HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-01-07REGULAR MEETING 0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S 0U~ BAN FRANC IBC 0, HELD MONDAY, JAND~Y ?TH ,19~ The regular meeting of the city council of. the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening, January ?th,1935. The meeting was called to order at ,8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the city council p~esent,as follows;- Counctlmen, V.Boido,R. Lloyd, M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbet ts. Ab sent, ¢ ounci lmmn Joe. P. Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company made application for permission to open a trench in Maple Avenue between Commercial Avenue and Second Lane, and one in the sidewalk area on each side on Baden Avenue between Spruce and Magnolia am~nues. Eeferred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A communica tion was received from W.A.R2a~ , applicant~:~ for a permit to run a jitne.~ service in certain districts in South ~an Francisco , stating he was read~~ to .furnish a $50000 Liability bond and a $8~,000 property damage bond,and ~'a~ked~'~.~. when the new ordinance regulating the bond would be ready. ~'i1~ attorney Coleberd stated the ordinance would be ready in :~siX.. ~feeks.' A communication was received from Andrew Hynding reminding the city council that resurfacing of Grand Avenue, Linden and Railroad Avenues would shortly be undertaken, and the insurance covering the work should be placed with the local insurance men. Referred to Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd. An a~plication to build a gasoline station on lot 1, block 151,Bayshore Highway, was received from Oreste Blandini. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. C.R.Beatty, Building Inspector for the City of ~outh San Francisco, submitted his resignation to the city council,thanking them for all p~st favors. On motion by Councilman Minucctani,~regularly carrie,,the resignation was accepted,to take affect February lst,19$§. Eugene Francont applied for a business license to operate the gasoline station, The Call In, on the Bayshore Highway near Richfield Oil. On motion by Councilman Einucclani,seconde by Councilman Tibbetts the desired permit was granted. Mrs. Mary Jennings,A66 Miller Avenue, reported the sidewalk in front of her property on Miller Avenue was being bulged upwards by the growth of trees.and asked the city to inspect the premises. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts. Frank A.Bloom, Secretary of the Peninsula section of the ~League of California Municip fries notified the council of the next meeting to be held at Sunnyvale, January lOth,19Z~,at 6;~0 o'clock p.m, and requested to know how man~ city officials would attend. Six officials expressed their intention to be at the meeting. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Card was received from Bernard McCaffrey Post ~$, and was accepted and placed on file. Engineer Robert Klassen submitted the data of the mileage of city streets paved, etc, follows ;- 15.? miles of streets improved, A.1 miles of streets unimproved Total ~ miles Of streets on which City has complete jurisdiction, 2.A miles of Sta~etNighways on which ~ity has police Ju~isdiction only. The repor~ was accepted and ordered pYaced on file. Attornay McGranaghan submitted ~ resolution concerning the creation of a municipal utility district to be known as the~Bay District Municipal Utility District, for the council'~ Consideration. The resolution was?sad,but was referred to City Attorney Coleberd for investigation and report. The monthly reports of the City Health Officer, Building InsPector,Fire Chief, ~olice Chief, Municipal Judge, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending December B1 19~A were received and accepted, with the t'-hanks of Mayor Lloyd for the officers' promptness i~ attending tb this duty. Fire Chief Welts submitted a detailed report and map of the fire ~extinguishing operations for the year ending 19~A,covering responses, calls,fire loss, etc. Report accepts and placed on file. Councilman Boido introduced an ordinance rep~ealing ordinance No. Sl, of the City OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CREATING THE South .~an Francisco, Entitled "AN 0RDIN~NCE OFFICE OF DEPUTY TAX-C0~LMCTOR,OROVIDING FOR THE A°POINT~ OF SL~H DEOUTY TAX-COLIECTOR, AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES" passed March 15th,191~. ~had~~ the: ~firsl~, reading, and ~ The ordinance was laid over to come ~p at ~not~er ~ee~ing o~ the cit~ council. Councilman Tibbetts introduced an ordinance entitled" AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR AND DE~INIt~G HI~ DUTIES" and the same was laid over to come up at a meeting of the city council.having had its first reading. Councilman Minucciani introduced an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE 0FYICE OF LICENSE COLLECTOR AND DEFINII~G HIS DUTIES" and the same was laid over to come up al another meeting of the city council,having had its first reading. Councilman Boido introduced an ordinance repealing, ordinance No lAl of the City o~ South ~an Francisco entitled "AN OHDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 50UTH SAN FRANCIS00 CREATING THE 01 OF BUILDING INSPECTOR,PRE~RIBING THE DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANOE 0~ BUILDING P~EMITB AND RKPEALING ORDINANCE N0.118 OF SAID CITY,PASSED JANUARY 2nd,192B. and ORDINANCE NO. 1~$ Ol~ SAID CITY PASSED JUNE lSTH,19E§" passed and adopted ~eptember E0th,19E6, and the same was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at a future meeting , havl~ had its first reading. ~~lman Tibbetts introduced an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE .CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CREATXNG THE OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR,~REBCRIBING THE DUTIE~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE I~ :UANCE OF BUILDIEG _oR~ITB, whic] hud its first reading anti_was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at tS. Absent, C ounci lman Jos. P. Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissioz they were approved as read. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company made application for permission to open a tx in Maple Avenue between Commercial Avenue and Second Lane, and one in the sidewalk area each side on Baden Avenue between Spruce and ~agnolia am~nuem. Referred to Councilman Tibbe for investigation. A communication was received from W.A.Rya~ , applicant~~ for a permit to run a j service in certain districts in South San Francisco . stating he was read~~ to furnish a Liability bond and a $~5,000 property damage bond,and '~'aeked'. ~,. when the new ordinance regulating the bond would be ready. City attorney Coleberd stated the ordinance would be r in :siX.. weeks.' A communication was received from Andrew Hyndtng reminding the city council that resurfaclng of Grand Avenue, Linden and Railroad Avenues would shortly be undertaken, and the insurance covering the work should be placed with the local insurance men. Referred to Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd. An a~plication to build a gasoline station on lot 1, block 151,Bayshore Highway, received from 0rests Blandtnt. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Boi and regularly carried the permit was granted. C.R.Beatty, Bulldfng Inspector for the City of ~outh San Francisco, submitted hi resignation to the city council,thanking them for all p~st favors. On motion by Councllma: Minucctanl,~regularly carrie,,the resignation was accepted,to take affect February lst,191 Eugene Franconl applied for a business license to operate the gasoline station, TI Call In, on the Bayshore Highway near Richfield 0il.0n motion by Councilman ~1tnucclant,sec~ by Councilman Ttbbetts the desired permit was granted. Mrs. Mary Jenntngs,466 Miller Avenue, reported the sidewalk' in front of her prope~ on Miller Avenue was being bulged upwards by the growth of trees,and asked the city to ins] the premises. Referred to Councilman Tlbbetts. Frank A.Bloom, Secretary of the Peninsula section of the ~eague of California Mun~ fries notified the council of the next meeting to be held at Sunnyvale, January 10th,1955,~ 6;50 o'clock p.m, and requested to know how many city officials would attend. Six officla~ expressed their intention to be at the meeting. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Card was received from Bernard McCaffrey Pos1 555, and was accepted and placed on file. Engineer Robert Klassen submitted the data of the mileage of city streets paved, follows ;- 15.? miles of streets improved, 4.1 miles of streets unimproved Total ~'~ miles of streets on which City has complets jurisdiction, 2.4 miles of State!~Highways on which ~ity has police Jurisdiction only. The report~: was accepted and ordered placed on file. Attornay McGranaghan submitted ~ resolution concerning the creation of a muntclp utility district to be known as the,Bay District Municipal Utility District, for the counci Con,ideratlon. The resolution was~read,but was referred to City Attorney Coleberd for ~inVestigation and report. The monthly reports of the City Health Officer, Building InsPector,Fire Chief, !~olice Chief, Municipal Judge, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending December 19~4 were received and accepted, with the t! hanks of ~..~yor Lloyd for the officers' promptne i~ attending t~ this duty. Fire Chief Welts submitted a detailed report and map of the fire ~'extinguishin operations for the year ending 1954,covering responses, calls,fire loss, etc. Report accep and placed on file. Councilman Boido introduced an ordinance repealing ordinance Nc. S1, of the South San Francisco, Entitled "~N 0RDIN~NCE 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCI~C0 CRF~ATING THE 0~FICE 0~ D~OUTY TAX-C0~IECTOR,OROVIDING FOR T~ A°POINT~NT OF SL~H DEoUTY TAX-COLIECTOR, AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES" passed March 18th,191~. ~had~' the~firs~reading, and The ordinance was laid over to come ~p at anot~er ~eeting o£ the city council. Councilman Tibbetts introduced an o~dinance entitled" AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR AND DE~INIt~G HIS DUTIES" and the same was laid over to come up at meeting of the city counc£1.having had its first reading. 0ouncilman Minucciani introduced an ordinance entitled "AN 0HDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE 0~ LICENSE COLLECTOR AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES" and the same was laid over to come up another meeting of the city council,having had its first reading. Councilman Boido introduced an ordinance repaaling, ordinance No 1~1 of the South San ~ran~iaco entitled "AN 0HDINANCE 0~ THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS00 CREATING THE OF BUILDING IN~PECTOR,PRESORIBING ~ DUTIES AND PROVIDING ~0R THE ISSUANOE OF BUILDING P~EMITS AND REPEALING ORDINANCE N0.118 O~ SAID CITY,PASSED JANUARY 2nd,192~, and ORDINANCE NO. 1~8 01~ SAID OITY PASSED JUNE I~TH,19E§" passed and adopted ~eptember E0th,192$, and the same was laid over to come up under the regular order of business at a future meeting , hav~ had its first reading. 0~h~llman Tlbbetts introduced an ordinance ef the City of South San Francisco. en$1tled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE C ZTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CREATING THE OFFICE OF BUILDING IN~PEOTOR,~RE~CRIBING THE DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE I~UANCE OF BUILDI~C PEP~ITS," whic hi~danotherits meetingfirst readingof the ~wid~=was~cOuncil.laid over to come up under the regular order of business at An~ or~nance introduced by councilman Boido, entitled, ore "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF 0RDINA}~E N0.84 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGUI~.TINC TR~ OPERATION OF AUT0}..~0BILES FOR HIRE AND THE ~UBLIC TRA}ISVORTATION 0F PASSENGERS THEREIN %~'ITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO' ,passed July 6,1915. The ordinance had its first reading and was '_aid over to come up under the regular order of business at another meeting of the city council. Councilman Minucciani introduceA a resolution ordering the purchase of a Dodge Automobile for the City of South San Francisco, The resolution was adopted by the vote of all the members of the city council present,to-wit;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Min~cciani,R.Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, ~one, f~bsent, Councilman, Joe. P. Cuinlan. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. ilecorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol Eat page 458. Bids for the sale of said Dodge automobile to the City of South San Francisco w:ll be received up to 8 o'clock p.m, ~onday, January 28th,19~5. On motion by Councilman l!inucctani, regularly carried, C.Bagnal and M.Mazetti were appointed to the call force of l~e ~i~e~Department,Bagnal beginning Dec.1,,Mazet~i Jan. 1. Mr. Andrew Hynding appeared before the city council and requested that preference be given local insurance men in forthcoming street work. of any kind. ,,, J.J. Garland ,C ounty milk ins, pector and a delegation of milkmen of the county of San Eateo appeared before the board and urged that the city of South San Francisco co-operate*pass an ordinance on milk inspectAen similar to the county's to secure a more satisfactory ~uality of milk. The m~tter was taken under advisement. Frank Robinson, representing the business men, inquired when might ~he new proposed amendment to the handbill ordinance l~e passed by the city council. He was informed the bill would be up at the next meetingi~ef ,the council. Mayor Reese Lloyd, seeing ~ostmaste, r Hardy in the audience,asked if he wished to have anything to say. The ~Postmaster said he Just, came up to listen and wish the Board a Happy New Year. ~laims in the amount $~640.25were n, ext presented to the co~muci~ for payment;- G.N.Messier, labor on del tax roll ,.$ 22.50 Calif ?/atervOervice CoHydrant rent Dec Roy's Rapair ~hop ' repairs motor cycle $ ~0.15 $454.00 Louis Belloni, wxpen, to meeting,feedprison " " "service fire hou ers John Gugliemetti gas & oil Dec F.Oariani rep. to fire chief car Pac. Co. Ass'n Fire Chiefs dues,1955 Muperior Laundry ,wash fire houses Dec. Royal Suppl~~ Co., soldering, iron, fire dep Arndt's dept Store, 5 towels,fire dept, W.L.Hicke;- & ~on, iron trap,otc Fred Lautze install new ignition coil Street department W.P.Fuller Go, I gal paint. Goo A.Kneese, work under gas tax Juhn 2chmid directory stand Library Pacific Tel & Tel Co., Dec.phones Pac Gas & El.Oo.street li~ts Dec. " " " misc. service Dec Standard Oil Co. ,Gasoline ,Dec. Union 0il Co., gasoline 0ct,193A Pacheco Electric Co, combine electric meters & rebuild mais switch BD " " install magnetic panels " " l~ps,sockets & wire South~ City Pl~bing Shop material Ball PK ~ Hallwell Seed Co seeds ~ 6.30 ~V.P?.Dir~?Ling postage, etc $ 6.01 22.85.'? S.~iChambe~ Com. advertising! 25.(0 4.19 J.Welch removing cats,dogs ,Dec 29.50 3.00 Bank America Gordon Rowe A/C 12.75 1.38 2.92 2.05 3.15 2.72 to December 31,1934 S.E.Co. Title Co, Dec. reports Enterprise Press,Adv. Xmas Ed J.Fogoni Co cleaning fountain " " cleaning City Hall Wind E.Uberti, refund auto tax Fidelit2 & Deposit prim~m bond of E. i0ttenfield 20.00 Pellman Roofing Co., reroof 49.95~ rear city hall ~659.~0 Bank of America dep.box,safe, $107.6~ League Callf Municipalities 88.20 dues, for 1955 ~?.~9 Swift & Co,washing powder, California Water Service Co. ~116.74 ~112.29 2.3~ 6.97 ~150.00 1.50 50.*0 6.00 25.00 1.35 $ 25.00 I15.00 4.00 7.?~ Library? water $ 4.50 ~alif. Water Set.Co,water C.C Civic Center & -,'_~seball Park 12.00 Geo. A.Kneese work under g~s fund B~-.80 " " "work ~olma Creek Total$~',$40.2~ The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mtnucciani and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Wednesday,January 16th,19~,at 8.00 O'clock p.~.The motion was seconded by Councilm~n Tlbbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9 o'clock p.m. APproved/' ~~-~ ~ o. May o~~ou~ h Respectfully submitted,