HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-02-18REGUIAR MEETING 0~ ~ CITY 00UNCI~ 0P THE
Februaa'y 18, 19~5,
Tke regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Fran-
cisco was held in the city Hall, Monday evening, February 18,.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p. m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll ca~l found the following member of the council present, to-wit:
Oouncilmen, R, Lloyd, M. Minucciani, V. Boido and R. Tibbetts.
Absent, Councilmen None
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read.
or omissions they were approved as read.
There being no exTor8
A connunication was received from the Portuguese Lodge requesting permission
to hold a dance in Fx~ternal Hall, Saturday evening February ES, 1935' from 8:15
o'clock p. m, .to 1:00 o'clock a. m, Permission grante~.
A comnunicatlo~ was received from Ge~, H, Morrt~_l Company requesting p~rmission
to install an underground storage tank of approximately ~00~ gallons capacity on thei~
property at EO South Linden Ave,for the storage and dispensing of gasoline for their
own use, Fire Chief Wolfe stated that notice has been posted and req-uired time has
passed. Permission granted. ·
A comunication was received from the Baden Eennel Club stating their Spring
Meet would comence on February 25th, 1935, and that a portion of the daily license
would be paid before opening, Con~unication accepted and placed on file.
Joseph Grandonm, 60~ Miller Avenue, South San l~ancisco made application for
the position of police officer, should an officer be appointed. Application accept-
ed and placed on file.
Eugene ]~ozlowski, 713 Miller Avenue, South Ban ~ranciuco, made' application for
the position of police officer, in the event the boird considered the appointment of
such officer, Application acopted and placed on file.
A communication was reoeived from the San ~teo County Press Association, Unit
of the California Newwpaper 2ublishezs' Association stating that a resolution had been
passed as its last regular meeting commending ~he City Oouncil of the City of South
San ~rancisco for its aotive part in prohibiting The promiscuous ~istribution of'
hand,ills. Communication accepted and placed on file.
Guadalupe and Wesly Ewing made application for a business license to operate a
grocery store at E$1A Lux Avenue. No action was taken as the City ~Council ruled this
property was out of the business district.
A communication was received from the Peninsula Division, League of California
Municipaliti~, advising the City Council of a meeting of the Peninsula Division to
be held in San ~ncisco, March 1, 1935, the place of the meeting to be announced
later. Communication accepted and placed on file.
A comunication was received from Congressman John J. McGrath acknowledging
receipt of a resolution adopted by the City Council January 28, 19~, regarding the
proposed ~ederal Building for South San ~ranciscoe He stated the resoldtion Was
forwarded to the proper officials in the Post Office Department. Comunication
accepted and placed on file,
A communiCation was received from United States Senator Hiram ~. Johnson,
acknowledging receipt of the resolution adopted by'the City Council regarding con-
struction of a New ~ederal Building. ' Conm_unication accepted and placed on~:'file,
A communication was received from the Director of Procurement, Washington, D. C.
acknowledging receipt of the resolution adopted by the City Council urging construction
of a Post Office building in this city, He advised no funds were available at this
time for the project but careful: consideration would be given in the event funds are
provided for building construction. Communication accepted and placed on file,
A communication was received from San Francisco Airport regarding the sign situate
on the top of the South San ~rancisco Hills, stating it is a wonderful land mark for
fliers coming into the airport. Com~unication accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from the Italian American Citizens' Club stating a
resolution was adopted at their regular meeting recommending the appointment of D, W,
Ratto to the office of councilman to succeed Jo8. Quinlan who had resigned to accept
the postmastership of this city. Communication accepted and placed on file.
A petition bearing 1085 ~signatures favoring the appointmen~ of D. W. Ratto:'as
councilman in the event of the resignation of Councilman Jos. P. Quinlan, was next
presente~, Councilman Minucciani moved that the petition be accepted and given ut-
most consideration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
Absent, Councilmen ]~one
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read.
or omissions they were approved as read.
There being no errors
A communication was reoeiTed from the Portuguese Lodge requesting permtssioz
to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening February ~3, 1935' from 8:15
o'clock p. m. to 1:00 o'clock a. m, 2ermisston granted.
A com~ unicatton was received from Ge~, ii, Morrill Company requesting l~rmissi,
to install an underground storage tank of approximately 300 gallons capacity on the'.
property at 20 South Linden Ave,for the storage and dispensing of gasoline for thei:
own use, Fire Chief Wolfe stated that notice has been posted and required time has
passed. Permission granted. ·
A co munic at ion was received from the Baden Kennel Club stating their Spring
Meet would co~nence on February 25th, 19~5, and that a portion of the daily license
would be paid before opening. Conmunication accepted and placed on file.
Joseph Grandona, 60~ Miller Avenue, South tam t~ancisco made application for
the position of police officer, should an officer be appointed. Application accept-
ed and placed on file.
Eugene l~ozlowski, 713 Miller Avenue, South Ban Francisco, made ap~plication for
the position of police officer, in the event the booed considered the appointment of
such officer, Application ac~pted and placed on file.
A c_m~_.__-~catlon was received from the San Marco County Press Association, Unit
of the California ~ew~paper Publishers' Association stating th&t a resolution had be,
passed as its last regular meeting commending the City Council of the City of South
San ~ranctscc for its active part in prohibiting the promiscuous ~istribution of~
hand~ills. Communication accepted and placed on file.
Guadalupe and Wesly I~ing made application for a business license to operate a
grocery store at ~31A Lux Avenue. No action was taken as the 0ity 'Council ruled this
property was out of the business district,
A co~,uni cat ion was received from the Peninsula Division, League of California
Municipalities, advising the City Council of a meeting of the Peninsula Division to
be held in San Prancisco, March 1, 1935, the place of the meeting to be announced
later. Comunicaticn accepted and placed on file.
A comnunicatton was received from Congressman John J. McGrath acknowledging
receipt of a resolution adopted by the City Council January 28, 19~5, re~arding the
proposed Federal Building for South San Francisco, lie stated the resolution Was
forwarded to the proper officials in the 2cst Office Depar~nent. Comunication
accepted and placed on file.
A comunlcation was received from United States Senator liiram W. Johnson,
acknowledging receipt of the resolution adopted by'the City Council regarding con-
struction of a I~ew Federal Building. ' Con~unication accepted and placed
Acon, nunication was received from the Director of Procurement, Washington, D. C.
acknowledging receipt of the resolution adopted by the City Council urging constructio:
of a Post Office building in this city, lie advised no funds were available at this
time for the project but careful: consideration would be given in the event funds are
provided for building construction. Communication accepted and placed on file.
A communication was received from San Francisco Airport regarding the sign situs'
on the top of the South San ~rancisco lillls, stating it is a wonderful land mark for
fliers coming into the airport. Comunicatlon accepted and placed on file.
A c.oa~unioatton was received from the Italian American Citizens' Club stating a
~esolu$iea was adopted at their regular meeting reoomending the appointment of D, ~,
Rat$o to the office of councilman to succeed Jos. Quinlan who had resigned to accept
the postmastership of ibis city. Oomunication 'accepted and placed on file.
& p~ti'~$ion bearing 1085..signatures ,favoring the appointment of D. W. Ratto:as
counoilla~n in the event of the resignation of Councilm~n Jos. P. Quinlan, was next
presen~eA' ~eu~oilman Uinucciani moved that the petition be accepted and given ut-
most ~O~ide~tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly
Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City 9ouncil alrpointing Elizabeth
0ttenfield tax collector of said city. at a ~alary of $150~,00 per month, and she be
required tO execute a bond to said city in the amount of $15 ,000 .00. The resolution
was adopted .by the unanimous vote of all t~e members present, to-wit:
~ounoilmmn R, Tibbetts,.M. Minu~elanA, R. DL, loyd and ¥. Boid~
Noes, Councilmen None ~ Absent Couhoilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweensy, City Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Dep. Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutio~ Vol. ~ at page 464.
Councilman ~ibbe.tts introduced a. resolution of ~he Cit~ Council
appointing Daniel McSweeney license collector of said city at a salary of $90,00
per month and he be required to execute .a bond to said city in the amount of $5000.00.
The ~esolution was adopted by'the unanimous vote of all the members present, to-wit:
Councilman R, Tibbetts, M. Minueciani, R. L19yd, and V. Boido
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
Attest~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk
. By. EliaabeTh Otten~ield, Dep. Clerk~
Recorded~in Bc~k of Resolution, Vol ~ at page ASA. ~
Councilman Min~eelani~ inZro~uoed a resolution of the Olt~ Council
requ~ing a bond be given said city by Ae J, ~elte as building inspector in the
amount of $1000.00. ~ha resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the
members present, to-wits
Councilman R, Tibbetts, M, Uinuociani, R, LI$~I, and .V, Bolds
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, 0ounoilmen None
Attest: Daniel Me~weeney, City 0lerk
. By Elizabeth 0ttenfiel~, Dep. Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. B a~ l~ge 46~,
A communication was reoeive~ from the League of~ California Mnnicipal-
ities calling the city's attention to Governor Merriam's budget message whereby he
reco~ends eliminating automobile tax from the local l~rsonal property tax rolls.
The League opposes such action and asked tt~ city to pass a resolution approving
their action in the ma~ter,
0ouncilman Boido introduced a resolution of t~e City Council approv-
ing the ~ition taken by the League of 0alifornia Municil~litiea in opposing the
exemption of automobiles from the personal property tax. TheI ~esolution was adopted
by the~unmnimous vote of all the members present, to-wit:
0o~ucilman R. ~ibbetts, M, Uinucciani, R, Llo~I, and V. Boido
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, 0ouncilmen None
Attest: Daniel McSweeney, Git~ ~Clerk
By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Dep. Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol 2 at page
'~BDINANOE N0. 18~
An erdi~anoe introduced the 4th day of FebrUary, 19~$, entitled
FRANCISCO", PASSED AUGUST 22nd, 1910, had its second readin~ and was passed and
adopte~ as an ordinance of the City of Sout~ Ban Francisco, this 18th day of
February, 1955, by the following vote:
Ayes, Councilmen R, Tibbe~te, M. Min~cciani, R, Lloyd, and V, Boido
Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None
Attest: Daniel 'Mc~weeney, City Clerk
By Elizabeth Ottenfield, Dep. Clerk.
Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol, 2 at pag~249~ 250.
Under unfinished business the resignation of Councilman Jos. 2,
Quinlan was brought up and on motion of Councilman Tibbetts the resignation was
accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and
duly carried, ~
R. L. Spangler appeared before the City Council to protest against
the daylight sign above the city's Hillside Sign, Mr. Spangler representing the
Chamber of Commerce aSiA the first protest was brought against this daylight sign
in 0etcher and that he ~nderstood the experiment should have terminated January 31,
193~, He said the city has its own sign and should have a monopoly in the d~y time.
tie asked the board how long the daylight sign was going to cpntinue. Mayor Lloyd
said no t~me limit had been set, it was Just a toleration since ~-31st of January,
and it was the consensus of the board that the contract was being violated.
l~r~ Thomson asked for permission to get a court order and they order it is a violation
the sign will be removed at once. Mr. Coleberd stated that the 'daylight ~ign is
a violation~of the contract.
Mr, ~. 0, Snyder.appeared before The board stating he is a taxpayer, member of The
Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturer's Association and that for forty years every-
thing possible hms been done to get the name of South 3an ~ranciseo before the people,
and to allow the daylight sign above The city's sign is a reflection upon thg in-
telligence of the people of this city. tie said to experiment with Colors of paints
seems rather far fetched and he as a taxpayer strongly objects to the sign and ~sks
that the sign be removed in the very near future. Mayor Lloyd stated that Thomson
,greed to remove the sign if it became obnoxous. No definite action was taken in
she matter, ~
James 9ratterola's request for a refund of~ taxes on account of his property being
cut in half by the State when the Bayshore Highway was put through, for the years
1929 to 1933 was granted in the amount of $58.45 on motion of Councilman Minucciani
and seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $1,129.57 were next presented for payment to the City Council:
~a Mat's Garage
Mo Dorma~
Electric 0orporatf on
~red Brown
~. C. Thomas
Pen. Division League
Munici pal itie s
Burroughs Adding
Machine Co,
Eelley Ear C o
Sa~ Marco Co, Title
S, J, Rodondi
Eugene Milani
So. CiSy ~.,_mher Co.
W, P. Fuller
James Gratterola
5 qts oil and parts f~r Dodge
furniture City Judge's office
250' tire cord, etc..
erecting ladder on Cit~ Hall
17 yards linoleum
Assessment for maintenance
inte e 2/7/ 5 to
Ass es~or' $ Auto .values
daily repot ts J~u~y
~ebruary advertising
~re~ ~ o~ fleet insurance
3 'days painting lath house
materials for Civic Center
1 piece 0, ~,
5 gals. white finish lnv. SA428
15 ~ shingle stain
refund taxes
The claims having been audited by the finance comi~tee 0ounoil-
man Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido
and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the City Council, CounCil-
man Tibbetts mo~ed to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Monday, March
4, 19S5, at 8:00 o'clock p, m, The mo.~i, on was seconded by Councilman Bo[do
and regularly carried.
Appr~e d .' ~
' ' Mayo~~°Ut~ ~ ~rawisoo.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk