HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-03-04REGU~AAR MEETING OF THE CI~ OOUNOIZ OF THE C IT~ OF SOUTH SAN ~RANCISOO, W~,~D MONDAY, March 4, 1935. The regular meetin~ of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Eall, Monday evening, March 4, The meeting was called to order at 8~00 o'clock p, m. by Mayor Reese 7`loyal, ROI~ CA7`7` Roll call found the following members of the council present, to-wit: ~ouncilmen V, Boido, R, V. loyd, R. Tibbetts and M, Minucclani Absent, Councilmen None The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors, or omissions they were approved as read, A comunioation was received from Charles A~ Robinson applying fee the position of police officer, communication atccepte~ and placed on file. A comunication was received from W. W. Davis Of the E, H. Edwards 0o,~ recomending Loyd S, Dilley for the position of night partolman in this city and asking the council to give Mr. I~iLley's application co-operation, ~ Communication accepted and placed on file. A comnunicationwas received from the 3outh 3an ~ancisco Chamber of Comerce~ recommending the purchase of addt~ional laddee equipment, to. be carried on the present fire trucks, also that a motion was unanimously ~assed recomending to the city-council that if Mr. Thomson refuses to remove the daylight sign that the city institute quiet title p~oceedings against the prop~erty. The co~nunication was accepted an~ placed on file. A communication was received from the Manufacturers' Association of South San Francis co informing the City Council of a Joint meetflng with the Purchas- ing Agents' Association of Northern California, on March 21, 1935, and inviting the city officials to Join with them in vis iting the various ind'ustria.l plants in South San ~rancisco, and then ~e banquet at 5:~0 p. m, at the Oalifornia Gold Club on ~hat date* The Olerk was in~trueted to answer that all members of the council would be present. Co~unication placed on file. ~ A comnunication was received from the Pacific Gas & Electric informing the City Council of a 10% reduction in street lighting schedule 7.-4, resulting in a saving of $~44.~8 per year, Oommunication accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Joseph Reichel of the Golden Eagle Hotel asking for a refund of taxes paid on personal property for the year The amount of taxes paid was $~§.8~ and Mr. Reichel stated he believed the assessed value for the year 19~0 was more than three times the value of the personal property, The matter was laid over for further consideration. A cOmunication was received from I. K, Werwinski enclosing a re- solution for the City Council's consideration and action memoralizing General Pulaski, Communication accepted and placed on file~. A petition filed by four citizens of the Cit~ o£ South San Frarcisco complaining about the noise made at the Grand and Orange Avenue switch of the Market Street Railway was received. Mr, 7`loyd stated that Mr. Francis of the Market Street Railway called on him and stated that if the switch was a nuisance he would see that it would be remedied, No action was taken on the petition pending a report from Mr, Pranc is. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of Police, City Judge, ~Lre Chief~H~lth Officer and City Clerk ware received, On motion duly made and seconded the reports waze ace_~pted and placed on file. Mayor tb~nked all the' officers for their promptness in rendering the monthly report. Oouncilman Minucc iani introduced areso lution of tl~e city c~unc il authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of San Bruno and the Oity of South San ~rancisco for the maintenance of the Tanforan Sewer. The re- solution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all ~members present, Oouncilmen V. Boido, R. Tibbetts, M, Minucciani, R. Lloyd Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Oouncilmen None Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk B~r Elimabeth Ottenfield, ~Deputy Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~, at pag~466~ 46? Claims in the amount of $15~$,~5 were next presented to the council far payment: Mildred Foley Hazel H. Shipley G~ N. Messier 7.ouis Bell oni Fred ~autze Bancro ft-~hitney Co, 7`.. N. Curtis Flink' s Sarvice W. P, Fuller Co. .~n~ar~or ~t~am r~aundr~ 5 days checking names on ~hopping news petition Reconcilement of St. Assmt, bo~n and adj. del, tax feeding prisoners ~eb. instal and overhaul police car siren 5th Edition Cowerdys Forms tmaks pad and 2 gas tanks 1 tire and tube - fire dep. paint for fire House $~ Wash ~ 1 & $2 houses ~eb, $15,00 15,00 166.50 2.25 16,76 15.57 8.71 16,4~ lS.S8 The minutes of the p~evious meeting were read, errors, or omissions they were approved as read, ~here being no A comnunioation was received from 0harles A, Robinson applying fcc the posit~on of police officer, communication apcep%e~ and placed on /~le. A comunication was received from W, W. Davis Of th, E. H. Edwards 0o,. recommending Loyd S. Dilley for the position of night partolman in this city and asking the coUncil to give Mr. I~illey's application Communication accepted and placed on file. A connunicationwas received from the 3curb San Prancisco Chamber of Comerce~ recomm__ending the purchase of additional laddee equipment, to. be carried on the present fire trucks, also that a motion was unanimously l~ssed recomending to the city-council that if Mr. Thomson refuses to remove the daylight sign that the city institute quiet title p~oceedings against the proDerty. The communication was acc epte~ an~ placed on file. A comunication was receive~ from the Manufacturers' Association of South San Francis co informing the City Council of a~ Joint meeting with the Purchas- ing Agents' Association of I/orthern California, on March El, 1935, and inviting the city officials to Join with them in visiting the various ind'ustria'l plants in South San Francisco, and then Se banquet at 5:30 p, m, at the California Gold Club on ~hat date* The Clerk was instructed to answer that all members of the council w°ul~ be present. Oo~unication place~ on file. ~ A communication was received from the 2acific Gas & Electric Co. ir~forming tbs City Council of a 10% reduction in street lighting schedule ~-4, resulting in a saving of $644.28 per year. Communication accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Joseph Reichel of the Golden Eagle Hotel asking for a refund of taxes paid on personal property for the year i930, The amount of taxes paid was $55.85 and Mr. Reichel stated he believed the assessed value for the year 1930 was more than three times the value of the personal property, The matter was laid over for further consideration. ~ A communication was received from I, K, Werwinaki enclosing a re- solution for the City Council's consideration and action memoralizing General Pulaski. C . uni eati on o~n accepted and placed on file~. A petition filed by four citizens of the CitF o£ South San Frarcisco complaining about the noise made at the Grand and Orange Avenue switch of the Market Street Railway was received. Mr, Lloyd stated that Mr. ~rancie of the Market Street Railway called on him and state~ that if the switch was a nuisance he would see that it would be remedied, No action was taken on the petition pending a report from Mr. Franc is. The monthly reports of the Building Inspector, Chief of 2olioe, City Judge, Fire Chief,~lth ~fficer and City Clerk were received. On motion ~uly ma~e and seconded the reports were aceDpted and placed on file. Mayor Lloyd thanked all the officers for their promptness in rendering the monthly report. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the city c,uncil authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of San Bruno and the 0ity of Sou~h San ~rancisco for the maintenance of the Tanforan Sewer. The re- solution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all ~members present' to-w.it: Councilmen V. Boido' R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani, R. Lloyd Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attest~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, ~Deputy Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. 2, at pag~466~ 46? Claims in the amount of $1~15,8~ were next presented to the council for payment: Mildred Foley Hazel H. Shipley G. ~, Messier Louis Bell oni Fre~ Zautze Bauoro ft-Whitney Co. r.. N. Curtis Flink' s Service W. P. Fuller Co. Superior Steam Laundry Pache co Electric 3 days checking names on Shopping news petition Reconcilement of St. Assmt. bonds and adj. del, tax feeding prisoners Feb. instal and overhaul police car siren 5th Edition Cowerdys Forms ~ maks pad and 2 gas tanks 1 tire and tube - fire dep. paint for fire House $2 Wash ~ 1 & $2 houses Feb. install new fire slam cir, from Western Meat to ~ullers $15,00 15.00 166.50 2.25 16.76 15.37 8.?1 13.63 16.42 13.38 115. O0 Pacheco Electric Fire Alarm. M~tenanee Fe~, $20,00 " repair gong reg. circuit 5.P-,5 " 72 street lamps 88.60 " replacing street lamps 16.80 0alifornia Water Service fountain and fire house - Feb. 3.58 " hydrant rental Feb, 454.00 " library service Feb, 4.50 Pacific ~ele. & Tole, service Feb. 53.35 So. S. F. Bakery bread for poisoning..rats 1,06 Dr. ~, O. MaMills phone health dept, Feb. 5.25 Bank of America Claim Gordon Rowe r~coni~me~t dep. tax c o11. removing cats and dogs Feb. 4 council attend League meetin~ and Mfg. Assn. dinner 10.40 Eaibny Grooeteria 1 Xmas tree City Hall 5.12 Pacific 0cast Steel Co. 1 steel ladder ~3,05 Patrick & Moise Eli~-r 0o. new dies & l~ds on No, 4 dater 3.69 " l~e~dersement stamp tax coll, .74 Andrew ~Hynding Prom, tax collector's b on~ 65.55 San Marco Co, ~itle 0o, ~daily report ~ebruary 1,50 Enterprise Press 500 record slips 4.25 Stand~rd 0il Cee gas and oil Feb 92.22 Geo. A, Eneese field work on Colma ere~proJ. 248.59 Royal Supply Co, 1 fork and cheese qloth 4.09 So. 0ity Lumber Co, 1 bulletin board and redwood fiats 18.1~ " redwood flats, concrete & top sand 22.16 " redwood pieces an~ r~ils 1.37 " crushed rock and concrete 14.78 California Water Service civic center & ball park Feb. 12.00 0esare Cauzza 4 daps labor civic c~enter 16,00 J. Welch Reese V. loy~ 187,50 ~8.50 Total ............ $1,817.85 The cla~_ having been audited by the finance, committee, Councilmam Tibbetts moved they be paid, The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried, There being no further business before the council, Councilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until Monday evening, March 11, 1935. at 8.00 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly earried,.- Time of adjournment 8~40 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, Da~e~l_McSwee.ney, City Clerk,