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}~RC H 18TH,19~5.
The regular meeting of the city council of the City of Softth' San Francisco was
held in the city hall ~onda~ evening, March 18,19~5.
The meeting was called to order at 8.0'clock p;m, by ~ayor Reese Lloyd.
Roll call fou~ud all members of the council present including John }~:ager, appoin-
ted at the orevious meeting to succeed Councilman ~uinlan , who resigned to become Postmaster.
The following menbers then answered the roll call,-
V.Boido, R.Llo~d, M.Ninucciani, John ~,~ger, R'Ttbbetts
The minu~es of the previous meeting were read. There being~no errors or omtssiens
they ~::ere on motion %'y Councilman Einuceiant seconded by Councilman Ttbbetts approved as
read/. ' '
An application was received from Butt R,Butler appl~'ing for the position of'PoLice
Officer. The apllication was ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from ~,[rs. J.Sieger requesting a re-appraisal of t~e
preperty of ~rs. J.Ringue, and requesting to know when the City Assessor could call and
investi~ate. Ordered placed on file.
A communication was received from General ~.~anager E.W~Stephenm of the Interstate
Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show, requesting the city tS decorate Swift Avenue from the
Bayshore Highway to the ~toekyards, as the city ~has done in past years, the show beginning
on April 12 next. The communication was accepted and Councilman Tlbbetts requested by ~ayor
Lloyd to take charge of the arrangements.
Phillip Zorn & Brothers of ~an ~rancisco asked the council's p~rmission to burn
rice hulls in the open,that being necessary to secure the required type of ash for
commercial purposes. They stated ~he~ are about to go into this~ SOrt Of manufacturing business
and required an open space of land for the purpose,and guaranteed there would be no nuisanc~co
or inconvience to the public. The location selected is approximately ?50 yards 2~rth of the
~outh San Francisco Garbage Dump. Councilman Tibbetts moved the request be granted, with ~he
undersatnding thet if any nuisance takes place in connection ,with the manufacturing of the
product the ?ermission will be withdrawn. The motion was seconded by Cou~cilman Eager and
regularly carried. ~
An application was received from Oresti Blandini asking permission to erect a small
building in which to clean and salt casings at the Northwest Corner of Pine Avenue and Division
~treet. Plans and specifications were submitted to the council for inspection. As the
location is not in the Industrial District or factor,~,' district the application was denied.
A bond in the sum of $1000 for the building Inspector A.J.Welte was received and
approved by the city council.
Mayor Rees Lloyd received a c. omm~uni ca ti on and request from ~,~ayor Angelo Rossi of
~an Francisco asking thoughtful consideration of the principle of municipal ownership of the
waterfront of 9an Francisco,now o~ed by the State of California, and enclosed a cop2 of a
resolution nassed b~: the Board of ~uoervisors of San Francisco.
Cotncil~an Minucciani introduced a resolution of the Cit~~ of South San Francisco
advocating ~he re~urn of the waterfront to ~an Francisco fror~ t~e State of California, for
control by ~an Francisco, thereb~ benefiting Zan Francisco and all of ~an }~ateo County.
~he resolution was adopted by the votes of all the n]en~bers of the cit~~ council,
as follows~, - ~yes, C ouncilmen,V.Boido, R.Lloyd, ~.Minucciani, John P.}~ager, R.Tibbetts.
l~oes, Councilmen, none. Absent, Cour~cilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel
'City Clerk.
Copies ~vere ordered sent to S~nator ~tarr~ L.P~rkman and Assemblyman Frederick
?eterson~ of San ~tateo County.
Recorded in Boo~ of resolutions, Vol £,at page 468.
........ ~C.~ouncilman Tibbetts introduced a resolution o f the City of South San Francisco
urging the S~ection~-oT~Eills Field for the celebration to be held in 19Z8 by the
International Exposition"0o~mittee in honor of the opening of the two great Bay Bridges.
Copies were ordered sent to Eayor ~lngelo Rossi of San Francisco, Leland Cutler,
-Chairman of the Oemmittee and Jas. B.NcSheeh~', Chai=~n~o~.~~ the Board of Supervisors of
Ban Francisco.
The resolution was adopted by the una~ious vote of all the n~embers of the cit~~'
council, as follows;-
Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, E.~inicciani, Jo~m F.Eager
R. Tibbet ts. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent ,Councilwomen,None. Attest,Daniel Ec~weene2
. City Olerk.
Recorded in Book of resolutions, ¥ol~2,atoage ~8 Oeuncilman Minucciani ~oved to
Increase ~ the salary of city Janitoz Mr. A.M~tti ~o ~?~per ~onth,recommending he a~sist the g~rd~ner,
carried. U~lder'1 the head of unfinishod business the application of Alfred ~_edica for a
~refund of taxes was laid over.
Engineer Klassen had no report to make in the ~.atter of estimatin~ the costo~f
constructing a gravel or board sidewalk on south Linden Avenue and the clea~ing away
Industrial Way Ditch.
Mayor Lloyd requested as many city officials to attend the dinner of the
Purchasing Agents of Norther~ California at the California Golf Club as could convenlentl2
attend,Thursd~y, evening, ~arch Elst,~ ~;~0 o'clock p.m. Many of the officials signified their
desire to attend.
Claims in th~ amount $60~.~A were next pre~ented to the city~ council for payment;-
The EnterpriSe Press printing Or~nince ~o 18~ $ ~2.00
" " " " for fire department~
C.Robinson, substituting for O.~lr~ni ~..~, ?~.00
JOhn Corec remov.~ dead dogs Jan. Feb. ~ ~.00
~.City Lb~ & Supply Co. m~teri~ls for streets ~ 9.~4
Federal Laboratories Inc., Thompson Submachine $I~ 'co'~·
claims paid,continued;-
Police & Sheriffs 'Association of ITorth America
police handbook and directory $ 5,00
~puri Photo studios, materials ~v 5.00
G.W.Thomas Draying & Rigging Company delivering s~fe 17.50
Margaret Ruiz interpreting ~ 5.00
California Lands Co. used s~fe for police dept ~
~ubway Service ~ Station g~soline .~olice dept ~
Andrew Hynding, bond of license collector
" " bond of Bu~ldi~g Inspector
Universal Tool & ~.'~fg Co., re~air fire alarm register
Clyde Emerson
West Dininfecting Co,
Swift & Company
Dolan Wrecki~g Company
Scampini & Zanetti
freeing halyards ~ 5.00
swivel chair Judge Din~ing ~ 12.~0
wiping rags ~ 6.15
5 gals Almo Amber jamitor
refund paid for permit ~.00
lubrication service fire dept
chamois skin sponge,Pacheco E1
~otal $602.~
The claims having been audited by ~he finance committee Councilman Tibbetts
moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Oouncilman Minucciani and regularly carried.
There being no further business before the board Councilman Einucciani moved
to adjourn until Monday evening,April lst,1955, at 8 o'clock,P.E.
The motion was seconded by Oouncilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment 9.05 o'cloc~ p.m.
~ayor off ~outh Sa~'rancisco.
Respectfully submitted,