HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-10-23REGULARLY ADJOURI~ED ~ETING OF THE CITY COUI,fCIL OF THE CITI~ OF SOUTH SAN FPA1JCISC0,HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD,1934. city A regularly adjourned meeting of the'council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Tuesday evening, October 23rd,1934. This meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p~.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. .~.~ ~k .......... . ROLL CALL. 9 ~9~?.~~~ ~9 i~-~sCn~I~hRol1 ~all fo~d the following members of the co,oil present;. ~o-wit;- "un~n~h~' and(~e~/~°PJ~~~ Co~cilmen, Reese Lloyd, M.Mlnucciani,R.Tibbetts,Jos. P.Quinlan. :~~{ Absent, 0o~cilm~, ~.Boido. The r~inutes of the previous meeting were corrected to A co~i~tion was received from Basich Brothers ,Torrance ,California ,returnln$ their t~ notice for ~axes due on an office building assessed against them in the s~ of $1000 t~es $13,50, stating they o~ no property tn South San Francisco,and have owned none here for the past year. ~e clerk was instructed to notify them to pay as their building was here in March, 1934. The clerk was also instructed by Mayor Reese Lloyd ~o investigate the circumstances and ascertain when the building was moved. A c0m~ication from the Ohas Cory 0orporation informed th6 city council that they are in a position to handle equipment of all kinds for ~blic utility purposes if and when the city mi~t construct a m~icipal light and power plan~. , An application was received from the Regina Eltna Git'els No.9~ U.A.0.D, for a permi' to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, N~vember 24, 1934. Permission granted. A co~ication was received from South San Pr~cisco Grove No.l~l,United Ancient Order of Druids, thawing the city council for their co-operation and presence at the Public InStallation of the Druid 0ffi6ers. The co~ication requested the city co~c~l to convey the gratefulness to the Police Dapartment for the efficient and courteous manner in which they escorted the parade preceding the ceremony of installation. Accepted and placed on file. A reply was received from the Matket Street Railway Company to the city's request to repair 'some bad spots in the switch of their line at Grand Avenue and Orange Avenue.stating their engineering department woulX investigate conditions at the place mentioned. The communi~tion was accepted and ordered placed on file. Co~cilman Tibbetts stated the railway company's men had come and worked at the switch, smoothing and leveling the surface. Request was ~de in writing by Piombo Bros.& Company for permission to blast with explosives on Lewis Avenue, in Peck's subdivision, stating all insurance incidental to the protection of property owners in the vicinity had been ma'de with a reputable company.. City attorney Coleberd was instructed to procure a copy of the insurance policy before the desired permission could be granted and the matter would be considered at the next meeting of the co~ i co~ication was received from T.E.Horton,Chairman of the com~.itte of the South Sa Francisco Oh~ber of Commerce on ~iuincipal Power Plant,stating the work of the comEittee has come up to the point where assistance is required from the ~ity of South San Francisco in hiring an engineer to complete details,and asked that the city em~ploy ~Ir. G.B.Scheer at a cost of $250. Co~unication accepted and placed on file. 0EDIN~CE No. 1~4. An ordi~nce prohibiting the hreaking,removal ar destruction of trees upon public street and highway in the City of Sou~ San Francisco without the consent of the city co~cil, had its second reading and was passed ~d adopted as an ordin~ce of the City of South San Fran by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts, Joseph P.Quinlar~. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Oo~cilman V.Boido. Attest Daniel McSweenep City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol. 2, at page 238. Claims in the amo~t of $241.60 were next r, resented to the council for payment;- E.~iilani painting in library - $115.20 H.Baldini, " " " ~122.40 A.Detom::si poisoning rats ~ 4.00 Total ~241.60 · The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman 5~inucciani moved be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Under the head of Good and Welfare Fi~e Chief %Ve~te brought the matter of the Christ~ ~ree celebration to the attention of the council. ~.~ayor Lloyd stated he would get the committe~ under way at the very first opportunity. There being no further business before the council,councilman 5~in~cciani moved to ~djourn until Wednesday evening, October ~th,19S~, at 7;50 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8;40 p.m. ~'~ayor of ~outh San ~'r&ncis~ Respectfully submitted, 199 k~EEULAHLY ADJOUiQI,~'ED L~EETIEG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ CIT~ OF S0~TL~ $.~R~ FP~tNCIS00 HELD 74;~.~'~ ~.~AY, 0C T 0BEE 28~ ~ 19~ A regularly adpourned meeting of ,~he city council of the City of South San Francisco was held i~ the city hall ~uesda~ svening, October ESrd,19Z4. This meeting was called to order at 7:50 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members of the Council present: to-wit: Councilmen, Reese Lloyd, M. Ninucciani, R, Tibbetts, Jos. P. Quinlan. Absent, Councilman, V. Boido. The minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to read in the matter of the application of A. J, Eschelbach to p~ay the City $8~1.8~ taxes of the Electrical Research Products, provided a refund of $298.52 was granted hims"Under the Head of Unfinished Business~ instead of "Under the Head of Good and Welfare" and the minutes were then adopted. A communication was received from Basich Brothers, Torrance, California, returning their tax notice for taxes due on an office builS ing assessed against them in the sum of $1000.00, taxes $1~,50, stating they own no property in South San Francisco, and have owned none here for the past year. The Clerk was instructed to .notify them to pay as their building was here in March, 19~4. The Clerk was also instructed by Mayor Reese Lloyd te investigate the circ,~m~tances and ascertaLu when the building was move~ A communication from the Chas Cory Corporation informed the City Council that they are in a position to handle equipment of all kin~s for public utility purposes if and when the City might construct a m~ni¢ipal light and power plant. An application was received from the Regina Elina Circle No, 97 U.A.0.D. for a permit to hold a dance in the z~raternal Hall, Saturday evening, November 24, Permission granted. A communication was received from South San Francisco Grove No. 171, United Ancient Order of Druids, thanking the City Council for their co-operation and presence at the Public Installation of the Druid Officers. The communication requested the City Council to convey their gratefulness to the Police Department for the efficien$ and courteous manner in which they escorted the parade preceding the ceremony of installation. Accepted and placed on file. A reply was received from the Market Street Railway Company to the City's request to repair some bad spots in the switch of their line at Grand Avenue and Orange Avenue, stating their engineering department would investigate conditions at the place mentioned. The communication was accepted and ordered placed on file. Councilman Tibbetts stated the railway company's r~en had come and worked at the switch, smoothing and leveling the surface. Request was made in writing by Piombo Bros. & Company for permission to blast with explosives on Lewis Avenue, in Peck's Subdivision, stating all insurance incidental to the protection of property owners in the vicinity had been made with a reputable company. City Attorney Coleberd was instructed to procure a copy of the insurance policy before the desired permission could be granted and the matter woul~ be considered at the next meeting of the council. A communication was received from T, E. Horton. Chairman of the COmittee of the South San Francisco Chamber of Cormnerce on Municipal Power Plant, stating the work of the committee has come up to the point where assistance is required from the City of South San Francisco in hiring an engineer to complete detail~, and asked that the City employ Mr. G. B. Scheer at a cost of $250.00. Communication accepted and placed on file. ORDINANCE NO. 174 An Ordinance prohibiting the breaking, removal or destruction of trees upon public street and highway in the City of South San Francisco without the consent of time City Council had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an Ordinance of tim City of South San ~ancisco by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts., Joselbh P. Quinlan Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman V. Boido Attest DANI EL Mc SWEENEY City Clerk Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol. 2, at page 238. Claims in the amount of $241.60 were next presented to the Council for payment: E. Milani Painting in library $115.20 H. Ba ldi ni " " " 122.40 A. Detomasi poisoning rats 4.00 ,,Total.. ..... ~.. $241.60 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Ninucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carrie~. Under the head of Good and Welfare ~'ire Chief '~'~elte brought the matter of the Christmas Tree ~ celebration to the attention o±' the Council. Mayor Lloyd stated he would get~ the committee under way at the very first opportunity. There being no further business before the Council. Councilman 'I'~inucciani moved to adjourn Until Nednesday evening, October 24, 19J4, at ?:~0 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 8:40 P.M.