HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-11-262O0 ADEOURI~ED RECUIAR }~E~]TII~G OF T}~l CITY COL~¢CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SA~7 F~A),~CISC0 HELD ! 01H)AY,~T0¥Etl,{BER 26T~, 1934. i~:regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the Cit,> of South .San Francisco was held in the city hall 5'~onday evening, l,!ovember 26th,19Z4. This meeting was called to order at 7;50 o'clock p.m. by l, fayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, 7.Boido,~,. ~ Lloyd, L.L~nucc~an~,R.Tibbetts,Joseph P.Cuinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissicns they were approved as read. An amende~[ communication was received from W.A.Ryan, who had aske~ for pern~ission to operate a jitney service from South San Francisco ~3tation to W.P.Fuller Paint Company, stating he wished permission to run the proposed jitney service from the East side of ~Jission Road to W.?.Fuller Paint Company. The clerk was instructed to corr~municate with him and request that he submit kis bonds to the city attorney for approval before permi~ could be granted. An application for a business license u'as received from Cildo Rozzi, to operate a sales room for radios,Washing machines, ,refrigerators,electricl appliances,repairing, etc, at 59S Crand Avenue. Permit granted. Joe Fernant a;~lied for a business license to store and rea~ir his cars at 207 Cypress Avenue. He was informed b~" '~ ' ~ayor Lloyd no ~usiness license was required for the private storing and taking care of cars. A communicatiom was received from C1,Tde Smith stating the ~arty living at I~iller Avenue h~d erected a fence enclosing a strip of public rig~taway. '!nspector Oeatty stated he ~aw the o~"r~er of the property in quest~or, and the fence will be mo~'ed back to the pro?,er line. ~ co~rr~nication was received from Thomas E. Hicke~ Post ~:£660 Yeterans of foreign Wars invit~-~ the city officials to attend a ~ublic Installation of Officers m~eting Tuesday ' ' n ,~ . . · · e~enz, g, I[ovember E~t~ 19,4. .,.he invitation was ac~ e~>ted and placed or~ file 0i{DIUA!'?C E I~0. An ordinance of the City of 2outh 3~u Francisco, entitled" 'AU 02[DI){AYCE 0P TI-r'I CITT OF SOUT}! 0P RECULAR ~EETtUOS T0 BE H~'~LD BY THE CITY C~U~CIL 0F q.}~E CITY' 0F SOUTH SAY ~-~. r o 7'~ :,~ ~ ~ T,T, _r T mT~ rn ~ , ~!O C01~LICiI.~. 0~,DII,:A!~C~:~o , WaS introduced b5 councilm~.~ ~'[ibbetts,had it~ f~rst reading and was laid over to come u? ~der the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. ~laims in the amount of ~j115.76 were next p~$sented to the coun6il for payment;- Dreamland Bedding Company, J.G.GuglRelmetti, Robinson Druggist, California %~ater Service So. Fac.Co. Pacheco El. Co., Ceo A.Kneese, Enterprise ?tess California Wa~er 3ervice Co water baseball gro~ds Total $11S. V6 The claims having been allowed by the finance committee councilman ~ibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Oouncilm~ ],!inucciani and'regularl~ carFied. Under the head of unfinished business City attorney Coleberd stated he was still ~.: worki'ng on the matter of increasing the size of pipe in Tanforan Avenue sewer. The re~est for amending the city ordinance ~educing tax penalties to conform with state law was laid over. The application of Gino Giannoni for permissi'on to establish a wholesale ~hi3ken business,live and dressed, in To~ of Baden,was laid over fo~ consideration. The application of ~I.~ambetta for permission to hold ~un~y dances in 01d Legion Hall was next ~considered, and the desired permission granted for a oeriod of time, commencing December 2 to January 2.1935. There being no further business before the board Councilman Tibbetts moved adjourn until the next regular meeting, }~Ion~y, December 5ra,les~,at 7;30 o'clock ~.~f. T2e motion was seconded b~f council~n I~inucciani and regularly carrie~. Time of adjour~ent, 8;45 o'clock p.m. · ~" ~ S eS ~enovat~ng :~zz~e dept,mattre s ~ ':;Z0 lubricating job & filling SHOCKs ~ 2.00 supplies clerk's office ~ 4.10 se~ice Swift Ave. fire house '~ 3.01 freight calrock ~19,.~6 bal due on claim Nov. 20 ~ ~ 3.70 preparing application' CWA,Libr~ry~36.45 ~irculars, police dept, · · ~16.84 ~ 6.00