HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-12-17 C OUNC IL REGULAR NEETING~0F ~Nq~ CITy~~ ' 01~ THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD MONDAY, DEC E~ER l?TH,1934. The regulam meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening,December 17th,1954. The meeting was called to order at ?;50 o'clock p.n~. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman. Jos. P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from The National Engineering Company, submitting to the city a proposition to install a Diesel power plaat in case the city should undertake the project. On motion by councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Minucciani the matter ~a.s referred to the 0hasher of Commerce and a copy ordered sent to Secretary Spangler. A communication on the same subject was received from Louis Bartlett. A copy of the comm~nication was ordered sent to the Chamber of Commerce. The Business Men's Association of South San Francisco submitted a note heartily endor the action of the city council in drafting an amendment to the anti-hand bill ordinance, prohibiting the promiscuous distribution of handbills and circulars. Accepted and placed on fi l e. The Ban Marco County Druids Chapter requested permission to hold a dance in ~raternal Hall, ~und~y evening, December 25, 1954. Permission granted. A communication was received from the Business Men's Association of ~outh San Francis requesting the city council to instruct the city police to try the front and rear doors of sac ~usiness house,looking for broken or open windows,two times nightly,between the hours of opening and closing. Referred to the chairman of the police cor,~nission Councilman Boido. ~hief of police ~elloni stated that attention was being given already. A communication was received from the Division of Highways,enclosing the City's agreement on the improvement of various city streets. The Board of ~upervisors of ~an Marco submitted a request that the City of South San Francisco pass a resolution requesting the State Highway Commission ~o commence work at the earliest possible moment on the proposed Ocean ~hore Highway, for which State and Federal money has been appropriated. City attorney? Coleberd was instructed to draw up a resolutio as suggested by the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County. The monthly- report of City Treasurer Kauffmann for the month ending ~ovember 50, was received and accepted. RESOLUTION RAISING THE SALARY OF THE CITY JUDGE. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution fixing the salar~ of the city Judge at One Hundred Dollars, ~ ~$100.001 per momth. The resolution .was adopted by the votes of the following members of the council,to-wi Ayes, Councilmen, B.Boido, R. Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman Jos. P.Quinlan. Attest 'Daniel McBweene2 City Clerk. Recorded in BOok of Resolutions, Vol,~.,at page The work of repairing Tanforan Avenue sewer ~vas reported progressing. Engineer Klassen was requested by the council to furnish the number of m. iles of city s t dewalk s. Mayor Lloyd ordered city s~laries paid city employees before Christmas. He complimen~ the workers on the ~hritsmas Tree Committee and stated that the city hRll was most beautifull$ decorated. Claims in the amount of ~790.79 were next presented to the council for payment;- Dudley Perkins Standard 0il Co. Pacheco Electric Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. Pacheco Electric Co. Irvine & Jachens So. City Lumber Co. t, ~rank Casagrande Adolph Sold ini Me Petroff Western Pipe & ~teel Crane Co. P. G. & E. P. G. & E. W. Minucciani Patrick & Noise Klinkner A. Detomasi Pacific Tele. & Tele. D. Mc 3weene y San Mateo Co. Title Co. The Enterprise Press The Enterprise ~o. City Lumber Co. Van Fleet-Freear Co. Remington Rand service motorcycle 5 Gals. Pearl 0il ' wiring done at Engine house$~. repair one fire alarm movement tran~er fire alarm boxes, etc. remove lettering from badge materials - fi~e dept. " street dept. II II I'I 5~ hours labor on culvert ~ gals. gasoline street truck 20' Toncan culvert 1 complete set tools- Street Street lights Nov. misc. lights Nov. labor at City Hall 25 dog license tags I day poisoning rats Phone ~626 Nov. stamps & P. 0. box rent reports Nov. 1000 - B cent envelopes run Ord. #175 & notice to tax- payers materials - park materials for library~Job ~ yds carpet & waz library 1 pede_sta_l..table 14 chairs $ 1.50 .65 73.77 5.30 29.~5 1.50 3.12 30 50.92 18.00 10. O0 .56 131.82 277.78 644.11 94.16 9.25 3.84 4.00 2.50 12.20 1.50 39.90 11. O0 .74 38.44 201.78 16.91 154.02 or omissio~s The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors they were approved as read. A communication was received from The National Engineering Company, submitting to the city a proposition to install a Diesel power plant in case the city should undertake the project. On motion by councilman Tibbetts, seconded by Councilman Minucciani the matter mas referred to the Chamber of Commerce and a copy ordered sent to Secretary Spangler. A communication on the same subject was received from Louis Bartlett. A copy of the cem~onication was ordered sent to the Chamber of Commerce. The Business Men's Association of South Ban Francisco submitted a note heartill endors the action of the city council in drafting an amendment to the anti-hand bill ordinance, prohibiting the promiscuous distribution of handbills and circulars. Accepted and placed on file. The San Marco 0ounty Druids Chapter requested permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Sunday evening, December 23, 1934. Permission granted. A communication was received from the Business ~en's Association of South San Francis, requesting the city council to instruct the city police to try the front and rear doors of eacl business house,looking for broken or open windows,two times nightly,between the hours of opening and closing. Referred to the chairman of the police co~ission Councilman Boido. Ohief of police Belloni stated that attention was being given already. A communication was received from the Division of Highways,enclosing the City's agreement on the improvement of various city streets. The Board of ~upervisors of ~an Mateo submitted a request that the City of South Ban Francisco pass a resolution requesting the State Highway Commission ~o commence work mt the earliest possible moment on the proposed Ocean ~hore Highway, for which State and ~ederal money has been appropriated. City attorney Coleberd was instructed to draw up a resolutic as suggested by the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County, The monthl~ report of 0ity Treasurer Kauffmann for the month ending november 30, was received and accepted. RESOLUTION RAISING THE SALARY O~ THE CITY JUDGE. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution fixing the salary of the city Judge at One Hundred Dollars,.($100.00} per momth. The resolution .was adopted bl the votes of the following members of the council,to-w. Ayes, Councilmen, B.Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman Jos. P.Quinlan. Attest Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol,E,at page 46~. The work of repairing Tanforan Avenue sewer was reported progressing. Engineer Klassen was requested by the council to furnish the number of miles of city sidewalks. ' ~ayor Lloyd ordered city salaries paid city employees before Christmas. He complimez the workers on the ~hritsmas Tree Committee and stated that the citl h~ll was most bemutiful~ decorated, Olaims in the amount of ~790.?~ were next presented to the council for payment;- Dudley Perkins Standard 0il Co. Pache co Electric Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. Pacheco Electric Co. Irvine & Jachens So. City Lumber Co, ,! Frank Casagrande Adolph Soldini M. Petroff Western Pipe & Steel Crane Co. P. G. & E. P. G. & E. W. Minucc iani Patrick & Moise Klinkner A. Detomasi PacLTic Tole. &Tele. D. Mc Sweene y San Mateo Co. Title Co. The Enterprise Press The Enterprise So. City Lumber Co. Van Fleet-Freear Co. Remington Rand Royal Supply Co. A. Zangrando service motorcycle 5 Gals. Pearl 0il 'wiring done at Engine houseS2 repair one fire alarm movement transfer fire alarm boxes, etc. remove lettering from badge materials - fire dept. " street dept. 36 hours labor on culvert 20 " " . 3 gals. gasoline street truck 20' Toncan culvert 1 complete set tools- Street Street lights Nov. misc. lights Nov. labor at City Hall 25 dog license tags I day p~oisoning rats Phone ~626 Nov. stamps & P. 0. box rent reports Nov. 1000 - 3 cent envelopes run Ord. ~175 & notice to tax- payers materials - park materials for library Job 2 yds carpet' & wax library 1 pedestal table 14 chairs bal, due library supplies repair windows, screen, etc. library $ 1.50 .65 73.77 5.30 29.75 1.50 3.12 30 2 . 94~___~ 50.92 18.00 10. O0 .56 131.82 2~7.78 644.11 94.16 9'25 3.84 4.00 2.50 12.20 1.50 39.90 11. O0 .74 38.44 201.78 16.91 154.02 3.82 47.39 204 Claims brought ~orward: W. P. Fuller & Co. paint & materials furnished library $158.89 Total $2790.79 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Oo~mcllman Mtnucciani and regularly oaarrled. There beinb no further business before the council,councilman Tlbbetts moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by councilman Minuccianl and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 8 o'clock p.m. Mayor o~' §oUt~' San ~raneleoo .... Respectfully