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in the
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of .South San Francisco was held
city hall ~,~onday evening, November 19th,1934.
The meeting was called to order at 7;30 o'clock~ p.m. by ~ayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call found all members of the city ~council present;as follows;-
Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, N.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.~uinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication w~s received from the ~outh San Francisco Land & Improvement
Company stating the county had ~_btlled them for taxes on the three city parks i~ the s~nn
of $69.02, and requested the city to reimburse them for the amount. On motion by councilmaL
Minucciani seconded by councilman Bo~do and regularly c~rried the bill was accepted and
C.J.Thompson made application ~,' for a business license to sell used cars at
502 Bayshore Highway. Having already started the business the application was granted.
Gino Giannoni applied for a business licens, to deal in live and Sressed chickens
on C ~tree~,Town of Baden,bor.dering on the Un~Railroad Tracks, C street being a blind
street~ from Orange Avenue nothwards. Laid over for consideration.
A~Plications for dance permits were granted to Tippecanoe Tribe lll fo~Saturday evening
November 28, and the E. and~. C~ for the evening of December lst,1934. Sociedad Eutualis~a
Eexicana '~0RELOS" was granted permission to hold literary e~ercises and dance in Fraternal
Hall ~aturday evening, December 22,1934 till 2 a.m. All paid fees for extra police protect£on.
M.Gambetta,555 Grand Avenue,~his city, applied for ~Permission to hold Sunday dances ~n
01d Le~iou Vall on Eaple Avenue from ~ o'clock to 6 o'clock p.m. , starting December 2nd,1934.
As no date was.~specified in the request as to when the ~ermission should terminate the ~atter
mas laid Over and taken under advisement.
James Gratteroli owner of a~garage on lots 20 .and 21,block 147,South San Francisco,
offered to pa~? the city the s~nn of $40 on a bill for back taxes amounting to $85.48, claiming'
to have been over assessed in previous years. Communication ordered place~ on file.
In the matter of a proposed ordimance to amend Ordinance ~o.158~,the handbill ordin-
ance of the City of South San Francisco, Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution to lay
said proposed ordinance on the table, the same having had its first.reading. The resolution
was adopted by the unanimous Vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.¥inucciani,R.Tibbet~s,Joseph P.~uinlan.
NOes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk,
l~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2, at page 456.
U~der the head of unfinished business Engineer KlaSsen stated in reference to the
proposed installation of a sidewlak on the west side of South Linden Avenue that the application
for Federal assistance in the oro~ect had been diSapproved by the government.
City attorney Coleberd mepOretedthat the bond of Piombo Brothers & Company to blast
in Peck's Lots met with all the requirements of the city and the company allowed to proceed.
Regarding the reconstruction of the sewer in Tanforan Avenue to meet the needs of
the north end of San Bruno and the southern end of South San Francisco City Attorney Coleberd
recommended that city engineer ~lasses d~aw up an estimate of the cost and submit the same
to both cities and each cit~ pay its share of the cost. No objections.
The proposition to amend the city ordinance, ~,~o.21, section 45, to conform with the
State law on delinquent taxes, was taken up and postponed until a future meeting to enable
City Attorney Coleberd to look further into the n~tter.
Under.the head of new business ~r. Harry Crane appeared before the city council and
submitteA a proposition to furnish the city with an up to date apparatus for the' cleaning of
sewers at a cost of approximately $278, with a guarantee of two years. Councilman Tibbets,
having been shown a demonstration of the workings of the machine, stated it was sons, thing the
city is badly i~ need of. The clerk w~s instructed to draw up an acquisition order for one,
to be delivered within thirty days. ·
Under the head of Good and Welfare, L~ayor Lloyd requested all citizens and residents
to to respond ~ore generously to the call for subscriptions for the con~munity chest, as probably
more children and people will be in distress this year than last y~ar.
Clain';s in the an~ount of $1,017,~2 were next presented, for payment:
Price l~urni ture
The Hub
So. Oity Auto Service
Robinson Druggi st
Capt. D. W. Claiborne
Ro~al ~upply Co.
Bertuoelli & Nannint
AnChor Drug C o.
Bo. City L~wher and Supplies
A. C. Buehler
Joe Galli
Enterprise Foundry
Calrook Asphalt Co.
American Bitumuls Co.
A. Detomasi
The Enterprise
A. Hynding
3 pads for city jail
4 yds goo~s and labor
repairs to Buick
suppltes - fi re dept.
books - fire dept.
supplies "
1 gal. acid muriatio
supplies - street dept.
6~ hours labor on sewer
2 manhole frames a~d covers
16. lB tons calrock
388 gals. bttumuls
387 " "
1 day poisoning rats
notice to au to owners,
taxpayers & Ord. ~174
prem. library books & bldg.
34. O0
6. O0
29. V6
4. O0
, Joseph P. ~uinlan.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions
they were approved as read.
A communication was received from the ~outh San Francisco Land & Improvement
Company stating the county had _billed them for taxes on the three city parks ir~ the s~nn
of $69.02, and requested the city to reimburse them_ for the amount. On motion by councilmaL
lfinucciani seconded by councilman Bo~do and regularly carried the bill was accepted and
C.J.Thompson made application ~- for a business license to sell used cars at
502 Bayshore Highway. Having already started the business the application was granted.
Gino Giannoni applied for a business lice~s~to deal in live and Sressed chickens
on C ~treet,Town of Baden,bordering on the Uni~ed~Railroad Tracks, C street bein8 a blind
street, from Orange Avenue nothwards. Laid over for consideration.
fo~- aturday evening
A~oPlications for dance permits were granted to Tippecanoe Tribe 111 S
November 28, and the E. and 'P. C]~ub for the evening of December lst,1934. Sociedad I~utualis~a
t~exicana '?~0RELCS" was granted permission to hold literary e~ercises and dance in Fraternal
Hall Saturday evening, December 2~,1934 till 2 a.m. All paid fees for extra .police protection.
M.Gambetta,5~ Grand Avenue,~this city, applied for ~Permission to hold Sunday dances Ln
01d LeFiou P~s~ll on ~¥~aple Avenue from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock p.m. , starting December 2nd,1934.
As no date was,~specified in t~e request as to when the ~,ermission should terminate the matter
~as laid Over and taken under advisement.
James Gratteroli owner of a garage on lots 20 .and 21,block 147,South San Francisco,
offered to pay the city the s~m of $40 on a bill for back taxes amounting to $8~.48, claiming'
to have been over assessed in previous years. Communication ordered placed on file.
In the matter of a proposed ordimance to amend Ordinance No.158 .,the handbill ordin-
ance of the City of South San l~rancisco, Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution to lay
said proposed ordinance on the table, the same having had its first .reading. The resolution
was adopted by the unanimous Vote of all the members of the city council,to-wit;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V. Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Ifinucciani,R.Tibbet~s,Joseph P.Quinlan.
NOes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Cou~cilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk.
!~ecorded in Book of Resolutions, V01.2, at page 456.
Uhder the head of unfinished business Engineer Klassen stated in reference to the
proposed installation of a sidewlak on the west side of South ~inden Avenue that the application
for Federal assistance in the ~ro~ect had been disapproved by the government.
City attorney Coleberd meperetedthat the bond of Piombo Brothers & Company to blast
in Peck's Lots met with all the requirements of the city and the company allowed to proceed.
Regarding the reconstruction of the sewer in Tanforan Avenue to meet the needs of
the north end of San Bruno and the southern end of South San Francisco City Attorney Coleberd
recommended that city engineer Klasses dzaw up an estimate of the cost and submit the same
to both cities and each city pay its share of the cost. ~Jo objections.
The proposition to amend the city ordinance, No.21, Section 4,~, to conform with the
State law on delinquent taxes, was taken up and postponed until a future meeting to enable
Cit~ Attorney Coleberd to look further into the n~tter.
Under,the head of new business ~r. Harry Crane appeared before ~he city council and
submitteA a proposition to furnish the city with an up to date apparatus for the~ cleaning of
sewers at a cost of approximately $275, with a guarantee of two years. Councilman Tibbets,
having been shown a demonstration of the workings of the machine, stated it was something the
city is badly i~ need of. The clerk ~vas instructed to draw up an acquisition...order for one,
to be delivered within thirty days.
Under the head of Good and Welfare, ;~ayor Lloyd requested all citizens and residents
to to respond n~ore generously to the call for subscriptions for the community chest, as probably
more children and people will be in distress this year than last year.
Clai~'~s in the a~,ount of $1,017,22 were next presented~ for payment:
Price ~bzrniture Co.
The Hub
So. City Auto Service
Robinson Druggi st
Capt. D. W. Claiborne
R~al Supply
Bertucelli & Nannini
Anohor Drug Co.
So. City ~m~ber and Supplies
A. C. 'Buehler
Joe Galli
Enterprise Foundry
Oalrock Asphalt Co.
American Bitumuls Co.
A. Detomas t
The Enterprise
A, Hynding
5 pads for city jail
4 yds goods and labor
repairs to Buick
supplies - fi re dept.
books - fire dept.
i gal. acid muriatie
supplies - street dept.
68 hours labor on sewer
2 manhole frames and covers
16.1Z tons calrock
Z88 gals. bitumuls
387 " "
I day poisoning rats
notice to au to owners,
taxpayers & Ord. ~17~
prem. library books & bldg.
34. O0
6. O0
Pacheco Electric
Flink' s Service
Pach ccc Electric
So.S.F. Iand& Imp. Co.
S~z~ Marco Co. Title Co,.
Geo. A. Eneese
G. F. Bishop Co.
street lamg~p & City hall lamps
labor & material rewiring fire alarm
cabinet, fire dept. dormitory,etc.
I tire and tube
Library j ob ~
1954-55 county taxes on 5 parksites
9"/. 65
reports Oct. 1.50
field work on projects to be done
of gas tax & sidewalk $o. LinclenAve.167.56
labor & material repair lawn mower 52.18
Tot al $1017.
The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved
they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman },,~inucciani and :cegularly carried.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Ninucciani moved to
adjourn until NOnday, November 26th,1954,at 7;30 o'clock p.m, The motion was seconded
by councilman Tibbetts aud regularly carried.
Time of adjournmant, ~8;!55 o'clock p.m.
Approve d
Mayor of 2outh~ncisco.
Re~pe ct fully submitted,