HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-01-21REGULAR ~ET!NG OF THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 21ST ,195§. ~ The regular meeting of the city council of tt~e City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall,Monday evening, January 21st,1955. The meeting was called to order at $ o'clock p.m. by ~ayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.~inucciani,R.Tlbbetts,Joseph P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions ~hey were approved as read. A communication was received *.rom Bernard McCaffrey Post ,SBS ,American Legion, inviting the City Councilmen to attend a~ p~bli~I~ttiation and Installation of the Sons of the Legion, in their club rooms, Friday evening, January 2Bth,195B, at 8 o'clock p.m. The communication was accepted and the clerk instructed to so inform the Legion. At 8;20 p.mEayor Lloyd declared a recess of ten minutes in order to visit the Executive Chamber to secure the proposed ordinance amending the handbill ordinance Nc.lBS. On returning ~he City Clerk called the roll and all members of the city council answered the roll call, as follows, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Jos ]~.~uinlan. The clerk then read an ordinance amending ordinance N0.1B8 of the City of ~outh 'San Francisco entitled;- 1SE "AN ORDINANCE 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBUTION OF HANDBILLS AZ~D CERTAI~ 0TH'MR ADVERTISING M~.TTER IN SAID CITY AND FIXING A °ENALTY FOR THE VIOIATIOV THEREOF" passed and adopted February 1st, Lg~. The ordinance having had its second reading the clerk calle~ the roll and the ordinance was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of ~outh Ban Francisco by the following vote; Ayes, Councilmen, V. Bo~.do,R.Lloyd, ~,~.Minucciani ,R.Tibbe tts,Jos P.0uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney C I ty Clerk. Attorney EcKevitt, representing the Shopping News and a delegation of citizens o: South Ban Francisco, having heard the passage of the ordinance without objection, asked the faw of the city council for a reconsideratiom of the same and to rescind action until his case ~ould be presented to the council. On adt~ioe ~rom Cit~~ ~!ttorney Coleberd Mayor Lloyd said the c~ was willing the case of the ~hopping News should be presented ~'o the council. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Ninucciani and regularly? carried the action of the council was recinded and a reconsideration and hearing was granted. Mr. ~,~cKevitt said he had close to 500 names of people of this city who wished th~ ~hopptng News delivered to their homes. He was followed b~ Mr. I.H.Rtce of the Shopping News, wi argued at length 'for the ~hopping News's interests& for the withdrawal of the ordinance from the records. Many citizens favored his arguman~ stating they were desirous cT ~havingd the Shopping News delivered to their homes. Among those opposing the ordinance were Mrs.& Mr. Joe. Walker, Mrs. Joe. Holbrook, Mrs. Otto Bohn,Mrs. Bowman and E.S ~pindler. Mr, ~pind!er stated the proposed ordinance was too drastic and:' .~ eventually would prove ineffectual. ~rank~R0binson;r~pres~nting the Businessmens''Association of South San Francisco, spoke in favor of the ordinance, stating it was a protection to the business interests of ~outh San Francisco, that lawns in front of respectable dwellings, steps and porches were strewn with undesirable literature of all kinds, creating an unsightly appearance, and when not removed for days was an incentive for burglarizing the oremises. Among others in the au{hience who spoke in favor of the ordinance were ImSstmaster Hardy, Andy HFnding, Councilman ~uinlan and 0ity Attorney C oleb~rd. The City Attorney stated he was not taking sides with the Businessmen Association, or other organization, was not speaking against the admission of the Shopping News into the City of South San Francisco, which he said could be delive~ed as a newspaoer if it contained a small amousbt~:~f news,other than advertising, could be deltveredthro~gh' the~p~stYff as~.S~ Mall and could be delivered in person to the householder. He declared the i~te~t of the proposed ordinance was solely to prevent the promiscuous distribution of handbills and other undesirable literature of all kinds ~pon lawns, stairs, steps,doorways, betwesn doors, under do etc,etc, to the discomfort of the residents of the City of South San Francisco. Roll call on the ordinance was then requested by ~iayor Lloyd,and the following vote Ayes, and for the ordinance,; Councilmen, V.Boido, R.LLoyd, M.Minucciant, R. Tibbetts,Jos.~.Quin Noes, Counci lmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances. Vol 2, at page No.Z~tS. Claims in the amount of $620.17 were next presented to the council for payment.- Thomas Furnitu~e Company Dudley ~erkins B.Rose A.Detomasi John Cita Nos Di Zordo Adolph Soldani The Enterprise West Disinfecting Company Floyd Bal zar Chas. Bollazzi ~outh City Olumbinh Shop Fellmam Roofing Company W.P.Fuller Company casters for swivel chair 1 Sierra Red lens ~.~O.Cycle 1 motorcycle 1--16" Flood Light 1 day ~oisoning rats ~2 hours labor on drain ditch ~2 " " " " " 22 " " " " " Print 0rds. 176,1~?,1~8,179 5.06 557.40 2o. co 4.OO 11. O0 ll. 00 11,00' ' Blowright, mop handles 5 days washing kalsomine city hall supplies change radiator valve C it~ repair cit~ hall roof ........ ~" 1'5'15., ~'~'50 Hall ~ 16.135.00 $eo. oo Total ~6EO.l?.~ ThOr Ol'a~aghA~tt~'~;'§ee~ a~t~t~i:~ ::b2'~ ~h e~:~ finanee~., e~mmi tree O ouncilman Ttbb e tt s moved A communication was received *.rom Bernard NcCaffrey PoSt ,35§ ,American Legion, inviting the City Councilmen to attend a publi~ If~ttiation and Installation of the Sons of Legion, in their club rooms, Friday evening, January 25th,1935, at 8 o'clock p.m. The communication was accepted and the clerk instructed to so inform the Legio~ At 8;20 p.m~,~ayor Lloyd declared a recess of ten minutes in order to visit the Executive Chamber to secure the proposed ordinance amending the handbill ordinance No.158. On returni~ ;he City Olerk called the roll and all members of the city council answered the roll call, a~ follows, V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts,Jos P.Cuinlan. The clerk then read an ordinance amending ordinance N0.158 of the City of South San Francisco entitled;- 182 "AN ORDII~ANCE OF THE CI? OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBUTION OF HANDBELL$ AND CERTAIN 0TH'~R ADVERTISING M.~.TTER IN SAID CI~ AND FIXING A °ENALT¥ FOR TPL~ VIOLATI0~~ THEREOF" passed and adopted February L9~2. The ordinance having had its second reading the clerk calleA the roll and the ordin~ ~as passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of ~outh ~an Francisco by the following v Ayes, Councilmen, V. Bo~do,R.Lloyd, ~.~.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts,Joe P.0uinlan. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweene2 City Clerk. Attorney McKevitt, representing the Shopping News and a delegation of citizen~ Eouth ~an Francisco, having heard the passage of the ordinance without objection, asked the of the city council for a reconslderatio~ of the same and to rescind action until his cas~ could be presented to the council. On advice ~rom Cit~~ ~lttorney Coleberd Mayor Lloyd said th, was willing the case of the ~hopping News should be presented ~o the council. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularl~ carried the action of th, oouncil was recinded aud a reconsideration and hearing was granted. Mr. McKevitt said he had close to ~00 names of people of this city who wished ~hepping News delivered to their homes. He was followed b~ Mr. I.H.Rice of ~the Shopping News ~rgued at length ~for the Shopping News's interests& for the withdrawal of the ordinance fro: the records. Many citizens favored his arguman~' stating they were desirous cT ~having~_~ th~ Shopl~ing News delivered to their homes. Among those opposing the ordinance were Mrs.& Mr. Walker, Mrs. Joe,Holbrook, Mrs. Otto Bonn,Mrs. Bowman and E.S ~pindler. Mr. Spindler stated the proposed ,rdinance was too drastic and ~' ~. eventually would prove ineffectual. l~rank.?~R0binson;r~pres~nting the Businessmens' 'Association of South San Francisc, spoke in favor of the ordinance, stating it was a protection to the business interests of South Ban Francisco, that lawns in front of respectable dwellings, steps and porches were strewn with undesirable literature of all kinds, creating an unsightly appearance, and whe~ re,proved for days was an ince~_~tive for burglarizing the premises. Among others in the aud~ien~ who s~oke in favor of the ordinance were t~stmaster P~ardy, Andy Hynding, Councilman Wuinlan 0try Attorney Coleb~rd. The City Attorney stated he w~s not taking sides with the Business~ Association, or other organization, was not speaking against the admission of the Shopping into the Ctt.~ of South San Francisco, which he said could be delive~ed as a newspaoer if it contained a small amou~t~f news,other than advertising, could be delivered throi~gh' the p0st~ as~.S~ Mail and could be delivered in person to the householder. He declared the i~te~t of t2 proposed ordinance was solely to prevent the promiscuous distribution of handbills and other undesirable literature of all kinds ~upon lawns, stairs, steps,doorways, betwesn doors, under otc,otc, to the discomfort of the residents of the City of South San Francisco. Roll call on the ordinance was then requested by ~ayor Lloyd,and the following Ayes, and for the ordinance,; Councilmen, V.Boido, ti. LLoyd, M.Minuccianl, R.Tibbetts,Jos. O.Q~ Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances. Vol 2, at page No.248. Claims in the amount of $~20.17 were next ~resented to Thomas FurnituEe Company Dudley ~erkins B. Ro se A.Detomast John C ira Nos Di Zordo Adolph Soldani The Enterprise West Disinfecting Company Floyd Bal zar Chas. Bollazzi South City ~lumbinh Shop Fellmam Roofing Company W.P. Fuller C ompan2 casters for swivel chair 1 Sierra Red lens L'O.Oycle 1 motorcycle 1--16" Flood Light 1 day ~oisontng rats 22 hours labor on drain ditch 22 " " " " " 22 " " " " ' Print Orals. 176,177,178,179 the council for payment.- 5.06 !3~?. 40 20. O0 ~ 4.00 ll. O0 ~ 11.00 Blowright, mop h~ndleS,~et~ ........ $"i~5~,3~' 3 days washing kalsomine $ 13.50 city hall supplies $ 16.13 change radlat~r valve Cit~ Hall 2 3.00 repair cit~: hall roof ~ 80.50 ~h$r $1~$gh~t~'~rl$~ e~ a~xdi t ~.. ~ by ~ t~ e~ finane e~. o~mmi t tee C cunt ilman Tibb ett s mov ed they be pal~. The m~tion was seconded by Oouncilman Minucctani ~d regularly carried. There being no further business councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Monday eve~ing,January 28,19S6,at 8 o'clock p. m. The motion w~ $.~e~m~ed~b~ councilman Bot~~eg fly carrie~, t~e of a~Jour~ent~ 9;35 o'clock p.m. Eespectfully