MONIST, M~rch ll, 1955.
A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South
San Francisco was held in the 0iSy Hall, Monday evening, March 11,
~he meeting was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p, m. by Mayor Reese
Roll 0all
Roll CaE found the following members of the council present, to-wit:
Councilmen · V. Boido, R,.Lloyd, M. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts
Absent, Councilmen None
The-minutes of the previous meeting were read.
or omissions they were approved as read.
There being no errors
A cemmunicatio~ w~s received from Peter P. Bono, 455 Baden Avenue,
Sout~ San Francisco submitting his almPlication for 'the position of police
officer, co~unication accepted and placed on file.
A comUnication was received from Rudolph Petrocchi, 5?l.Baden Avenue,
applying for t~e position of police officer of South San ~rancisco. Comuni~a-
tion &cceFted and placed on f~le, ~
A communication was received ~rom Logic ~, Raffaelli, 344 Baden Avenue,
South San Francisco applying for a position in either the police department ~r
fire department. Communication accepted and placed on file.
Regina Elena $ireXe $97, Order od Druids addressed a 0omunieation to
the City Council outli~tng their progrsm to hold a free baby clinic during the
latter part of March a~ a baby beau~j~judging at the Grammar School on April
~nd and asking for a permit. The Clerk was instructed to write the Circle that
no permit was. necessary.
A communication was received from Alfred Mediea stating, he filed war
exemption within the proper time in 1954 to be granted exemption on his property,
but that said exemption was not granted. He stated t~t the value of his
holdings did not exceed the amount~ required by law and' thath~s entitled to the
$1000. war exemption and that he would like to have the board refund him the
amount of tax paid in 1954. The matter was laid over for further consideration.
A con~nunication was received from the Division of Highways calling the
city's attention to the Bayshore Highway where it underpasses the 3outhern
Pacific 0ompany which has been flooded with storm water during the heavy rain-
fall beyond the capacity of their automatic pump, and asking the city to tak~
steps to prevent over accumulation of water in Baden Avenue, The City Clerk
was instructed to. write to ~ohn H. ~keggs, District Engineer asking for a meet-
ing with the city engineer and city council.
An application was again received from Wesley EWing to engage ih grqcery
business at E51A Lux Avenue. The matter was referred to A. S. Welte, building
inspector, who was called from the meeting te answer a fire oall~
Under unfinished business the matter of the appointment of a councilman
was next in order. Councilman Minucciani made a motion to appoint D. W. Ratto
City Councilman, stating that Mr. Ratto was the only one having an application
on file, letters from two civic bodies in South San Francisco and a petition
bearing 1085 signatures favoring his appointment. Mayor Lloyd asked the pleasure
of the board. 'There was no response. Councilman Tibbetts then made a motion
to appoint John Mager City Councilman. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boido. Councilman Minucciani asked for rell call. Roll call was as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boidc, R. Tibbetts, ~. Lloyd
Noes, Councilmen M. Minucciani
Councilman Tibbetts made a motion to refer back to new business, ~he
motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regmlarly carried.
The matter of the business license of Wesley Ewing was brought up, and
A. S. Welts, building inspector stated the building was in the unrestricted
business district, Councilman Tibbetts made a motion that a permit be granted.
The motion was seconded by 0ouncilman Boido and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $1,099.5~ were next presented to the council for payment:
Railway Express Agency express police dept.. $ Z.98
,, - .~
Southern Pacific Co.
Industrial City Lbr. Co. materi~als 9.90
So. 0ity Plumbing ~hop " street dept. .~0
American Push Broom
Sant ini & Roc c ucc i
W. P. Fuller Co.
S .S .F .Chamber of Co~n.
Pacific T. & T. Co.
P. G. & E.
So.City Lumber Co.
A. Zangrando & Co.
2 doz street brooms & handles 20.?0
1 pair boots
paint Inv. 92488
advertising March
Phone $626 Jan. & ~eb.
street lights Feb.
misc. service Peb.
5. O?
60 g. 52
building lath house on C.C. 25?.24
Abs ant, C ounci lmen None
The ~ minutes of the previous meeting were read.
or omissions they were approved as read,
There being no errors
A communication was received from Peter P. Bono, A33 Baden Avenue,
South San ~rancisco submitting his application for ~the position of police
officer, communication accepted and placed on file,
A communication was received from Rudolph Petrocchi, 5?l.Baden Avenue,
applying for /he position of police officer of South San Francisco. Communica-
tion accepted and placed on file, ~
A connunication was received from Levio ~, Eaffaelli, 544 Baden Avenue,
South Ban Francisco applying for a position in either the police department or
fire department. Communication accepted and placed on file.
Regina Elena CireXe $97, Order od Druids addressed a Communication to
the 0ity Council outlining their ~rogrtm to hold a free baby Clinic during the
latter part of March a~ a baby beaut~rjudgiv~ at the Grammar Bchool on April
End and asking for a permit, The Clerk was instructed to write the Circle that
no permit was. necessary.
A communication was received from Alfred Medics stating, he filed war
exemption within the proper time in 1~54 to be granted exemption on his property,
but that said exemption was not granted. He stated that the value of his
holdings did not exceed the amount~ required by law and' thatt~/s entitled to the
$1000, War exemption and that he would like to have the board refund him the
amount of tax paid in 1954. The matter was laid over for further consideration.
A connunication was received from the Division of Highways calling the
city's attention to the Bayshore Highway where it underpasses the 3outhern
Pacific Company which has been flooded with storm water during the heavy rain-
fall beyond the capacity of their automatic pump, and asking the city to tak~
steps to prevent over accumulation of water in Baden Avenue~ The City Clerk
was instructed to.write to John H. Skaggs, District Engineer asking for a meet-
ing with the city engineer .and city council.
An application was again received from Wesley Ewing to engage i~i grqcery
business at 251A Zux Avenue. The matter was referred to A. J. Welte, building
inspector, who was called from the meeting te answer a fire call~
Under unfinished business the matter of the appointment of a coUncilman
was next in order. Councilman Minucciani made a motion tc appoint D. W. Ratto
City Councilman, stating that Mr. Ratto was the only one having an application
on file, letters from two civic bodies in South San Francisco and a petition
bearing 1085 signatures favoring his appointment, M~yor Lloyd asked the pleasure
of the board. 'There was no response. Councilman Tibbetts then made a motion
to appoint John Mager City Councilman. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boido. Councilm~n Minucciani asl~ed for roll call. Roll call was as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen V. Boide, R. Tibbetts, ~. Lloyd
Noes, Councilmen M. Minucciani
Councilman Tibbetts made a motion to refer back to new business~ The
motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
The matter of the business license of Wesley Ewing was brought up, and
A. J. Welte, building inspector stated the building was in the unrestricted
business district~ Councilman Tibbetts made a motion that a permit be granted.
The motion was second~d by Councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Claims in the amount of $1,09~.5~ were next presented to the council for payment:
Railway Express Agency express police dept. $ 3.98
~outhern Pacific Co. " " .~5
Industrial City Lbr. Co. materials 9.90
Bo. City Plumbing Shop " street dept. .60
American Push Broom
~antini & Roccucci
W. P. Fuller 0o.
B.~.F.Chamber of Conn,
Pacific T. & ~. Co.
~. G. &E. .
Bo.City Lumber Co.
A. Zangrando & Co.
2 doz street brooms & handles 20.?0
1 pair boots
paint Inv, 92~88
advertising March
Phone ~6~6 Jan. & ~eb.
street lights Feb.
misc. service Feb. .
building lath house on C.C.
The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Tibbetts
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~oido and regularly
cart i ed.
There being no further business before the council, Councilman Tibbetts
moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Monday, March 18, 19S5, at 8:00
o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly
Time of adjournment 8:EO o'clock p. m.
Respectfully submitt ed,
Dan~l~McSwee ney, City Clerk