernau Walsh Printing Co. West Disinfecting Co. W.P. ~uller & Co. Santini & Roccucci H. McGraw Th~ Seagrave Corporation H. Cavassa So.CitY Sheet Metal Products Rob ins on Drug. S t ore August Terragno V. Bianchini A. Martin Louis Belloni Scampini & Zanetti Central Supply Company Refund of Taxes of Electrical Research Phone Service Phone Service $625 Street Lighting Service Month of September Miscellaneous ~ighting service Aug. 7th to Sept. 24th Phone Service Ih days labor addressing tax envelopes Gas and asphalt for month of September Carpenter work - Oct, 7th - 8 hrs. - ~ire Dept. Roof 18 gals ~edico and ~ drum C25658 12 days. Clerical work 1500 - 25 envelopes and 500 - SS envelopes Books Clerk's receipts; autoflex binder, mitac. Notice to automobile owners 500 Fire Record sheets Carbon paper I soap dispenser Field work - Laurel Ave. north of Miller Ave. Bread for use in poisoning rats at City dumps October advertising Removing 4 dogs - September Fulle'rglo; floor enamel, etc. Service machine - 9/19/~4 1 rubber stamp 4 ribbons, 2 dom. erasers -Aug. 17th Cement paper; nails, miscellaneous -9/20/~4 C~ement papar; sewer pipe - 9/17/~4 55 briefs ~ppoSition to Petition for Writ of Certiorari ~4 gals. Euchrelyptum- 10/9/~4 50 lbs. 1 W. Cold Water Paint Boots -Oct. 1st, 1952 Extra Police Duty July 16,17 and 18th, 1954 ~lywheel cover bolt, taper pin, Engineer's service, mic. 5-day books, tablets; pencils, etc. AUg. 2§, 1954. 1 sheet 26~ x 50" x 96" Galv. iron - Oct, 1~, 19~4 1 gal. deodorant; 1 sprayer for City Jail - Oct. 1. 19~4 Extra Policy Duty July 12, 1Z, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1954 " " " July 16, 17, 18, 19J4. " " " July 12, 1Z, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19~4 " " " July 12, 15, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1954 Gas, oil, globes, miscellaneous £ rolls felt; 10 7/$" Galv. nails - Sept. 11, 19~4 $ 298.5~ 7.50 2,50 644.11 98.9S 2.80 6.75 60.16 8.80 27.12 54. O0 60.6~ 60,7~ 6.00 12.88 5.22 2.19 25'.00 4.00 52.50 1.50 3.40 4.61 20.15 41.72 42.93 66.23 5.13 6.08 15,75 1~ .15 11.85 25.58 4.71 36.75 15.75 56.75 42. O0 26. $0 7.17 Total................ $ 1880.S9 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularl~ carried. T~ere being no further business counciln~n Minucciani moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, October 23rd,1934, at 7;30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9.~5 o'clock p.m. Aiayor of South San~rancisc Respectfully submitted,